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TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!)

Page 24

by Olivia R. Gasm

  He spread my folds with his fingers and placed his cock at my entrance, both of us inhaling deeply. I could feel his fingers shaking faintly when he placed them against my buttocks and held me tight. Then, without warning, he pushed forward, his cock penetrating into me.

  I gasped.

  His thickness spread my hole wide open and made my toes curl inwards while I held my breath. It was almost too much to handle.

  “Deeper.” I begged.

  He thrust into me again and I felt his cock stretch me open, while his hands gripped firmly around my hips and started to move my body back and forth.

  “Oohh, Tessa.” Chris whispered. “You’re so tight.”

  His cock was sliding in and out of my pussy, stroking each and every part of my insides. The length and thickness of his fat cock was stimulating my g–spot without even trying, and it was with great restraint that I managed not to scream.

  I was in heaven.

  Chris picked up the pace, slamming his hips into my buttocks with great force. I whimpered quietly, shivering from a combination of the intense pleasure that he was causing me, and the pain of his cock ramming into my cervix.

  I started to move my body back and forth, letting Chris’s cock slide further into me. Faint groans escaped his lips and sounded in my ear, and beads of sweat were starting to roll down my forehead. Fucking Chris was tougher than a one hour cardio session—but I couldn’t get enough.

  “Wait.” He said and froze suddenly, his cock still inside of me. “Did you hear that?

  I didn’t want to stop, I wanted Chris to fuck me hard. “What?” I moaned impatiently, grinding my body against his.

  Then, I could hear the sound of footsteps outside the door. My eyes shot open and I could see the door handle being turned from across the room, and before I knew it Chris had pulled me down next to himself on the floor. We held our breaths and hid behind the tall bed, staring with wide eyes as the door slowly swung open. Tall legs, attached to a pair of white pumps with high heels, walked into the room with confidence. The person, who was clearly a woman, stopped in front of the dresser, presumably to check herself in the mirror, and let out a small cough.

  “Stephany!” I whispered into Christian’s ear.

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he let his hand slowly slide down the side of my thigh. He moved it slowly across my body—over my thighs, then up underneath my shirt and onto my breasts. I held my breath when he pinched my nipples playfully and tried not to whimper. I moved my body closer to his and felt his stiff cock rub against my lower back. He grabbed his cock in his hand and guided it towards my entrance, and before I knew it he was inside of me again. His other hand reached around my head and onto my mouth, muffling me while his cock started to slide in and out of my pussy again, all while I was staring at Stephany’s feet from behind the bed.

  Christian’s cock was rubbing against every sensitive spot inside of me and I closed my eyes, moaning faintly into his hand. His grip around my mouth instantly tightened and the pace of his thrusts picked up. There was a feeling stirring deep inside of me; the kind of feeling that made me want to groan and scream my lungs out, but Chris’s hand was leaving me mute.

  His cock seemed to swell inside of me and the enhanced feeling was too much. I was coming, and there was no turning back. As if he could sense it, Christian picked up the pace and started fucking me faster, his cock sliding in and out of my wet pussy with ease. His free hand gripped my hip and held me in place while the feeling inside of me was taking over my entire body, causing my arms and legs to slowly become numb.

  After a moment, all I could feel was my pussy vibrating, hovering on the edge of an orgasm. I chomped down on the fleshy bit of Christian’s hand, wishing that Stephany would leave so I could cry out my pleasure, letting him know out loud how good he was making me feel. But I couldn’t—all I could do was to channel my pleasure into a forceful bite.

  I fell over the metaphorical edge, into the pool of intense pleasure, and wave after wave of joy washed over my body. My pussy was convulsing heavily, clamping tightly around Christian’s cock while he thrust into me with great force, trying his best not to make a sound.

  As if the feeling was too much for him to bare, his cock grew inside of me again, filling my stuffed pussy to the brim. He exploded again, shooting load after load of warm, sticky cum deep into my pussy.

  Stephany let out a deep sigh and turned her heel, then she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. After we both heard her footsteps walk down the hallway and the stairs into the lounge room, Christian took his hand off my mouth.

  “Christian!” I cried out, feeling my pussy fill up with his cum. My hand reached out for his and squeezed it firmly, all the while his cock was throbbing heavily deep inside of me. He was breathing heavily—panting almost like a dog—exhaling hot air out his nose and onto my ear lobe.

  I turned my body towards Chris, letting his cock slide out of my sore pussy, and faced him. He smiled at me, his eyes looking tired but happy while he reached up a hand and placed a stray strand of hair back behind my ear. His semen was slowly dripping out of me, pooling beneath our bodies and on the hardwood floors.

  “That was… amazing.” I whispered and closed my eyes, letting my head rest against Christian’s bicep.

  Christian wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly, then he slowly stood up and started to put his clothes back on. “I hope they’re serving dinner soon, I’m starving!” He grinned.

  I got up as well and started to put my clothes on quickly—who knew, Stephany might come back any minute. Before I got dressed, I walked up to her closet and pulled it open, taking out a few pairs of her underwear. Feeling spiteful, I rubbed them all against my thighs and pussy, where Christian’s seed still was, and stuffed them back into the drawer. Because apparently she likes sharing my men. I thought and snorted.

  Despite putting my clothes on quickly, Chris was done a lot sooner than me, but he waited patiently for me to finish.

  “Phew.” He let out as he looked himself over in the mirror. “We should do that again sometime.” He added with a smirk, as if what we had just done was completely normal.

  Maybe it was?

  I smiled widely back at him while I opened the door, carefully peeking down the hallway before stepping outside. I turned my head back while walking down the corridor and noticed that Chris left the door open, wondering if Stephany would notice that. Probably not. I decided, walking down the stairs with Christian while acting like nothing had happened—even though that wasn’t the way I felt inside. Everything was different now.

  I clung tightly to Christian’s arm while we walked back into the lounge, and he flashed one of those beautiful smiles at me.

  “There you are!” Stephany’s voice suddenly pierced the room, sounding like nails on a chalkboard in my ears. “Where did you guys disappear to?” She added with a giggle as she walked up to us.

  I smiled back at her—not the fake smile I had smiled earlier. This was genuine happiness.

  “We just took a tour of the place.” Chris said and gave me a quick wink. I couldn’t help but to snicker—the satisfaction of knowing what we did made me feel like I’d finally gotten my payback.

  “Oh, great!” Stephany smiled at Christian. “Are you hungry?” She asked.

  Before he could say a word, I chimed in with my happiest voice. “Hell yeah!” I said and pulled Christian behind me to where I thought the kitchen was, leaving Stephany standing alone in the lounge doorway.

  I could hear my mother’s voice coming from the direction where we were going, and a moment later I could see her and Andreas, smiling happily together while they mingled around the kitchen island. Christian and I joined them, and for a moment we were all smiling, looking like a typical, happy family.

  If they only knew that we were so much more than that.

  * * *

  Spread Wide Open from Behind

  Shrill, loud electronic music was pumping through t
he club, making the speakers vibrate with the intensity of the bass. The rhythmical tones wandered through the air, spreading cheer as they went. People were dancing, drinking and partying like it was the last night of their lives. The men were dressed up and the girls were dressed down, which gave for a sexy, hot atmosphere in the underground nightclub.

  It was a Saturday night and everyone had gathered here—young and older people alike—all trying to get one last release before the weekend was finally over, and we all went back to the daily grind. However, for me, it didn’t feel that fun. I’d never managed to get into the kind of music they played in clubs, so to me it just sounded like nails on a chalk board.

  Plus, I hadn’t been drinking at all, so I was feeling a little bit left out. Normally, I enjoyed going out and letting myself go a little bit, but it was no fun to be the only one sober. Yet, I had remained that way—much to the dismay of my boyfriend Cole, who had been trying to pressure me into drinking all night.

  Come on baby, just one shot. His nasal voice echoed through my head. I sniffed quietly, my face warping into a frown as I thought about his childish behavior. What does it matter to you if I drink or not? I’d asked him, at which point he had muttered something quietly to himself, stood up, and stumbled away on shaky, drunken legs, only to disappear into the crowd. I’d been looking for him for what felt like an hour.

  The bright, flashing lights shone into my tired eyes, only reminding me of how sleepy I was. The feeling of loneliness was creeping up on me as well, slowly but steadily grabbing hold of my exhausted mind. I was surrounded by a hundred people, and yet I felt alone. And I didn’t like to be alone. Right now, I even felt abandoned.

  I turned my face back towards the bar disk and dug my phone out of my purse. Leaning forward with my elbows against the soft, cushioned edge, I started looking for the text conversation with my stepfather and let him know I was ready and wanted to be picked up. He had promised to pick me up, no matter what time it was. In a way, it was like having your own personal driver—except I didn’t have to pay some ridiculous, overpriced cab fare! I snickered to myself at my devious plan.

  Before I even had time to put my phone back, Nolan—my stepfather—texted back. His message was short and to the point, but enough to put a smile on his face—it felt good to be a priority for once!

  “OK. I’ll be there in 20.“ His message read, with a happy smiley on the end.

  I didn’t need to respond—most likely, he was already in his car driving, and thus unable to answer. It would probably take a few minutes for him to arrive, and I hoped that that enough time for Cole to show up again—because otherwise he might have to find his own ride home. All I knew is that I wasn’t going to keep Nolan waiting.

  I waited on the bar stool, curling my hair around my finger and sipping absent–mindedly on the flat soda that I had ordered over half an hour ago—about the time that Cole dipped out. After a few minutes without any signs of him, I was becoming flustered. Where the hell had he gone?! I turned around angrily, ready to leave, when I suddenly spotted him—standing on the other side of the room, talking to his no–good hustler ‘friend’. This particular friend was well known for having… connections. I could feel my stomach knot—was Cole back to dealing drugs? That would explain everything.

  I stood up and walked quickly through the crowd to get to him, noticing the surprised look on his face as our eyes met. He had probably hoped not to be seen with him. I couldn’t really blame him—he knew that I didn’t like most of his friends, but in my defense that’s because most of them were either thugs of small–time criminals.

  “Hey babe.” He said loudly, walking forwards to hug me. “I was looking for you forever!” He added quickly, placing his hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes confidently.

  “Oh yeah?” I answered doubtfully. “I looked for you too!” I knew that he was probably lying—and that he hadn’t been looking for me at all, but I wanted to trust him.

  “Yeah, yeah! I just stumbled into Omar and stopped to chat.” Cole pointed at his friend, who was had nervous written all over his face in—bold, fat letters. I bet those pockets are filled with tiny white or green bags. I thought quietly to myself as my eyes wandered across the many pockets in his dark green jacket.

  “Hey.” I smiled politely at Omar, holding back my disgusted sneer. I knew what he did for a living, and there was no doubt in my mind that he was going to get caught. If Cole decided to take the same path, it could only end one way… Omar nodded quietly in response, and I quickly turned my head towards Cole. “I got us a ride home.” I told him loudly over the music, trying to ignore Omar as he tried to signal to Cole that he wished to speak in private. Luckily for me, Cole was paying attention to me now—not him—and saw none of his ‘discreet’ gestures.

  “What?” Cole shouted back, cupping his ear with his hand and looking at me intensely.

  I moved in closer towards him. “My dad is coming to pick us up!” I said, louder this time.

  “You mean Nolan?” He asked, suddenly laughing.

  “Yeah!” I said. Who else would I meant?

  The smile slowly died off his face, and he was left with an almost shocked expression. “I’ll be right back!” He said, tugging at Omar’s arm and pulling him off to the side. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but their angry faces and quick, overdone gestures told me that it was a steamy conversation. Omar in particular didn’t look happy at all.

  Both of them glanced at me occasionally, making me want to march over to them and question what they were really talking about—but of course, I didn’t. I couldn’t. I fiddled anxiously with my hands, hoping that Cole would wrap it up and come with me already. I didn’t want to leave him here with Omar.

  Suddenly he turned around and walked up to me, gripping my arm firmly in the same way that he had grabbed Omar’s.

  “Are we leaving?” I asked as he pulled me through the crowd towards the exit.

  “Yeah.” He exhaled, quickly moving forward.

  His fingers were hurting my arm, but I didn’t dare say anything about it since we were finally leaving. In the lobby, he pulled me towards the coat girl who handed us both our jackets, as well as a small black pouch that seemed to have magically appeared in Cole’s hand. I didn’t recall him having that as we arrived.

  “What’s in the bag?” I asked immediately when we stepped outside into the cold night breeze. My hand stroked my upper arm subconsciously, as if it could rub the achy soreness that Cole’s fingers had left on my skin.

  “Oh, this?” Cole said dismissively. “Just something I’ll take home.” He added, avoiding my question.

  “What’s inside of it?” I asked again.

  I wanted him to tell me the truth for once, but instead he was acting secretive, quickly putting the bag into his coat pocket.

  “Nothing important.” He said and coughed loudly.

  I wouldn’t have kept pestering him about it if I hadn’t had reason to believe he got it from Omar. I closed the buttons on my jacket and crossed my arms over my chest, giving Cole the best judgmental look that I could muster. “It’s drugs, isn’t it?” I asked angrily.

  He shot me an annoyed look before quickly turning his head away. Obviously, he was protective of whatever was inside that pouch. “Does it matter?” He muttered.

  “Of course it matters!” I was becoming upset and raising my tone involuntarily. “What will you do if you get caught?!”

  “I won’t get caught!” He said defensively, glancing around the street nervously. “Besides, I need the cash.”

  When I had first found that Cole was dealing, I had made my point very clear: I did not want him to make a living that way. It was too risky, and the people involved were a bad crowd. If only it was just some pot… I thought hopelessly—but I knew that it wasn’t.

  “Why do you need to sell drugs?” I asked, walking closer towards him. “If you need money that bad, I can give it to you too!” I tried to reason.

p; “You wouldn’t understand.” He spat out.

  “Then help me understand.” I pleaded, placing my hand over his arm. “I like you, and I don’t want you to ruin your life with this shit.”

  Cole pulled his arm away immediately. “Just shut up about it already! I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” He shouted quickly before walking away and sitting down on the curb at the side of the road.

  “Fine.” I scoffed. “Don’t listen to me.” I tried to keep myself together, blinking the tears away as the teased the corners of my eyes, but it was hard. I wanted to seem tough in front of Cole, and not show any weakness. “Maybe my dad can convince you. He does have some experience when it comes to criminals and drugs.” I added resentfully.

  Cole turned his head towards me with an angry, yet intimidated look on his face. “You wouldn’t dare.” He growled, but there was fear in his voice as it cracked.

  “I warned you last time. Maybe then you would finally quit…”

  Cole rose from the curb and took long, fierce steps towards me. “If you tell him anything, we’re done!” He threatened, waving a stiff finger in front of my face. “You hear me?!” He continued, his eyes wild and crazy.

  Maybe it was the finger waving inches from my face, or just the fact that he thought he could boss me around in such a way, but at that moment I snapped. I could feel a tear appear in the corner of my eye, and I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I was losing control.

  “You know what?” I said, taking a step backwards. “Fuck you.” I added before turning around, wiping the tears from my eyes. I felt that I had to get away from Cole—in the same way that an antelope runs from a lion.

  “Fuck me? Maybe if you weren’t such an uptight little daddy’s girl, you would get to!” He yelled angrily as I walked away. “Oh wait, I forgot. You don’t even have a real dad.”

  Really? I stopped right in my step and turned around to face him, teary–eyed and with cheeks burning red. “Are you serious right now?” I gulped. I couldn’t believe that he had sunk so low.


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