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A Fantasy Christmas

Page 28

by Cindy Bennett, Sherry Gammon, Stephanie Fowers

  “They sold you their land so they could get an expensive lawyer?” she said incredulously. “Is running moonshine so big of a deal that they’d have to have some fancy lawyer defend them instead of hiring Jase Robertson here in town?”

  “It seems the boys were into a little bit more than moonshine. I got a call from the Feds yesterday, and they’ve found some pretty strong evidence that the Abbott brothers are deep into racketeering, money laundering, and a few other federal crimes. They’re looking at life in prison.”

  She stood silent for a moment. Eyeing the last step on the porch, I sucked in a deep breath and took it, stepping up next to Marigold.

  I studied her expression, hoping that she wouldn’t throw me out. “Thankfully, the boys were smart enough to put the property in the twin’s names. Otherwise the Feds would be your new neighbors.” I smiled. “And so you know, the twins left after I gave them the money. They packed their pickup and headed north, supposedly to be near their husbands, according to Fiona, but I wouldn’t put too much stock in what they have to say. My guess is they took the money I gave them for the land and headed south, as far away from their husbands as they can get. I’ve learned my lesson about those two.”

  At her pained look, I took her hand. “Please give me another chance. You are so much more than I deserve, but I do love you, more than I’ve ever loved anyone before.” I cupped the face that was as familiar to me as my own. “Loving you is pure magic, Marigold, and I don’t mean the hocus-pocus kind. I mean the pure-of-heart kind. The kind that changes what I once thought love was, and elevates it to a place that I’ve never been before. A place I never want to leave.”

  Her eyes held tears again, only this time I thought they were happy tears. I decided to go for it. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my second gift, and placed the small box in her hand.

  “Marry me. Marry me and consider this deed a Christmas present.” I smiled, unabashed. “Or better yet, a wedding gift.”

  “And if I say no?” she asked slowly.

  My heart sank just a little, but I pressed on and held my hand out to her. “Say hello to your new neighbor.”

  “Are you trying to bribe me into marrying you?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to have you in my life, Marigold,” I said. “I’ve even considered asking Sera to help me make a love potion to use on you.”

  She laughed. Her features softened for the first time. “I should change you into a toad.”

  “I’d deserve it.” I swallowed hard, hoping she was teasing.

  “’Course, it’s awfully hard to kiss a toad.” She pulled off a glove and drew a circle with her finger around my mouth. “And I do so love the way you kiss.”

  A groan escaped my lips and she smiled, clearly pleased with the power she had over me—not as a witch, but as my future wife. Taking that as a yes, I opened the box and slipped the ring on her finger before she changed her mind. The sparkly diamond couldn’t hold a candle to Marigold’s beauty. My arms wrapped around her and I pulled her to me. She waved her hand and slowed time as our lips touched.

  Nothing in the world could compare to the joy and thrill of loving Marigold.

  The End

  About Sherry Gammon

  Sherry's debut novel Unlovable quickly rose to the best-seller’s list on Amazon. She is pleased to announce that Unlovable is currently being made into a movie.

  Sherry and her husband, along with their children and a couple of crazy dogs, call Upstate New York home. It is where she spends her nights writing instead of sleeping.

  Find Sherry at:

  Checkout more of Sherry’s work on Amazon

  Young Adult Contemporary Romance:

  Unlovable-Book One of the Port Fare series

  Unbelievable-Book Two of the Port Fare Series

  Young Adult Fantasy:

  Not so Easy

  Pete & Tink~ A Novella

  Young Adult Speculative Fiction

  The Experiment

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  Prose by Design

  Copyright 2013 Prose by Design, LLC

  Main Cover Design: Sherry Gammon, Prose by Design, LLC Copyright 2013

  Cover Photo: Copyright Moonchild Ljilija of

  Book Design: Prose by Design, LLC

  Kobo Edition

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Exceptions are reviewers who may quote short excerpts for review. Please write to for permission.

  Each story in this book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of each author's imagination and are used fictitiously.

  A Prose by Design Book

  Distributed by Prose by Design, LLC

  All Rights Reserved USA

  The Halfling


  Copyright 2013 Cindy C Bennett

  Copyright 2013 Prose by Design, LLC

  Cover Background Copyright cynnalia_stock-d3sf29n

  Fantasy Hair copyright

  Blowing Dress copyright

  Wings copyright wings-da

  Cover design by Cindy C Bennett

  Tags: Young Adult, YA, New Adult, Contemporary, Fantasy, Christmas, Romance



  Copyright 2013 Stephanie Fowers

  Copyright 2013 Prose by Design, LLC

  Cover Photograph by Kristi Linton

  Cover Graphic Design Jacqueline Fowers

  Tags: Young Adult, YA, New Adult, Historical, Humor, Fantasy, Christmas, Romance

  Loving Marigold


  Copyright 2013 Sherry Gammon

  Copyright 2013 Prose by Design, LLC

  Cover Photo: © Mnogosmyslov Aleksey |

  Cover Background by Dezzan:

  Cover design by Sherry Gammon

  Tags: Young Adult, YA, New Adult, Contemporary, Humor, Fantasy, Christmas, Romance




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