Take A Chance (Running Into Love)

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Take A Chance (Running Into Love) Page 3

by Nicole, Annalisa

  Great, now I’m having conversations in my head with my dead wife.

  Luckily, the rest of my week goes by without any more voices in my head. I was starting to think I should see my shrink again. I’m excited to go to dinner at my parent’s house tonight, although I’m sure everyone will gang up on me and complain about why I haven’t been there. I love my family though, we all have a close relationship.

  The second I’m in the door my older brother Aiden tackles me to the ground and we start wrestling like the old days. Quickly joining in is my other older brother Adrian and things start to get a little out of hand. With her kitchen towel in hand Mom comes in, swatting at us. “You boys are going to be the death of me, knock it off before you break something.”

  The three of us stop what we are doing, look up at her with puppy dog eyes, and say in unison, “Yes, Mom.”

  “Don’t you boys give me those looks,” she says, narrowing her eyes at us.

  We help each other up and join our sisters Ava and Amelia in the kitchen.

  “Why don’t you boys go out back and help your father with the grill? Your sisters and I can handle things in here, dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.” Each of us grabs a beer and we head outside.

  “Look there, that’s a sight I haven’t seen in a while. My three boys all together in one place. It’s good to see you boys.”

  “Thanks Dad, it’s just been real busy at the office,” I say, feeling guilty.

  “Now don’t give me those excuses, your brothers and sisters are just as busy. But I’m glad everyone is here. I’m done with the steaks. If you boys want to help me bring everything in, we can eat.”

  Looking around my family table at everyone, I have been truly blessed, and I do miss getting together like this. Everyone is laughing and talking about their lives. I just sit back and take it all in.

  Dad asks Amelia, “So how’s that new assistant of yours working out?”

  “She is so amazing. I don’t know how I’ve survived without her all these years. I just love her.”

  Working with Amelia and Aiden at my company is great, although we don’t get to see each other too often except for company meetings.

  “Why did you need to get a new assistant?” I ask as I dig into my food.

  “My last one went on maternity leave and never came back, but it turned out for the better. I am never letting this one go.”

  Conversation is light and easy. I’m not going to bring up my day with Willow. They would all probably look at me like I’m crazy, anyway. And I sure don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, or to hear from any of them that I need to get back out there in the dating world. Besides, I still don’t know if I’ll see her again. The whole evening was just what I needed. I feel so much better after spending time with my family.

  Lying in bed at home, I pull out a photo of Olivia from my night stand. I asked Ava to pack the rest of them away and put them all into storage. They were just too hard to look at every day. They were a reminder of what I once had. I was finding myself avoiding going home so I didn’t have to see the constant reminders of just how happy my life was. I kept this one though, and I pull it out when I need it. Willow and her upcoming appointment pound in my head. Putting the photo away, I just have this feeling that I need to be there for Willow. Her appointment is Friday. I think I just made up my mind to go. With that peaceful feeling I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 5


  Waking up Friday morning, and again the mantra, ‘I can do this, only two more, I can do this’, plays in my head. Round five, just one more after today. I haven’t heard from Asher, no more flowers, no nothing. I guess I should just be thankful he was there last time. How is nurse Zoey going to take me showing up alone again? Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. I need to get to the office and get a few things done for Amelia first. I’m glad I just have to walk next door for treatment.

  “Good morning, Amelia, here is your espresso. Remember I need to leave at lunch time today?” I remind her.

  “Yes, of course. Do you think your mystery man will show up again today?” she asks excitedly.

  “I honestly don’t know. Part of me hopes he does and part of me dreads him seeing me like this. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Well, I guess I do, but listen if you need someone to take you home, give me a call, you know I’m here for you.”

  “Thanks, Amelia, I do, and that really means a lot to me.”

  “I put a few notes on your desk. There are a few files I need you to pull before you go, if you can. My brother is taking the day off and he asked me to look into a few things for him. Between you and me, I’m relieved he’s taking some time off. He works too hard.”

  “Sure, it’s not a problem. I’ll get right on it for you and thanks again, Amelia, for your offer. Have a good weekend.”

  “You too, Willow, and I did mean what I said. If you need me, call.”

  After spending the morning pulling everything together for Amelia, I clean off my desk for the weekend. I grab my purse, stuff my e-reader in my bag, say a quick goodbye to Amelia, and make my way next door. I check in with the receptionist. I cross my fingers that he is here. I take a look around the waiting room, and nothing, he’s not there. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What was I thinking? Of course he’s not here. And he’s not going to show up either. I don’t know why I even got my hopes up in the first place. With me and my luck, things just don’t happen like that to me.

  “Willow, are you ready?” Zoey calls from the door. She actually looks happy. She must have given up bugging me, and she’s going to let me finish my last two treatments in peace. Maybe my luck is turning around.

  “OK, Willow, you are in room two. Go ahead and have a seat. I’ll be just a few minutes, and then we’ll get you all hooked up.”

  “Sure thing, not a problem.” Stepping around her, I start to pull my e-reader out of my bag and walk into the room. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone sitting in a chair. Without even looking up I say, “Oh sorry, I must have been told the wrong room.”

  “Willow, you’re in the right room.” I stand there frozen with my hand on my e-reader still in my bag. I slowly look up at the person that I know that voice belongs to. Asher is sitting, looking as cool as can be, dressed in a black t-shirt and faded jeans. I gasp because I’ve only seen him twice and both times he was in a three piece suit. I didn’t think he could look more handsome, but I was wrong. Seeing him dressed so casually with those amazing blue eyes contrasting off his black shirt, makes him look irresistible.

  I lick my lips, I just can’t help it. I can just see myself licking every inch of him. His eyes are on my mouth. I know he just saw me licking my lips and from the look on his face, it looks like he’s thinking the same thing. Stepping back into reality, I put my e-reader back down in my bag and check my silk scarf around my neck, nervously making sure its covering what I know he’s already seen. I am wearing a pink v-neck blouse with a scarf around my neck so no one notices my port. With a black skirt that sits just above my knees and black stilettos.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, trying to keep calm. He’s really here. He really did come.

  “I was invited last time by Nurse Zoey.”

  “You didn’t have to come. I’m sure I would have been fine on my own,” I say, trying to play it cool.

  “Well, not that you asked, but Zoey did, so here I am. I’m ready to talk your ear off about everything and nothing.”

  Zoey comes in ready to hook me up, and then I’ll be stuck sitting in this chair for hours with no escape. With a crooked smile, I take a seat and let her do what she needs to do, not at all embarrassed this time. Obviously he came back, so it didn’t scare him off. If he wants to spend a few hours keeping me company I’m sure not going to complain. The nurse finishes up and leaves.

  “Thank you for the flowers, by the way. They were beautiful. I would have liked to have said thank you right away, but there was no contact i
nformation. Better late than never.”

  “You’re welcome. It was a little cowardly of me, wasn’t it? I’m a little new at this.”

  “A little new at what?” I ask confused.

  “The whole flower sending thing. I wasn’t even sure if it was the right thing to do?”

  “How could you be new at sending flowers? And trust me, sending flowers is never a bad thing to do.”

  “It’s just been a while since I have spent time with a woman other than my Mom and my sisters.”

  “Sisters, do you have a big family?” Let’s just steer clear of the whole it’s been a while since he’s been with a woman part.

  “Yes, I have two brothers and two sisters and both my parents, what about you?”

  “It’s just me. I don’t have any family to speak of. I just moved here after graduating.”

  “You just graduated? How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I don’t mind. I’m thirty, I didn’t start college until I was twenty-five. It just took me awhile to realize I needed to make something out of my life. I graduated with a degree in business. I’m an executive assistant right now, actually not too far from here. What about you?”


  “I’m thirty-one, I too have a degree in business and I’m the CEO of a company not too far from here either.”

  “A CEO, good for you. Tell me about your family.”

  “I have two older brothers and two younger sisters, we have lived here all our lives. My parents are retired. We actually don’t live that far apart from each other, now that I think about it. We’re a pretty close family.”

  “You’re lucky, I don’t have any family. Well I have a mom, but I haven’t talked to her since I was eighteen when I moved out. We never really got along. The second I graduated from high school, I moved out west, and I have been on my own since then. I put myself through college, working two jobs. Seemed things were moving in the right direction until, well, this.” She points to her chest and turns red having drawn my attention to herself.

  “I know what you mean. You think you have everything together, and then one day, it all falls apart.” I need to take this conversation away from that subject before I pour out my soul to her. She is just so easy to talk to, and I can see myself telling her everything. We just met, I’m going to scare her away.

  Zoey comes in to unhook her, and I try not to look at her chest. I can tell she is a little self-conscious about it, but I can’t look away. How can someone so young go through this by herself? She has no family or friends here. I know our time is almost up. It’s now or never time.

  “Willow, can I see your phone?”

  “Sure, here.” She hands me her phone and I step out into the hallway. From her phone, I call my phone so I can have her number. From my phone, I call Charlotte to check in, she tells me about an issue that needs my immediate attention. Zoey steps out into the hallway with me and hands me another appointment card with a knowing smirk on her face.

  “She’s all done. You can pull the car around front for her.”

  “I’ll call my driver,” I tell her.

  Stepping back into the room with Willow, I hand her back her phone, “My driver will be out front in a few minutes to take you home. I’m sorry I can’t take you myself. There are issues I need to take care of at work.”

  “Oh, it’s not a problem at all, and thank you for sitting with me again.” I can see why they insisted on having someone with me. It made the time fly by.

  “You don’t have to have your driver take me home. Don’t you need your car?” I can tell she’s disappointed, but truthfully so am I.

  “No, don’t worry about it. I won’t have it any other way. Simon can take you home. He is the same person who took us last time. Do you remember him?”

  “Yes, and thank you again.”

  Tucking the appointment card in my pocket, I motion for Willow to go ahead of me out the door. Simon is waiting with the back door open for Willow. Setting her hand on the top of the door, she turns around and says, “Thank you again, for everything.” I place my hand on hers and hear her sharp intake of breath.

  “Not a problem. The pleasure is all mine.” Closing the car door, I reach in my pocket take out my cell phone and send Willow a text.

  4:23PM Thank you for sharing another day with me. A

  I can see her in the back of the car reaching for her purse, pulling out her cell phone.

  4:24PM Asher? How did you get my number? W

  4:24PM I borrowed it, remember? A

  4:25PM Ah, I see. Purely to steal my number. W

  4:26PM Guilty. A

  As they pull away I see her rest her head back on the seat. She seemed to be feeling fine when she left. I wonder if she’s OK. The last two times she shouldn’t have been alone. Better get up to the office and see what the big emergency is.

  After an hour of working, I stare at my cell phone, it’s really bugging me that she’s by herself. Simon said she didn’t seem to be feeling sick, but he also said that it looked like she was trying to hide it. Picking up my phone, I text:

  5:37PM How are you feeling? I’m done working, just wondering if maybe I could bring you dinner? A

  Twenty minutes go by and no answer, maybe she is sleeping. I’ll give her another twenty minutes then just head over. Picking up my phone to order take out from my favorite deli, I bet some chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich will be just the thing she needs.

  5:45PM Actually that sounds really nice. I’m starving. Still only water and ketchup in my fridge. W

  Chapter 6


  His text couldn’t have come at a better time. I am starving, and I don’t’ feel well enough to go to the store. I could have ordered my own delivery, and I was about to, but what better deliver man than the handsome Asher! Thirty minutes later there is a knock at the door. Opening the door wrapped in my afghan, I find Asher. In one hand he has another beautiful arrangement of flowers and a takeout bag in the other.

  He hands me the flowers. I say, “Thank you, they’re beautiful! I don’t know who your florist is but these are gorgeous.”

  Walking into the kitchen, I put the arrangement in a vase and set them on the kitchen table. Whatever take-out he has in the bag smells divine. “Whatever you have in the bag smells divine.” I find myself saying my thoughts out loud again, at least this time they weren’t embarrassing ones.

  “I got you chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. I hope those are alright. I didn’t know what you liked aside from Chinese.”

  “Yumm, comfort food.” I take a seat on the couch sitting Indian Style facing Asher. He digs in the bag and places everything on the coffee table. There are two white Styrofoam containers of soup and two sandwiches wrapped in brown paper. My mouth waters and I can’t wait to dig in. He hands me the soup and a spoon. Prying off the lid I don’t waste any time taking the first bite.

  “This is really good, where did you get this from?”

  “The deli on the corner, they have the best sandwiches. How are you feeling? Simon told me you looked alright, but he thought you were hiding how you really felt.” With my spoon halfway to my mouth, I stop.

  “Was he spying on me?” Asher’s face looks guilty. “Just kidding. No, I feel alright, nothing like the last two times, just tired.” Lucy jumps up on the couch between us, with a cute little cock of her head she barks. She wants her dinner too. “OK girl, you want to eat too?”

  “I’ll get it.” Asher starts to get up then asks. “Where is her food?”

  “I can get it, it’s a little complicated. She’s spoiled and eats half dry and half wet food.” I put my hand on his arm to stop him from getting up any further. Both our eyes go to my hand, I quickly pull it away, like someone just slapped it with a ruler.

  “Really, I can get it, just tell me where everything is. You rest. I don’t mind.”

  Telling him where everything is and how to do it probably took longer t
han to get up and do it myself, but he insisted. Who am I to argue, right? Returning back to sit next to me on the couch, he picks up his soup and eyes me eating my sandwich and the empty soup container. “I see you were hungry, good thing I came over.”

  “Probably, I might have been reduced to eating dog food.” A silly grin is on my face so he knows I’m kidding. “Do you want to watch a movie or something? I have a bunch of DVD’s on the shelf, go ahead and pick one.”

  He stands there for a few minutes eyeing my collection, selects one, and puts it in. He then comes back and cleans up the wrappers from dinner. He takes his seat next to me, and my knees brush up against his thigh. I turn my body back the right way and snuggle with my blanket. No sooner than the opening credits roll and I am fast asleep. I don’t know how long I slept, but when I woke up the TV was off and my head was laying in Asher’s lap. His arm was draped over my shoulders and Lucy was curled up in the crook of my body. Asher’s head looked much like it did last time, head back with his mouth slightly open. Call me selfish, but this time I didn’t want to wake him up. He was warm and comfortable, so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.


  Willow fell asleep when the movie first started. I didn’t want to wake her. I knew she needed to rest. At first her head fell on my shoulder, but she didn’t look all that comfortable. I slowly eased her down into my lap, the dog curled up against her stomach with a loud sigh. I adjusted her blanket and watched the movie. When the movie was over, I had the dilemma of waking her up or just letting her sleep. It felt nice to have her in my lap so I turned off the TV with the remote and slouched back in the seat and closed my eyes. I didn’t intend on falling asleep, but she was warm in my lap, it was just so comfortable.


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