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Her Cowboy Daddies: A Secret Baby Ranch Western Cowboy Romance

Page 4

by Crowne, K. C.

  We said not a word more to each other as Skye settled on the bull. I sipped my drink, still thinking about what she’d suggested.

  Threesome or not, it was shaping up to be a hell of a night.


  The whiskey. That damn whiskey.

  It was all I could think as I scrambled my mortified self up onto that bull. What the hell was going through my head? I’d just told two men, one of which I’d only met an hour or so ago, the other of which was my damn boss, that I wanted them both in bed with me.

  I mean, it was the truth. Being with two guys at once had always been a fantasy of mine, and Travis and Adam were both the exact pair of cowboys I’d imagined doing the deed with. But cowboys weren’t exactly the kind of men to be open-minded about shit like that. Fastest way to start a brawl in a place like this would be for one cowboy to get the impression another was getting too cozy with his girl.

  I glanced back at the table and saw the two men watching me silently. I had a feeling I’d dropped a bomb of serious awkwardness and left the two of them to deal. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I could just imagine going back to the table, Travis getting all serious and telling me maybe he had the wrong impression of me, maybe I wouldn’t be such a good fit at Rainbow Canyons after all.

  And I’d only have myself and those stupid damn whiskey shots to blame.

  “You ready, little miss?”

  “I’m ready,” I called as I positioned myself on the bull. “And don’t call me that.”

  He raised his palms in surrender. The crowd cheered around me, and for the moment, I was happy to focus on something that wasn’t the major fucking faux pas I’d laid out with two men I barely knew.

  “Go!” I shouted.

  Another surge of applause rippled through the crowd, and the bull was off. I gripped the fur, wrapping my legs around the bull as it bucked back and forth like crazy. The thing was easily one of the wildest I’d been on, but I’d ridden it before. After all, the Raw Heart was a local favorite of mine.

  The thing bucked and tossed, the intensity picking up by the second. I glanced to the side, seeing that five seconds had passed.

  Five more, and you’re the damn champ. Five more, and you get those two right where you want them.

  Even through the chaos of the ride, I was still thinking about Travis and Adam. But damn, it was stupid as hell – not like they’d agreed to the wager.

  I focused, my stomach feeling like it was flopping around inside me from the rapid jerking of the bull. I closed my eyes, summoning up all the skills I had to muster from riding ornery horses over the years.

  The audience called out the time. “Eight...nine…ten…eleven!”

  Done. I’d beaten Travis’s best. I managed to hold on for two more seconds before my arms gave way, the bull bucking me forward and tossing my body into the hay. I crossed my arms in front of my face, landing in such a way to make the impact painless. The cheers were like nothing I’d ever heard. The operator ran over and helped me to my feet, the crowd going wild all around me.

  “We’ve got a new champ for the night!” he announced as he raised my hand above my head in a triumphant stance. “And a new record. “Drinks are on us tonight, little lady!”

  I could barely breathe. The operator led me away from the bull and back into the crowd, gesturing toward the bartender and letting me know that whatever I wanted was mine for the drinking. I ordered another round of shots along with a pitcher of Bud and made my way back to the table.

  Here goes fuckin’ nothin’, I thought as I approached Travis and Adam.

  “That was some pretty impressive shit,” Travis complimented, more impressed than he’d been when I mounted his horse. “You really know how to ride.”

  You don’t know the half of it, I thought.

  “No kidding,” Adam agreed. “Never seen a woman take a bull like that.”

  “Makes me wonder what else you can do,” Travis commented, his eyes widening almost imperceptibly before he added, “Uh, on the farm, that is.”

  I was getting the impression they’d done more than a little bit of talking about what I’d said. “Well, drinks are on me, boys.” I pushed the shots towards them. “My amazing skills are your good fortune.” I winked at the two of them.

  We downed the shots and poured myself another beer. I was starting to feel woozy but in a good, relaxed kind of way. Jack had a way of doing that to me, but I was finished with shots for the evening. If the opportunity arose, I didn’t want to be too drunk. I wouldn’t do it if I was too drunk, and I got the idea the two men in front of me weren’t the sort to fuck a drunk woman.

  “Alright,” Adam said, putting his hands on the table and leaning forward. “I gotta ask – were you screwin’ around when you said what you said earlier?”

  I fidgeted in my seat, trying to figure out how to answer the question. It occurred to me that I could say I was only messing around, that I didn’t really want to be with both of them at once. But it’d be a damn, dirty lie.

  I sipped my beer, hoping for one last boost of courage. “Um, yeah. I was being serious.”

  The two men regarded one another, and part of me was certain they were going to tear into me for proposing such a ridiculous thing. However, their gazes returned to me after some sort of silent communication.

  “Gotta say,” Travis started. “I’m a little surprised.”

  “Why’s that?” I asked.

  “I mean, we’ve only known you for a day, but you seem a little more…”

  “Innocent than that,” Adam finished.

  If there was any doubt that they were close as hell, the way they managed to finish one another’s sentences put that to rest.

  “Well,” I said with a shrug. “I guess there’s a lot you boys don’t know about me.”

  “Evi-fuckin’-dently,” Travis drawled, sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest. “You ever done anything like that before?”

  I shook my head. “Never once. Truth be told, all the sex I’ve had – and it hasn’t been much – has all been the vanilla sort. Part of the reason why something so crazy always has such an appeal to me.”

  “But two guys?” Adam asked.

  I nodded. “Yep.”

  I was getting all hot and bothered thinking about it. Easy to picture it now – Travis in front of me, my lips wrapped around his cock as Adam drilled me from behind. I thought about the idea of the two men coming at the same time, spraying into me from both directions. The thought was enough to make me dizzy.

  I hoped they were asking because they were interested, and not because they were teasing. The boys sipped their beers, and I got the sense they were into their drinks enough that they weren’t writing the idea off. But I didn’t want to push my luck.

  “How about this,” I suggested. “We table the issue for now. I get us another pitcher, and we enjoy the rest of the night?”

  “Sounds just fine,” Adam said. “Not gonna stop you.”

  I smiled and got up, making my way to the bar for another pitcher. The conversation went well. The guys seemed more curious than anything. But that didn’t change the fact that it might’ve still been a hell of a bad idea. Sex with one guy was complicated enough, but two of them? And best friends? Not to mention that one of them was my new boss. What the hell was I thinking?

  I returned with the beer and poured it into new frosted mugs. The conversation continued, and I changed the subject from what was on my mind to lighter matters. Travis talked a little about the ranch, how he and his brothers helped run the place along with their mama, who handled the cooking. Adam chatted a bit about his construction business, how he’d managed to build it from scratch when he’d returned from his tour of duty.

  The guys were great – charming and funny, and solid company. Travis was the more outgoing of the two, for sure, as Adam tended to be a little more on the reserved side. They matched each other well, a good pair. It was easy to see why they’d managed to have a friendship for so long.

  The next hour or so flew by, and before I knew it, the house lights were on, and the bartender announced last call.

  “Holy shit,” Travis said. “That time already?”

  “Looks that way,” Adam answered. He got up, a little unsteady on his feet. Travis laughed.

  “Think you’re good on whiskey for now, bud.” Travis rose and did the same little stumble.

  “You both look good on whiskey,” I said with a grin, feeling clearheaded. I’d been nursing the same beer for the last hour. “But bad for drivin’.”

  “Nah,” Adam argued. “I’m fine.”

  “No, you ain’t,” Travis disagreed. “Last thing either of us needs is a damn DUI, not to mention the other shit that could go wrong.”

  “My apartment’s pretty close – close enough to walk. Why don’t you boys come stay a spell, sober up a bit before you head out. Maybe call a cab or somethin’.”

  “Alright,” Travis agreed. “Fine with me if it’s fine with you.”

  “Yeah,” Adam said. “Say…got any beer at your place?”

  I laughed. “I do. But let’s see if you can manage the walk back before we start talkin’ about after-hours drinks.”

  “Fine, fine. Then why don’t we get a move on?”

  The boys settled the tabs, and we were off. The night was cool. The crowd scattered as they made their way to their cars. The three of us reached the sidewalk, and without thinking, I slipped my arms through both of theirs. Neither of them did anything to stop me.

  We spent the ten-minute walk bullshitting about nothing in particular. We reached my humble apartment complex, which was nothing fancy – a little studio that was all the space I needed. Once inside, the boys dropped onto the couch, a little space between the two of them.

  “Alright,” I said. “I think you’ve both earned a bottle of water.”

  “Won’t say no to that,” Travis said, chuckling.

  “Yeah, no booze for me, thanks.”

  I grabbed three ice-cold bottles from the fridge, cracked them open, and slipped onto the couch between the two men. Being in the middle of them sent another thrill through my body. Wetness spread, soaking my panties through. I pressed my thighs together, trying to hold back the arousal building by the second.

  “Uh, here we are,” Adam murmured. “The three of us.”

  “The three of us,” Travis echoed.

  Silence. I decided to push a little. After all, I’d already gotten the men to my place – what was the harm in seeing what might happen? I sipped my water and set it down before placing my free hand on Travis’s thigh.

  “Now,” he said. “What’s goin’ on there?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, flashing a coy smile. “Just feels nice to touch you.”

  Travis seemed ready to take charge. He downed about half his water in one swig before setting it down and placing his hand on top of mine. “This might be a bad idea, darlin’. Might be a really bad idea.”

  Adam watched, seemingly eager to see what was about to happen.

  “What might be a bad idea?” I asked, ready to see if he would take charge. I inched my hand up his thigh, eventually reaching the hard end of his cock through his jeans. Whether or not his big head thought it was a good idea, his little head sure was clear about the subject.

  “How about this?” I asked. “We kiss a little and see what happens? Don’t need to do a thing we don’t want to, right?” I reached over and put my hand on Adam’s leg. “And if you want to join in, well, I won’t stop you.”

  Travis shook his head. “Can’t believe I’m about to do this.”

  “Why don’t you try actually doin’ it, instead of talkin’ about it?”

  Travis grinned like I’d laid out a challenge he was happy to accept. “Fine with me.”

  He took off his hat, tossed it on the table, and leaned in. His lips fell onto mine, the rough beard on his face heaven against my skin. Holy hell, he tasted good – whiskey and pure, manly musk.

  We kissed long and deep, his tongue passing my lips and moving against mine, our tongues flicking and playing together as our hands moved over each other’s bodies. I grabbed his cock through his jeans, and he let out a sexy little purr as I did.

  I crawled onto him, spreading my legs over his lap and pressing the firm length of his cock against my pussy through my jeans. It felt like freaking heaven – all I wanted was to whip that thing out and see what this cowboy could do with it.

  Travis placed his big hands on my tits, rubbing them through my shirt, my nipples hardening the second he touched them. I moaned through the kiss, continuing to grind against him, feeling myself get so wet I thought I might lose my mind.

  They’d better be down for this, I thought. If I have to pull back now, I’ll go nuts.

  Travis moved his touch from my breasts down along my belly, opening the snap buttons of my shirt and exposing my bare skin and the pink bra I wore underneath. I reached around and undid my bra as he slipped my shirt off my shoulders, and my breasts tumbled out. He locked his lips onto my nipples, lashing them with his tongue.

  “Now,” he said, removing his mouth from my tits. “I want to kiss every inch of your body.”

  His stern, commanding voice sent another thrill through my body. “Less talk,” I said. “More action, cowboy.”

  He grinned and placed his hands on my hips once more and effortlessly lifted me, setting me down on my knees between his legs. I knew exactly what he wanted. I went to work on his big belt buckle and zipper, opening his jeans. Below he wore a pair of gray boxer-briefs, the fabric clinging to his trunk-like thighs. I reached down into his underwear and took hold of his cock, warm and stiff and pulsing. Then I pulled it out to see that it was as big and thick as I hoped it’d be.

  I wrapped my lips around his head and licked him up and down. His cock tasted almost as good as his kiss. Almost. I glanced up, making solid eye contact as I moved my lips up and down his shaft. Travis wove his hand into my hair, gently guiding me down, down, until I finally managed to take his entire length into my throat.

  He was in heaven, and so I was I. As I sucked him, his cock tunneling down my throat over and over, I glanced at Adam. He was watching, his hand on his own cock. Not a doubt in my mind he was turned on by the whole thing. The man was the more reserved of the two, and I decided to help him along. One hand wrapped around Travis’s cock, I reached over with the other and laid my fingers on his bulge.

  Adam flicked his eyes to Travis as if waiting for the okay. But Travis was too focused on what I was doing to him. Adam quickly unclasped his jeans and yanked out his cock. It was long as hell, about the same girth as Travis’s, too.

  “I think it’s his turn,” I said, giving Travis a wink.

  I crawled over, positioning myself in front of Adam. He stared down at me, a wolfish look in his eyes. I started off stroking him, teasing him with my tongue, and getting him nice and hard. I sealed my lips around his girth, sucking on his head and feeling him turn to steel in my mouth.

  “I’m getting a little lonely over here,” Travis complained.

  My mouth full of Adam’s cock, I winked at Travis, grabbed his prick, and stroked him as I sucked his friend. One cock in my mouth, the other in my hand. And I was just getting started.

  A minute or so into the blowjob, I was soaked through. I needed more, and I had two gorgeous men to give it to me. Adam, seeming to read my mind, reached down and slipped his hands under my shoulders, lifting me to my feet. He leaned in and kissed my belly as he undid my belt buckle and zipper. I helped him by pulling down my jeans and stepping out of my boots. Soon I was in nothing but a pink pair of boy shorts, the fabric between my thighs dripping wet.

  I rolled my panties down my legs, letting them see the hair above my pussy, which was neatly trimmed. The two cocks in front of me pointed into the air, and I got to decide which I wanted inside me first.

  I stepped over to Travis. He’d taken off his jeans and shitkickers, his hands moving down his buttons an
d opening up his shirt. God, his body was like a god’s – toned and tanned and gorgeous, his cock glistening from my work.

  Adam rose and undressed as well. His body was just as stunning as his friend’s, though leaner and ropier. A tattoo of what looked like a military unit was on his right pec.

  I straddled Travis, taking his cock and pointing it up toward my dripping pussy. Then down I went, his head splitting my lips as I moaned with pure pleasure. I impaled myself on him, all his inches feeling like total heaven as he entered me.

  Once he was buried to the root inside me, I rose then lowered, pleasure pulsing through my body. Travis growled as he grasped my bouncing breasts, kneading them in his hands. As I rode him, I turned to Adam, reaching for his cock. He stepped over until his head grazed my mouth, and I quickly sealed my lips around him.

  My wildest fantasy was coming true.

  I bounced on Travis, grinding my hips into him as I worked Adam’s shaft. It took some coordination, but I soon had the rhythm down.

  “You like that?” Adam asked from above. “You like having two cocks?”

  “Mhmm.” I could barely speak through the pleasure.

  Travis squeezed my ass, guiding me up and down on his dick. The sensation was overwhelming, and the first orgasm rocked through my body. I moaned, the sounds muffled by Adam’s cock down my throat. At the peak of the orgasm, I had to come up for air, continuing to stroke him as I caught my breath.

  “Holy, holy shit,” I panted as I rode through the last waves of pleasure. I glanced up at Adam. “You want some of this, cowboy?”

  He grinned as I raised off Travis’s cock. I didn’t get far before Adam had me by the hips, bending me over my bed and sticking my ass into the air. Travis didn’t need any instructions on what to do; he climbed onto the bed in front of me and positioned his cock right in front of my face.

  Adam clasped my ass while I put my mouth on Travis’s cock and sucked like my life depended on it. I was ready to make both men come, the perfect end to my fantasy.

  I felt Adam’s cock move against my lips for a moment before driving into me, my eyes rolling into the back of my head in pure delight. He took a handful of my hair and pulled it back just enough for that perfect blend of pain and pleasure to shoot through my body. Then he spanked my ass, the crisp sound echoing through the apartment.


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