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The Scent of Rain

Page 24

by Kristin Billerbeck

“He’s where? What are you talking about?”

  “And I’ve got my old job back.”

  “In Paris?”


  “You don’t sound too happy about that.”

  “I’m not, but I can’t explain why.”

  “I think that’s why I had to call you. I knew that message was from God! This woman who sneezed all the time. She’d been holding in an ugly family secret. She was protecting her parents, protecting her brother, but it was wreaking havoc on her. So I was thinking, is there a truth that you need to say that no one wants to hear?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Think about it.”

  Daphne didn’t have to think about it. She knew what the truth was. And the truth hurt. The truth was that the man who left her at the altar stole her job and her life in Paris. Was it so hard to imagine she’d have a physical reaction to that kind of rejection and betrayal? She now possessed what was taken from her, though . . . so why hadn’t her sense of smell returned?


  Fall stirred within the Ohio leaves. Daphne called out to Kensie as she peered out the window. “I think it might rain today!”

  Kensie emerged from the first-floor bedroom near the kitchen looking like a million. She still limped slightly, and her figure was a little rounder from a lack of exercise, but she was still the most beautiful woman Daphne had ever seen in person. And she’d grown far more beautiful inside since giving up the need to manipulate people to have control.

  “You look like a supermodel, only so much happier.”

  “I feel like a super slouch, but I am happier. God spared my life, though I’ll never understand why, and I want to make it worth His while.” Kensie smoothed her hair into a ponytail and clipped it while she limped toward the living room. “What are you smiling about?”

  “This reminds me of my first day back, and that warm and cozy feeling. Now you’ll be like the rest of us. No more of this part-time business.”

  “You really are like a walking gumdrop of happiness, aren’t you? Maybe if I were going to Paris in December, I’d be happy too.”

  “It’s so exciting to be in the lab. I love watching Willard smell what I put together and tell me if I’m on target or not. It’s almost more fun than working by myself. Willard is always so encouraging.”

  “Yes, you two have a mutual fan club. It’s sickening to watch. Get that board from my room, will you?”

  Daphne went to the bedroom and yanked a poster board off the bed. “What is this?”

  “Open it,” Kensie said with a grin.

  Daphne opened the flaps to reveal the artwork. “Oh, Kensie!” There were two colored drawings of dog products. Each bottle was shaped elegantly into an Eiffel Tower with blue and black writing on one and pink and black writing on the other. “Parisian Dog for Him and Parisian Dog for Her. It’s beautiful! I never imagined.”

  “It’s going to jump off the shelves. And so will Givaudan’s take on the cologne, according to your Arnaud. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  Daphne could hardly believe how wonderful. “My whole life I only wanted to see my perfume in a store. Not simply something I worked on, but the whole enchilada. Now I’m going to have a line of dog shampoos in a scent I created, and a cologne too. Of course I won’t own either one, but I’ll know they’re mine. It’s the pride of ownership. I did it. I mean, we did it!” Daphne hugged Kensie tightly.

  “Speaking of pride of ownership,” Kensie mumbled as she pulled away, careful to balance herself upright, “I think the roof might be leaking in that back room.”

  Daphne laughed. “Not even that can harm my mood today. This is everything I’ve worked toward.”

  “There’s more.” Kensie went to the computer and turned on the music program.

  “We’re going to be late for your first full day of work in weeks.” But she had to admit, she’d rather stay and bask in the glow of her success. She didn’t want to miss a second of it, in case she woke up from her dream. “I can’t wait to show the guys what you did with that packaging. If I had dreamed of it, it couldn’t be better.”

  Kensie had started up some French music, and though Daphne liked the sentiment, they needed to get to work. Today was the first staff meeting where all the new products would have samples and artwork. Kensie represented a rebirth of Gibraltar. A baptism by fire, and Daphne couldn’t wait to get started.

  A car door slammed, and she peered out the curtain again. She’d grown into one of those nosy neighbors who had to know everyone’s business, and she loved how she belonged somewhere.

  “Jesse’s car is in the driveway.”

  “Really?” Kensie said a little too innocently. “I wonder what he could be doing here.”

  Daphne turned around to face Kensie. “Are you stalling? What’s going on?”

  Kensie came beside her and leaned to look out the window. “It seems Jesse is on your driveway with three dogs.”

  “Jesse doesn’t have dogs.”

  “Uh, he does. He has three. See?”

  Daphne looked out the window again. “One of them is Mr. Riley’s.” But she didn’t recognize the others, who had pink and blue balloons tied to their collars.

  Jesse was caught up in their leashes and struggling to lead them to her door.

  “I better get out there before he becomes a casualty.” She opened her front door and padded down the cement steps. “Jesse, what are you doing? Whose dogs are those?”

  With his free hand, he held up a clear, unlabeled jug. “It’s Gibraltar’s new product! We had to have at least one boy dog to wash and one girl. And this one”—he raised his brows at Mr. Riley’s big white dog—“this one is just a mooch looking for a free bath. He figures his mom has fed you enough with her casseroles, and you owe her.”

  “It’s the strangest thing. I had a dream you were walking toward me with three dogs.” That was as far as she intended to go with that information.

  “Is that the one where you mauled me and I had to sue you for harassment?” Jesse winked.

  “You wish,” Kensie called from the stoop.

  “Where’s Ben? He’d love this.” Daphne had to admit, seeing Jesse dressed down in his roughed-up jeans and a black jacket wasn’t a bad way to start the day.

  “He’s at daycare this morning, and he’s doing fine. In fact, he didn’t want to come with me. He wanted to go to school. I know when I’m not wanted.”

  “I’m proud of you.”

  “Don’t be too proud. I’m taking him out soon.”

  “Whatever for? From what you tell me, he loves his teachers and has made lots of friends.”

  Jesse jerked as the dogs pulled him away from her.

  “I don’t know where you think you’re going to give those dogs a bath, but they’re not coming in this house. I just cleaned from top to bottom.”

  Kensie appeared beside them on the driveway, and the dogs lunged toward her. She backed away. “I’ll be in the house so I don’t get knocked over. Tell me when you’re ready for me.”

  Daphne turned her attention back to Jesse, who held up one hand while he wrapped the leashes around the other. “Just a minute. I’ll be right back.”

  He walked to his car, opened the door, and piled the dogs back inside. Then he came back to Daphne. “I didn’t think that through. I wanted to show you that Gibraltar made your first genuine product. Does it feel good?”

  “It feels incredible,” she said. “But what did you mean about taking Ben out of school? Just for the morning, you mean?”

  “No,” he said as he kicked at the driveway.

  She took a deep breath. “You’re not leaving Ohio?” Subconsciously, she kneaded her hands together. She’d believed Jesse’s stability was something she could count on. She’d taken solace in it.

  “Ben and I need a change. Abby is moving to follow her own path, and there are just too many unpleasant memories here for me.”

  “Because of Hannah?”

I let Ben down to please my boss. To make some arbitrary numbers that were forecast by bean counters. I said that my son came first, but I threw myself into work and let Abby raise him. I’ll never get those years back, and soon he’ll be off to kindergarten.”

  “Jesse, you’re too hard on yourself. You’re a great father.”

  “I’m going to be. I’ll never let another job own me like that again.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “That’s great, Jesse. I’m excited for you both.” She ached, thinking of the illusion of love she’d created with Mark. Jesse loved Hannah in a way that survived death, and when his heart wrestled free of that love, some woman was going to get an amazing man.

  Jesse lifted her chin. “You’re not going to ask me where I’m going?”

  She shook her head and clasped her eyes tightly. “No offense, Jesse. I don’t want to deal with another loss just yet, and you and Ben . . . everyone in Dayton, have come to mean so much to me. I’m not ready to face life without all the people I love here.”

  He put his fist to his heart. “You’re right here. With me always now because of the time we’ve shared.”

  “Mm-hmm.” She didn’t want to speak. She didn’t even want to admit to herself that she wanted so much more from him. Just a few months ago she’d been engaged to someone else.


  He took her hands in his, and she tingled at his touch. With his forefinger bent, he lifted her chin and forced her eyes to the swirls of his incredible blue-green gaze. She felt the force of his intensity to her toes and clasped her eyes shut so she could remember the image forever.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I’m embarrassed.”

  “You’re embarrassed?”

  “I can’t tell the difference between friendship and romance when I want more.” She felt her face flame with color. “I thought I had it figured out after everyone I knew and loved saw me standing alone in a white wedding gown. But I haven’t learned a thing. My feelings have a life of their own.”

  “That’s what I love about you. You will never be good at poker, but your friends will always feel your love for them.”

  She forced a laugh and stepped away from him. “You’d better get those dogs back where they belong.”

  He brushed her cheek with his palm. “I’m not making myself clear.”

  “You are. You and Ben are off to start your new life, and I was very important to you while I was here.” She ventured a look at his handsome face again. “You were very important to me too. I’d better get Kensie to the office.”

  He grasped her wrist and brought it to his lips, where he laid gentle kisses on the inside of her arm. While he kissed her, his gaze crawled upward to meet hers. “Ben and I are moving to France.”


  “Oui. What better way for Ben to learn about the world than to submerge him in a culture and teach him while I’m at his side? It will help him understand why Abby isn’t home every day too.”

  “But—what about your job?”

  “I have a new job. Product manager at Givaudan. It seems they had an opening in Paris. As I’ve always said, a good product manager can go anywhere. Too bad I never listened to my own advice.”

  “What are you talking about? Don’t mess with me, Jesse.”

  “If I were to stay here, Daphne, you’d never know what I feel for you and what it means to have someone support your dream. You’d never feel pursued, and Anne told me that’s a must.”

  She didn’t dare smile for fear she’d break the spell. She’d wake up, and this romantic dream would all burst. “Is this because we create so well together? You want a partner?”

  He held her face between his hands and kissed her firmly on the lips. “I’m not making my intentions clear then?”

  She weakened at his touch and melted into his shoulder as he drew her closer in his arms. “This isn’t a dream?”

  “The first moment I laid eyes on you, the thought that went through my head was, I’m going to marry that girl. I denied it completely, naturally, but inside . . . in my gut, I knew it was true. I could see you at my side, and that’s all I could see.”

  “So this is about more than the business then? This is about you and me?”

  “You and me and Ben. If you’ll have us. I can’t just bop you on the head and drag you by the hair. They don’t do that anymore.”

  “You’re sure? Don’t tease me, Jesse Lightner.”

  “I won’t, Daphne Lightner.”

  She let the name sparkle in her ear. Daphne Lightner. “Say it again.”

  “Madame Daphne Lightner.” The dogs barked from the car, and they laughed at their romantic moment on the crumbling driveway. “I love you, Daphne.”

  She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist as though she’d never let go. “Jesse, I love you. I didn’t want to admit it because I didn’t want to be hurt again, but you make my heart sing. I love you. I love Kensie. I love Anne. I love everything about Dayton, but I get to bring the best part with me to Paris!” She drew in a deep breath, giddy with exhilaration, and the cool fall air went down smoothly. “Jesse?”


  “I can smell! Honeysuckle!”

  He looked around him. “Yeah. That’s right. You just saw it.”

  She unlatched herself from his arm and plucked a green leaf from a nearby bush. “I can smell the chlorophyll.” She went to his side and sniffed. “I’ve been longing to do this since I met you.” She drew in a deep breath. “You’re wearing Volatility! Oh, Jesse, I’m going to make you a better scent, a richer one! One that comes from a genuine love, one that is God-ordained and all-consuming!”

  “So what is your favorite scent, Daphne? The one that’s the top note for Volatility!?”

  She grinned. “It’s the scent of rain. Like God’s mercies are new every day, the scent of rain washes away what’s old and begins fresh. My grandfather used to tell me that when we’d spend rainy days together.”

  That was what the scent of rain meant to her, she realized. It represented her grandfather’s unconditional love. Like God’s, it was always faithful, ever present. As God had sent a rainbow to remind His people of His covenant, the dark clouds sent her the scent of rain to remind her that love was all that mattered, and it was all around her.

  Jesse reached into his pocket, and she noticed that the black jacket belonged to a tuxedo.

  “You’re wearing a tuxedo jacket!” All that was missing from her dream were the clown and the baguette. The balloons were on the dogs. She looked back at the lonely little house she’d grown to love. “I was able to settle and build a family by myself.”

  Jesse nodded. “Maybe that was the problem. Maybe you weren’t meant to settle but to find a man who loved you enough to keep moving.”

  “I’d go anywhere with you, Jesse, but I’ll be settled wherever we end up.”

  He slid down to the hard concrete on one knee and held up a tiny band encrusted with diamonds. “Daphne, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Jesse, yes!”

  Small droplets of water fell on her, and she inhaled the fresh scent of rain. Jesse looked up at the sky. “I think your grandfather approves.”

  He stood, and they fell into an embrace under the leaking sky.

  Life’s clouds had a way of showing their silver linings. She drew in a deep breath and inhaled the scent of pure love.

  Reading Group Guide

  1. Daphne gives up her dream job for love, only to find out it wasn’t really love at all. Have you ever given up something for someone else? What did you learn from your sacrifice?

  2. Daphne wanted all things perfect, but ultimately learned that the image of perfection is only that: an image. Have you ever lived part of your life like that? Where you kept your desires hidden rather than look selfish? How did it turn out?

  3. Daphne’s best friend doesn’t like her fiancé Mark from the very start of their relationship. Has your friend ever dis
liked someone you dated? Did you regret not listening, or did your friend come around?

  4. Our sense of smell truly is our strongest memory inducer. What scent makes you think of a memory? Is it a good memory?

  5. Kensie comes off as a villain—until you see where she came from. Have you ever disliked someone, only to discover in understanding their plight, you saw their true colors?

  6. The fact that Jesse lost his wife and the mother of his young child is so unfair. Have you ever wrestled with God about the unfairness of life? What did you ultimately learn from the experience?

  7. Daphne’s prized scent, which she thinks is the pinnacle of her creations, ultimately becomes a dog shampoo. She’s excited about that, as it was created for her “dog” of an ex, but have you ever thought something was the best you could do, only to find out God had more in store for you?

  8. Daphne comes to love Ohio and the people in it, and Paris and her dream job become less attractive. What’s your favorite place and why?


  It’s no small task to create a book, and yet the author gets most of the credit. I’d like to thank the real heroes. My editors Ami McConnell and L.B. Norton, who always go beyond the call of duty to piece things together into a working novel. I’m also grateful to Krista Stroever for her editing expertise in helping me to get unstuck at the beginning of this process. To Becky Monds for helping in the final stages and doing more of the background work. And finally, to marketing’s Eric Mullet and Ashley Schneider, thank you for believing in this project and working so hard on the novel’s launch.

  Thank you to my friendship team, who listens to me whine when I get to the middle of each and every novel: Colleen Coble, Diann Hunt, Denise Hunter, and Nancy Toback. You girls are the best and I love you!

  About the Author

  Author photo by Michael Hawk Photography

  Christy Award finalist and two-time winner of the ACFW Book of the Year award, Kristin Billerbeck has appeared on The Today Show and has been featured in the New York Times. Her books include A Billion Reasons Why and What a Girl Wants. She lives with her family in Northern California.


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