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The Fallen (Book 1)

Page 33

by Dan O'Sullivan

  ‘Prince Galbraith? Enri asked in a whisper, looking around the bloodied soldiers. David shook his head sadly and Enri swore under his breath.

  ‘Who is this?’ asked Araas as Milgorry approached the group.

  Immosey unwound herself from her brother’s arms. ‘This is our friend Milgorry of Tarl,’ she said, smiling at him. ‘He’s one of the free,’ she added proudly, ‘and he has saved our lives so many times, and with such danger to himself we are forever in his debt.’

  Kelian lowered Elena to the ground and walked over to Milgorry. Milgorry hesitated then lowered his head before the Prince.

  ‘No,’ said Kelian. ‘You will never bow to me. I owe you more than I can ever repay. Thank you Milgorry of Tarl.’

  Milgorry glanced towards the settlement. ‘We need to move now if we are to rescue Louisa. Nandul won’t be too far away and we must be gone before he returns. We’ll never have a better opportunity than we have now.’

  ‘Agreed,’ said Araas. ‘Do we have a plan?’

  Milgorry didn’t answer but gazed sadly down towards the settlement. ‘There are a lot of guards. They’re not taking any chances since she returned Anterry and Rylin.’

  ‘So, she found her strength,’ Araas commented. ‘We need to split into two groups and approach from both sides of the unit. Timbul, you’re the best-’

  ‘No,’ Timbul interrupted. ‘Milgorry is faster and stronger, and he knows these people far better than we do.’

  Everyone turned to regard Milgorry with mixture of surprise and awe.

  ‘Well,’ Araas continued, ‘one group under Milgorry’s command, and one group with Timbul. Milgorry, can you do this? I will understand if you cannot as they are your own people.’

  ‘Listen to their thoughts, guardian,’ Milgorry growled. ‘Every one of them is bursting with desire to return Louisa, and every one of them would cut my heart out given half a chance, and then dance on my body to celebrate the victory.’

  Araas gazed towards the settlement. ‘Yes,’ he said in agreement. ‘They hate you. Why do they hate you so much?’

  ‘We’re free. That’s what we chose. Freedom. Now they want what was taken from us. Power. You know that isn’t ours to have. We gave up many abilities when we chose freedom and now Nandul thinks to regain these privileges over as many dead bodies as it takes. All these guards believe in what he’s doing, and they know I’m a threat. They will return me if they possibly can.’ He turned to Elena and Immosey. ‘I want you to go into the forest and wait. Go south,’ he pointed into the trees, ‘and we’ll find you. Try to hide. Dale, we will need you here.’

  They split into two groups and began to creep down the slope using the low bushes for concealment. Dale and Enri followed close behind, both glancing at each other occasionally in anxiety over the task given to them by Milgorry. His words played over in Dale’s mind. ‘We return the guards, you and Enri unlock the door and get Louisa out of Weema. If we’re returned, you need to find Callian or Lias.’ He had expected to fight and perhaps to die, but to have the responsibility of Louisa’s escape depending on himself and his young Squire was daunting. He crouched and watched the two groups who were now within one hundred paces of the secure unit and he wondered if he should start moving down the hill, or wait until the battle began.

  ‘Wait a little longer I think,’ a voice said right behind his ear and he leapt sideways in fright, knocking Enri to the ground. Callian reached out his hand and lifted Enri back onto his feet, apologizing quietly. Lias was right behind Callian, looking unhurt but very tired. As suddenly as they had appeared the two were gone down the slope and Dale saw Callian run towards Timbul and Lias towards Milgorry.

  The two groups burst from the bushes so suddenly that Dale almost laughed at the shocked expressions on the faces of the guards. He glanced sideways at Enri. They ran down the slope making a straight line towards the little stone building. Dale decided it was probably best if he ignored the battle and concentrated on his task, and seconds later he was at the door of the building and sliding the locking bar aside. He turned and saw that Milgorry, David, Gilgarry and Valeska had formed a barrier around himself and Enri giving them as much protection as they could offer whilst they completed their task. They burst into the room and almost stumbled over the unconscious guardian. Her clothing was gone and she now wore only a dirty cotton undergarment. Blood was splattered over her face and arms. Dale dashed forward with Enri beside him. Without a word, Dale stooped and Enri lifted Louisa onto his shoulder. Dale stood, surprised at how light the guardian was and how much fitter he had become since leaving Emerald.

  Enri glanced out the door, then swore and ducked as an arrow shot past his head. ‘Go!’ Dale and Enri heard Callian’s shout and they rushed from the building to find themselves once again surrounded by a protective wall of soldiers and guardians. Dale moved as quickly as he could up the slope, and his heart pounded as he began to feel the girl did weigh something after all.

  ‘Keep moving!’ Dale heard Borgulnay shout at him, and he forced his legs to move faster, pumping against the ground as he moved up the slope into the forest. Suddenly the big soldier was beside him and Louisa was lifted from his shoulder. Dale drew his sword and ran back down the slope just in time to see Milgorry grab a guard from behind and slash his throat. There was a sudden strange silence.

  ‘More will come! Let’s go!’ Araas was already sprinting south in the direction Milgorry had sent Elena and Immosey. Everyone ran after him, and Dale saw Milgorry lift Louisa from Borgulnay’s shoulder and cradle her to his chest as he ran.

  They stopped when they reached a clearing. To Dale’s alarm there was no sign of Elena and Immosey.

  ‘You can come down now,’ said Milgorry looking upwards and a second later Immosey swung from a branch above his head and dropped lightly to the ground, followed seconds later by her sister. Elena smiled as she noticed Kelian’s surprise.

  ‘We’re getting stronger,’ she commented.

  ‘Yes, you certainly are,’ Kelian agreed, enveloping her in his arms.

  Milgorry lowered Louisa to the ground. He knelt beside her and brushed his hand over her face. Her eyes opened and filled with tears of relief as she saw Milgorry leaning over her. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him towards her. Milgorry glanced towards Araas who was regarding him with confused astonishment.

  ‘I know I shouldn’t be able to do that guardian, but as you just saw, somehow I can.’ He helped Louisa to her feet and she and Elena and Immosey embraced, tears running down all of their faces. Milgorry took off his shirt and pulled it over Louisa’s head. It was long and came almost to her knees.

  ‘The ones chasing Lias and me will be here very soon,’ said Callian to Milgorry. ‘We led them as far away as we could before we came to find you, but I still expect they’ll be here any second.’

  ‘You kept up with Callian?’ Milgorry looked curiously at Lias.

  Lias rolled his eyes in disbelief. ‘Don’t be stupid! He carried me on his back,’ he said looking at Callian. ‘Supreme Majesty, the General is fast!’

  ‘Not fast enough, if we don’t go right now!’ said Callian and then he groaned. ‘Too late,’ he said and he drew his sword.

  With lightning speed, Milgorry grabbed Louisa and threw her towards the branch on which Elena and Immosey had been hiding. Quickly Borgulnay grabbed Immosey and helped her up onto the branch as Milgorry tore Elena from Kelian’s grasp and flung her up beside her sisters. The girls climbed higher into the branches and Milgorry dashed to the edge of the clearing as warriors sprang from the bushes.

  Milgorry faced the first warrior who entered the clearing; the tall, black eyed man who Elena and Immosey knew was his father, Nandul. He flung himself unhesitatingly towards his son, his sword narrowly missing Milgorry’s neck with his first blow, but Milgorry was expecting this bold approach and did not back away. Each guardian faced at least two warriors and Callian faced three. It took all of Callian’s skills to stay al
ive as the warriors attempted to separate him from the other guardians. Kelian, Alexander, Gilgarry and David saw what was happening and pushed forward in an attempt to stop them. There was a second of indecision as the warriors paused, poised between their attacks on Callian and defending themselves from the apparently reckless soldiers. That was all the time Callian needed and two warriors fell by his sword even as Kelian drove his sword through the third warrior’s side. Gilgarry shoved Kelian aside, desperately trying to force him out of harm’s way, and then he slashed his sword across an attacking warrior’s throat, finishing him. Kelian flew backwards towards the backs of Dale and Enri who were standing in the middle of the group, with swords drawn. Both were wearing terrified but determined expressions and lashing out if any of the warriors came near. They had already managed to take down one warrior who unwisely turned his back on the pair as he fought Valeska, but they crashed forwards as Kelian slammed into them. Borgulnay leapt over Kelian and brought down a warrior who sought to take advantage of the situation and then he grabbed the back of Gilgarry’s uniform and dragged him backwards as a sword flashed towards him.

  Elena and Immosey stifled horrified cries as the sword slashed their brother’s chest. A second later the flat of a sword slammed into David’s arm, breaking it below the elbow. Without taking his eyes from Nandul, Milgorry managed to draw his long knife with his left hand and the warrior who had broken David’s arm died as Milgorry slashed his throat with the knife whilst still blocking Nandul with his sword.

  Timbul leapt over the bodies of the two warriors he had returned and placed himself back to back with Callian as the other guardians moved in to assist Kelian and the soldiers, all of whom were finding the battle far more difficult than the guardians. The remaining warriors attempted to flee into the Forest, but the guardians were too fast and none escaped. Finally Milgorry stood alone before Nandul. Both were sweating and panting, as they stood regarding each other through narrowed eyes. Milgorry had his sword in one hand and his long knife, dripping blood, still clutched in his left hand. With his eyes fixed on Nandul, he raised his knife towards the guardians, indicating that they should not interfere. Nandul sprang forward and once again their swords clashed together. Milgorry pushed Nandul towards the edge of the clearing and Callian was surprised by their skills. Never falling into a pattern and never hesitating, Milgorry drove Nandul relentlessly backwards, until a look of resignation came in Nandul’s eyes. Then with one almighty sweep the sword flew from Nandul’s hand and a split second later he was backed up against a tree with Milgorry’s sword at his throat.

  There was silence as Milgorry stood glaring into his father’s eyes. He reached out and drew several knives from Nandul’s belt, tossing them towards Borgulnay who collected them quickly.

  ‘Finish it,’ said Nandul, his face showing only acceptance of his defeat. Milgorry still didn’t move. ‘Finish it!’ Nandul shouted this time. ‘Forgiveness is for the weak!’ Milgorry glanced sideways at Callian and the Guardian General’s eyes widened in shock. He shook his head and leapt forward, sword raised.

  ‘No,’ he pushed Milgorry away from Nandul as everyone stared at them in confusion. ‘You cannot do this. You would never recover from such a deed.’

  Milgorry stared at his father, his heart filled with grief. ‘You cannot let him go,’ his voice was barely a whisper.

  ‘I don’t intend to let him go, but what do you think would happen if I did?’

  ‘Track your enemy relentlessly, kill those who oppose you, forgiveness is for the weak,’ Milgorry said contemptuously whilst glaring at his father. ‘He would make sure when he comes after us he’s better prepared. We have no choice. We have to return him.’

  ‘There is always a choice, Mil,’ said Louisa as she dropped lightly beside him, glancing to where Timbul, Araas and Kelian knelt beside David and Gilgarry. Elena dropped from the tree and ran to Kelian. Borgulnay reached out as Immosey dropped from the branch. She looked up in surprise at the face of the soldier as he caught her and placed her gently on the ground and then she fell to her knees next to her brother. Gilgarry’s wound ran from his shoulder right across his chest to his lower ribs and it was quite deep. Blood poured from the wound as Timbul attempted to press the sides together. Gilgarry’s mouth was open in a silent scream of pain.

  Tears spilled down Elena’s face. ‘Please, there must be something we can do,’ she cried softly.

  Timbul didn’t answer but once again tried to hold the edges of the long wound together. Immosey reached over and tried to help, and then Elena also leaned forward to help close the open wound. The second they had the edges of the wound pressed together, Araas’ hand flashed forward and he rested his finger at the top of the cut. Very slowly he traced his finger down the cut and where the guardian’s finger ran over the wound the cut held together and began to seal. Araas repeated this process several times until the wound was no longer open, but an angry red weal running down the soldier’s chest.

  ‘Will he live?’ asked Elena, tears still dripping down her face.

  ‘Yes,’ said Timbul positively. ‘Unfortunately he will be in a lot of pain for a while.’

  ‘What are we going to do with him?’ said Alexander, looking at Nandul in irritation.

  Gilgarry groaned and tried to sit up. ‘Why couldn’t you return him?’ he asked Milgorry weakly. ‘He deserves to die!’

  Elena shrugged. ‘Could you kill our father, Gil, even if he was evil?’ she asked. Gilgarry stared at Milgorry in shock at this revelation and his eyes rolled up as he fell backwards. Araas’ arm shot out to keep his head from hitting the rough ground.

  ‘Nandul is your father?’ said Kelian, coming to his feet and staring at Milgorry in alarm. Milgorry nodded without looking at the Prince. Kelian looked at him for a moment longer then turned to Callian, who held his sword at Nandul’s throat. ‘He’s probably too dangerous to take all the way east to answer to Tiernan,’ observed Kelian. Milgorry groaned, seeing a calculating light returning to his father’s eyes.

  ‘Kelian, already my father is planning his next cunning move and I can guarantee he won’t abandon his mad plan to take Louisa for his own.’

  ‘It’s too late,’ said Immosey, shrugging. ‘You know she carries your child Mil.’

  Callian’s sword dropped slightly and his head flicked sideways to stare at Milgorry in shock. Nandul didn’t hesitate but threw himself at the guardian knocking him to the ground. Callian kicked out at him but Nandul came up holding the shaken guardian’s sword. He turned to face his son with renewed vigor and anger. Milgorry leapt forward to meet him even before Callian came to his feet. Nandul’s face was livid as he slashed at his son, infuriated by Immosey’s revelation. But Milgorry was too strong and far too fast for his father. Once again he drove him backwards until Nandul was barely able to deflect his son’s vicious blows. He was driven to his knees and Milgorry stood over him, sword raised.

  ‘It shouldn’t have to end like this,’ said Milgorry angrily, slashing his sword past his father’s face but not making contact. ‘You never should have tried to take her. It’s wrong!’ He was shouting now and his sword flicked past his father’s head, close enough to ruffle his hair. Nandul didn’t flinch, seeming to understand that his son wasn’t going to return him yet. ‘We were satisfied with our freedom, yet you always want more!’ The sword cut the fabric of Nandul’s shirt but once again left him unhurt and Nandul remained motionless, his face a mask of hatred. ‘I won’t follow you, father. These guardians call us fallen and they’re right. We are fallen. We should be free!’

  ‘We are free,’ Nandul almost spat out the words.

  ‘Until we disobey you and you return us!’ Milgorry was still shouting.

  ‘You aren’t free!’ Nandul snarled. ‘You’re a traitor! You have nothing left to remain here for!’ His eyes narrowed as saw Lias standing beside Alexander and David. ‘I should have known,’ he said contemptuously.

  Milgorry’s gaze flashed momentarily towards Louisa. �
�Don’t you see, father?’ His voice was suddenly quiet and controlled. ‘Louisa carries your grandchild. Does this mean nothing to you? Is there no-one you care for?’

  Nandul smiled coldly. ‘Child of a guardian and of the free; it’s still possible,’ he mused almost to himself.

  Milgorry snarled and took a step forward raising his sword. This time Nandul tensed and closed his eyes.

  Araas leapt forwards. ‘No! I won’t allow you to return your father, and in any case I doubt you can actually do it.’ He raised his hand before Nandul’s face and he fell to the ground unconscious.

  ‘How long will he sleep?’ asked Milgorry, looking sadly down at his father’s body lying peacefully at the bottom of a tree.

  ‘He shouldn’t wake up for weeks,’ said Araas. ‘We’ll have to take him with us. That’s what Tiernan wanted. He can decide what to do with him. He asked us to bring him to the Dwellings if we had the opportunity.’ He sighed heavily. ‘Milgorry, Tiernan will return him. You should know this.’

  Milgorry nodded, and then he turned and knelt beside David who lay on the ground cradling his broken arm, his face pale from the pain. Milgorry reached out and placed his hand gently over the break in David’s arm. He smiled as a pale light grew around the break and then faded, leaving the soldier flexing his fingers and gaping at his mended arm in astonishment. Everyone stared at Milgorry as he climbed to his feet and turned to Callian. ‘You know that gift was taken from us when we chose freedom,’ he said. ‘I don’t really understand…’

  Callian didn’t answer but continued to look at Milgorry as though he was seeing him for the first time. Eventually he spoke. ‘Are you still free?’

  Milgorry stared back at him and his face was strangely frightened. ‘I don’t know,’ he whispered and then his face hardened and he gazed intently into the forest. He reached out and took his bow and quiver from Lias, and his two knives.


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