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TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!)

Page 49

by Olivia R. Gasm

  The feeling of being pounded in both holes at the same time was overwhelming, making me moan and cry out loudly as they rammed themselves into me.

  Evan was the first to reach the finish line. After coming so close from the earlier blowjob, it didn’t take a lot for him to reach the end. His cock swelled inside of me, erupting and spilling a load of sticky, warm white cum deep inside of my forbidden channel.

  I groaned and squirmed around uncomfortably, fidgeting as the cum overflowed my asshole and seeped out, dripping down my asshole and running down my thighs.

  “Mmmm, yeah…” Evan groaned. “That’s it, baby. Take it all…”

  Evan kept fucking me for a little while, trembling and shaking from the feeling of his sensitive cock rubbing against my now soaking–wet, tight asshole.

  Jack sped up and started fucking me harder, causing me to bounce up and down in his lap, his cock forcefully ramming against my inner wall and making me scream from pure ecstasy.

  My clit rubbed against my stepfather’s body as I rode him, stimulating me entirely. I was quickly sent towards and orgasm, moaning rhythmically as my pussy clamped tightly around his cock.

  The feeling took over my body and it exploded, sending massive waves of pure pleasure throughout me, causing me to shiver and gasp as I struggled to breathe. My cheeks burned hot, and I could feel my toes tingling as I tensed them.

  Jack’s breathing became sharp and fast and he started to twitch slightly. He closed his eyes and let out a loud, animalistic groan as he ejaculated, filling my pussy to the brim with his fertile seed. He thrusted hard and slow, milking himself of his last drips.

  “Oh Lori.” He moaned.

  His cock slipped out of me and I fell forward, resting my exhausted body on top of Jack while we both lay still, breathing heavily.

  This camping trip definitely didn’t go the way I had expected, but I was even more grateful now that my mother had decided to stay home. Otherwise, none of this would have ever happened!

  I rolled off the camping table and forced my legs to carry me to the rippling river to wash myself off with the fresh water, wondering to myself what I was yet to discover about my stepfather and his best friend.

  * * *

  Big & Hard from Behind

  Finally my shift was over, and I hurried quickly through the store’s corridor towards the dressing room. It had been a long and tiresome day of running errands for my manager, Sebastian. I was lucky to have gotten the Manager’s Assistant position, so I didn’t need to restock shelves and mop the floors like the other summer workers. My stepfather Joshua probably had a hand in getting me a good position, since he was really good friends with Sebastian.

  It pays to have connections. I thought to myself as I walked into the dimly lit locker room. I took off my work uniform and pulled my own yellow tank top over my head, and stepped into a pair of tight jeans. I wasn’t really in a hurry, but I wanted to get away from work as soon as possible, so I walked quickly through the backdoor and up to my old and beat–up, red car.

  The seat was broken, forcing me to wiggle my body around for a moment, trying to get into a comfortable position. My car wasn’t in the best shape anymore due to its age, and I had plans to buy a new one after the summer. Money was the only problem, as per usual, and I had no idea how much money I’d even have left over after all my usual expenses. Oh well. I thought to myself. At least it still works.

  Before starting the car, I dug my phone out of my backpack to see if anyone had missed me during the day, but there were no new messages or missed phone calls—as per usual. I tossed my phone aside onto the passenger’s seat, and suddenly remembered that Joshua had a special photo project planned tonight with Sebastian. They were going to shoot some kind of advertisement for another one of Sebastian’s businesses.

  I had met Sebastian outside of work many times, and today was probably going to be one of those days. He was the only person from work that I’d seen “in the wild”, since he was often meddling on something with my stepfather. However, Joshua’s photo studio was locked up in the garage and he was fairly secretive about it, so it might happen that I didn’t see either of them for the whole night.

  I wonder if I should pick up some dinner on the way home? I thought as I turned on my car and started driving. I decided not to, since my mom had probably made something before leaving for work. I just hope there’s some left for me. My stomach churned loudly at the thought.

  As I was driving through the mostly–empty street, my phone suddenly started to vibrate on the seat next to me. I grabbed it quickly and looked at the screen, which read JOSHUA CALLING in big letters. The traffic was fairly light, so I decided to answer it.

  “Hello?” I answered, pressing the phone against my cheek.

  “Hey Naomi.” My stepfather said very quickly. He sounded like he was in a rush. “Where are you?”

  I glanced at the clock on my car radio to see if I was late, but saw that it was barely five past 4PM. “I’m on my way home. Why?” I asked suspiciously. He probably needed my help with something, because he usually didn’t call me without a good reason.

  “I was just wondering if you’ll be home tonight, because I might need your help.” He said. “So it would be good if you were available.”

  “Is it work–related?” I had to ask immediately. I never got to be his photographing apprentice at home—I never even got to touch his cameras!

  “Yeah, it’s work–related.” Joshua confirmed. “But I’m not sure, so I just thought I’d ask if you want to help?”

  “Hell yeah I do!” I cheered back, tapping the driving wheel excitedly. I could hear him snicker on the other side of the line too.

  “Alright then. Your boss should arrive any moment now, and then we’ll start with the commercial.” He reminded me, as if I didn’t know already. I guess he doesn’t realize how interested I am in his work.

  “Yeah, I know, he mentioned it at work today too. He seemed pretty excited about it. So… does this count as working for you and him?” I asked coyly. “Do I get paid?” I had to ask, just in case I could earn a little bit extra.

  Joshua chuckled. “I’m sure we can arrange something, but we’ll talk about that later. Oh, and can you bring something to eat? I’ll pay for it.” He added quickly, as if he almost forgot.

  “Didn’t mom make anything to eat?” I asked.

  “No, she didn’t bother since she gets food from work anyway.” Joshua answered, sounding sad all of the sudden. I wonder if he’s hungry. I thought to myself. He probably hadn’t eaten a real lunch today if mom just left.

  “I see.” I answered. “I’ll bring something tasty, but I have to hang up now because there’s a cop in the next intersection. See you later!” I spoke quickly, barely letting him answer to what I said before I hung up the phone. I didn’t want to get fined for driving misconduct… again.

  So my mom apparently didn’t make any food after all—what a surprise. She barely ever cooked anymore, and finding home cooked food in the fridge seemed rarer than seeing a unicorn. Actually, I didn’t even remember the last time she would have made food by herself. The last times we’d had dinner as a family; it had always been cooked by Joshua.

  I was grateful to have Joshua in my life, but sometimes I wished that he had come around sooner, because he really made everything better in so many ways. The only thing that bummed me out was the fact that he didn’t let me into his studio, because I really wanted to know more about his profession as a photographer. He was so secretive about it, going great lengths to keep me out of it. But then again, my mother wasn’t allowed in there either.

  When I arrived to the end of our street, I immediately spotted Sebastian’s big, black SUV parked on the sidewalk next to our home. His work day was supposed to end at 6PM, and yet he was already here. Manager perks, I guess.

  As I got closer, I noticed that he had parked like an idiot again. I had to squeeze my car past his into our driveway, being careful not to scratch his fro
nt bumper. I turned off the engine and sat in silence for a moment, staring out the window and watching the rain clouds form slowly up in the sky. It started dripping water after a minute or two, and I decided to get out of the car and head inside.

  “Hello!” I called out as I closed the door behind me. “I’m home.”

  I stood for e moment in silence to wait for an answer, but it seemed like nobody was home. I guess they’re in the garage already. I lazily threw my slightly–wet backpack onto the staircase and walked into the kitchen, but when I opened the refrigerator door I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to bring food home with me.

  “Damn it.” I muttered to myself.

  The empty fridge stared back at me, and I slammed it shut in frustration, turning around to lean my back against it. I could either go back out again—despite just having come back home—or I could just call and order delivery. I should probably ask Joshua first. I thought to myself. Or I’ll just end up buying something that he doesn’t like.

  It was still raining outside, I immediately noticed as I walked out the back door. I covered my hair with my arm as I hurriedly walked across the yard towards our garage, hitting the wooden door with my fist to announce my arrival.

  After a short moment of waiting, the door opened and my stepfather appeared in the doorway. He was wearing his favorite, green collar shirt and some comfortable slacking pants—a combination that always looked really flattering on him.

  “Hello there, how may I help you?” He smiled and looked down at me standing just outside of the rain’s reach.

  “Well ha–ha.” I said sarcastically. “I forgot to buy food on my way home… So I’m going to order something. What do you want?”

  He quickly turned his head back before answering, seemingly in a rush to get back up the stairs to the studio. “Yeah, sure. I’ll ask Sebastian if he wants something too.”

  “All righty then, text me or something…” I answered, and Joshua quickly shut the door behind me as I left.

  Minutes later, I was sitting on the sofa with my phone in my hand. Now, I was even more interested in what they were doing. I knew that they were shooting an advertisement—but what kind? I want to know! While I was scrolling through the list of numbers of local pizzerias, my phone suddenly vibrated with a text from Joshua.

  We have a small problem… there’s a job for you if you want. It read, but nothing about the food.

  But what about the food?! I responded.

  It’s not important, we’ll order something later. He wrote back instantly. Come by the studio right now.

  I stood up quickly, feeling pretty stoked about getting to help him. Finally I’ll get to see his studio! I rushed outside, ignoring the rain drops that soaked through my shirt as I skipped through the yard. This time the door was already open, so I didn’t need to either knock or wait. Closing the door behind me, I ran up the wooden stairs that led to the studio upstairs—which used to be a guest apartment in the past, but Joshua had started using it as his own photographing studio after he moved in— and pushed the door open.

  It looked different than I remembered, and there was a lot of new and fancy equipment. Big stands, boxes and lightning shades, as well as a big, white background sheet nailed to the back wall. Next to it was the corner sofa that I used to jump on when I was younger. Now, however, Sebastian was sitting in it, with his arms spread wide onto the backrest. He was wearing a dark button–down shirt with long sleeves, and khaki jeans. I was only used to seeing him in his expensive business suits, but he looked even better wearing this.

  Across the room was my stepfather Joshua, with his back turned towards me, seemingly fiddling with one of his cameras. Sebastian turned his head towards me when I stepped inside, with a surprised look on his face as he checked me out without saying a word. Instead, he grinned at me before turning his gaze back towards Joshua.

  “So, what can I do?” I asked as I walked inside, glancing around the room and looking at the walls. They were plastered with pictures of men and women alike, posing in seductive and highly sexual poses.

  Joshua turned around and I quickly set my eyes on him instead of on the pictures.

  “Yeah, but uhm…” He started, clearing his throat audibly. “I’m not sure how to put it.” He continued, walking up to the big background sheet in front of his camera tripod.

  “I can explain.” Sebastian said quickly and I turned my head towards him curiously. “We’re working my internet business today, and we were going to shoot some pictures for banners and ads. Sadly, our model got into some trouble and wasn’t able to come in today.”

  Model? His words suddenly caught my interest. What kind of businesses need models? I crossed my arms across my chest, feeling excited yet uncertain at the same time. “So… what do you want me to do? I asked, glancing over at my bothered stepfather, who seemed very distant and focused on his gear.

  Sebastian leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and rubbing his hands together excitedly. “Well, would you want to be the model?” He asked openly.

  I let out a surprised laugh, not sure if he was joking or not. But after seeing how Joshua looked at me quickly before going back to fiddling with his things, I knew that it couldn’t have been a joke.

  “A model? But… I’m not a model.” Suddenly I became very nervous. I had no experience or skill—and what did he mean by model anyway? There’s all sorts of different models!

  “Sure you are! You’ll do just fine.” Sebastian smiled big and continued his attempt to persuade me; “I’ll pay you 200$ for it, if that motivates you.”

  “200 dollars?!” I exclaimed loudly. That was my salary for a few days of work, and now I could earn that in just one hour of modeling? I couldn’t even say no to that…

  “Yup.” Sebastian confirmed and looked towards Joshua, who was done fiddling and was now observing our conversation from the side.

  I walked across the room and sat down on the seat next to Sebastian, who looked at me with hopeful eyes. I wanted to say yes, but at the same time I felt very nervous even though it seemed like a no–brainer at the moment. I mean, it’s just some photos after all.

  “You don’t have to.” Joshua chimed in from the side. There was a worried look on his face for some reason. In a strange way, the idea of showing myself to him was making me excited.

  “But I want to. Yes, I’ll do it!” I said cheerfully to the two men, who had both been staring at me while they waited for my response. It kind of made me feel important.

  Sebastian clapped his hands together loudly. “Great!” He cheered and stood up from the sofa, extending his arm towards a black bag which was sitting on the floor next to it. He pulled out a revealing white top with a website address and logo printed on the chest, along with a pair of fancy–looking, blue embroidered panties made of lace. “I had planned for the model to wear these. They should fit you too.” He said as he held the clothes up in the air and looked at them thoroughly. “Not really the work uniform you’re used to.” He added with a half–hearted snicker. Joshua didn’t seem to like his joke, but it made me smile nonetheless.

  “I guess I’ll go get changed then.” I responded and stood up, grabbing the clothes from Sebastian’s open hand.

  “You can change in the bathroom.” My stepfather said from the side. “The set is ready and we’ll be ready to shoot immediately.”

  There was something off about his behavior—a strange vibe, if you will—and it was making me feel weird. Maybe he doesn’t want to see me in these clothes? I thought. Or maybe he does… A part of me wanted to show myself to him—mostly just to see how he would react. Either way, I was excited. I had always wanted to dress up in something attractive, but this was a big leap from that. Not only was I going to be wearing a revealing outfit, but I was going to be photographed while wearing it—by my stepfather.

  Before I closed the bathroom door behind me, I could hear the men talking in quiet but passionate voices, as if they were having a disagreement
of some sort. Well, surely it doesn’t concern me. I thought, closing the door and starting to strip.

  After changing into the clothes that Sebastian gave to me, my eyes locked on the woman staring back at me in the mirror.

  “Holy shit.” I whispered quietly. “That’s some change!”

  The thin, white top was very revealing, making my breasts look larger just by pushing them together. The panties fit perfectly around my hips and thighs, lifting my ass up and making it stand out. Shyly, I opened the bathroom door and walked into the big, open studio room. Immediately Sebastian’s eyes darted my way, an eager smile on his face as his eyes lingered on my chest for a few seconds. I looked at my stepfather, hoping that he would look at me the same way, but he didn’t even meet my eyes.

  The large, white background sheet was hanging from the roof and folded out onto the floor in the corner. I walked onto it and stopped, turning my face towards the tripods and lightning. The bright light shone in my eyes and annoyed me for a moment, but I quickly got used to it. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew that I was in good hands, because Joshua was a real professional when it came to photography. Maybe I should ask him to take a flattering profile picture of me for my social media?

  “So what now?” I asked playfully. I never thought I’d say this, but for once I was extremely excited to work for Sebastian.

  “Uh… yeah.” Joshua sighed and walked over to his tripod, placing his camera on it and pointing it towards me. He looked through the viewfinder, and for a moment I could swear that I saw a slight grin on his face. “We’re set.” He said and straightened his back, gesturing for Sebastian to come closer and have a look.

  “Give us your best sexy look.” Sebastian commanded, without any hesitation to say it out loud. I wonder if he’s been wanting to see me like this…

  I tried my best to pose in a way worthy of a picture, but Joshua didn’t seem to be snapping any photos at all. He looked uncomfortable and perplexed, as if he didn’t want me to be here, and definitely didn’t want to be be taking photos of me in this way.


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