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TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!)

Page 15

by Olivia R. Gasm

  “Is it about boys?” He asked. “Did Jason hurt you?”

  “What?” I blurted out. “How did you know that?”

  I turned my head up and met Adam’s curious eyes. He was smirking at me now, watching me with those beautiful brown eyes of his. “Lucky guess, I guess.” He said and chuckled.

  I rolled onto my back and looked up at Adam instead of out the window. “He… he cheated on me.” I finally blurted out. The tears started to pour again, and I went back to being a sobbing, weeping mess.

  “Aww, sweetheart…” Adam put his hand on my upper arm and stroked it softly. It felt nice and warm. Adam had such a rough, manly exterior that I’d never suspected that he could also be caring and gentle. That was a nice surprise. “You’ll find someone new. I know you will, you’re a beautiful and smart young lady!”

  I smiled briefly through the tears. “You think I’m beautiful?”

  “Of course!” Adam beamed at me. “The most beautiful girl in the world, and I’m not just saying that because I have to.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I teased him. “Prove it!”

  “I’ll make you believe me,” Adam grinned and put his hand on my waist. Before I knew it, he was tickling me. I squirmed around on the bed and laughed loudly, gasping for breath.

  “Stop!” I cried out between breaths. Tears were running down my cheeks, but they weren’t from sadness anymore. They were happy tears. “I can’t take it anymore!”

  “Say that you believe me and I’ll stop!” Adam said. He was relentless.

  “Okay, okay!” I laughed. “I believe you! You win.”

  He stopped immediately and lifted his hand from my side. “See, wasn’t so hard, was it?” He winked. “By the way, I know something that might cheer you up.”

  “Oh?” I asked. “What is it? Because if it’s another one of those tours you and mom went on…”

  “No,” Adam grinned. “It’s not that. The resort has a spa with a Jacuzzi, sauna and a huge pool. Your mother and I were thinking of going there after dinner. You could come with us. Maybe a soak in the hot tub would help get your mind off that jerk, what do you think?”

  I thought about it for a moment. Slipping into my bikini and hopefully catching the eye of some attractive hunk, all the while sitting in a tub of hot water with a yummy drink in my hand? What’s not to love about that?!

  “Hell yeah,” I said. “That sounds awesome.”

  “All right then,” Adam stood up and patted me on the shoulder. “Wipe those tears from your face and get dressed, then we’ll have dinner in an hour. Sound good?”

  “Okay,” I nodded. “Bye.”

  “Bye, bye, Cass.”

  After Adam left the apartment, I got up and searched through my luggage for something sexy to wear to the pool. Eventually my eyes fell on a tiny, black bikini with golden rings on the hips and cleavage. It was sexy and classy at the same time, and that’s exactly how I felt after slipping into it. I needed attention from a sexy guy to take my mind off Jason, and this bikini was definitely bound to get me some. I was already feeling more confident.

  * * *

  Later that evening I walked out onto the balcony, holding a warm cooking dish with three big, juicy stakes in my hands. I set the dish down on top of the round glass table, amongst the lit candles, and sat down in one of the free chairs. Adam was outside already, sitting leaned back in the chair opposite of mine. While I was inside, he had set the table with the beautiful white and dark blue plates and cups with painted elephants on them.

  “Beautiful evening, isn’t it?” He asked with a smile.

  “Very.” I nodded softly. It was a cloudless night, which allowed us to see the great yellow sun as it set beyond the horizon. The sky had turned golden, mixed with streaks of deep red and purple. It looked like someone had gone over the entire sky with a huge paintbrush dipped in different colors. Beautiful was an understatement. It was mesmerizing.

  My mother pushed the screen door open with a bang and stuck her head outside. Her eyes fell on the dish in the middle of the table and she sneered at it. “I don’t really feel like eating steak tonight,” She said. “I’m going to take a cab downtown and buy a pizza. They don’t have delivery! Can you believe it?” She rolled her eyes as if this was the most unbelievable thing in the universe.

  More for me, I thought and scoffed quietly. I reached out and grabbed one of the huge, juicy steaks with my fork and plopped it down in the middle of my plate, covering the elephant’s body. My stomach was growling—I was starving. I honestly wasn’t surprised that my mother had suddenly changed her mind, because it was usual behavior for her. It’s what she had been doing for as long as I could remember. Adam, however, was taken off guard. I guess they haven’t been married for long enough for him to get to know the true her…

  “Melinda, I spent over an hour cooking this meal.” He said and furrowed his brows. “Won’t you at least try a piece?”

  I sliced into my steak, revealing the pink center. It was cooked to perfection. When I put the piece into my mouth, it practically melted on my tongue. It was so soft and tender and delicious, I had to close my eyes to enjoy it fully. I could taste the hint of garlic and herb rub that he’d massaged the meat with. It had taken some time to cook, but it was so worth it.

  “Mmm,” I let out. “This is really good, Adam.”

  When I opened my eyes again, he was smiling. “Thank you, Cass.” He said.

  “It doesn’t look very good,” My mother ogled at the steak on my plate. “I think you burned it again.”

  “It’s not burn…”

  “Whatever!” My mother interrupted Adam as soon as he went to defend his steak. “I just… don’t want steak, ok? Eat it without me.”

  Adam let out a deep sigh. “Fine.” He muttered. “Bye.”

  Melinda turned her heel and walked back inside, slamming the screen door shut loudly behind her. The sound echoed through the garden, scaring a colorful bird that had been sitting in a nearby tree—probably hoping to get a piece of steak. Adam took one of the remaining steaks and started to eat in silence. There was a strained look on his face, and it was obvious that he was disappointed. When I looked at him, I could see the reflection of the candle flames in his eyes, dancing in the brisk wind. Even the flames seemed sad.

  “I’m sorry…” I mumbled. “About mom.”

  Adam shrugged and smiled quickly up at me. “Don’t be.” he said and put a piece of steak into his mouth. He chewed it thoroughly and swallowed before continuing. “At least you’re here, so I don’t have to eat alone.”

  “Yeah,” I smiled widely. I didn’t mind eating dinner with Adam. He was a nice enough guy, and he cooked a pretty mean steak. I didn’t understand what my mother’s problem was. Didn’t she realize how lucky she was to have Adam? Handsome, strong, patient—and a great chef too! My mother didn’t treat him like the catch he was. In fact she kind of treated him like dirt, or a pesky mosquito that had sneaked into her bedroom through a cracked window.

  “Look!” Adam said suddenly, pointing up into the sky. I followed his finger towards the night sky and squinted my eyes, trying to see what he was pointing at. The sun had set completely now, and you could see the dark sky in all of its glory. It was speckled with bright, white stars, but I didn’t see what was so special about it.

  “What?” I asked confusedly. Then, I saw it. In the middle of the sky, right above it, there was a moving star. At least I think it was a star. It looked just like one. “Wow,” I gasped. “Is that a falling star?”

  “No,” Adam said quickly. “It’s a satellite. Do you see how it’s moving in a straight line across the sky? Meteorites don’t do that, and falling stars definitely don’t. A falling star is like a sudden, brightly flashing light. It’s only there for a few seconds, then it disappears forever…”

  “Coool…” I followed the satellite with my eyes in amazement. It traveled so far across the sky that I had to turn my head to see it. “I’ve never seen a satelli
te before. I mean, in real life at least.”

  “You haven’t?” Adam asked. “You can see them almost every night, especially if it’s cloudless like today. Just keep your eyes on the lights and I guarantee you’ll eventually see one moving. If you get lucky you might see a falling star, too.”

  “How do you know it’s a satellite, though?” I asked and turned my head towards Adam. He had finished his steak, and was leaning back into his chair with his hands behind his head. “Maybe it’s an alien spaceship.” I continued with a grin. “A saucer filled with green men, just watching us from the sky while they wait to abduct us to perform experiments on our bodies!”

  Adam chuckled heartily. “Let’s not get too carried away.”

  I stuck the last piece of steak into my mouth and chewed it slowly, savoring the taste. It was fun to think that the light in the sky might be something more exciting than just a satellite, but it probably wasn’t. But it’s good to let go and allow yourself to have some fun every now and then, right?

  After swallowing, I placed my utensils back on the plate and leaned back into my chair with my hands on my stomach. “Oh, man,” I let out. “I’m so full. Thanks Adam. That was really delicious. How do you make the steak so juicy?”

  “Chef’s secret. Maybe I’ll teach you some day.” Adam said and smiled proudly. “Let’s get these dishes into the dishwasher. Then I was thinking about heading to the spa. I don’t think your mother will be home for a while still, so I guess it’s just you and me for now. Do you still feel like coming?”

  I nodded eagerly. For some reason, I was happy that my mother wasn’t coming. Maybe it was because she brought negativity everywhere that she went, or maybe… or maybe it was because I wanted to spend time alone with Adam. I can’t wait to see him in his swimming trunks again… or maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of him without.

  I knew that it was wrong for me to think about him like that, he was my father after all. Stepfather, I corrected myself. It’s not like we were related or anything, and he didn’t raise me. My mother and he had just gotten married a few years ago. In a way, he was just a guy that happened to be married to my mother. That’s not my fault! It wasn’t even that weird for me to be attracted to him. Just a little bit.

  “I’ll meet you there,” I said.

  My mind fell on the black bikini that I was wearing underneath my pink sundress. I wonder what Adam will think when he sees me in this?

  * * *

  I had just arrived at the Spa and was walking through the long corridor, listening to my shoes echo against the lavender–painted walls. Adam wasn’t anywhere to be seen—he had to swing by and pick something up first, so we went separately. I stopped in front of a door that had the words Women’s Dressing Room written on it in big letters. After swiping my keycard in the reader, I carefully opened the door and peeked inside. It was empty, to my relief. Don’t get me wrong—it’s not that I had anything against getting dressed in front of other people. I just preferred to do it alone.

  I walked inside and placed my beach bag down on a dark wooden bench on the other side of the room. The door swung shut behind me with a bang, and I started to slowly slip out of my thin dress. I wonder if Adam is doing the same thing as me right now, I thought and let the bundle of pink fabric fall to the floor. Dragging his hands across his muscular torso, feeling his hairy chest against his hands as he slips out of his t–shirt… It felt wrong to think about him in that way, but at the same time I couldn’t help myself. Ever since we arrived in Phuket, my mind had started to wander to Adam for one reason or another. Okay, it was just one reason, I guess.

  I put my clothes and bag into an empty locker and tip–toed into the shower room with my bikini in one hand and a towel in the other. It was just as empty as the dressing room, but the floor in some of the shower cabinets was wet, so I clearly wasn’t all alone. My eyes wandered across the white–tiled room, eventually settling on a wooden door with a sign next to it. It read: Shared–gender sauna. Please remove clothes before entering.

  Maybe later, I thought to myself and hung my towel and bikini over a hook on the wall. The idea of being naked around a bunch of strangers made me feel both excited and nervous at the same time. But first of all, I wanted to take a shower, so I stepped into one of the shower booths and twisted the knob. Hot water rained down onto my naked body, soaking my skin and dripping onto the floor. It felt nice, really nice. The water drops ran down my body and teased my pussy lips, causing me to let out a quiet moan. My mind fell on Adam again. I wonder what he’s doing right now. Is he naked too?

  After cleaning myself, I twisted the knob to turn off the water flow. Then I reached out and grabbed my bikini top and bottom, slipping them onto my slick, wet body. The air in the shower room felt cold against my bare skin. With a shiver, I wrapped my towel around my torso and made my way towards the door on the opposite end of the room—the one that had Spa written above it.

  I pushed the door open, accidentally slamming it right into a man standing on the other side. He looked about forty years old, with thick auburn hair and a trimmed beard. He was wearing a pair of tight, black swimming trunks and had a fluffy white towel hanging over his shoulder.

  I would be lying if I said he wasn’t attractive, even if he was twice my own age. How come older men are so much sexier than younger men?

  “Oops!” I blurted out. “I’m so sorry!”

  “No worries,” He said and grinned. His accent sounded oddly familiar, and I realized that he must be a coworker of Adam’s.

  “I’m such a klutz…” I mumbled and smiled embarrassedly. “The only person in the whole room, and I manage to swing the door right into you!”

  “Nah, it was my fault,” The man shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, really.”

  “Okay,” I smiled shyly. “Well I should go. I’m meeting someone at the Jacuzzi.”

  “I was just going there myself! Mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all!” I smiled again. “I’m Cassandra, by the way.” I added while we walked through the room towards the Jacuzzi in the back. The whole room was surrounded by windows that overlooked the dark ocean below. There was even a window in the roof, through which you could see the stars and the bright full moon if you tilted your head back.

  “Michael.” The man said with a nod. “But you can call me Mike, everybody does.”

  I walked up the steps to the Jacuzzi and let my towel fall slowly to the ground. In the corner of my eye, I could see Mike eyeing me up and down discreetly, but I didn’t say anything about it. I actually enjoyed it—feeling his eyes burn on my half naked body, taking me in completely. But when I turned my head to look him in the eyes, he was looking away. Maybe I saw wrong.

  “Looks like your friend isn’t here yet,” Mike stated and tossed his towel onto a wooden chair near the wall. “I guess it’s just you and me then.”

  “I guess so,” I said softly as I slipped into the Jacuzzi, feeling the hot water against my body. It was even warmer than in the shower, and the jets in the wall massaged my back when I leaned against it. “Oh, this is nice…” I mumbled and closed my eyes.

  Mike stepped into the Jacuzzi and sat down next to me, spreading his arms out onto the backrest. I could feel his fingertips rub against my shoulder.

  “Ah…” He gasped. “Yeah, this is really nice.”

  We sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the hot water and listening to the bubbles pop over and over again. I leaned my head back against the Jacuzzi and opened my eyes, looking up at the sky. The moon was shining brightly, casting a white glow onto the dark world below it. This is the life, I thought and let out a pleasurable moan. I wonder if I can convince Adam to buy us a hot tub at home.

  “So,” Mike said suddenly, breaking the silence. “This friend of yours… is it a boyfriend?”

  I opened my eyes and shook my head. “No,” I laughed. “I’m single.”

  My mind fell on Jason and a wave of sadness washed over me. It still hurt, although I was gett
ing over it slowly. He was just a jerk anyway. I glanced sideways and looked into Mike’s big, friendly eyes. He was looking at me curiously, pressing his lips together as if he wanted to say something still. But there was something else about the expression on his face, too. Something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  “What about you?” I asked coyly. “Are you here with someone? A girlfriend, maybe?”

  “Nope, it’s just me.” Mike said and winked.

  I scooted closer towards him, feeling hit hot fingertips against my shoulder. “Well… we could always change that.” I said coyly.

  Mike let his hand run down the side of my arm, caressing it gently. His eyes were filled with need and they were looking deeply into mine. “I see…” He mumbled. “I certainly wouldn’t have anything against that.”

  He moved closer towards me and let his arm rest around my neck. It felt warm and heavy on my shoulders. His other hand searched for my thigh underneath the bubbling water. When he found it, I moaned joyously. If only he would move his hand higher… Even though it had been barely a week since I last saw Jason, I was already craving for a man’s touch. Mike let his hand slide up my thigh, brushing against my swollen pussy lips and making me gasp.

  “You like that?” He whispered into my ear.

  “Like what?” A voice asked behind us.

  My eyes shot open and I turned my head back, staring into the eyes of my stepfather. “Adam!” I let out. “You… you’re finally here.”

  “I sure am.” He said with a smirk. “Michael!” He added and turned towards the man at my side. “I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight. It’s nice to see you, buddy.”

  “Likewise, old friend!” Mike grinned up at my stepfather. He pulled himself backwards discreetly, putting his hand back on my left shoulder. “Join us, please! There’s plenty of room.”

  Adam let his towel fall to the floor, exposing his wet, muscular body. I looked away quickly, too shy to gawk at him in public. What would Michael think of me if he knew?

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Adam said as he stepped over the edge and slid down on the other side of me. I was officially sandwiched in between two sexy older men, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t loving it. My heart was beating fast, pounding like a jackhammer in my chest.


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