Take A Chance (Running Into Love)

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Take A Chance (Running Into Love) Page 5

by Nicole, Annalisa

  “All ready, now Lucy you be a good girl while mommas gone, and I’ll bring you back a treat.”

  It’s funny how she talks to her dog, cute actually. Never being a dog person, I can see the possibility of maybe getting one. Grabbing her coat, helping her into it, we head out the door.

  “You know I have to admit, I’m a little nervous about meeting your brothers and sisters. It’s been a long time since I dated. This is a really big step for me.”

  “Trust me. I feel the same way, not about you meeting my family, but about it being a long time since dating anyone. I’m excited to introduce you to my family. I think you will get along with my sisters just fine. They are two of the nicest people I know. Actually don’t tell them, but my brothers are pretty nice too.”

  Glancing from the road for a split second, I can see she has a smile on her face, good maybe she won’t be so nervous any more. Pulling up to the restaurant and turning off the car, I twist to the side and pick up her hand. “Willow you’ll do just fine. Trust me, they will love you.”

  “I hope so.”

  Giving her hand one more squeeze, I jump out and go around to open her car door.

  “Always the gentlemen, thank you.”

  I take her hand again and head into the restaurant. I see all four of them sitting at a table and head over. I can feel her stopping short and she tries to pull her hand out of mine.

  “What’s wrong, are you feeling alright?” She has an expression on her face I can’t read. Not even getting an answer, Amelia stands up.

  “Willow, what are you doing here?” Amelia says.

  “Wait, you two already know each other.” I look from Willow to Amelia not understanding the problem. Happy actually, that she already knows her, maybe they’re friends, which would be great. My two brothers stand along with Ava looking confused too.

  Amelia has a smirk on her face looking back and forth from Willow to me.

  “This is your mystery girl?” looking to Willow she says, “This is Gorgeous Eyes, your mystery man?” Willow turns five shades of red as Aiden clears his throat, sticks out his hand and introduces himself.

  “Sorry for my manners, these are my older brothers Aiden and Adrian and these are my younger sisters, you seem to know Amelia and this is Ava. So how do you two know each other?”

  Glancing back at Willow, she has a shocked look on her face and she looks back and forth between me and Amelia.

  “You’re Asher Wellington, of Wellington Corp.? Oh God, this can’t be happening.”

  She pulls her hand from mine and starts walking fast toward the front door.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  I start to go after her but Amelia puts her hand on my arm, “I’ll go and I’ll tell you about it in a few minutes. I think I know what’s going on here.”

  Chapter 8


  After rushing out of the restaurant completely embarrassed, I have to go home. I need a cab. Just as I’m about to raise my arm for a cab Amelia places her hand on my shoulder.

  “Willow, you don’t need to go. I can tell you didn’t know that Asher is my brother. Really, this isn’t a big deal, come back inside. I left Asher in there worried and he would kill me if I didn’t bring you back inside.”

  With tears in my eyes I say, “Amelia, no I didn’t know that he’s your brother. I never knew his last name. I can’t go back in there. I just made a fool of myself in front of everyone rushing out like that.”

  “Willow, no one thinks that. Come back inside, so we can talk about this. Here’s a tissue let’s get you cleaned up, and go back to the table. I promise everything will be fine,” she insists.

  “Amelia, I can’t date Asher anymore, there is a no fraternizing policy at work. I’m more upset about that right now than embarrassed. I was really starting to have feelings for Asher.”

  “Silly girl, the no fraternizing policy is only for people directly under you. I’m your boss and Asher is your boss’s boss. The fraternizing policy doesn’t apply.”

  “Really, are you sure? Amelia, I love working for you, I don’t want this to become awkward.”

  “Willow, I’m positive. I talked yesterday to Asher, he told me all about his mystery girl. Well, he left out your name and the cancer part, but he’s had nothing but positive things to say about you, and I couldn’t be happier for him. Willow, I think you are an amazing person, and I can see why he is so worked up about you. Putting your two stories together now I can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner. Come on, if I know Asher, he’s worried sick about you. But Willow, I know the things you have told me about him and can I just say there is more to Asher than you know. Be patient with him, he’s come a long way. I know that’s a confusing thing to hear, but I know when he’s ready, he will tell you his story.”

  “OK, you’re right. I am confused, but I can see there is something about Asher. I can see it in his eyes, something deep. But I love spending time with him, and he’s been there for me these last two rounds of chemo. I don’t know what I would have done without him. I promise to be patient. He has been nothing but kind and patient with me.”

  “Alright, let’s go back out to everyone. I can re-introduce you to everyone and I promise it won’t be weird, well at least not because of what happened. Them all being weird, they are on their own on that one.”

  We head back over to the table, all three men stand as we approach. Must be a Wellington thing. Their mom must have raised them all to be gentlemen. Asher pulls out my chair with a concerned look on his face. Leans in close to whisper in my ear, “That was the third time I’ve heard the Gorgeous Eyes comment, later you’re going to tell me what it means.” With a gentle kiss on the cheek he pulls away with a smile on his lips. Great, more embarrassing moments to come. Now I have to tell him about my little pet name for him.

  “So, it appears I already know Willow. Asher, I know you don’t poke your head in my little world on the fifteenth floor very often, but Willow is my new assistant. She was upset because when she realized who you were that she was breaking the no fraternizing policy. I told her it only applies to your direct boss, since you are my boss that gets you off the hook on the policy.

  “So, enough about that. Willow, I know we said their names once but let’s get everyone acquainted. This is Adrian, he is the oldest. He owns his own construction company. This is Aiden, the second oldest. He is a lawyer, he works in legal at Wellington Corp., Asher is next in line then myself, well you know I’m your boss,” she says with a wink and a smile. “And last but not least the baby of the family, Ava. She is a lawyer as well but does not work with us. She’s a traitor that way.”

  “Hey that’s not nice, I’m trying to be independent and do things on my own not with the help of my big brother like the rest of you,” Ava says.

  Aiden chuckles, “Amelia is right about the legal stuff, you have nothing to worry about. The policy is directed at your immediate supervisor only.”

  “Of course it is, and if it weren’t, I’m the CEO and I would have changed that policy right away.” Asher winks at me with a smile.

  Dinner has turned out to be fun and everyone gets along so well, I wonder what it was like to grow up in the Wellington household. I bet it was filled with laughter and happy memories. It makes me sad that I didn’t grow up with siblings. Asher must have sensed my mood change. He grabs my hand and gives a gentle squeeze.

  “Are you feeling alright?” he says in a low voice.

  I lean over and whisper, “Yes, I’m fine, sorry. I was just thinking about something.”

  “Will you tell me later?” he asks. With a nod, I straighten back in my seat and catch the expression on Amelia’s face.

  At first I think she didn’t approve of us holding hands and whispering. But she darts her eyes to my chest, I quickly look down to see that while I leaned over to talk to Asher my scarf shifted and my port is exposed. I glance back up and see everyone’s eyes on the same thing. Without missing a beat, I adju
st my scarf look at each of them and say.

  “Asher and Amelia know, so it’s only fair that the rest of you do too. I have breast cancer. It was caught very early. I have one more round of chemo and things are looking positive. Now, what about dessert. Does this place have good dessert?”


  After Willow’s announcement to everyone that she has breast cancer, I hold my breath and wait for everyone’s reaction. Not even a second later Ava grabs the desert menu.

  “They do, you have got to try their cheesecake. They make five different kinds. Do you like chocolate? The triple chocolate cheesecake is pure heaven.” I don’t know why I feel relieved. I should have known my family would make her feel comfortable.

  Adrian snorts, “Hell no, you have to eat it plain, nothing on it. That’s just sacrilege to put other flavors or anything on top of cheesecake for that matter.”

  I can see Willow visibly relax. I’m so proud of her, she really is such a strong woman. After dessert we sit around for a few minutes sipping coffee and talking. It’s getting late and I should probably take Willow home. I know she has to be exhausted. “Well guys, it was really nice to see everyone. Next time Mom and Dad are out of town we should do this again.”

  Aiden and Adrian stand as Willow does. Aiden says, “Willow, it was nice to meet you. Our parents will be back in town next Sunday, you should come.”

  Willow has a surprised look on her face. “Oh really, I couldn’t impose, that’s family time.”

  I look her in the eyes, “No, that’s a great idea. I don’t know why I didn’t say it first. My folks would love to meet you. You wouldn’t be imposing as all.”

  Everyone at the table is giving her encouragement and agreeing that it’s a great idea. I am truly blessed I have the best family in the world. Grabbing her coat, I help her into it while my four siblings are arguing over who gets to pay the bill.

  “You are all too slow, I already paid the bill. I’ll see you guys later, I’m going to get Willow home.” Placing my hand in hers, I lead her to the front door then help her in the car and jog back to the driver’s seat.

  “So, how did you think it went aside from the whole not knowing I’m your boss’s boss? How did you like everyone? I know Amelia already loves you. That’s all she talks about is her new assistant.”

  “You have a wonderful family, you’re all so close. At dinner I got a little upset thinking how I never had any real family. It was just my mom and I. I was just wondering what it would have been like to have a big family. Everyone was really great. I just love working for Amelia. She is the best boss. She has always made me feel like we have more than an employee relationship. She even offered to drive me home after chemo, but by then I had met you and well, you know the rest.”

  Pulling in her driveway, I want to ask her about her mom but I don’t want to overstep my bounds, she will tell me when she’s ready. Holding her door open and offering her my hand to help her out of the car, she says, “It’s not too late, did you want to come in for a while? I’m just not ready for the day to be over. I had such a nice time with your family. Could you stay for a little while, please?”

  How can I say no to that? I was thinking the same thing. I just didn’t want to tire her out.

  “Sure, I would love to, but I won’t stay too long. You look tired. I don’t want you to do too much.”

  “Always the worrier, I’m fine, that’s sweet of you to be concerned though.”

  Settling on the couch, she sits Indian style again facing me. Lucy jumps up and curls in her lap, resting her head on Willow’s arm.

  “So, I told myself I wouldn’t ask, and if you want to tell me to mind my own business, please do. Why don’t you talk to your mom?”

  “It’s alright, you can ask. I’m too old for games, and I’m more of a say it like is kind of girl, as you know sometimes too much. I grew up in a small town in Illinois in a trailer park. I had friends, but my mom and I never really got along. Well we didn’t not get along either. She worked midnights so we really never saw each other. I pretty much raised myself. When we did see each other it was in passing, she was just getting home from work and heading to bed while I was on my way out to school.

  “When I would get home from school she would already be gone for work. On her days off she slept in. I was probably just the typical teenage girl with an attitude. I couldn’t wait to graduate and get out of there. We had a big argument the day of my senior graduation. She couldn’t get out of work. I told her if she didn’t show up, I never wanted to see her again. She didn’t show up. I felt so alone.

  “All my friends had family and friends cheering them on. They were handed flowers and gifts. I had no one. I was so angry. When I got home, I wrote her a nasty letter that I left on her pillow. I packed up my car and headed out west. I told her to never try to find me and that I hated her. I know it was stupid. I knew she had no way of finding me.

  “As the years went by I realized she was doing the best she could with what she had. A million times I have picked up the phone to call her, and I have written just as many letters that I never send. When I was diagnosed, I wanted to call, her but I didn’t want her to think I was only calling her because I needed something. I think about her all the time. I know how proud she would be of me, for putting myself through college and getting my degree.

  “Wow, that was a lot of information all at once. I hope you don’t think I’m a bad person for what I did. I was angry at her for her not being there for me for so long. Since being diagnosed, I have changed my mind about a lot of things. Things just mean different things to me now. I want to get in touch with her, I really do. I miss her. I’m just afraid it has been too long, and that maybe she doesn’t want me back in her life.”

  “Willow, I don’t think you are a bad person. I think you’re one of the strongest people I know. If you want to get in touch with your mom, I can help you find her. If she‘s moved around, it might be difficult to find her. Just think about it. If you want my help, you’ve got it. I’ll always be here by your side if you need me. My family has always been close, and I don’t know what I would have done without them, especially a few years ago.”

  “Why, what happened a few years ago?”

  “That is a story for another day, it’s getting late and you need your rest. I should go. Now that I know you work in the building, why don’t you come up to my office for lunch? I’ll order in.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t bother you.”

  “It’s not a bother, in fact I insist, so don’t make me call your boss.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t want my boss to get in trouble, so sure, I’ll come up for lunch. Asher, thank you for a wonderful evening. Spending time with you and your family was really nice.”

  Grabbing my coat and her hand, we walk to the door. I lean down and place a soft kiss on her cheek. I can feel her smile under my lips.

  “Good night, Willow, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  At home, just falling asleep the familiar sound of the ocean plays in my ears. Opening my eyes there is Olivia sitting in the sand with yellow roses in her lap. She places them in the sand beside her, stands and walks over to me. Placing one hand on my cheek, “Ash, you did well, I’m so proud of you. I knew everyone would love Willow.”

  “Wait, you know about Willow? Olivia I…”

  “Ash, its OK, honey. This is what I have been trying to tell you. To open up your heart, you are ready. Ash, you can’t control destiny. I’m just here to help you move forward. I want you to move forward.”

  She places her hand over my heart, “Ash, I love you. I know your heart has been broken for far too long. You have to let me go, you have to let your heart heal. It has already begun, just let it happen.” I close my eyes and she kisses my lips, when I open them I am alone in my bed with the sun shining on my face.

  Chapter 9


  Monday morning I wake up feeling rested and absolutely wonderful. It was nice to tell Asher about my mom. I t
hink I needed to tell someone and to get it off my chest. What I did should be unforgivable but he didn’t judge me. He even offered to help me find her. He said he will always be by my side. I know we just started seeing each other, but there was more meaning in his words than he probably realized, and it warmed my heart. There was an implication of us being an us. I really like the sound of that.

  Getting in the office, I make Amelia her espresso and head into her office. She is just hanging up her phone with a smile on her face. “That was my boss making sure my employee was free for lunch and that she is in his office on the twentieth floor at noon.”

  With a smile on my face, I place her espresso on her desk. “Amelia, I hope this doesn’t become weird now that I’m seeing your brother. Oh crap, is that what we’re doing? Are we seeing each other?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what you are doing and don’t you worry about a thing, you and I are just fine. I always knew there was something special about you. I have some reports I need you to put together for me, for this afternoon. If you could get those done, then make sure you are in that elevator by quarter to twelve.”

  “Thanks Amelia, I’ll get right on the reports for you.”

  After working all morning and putting the final touches on the reports for Amelia, it’s time to head up to see Asher. I have never been up past my floor. Making my way to the elevator, I check my appearance in the mirrored doors. Not too bad. Scarf in place, hair and make-up still good from this morning. With a dab of lip gloss and a fluff of my hair, I take the ride to the top floor.

  Stepping off the elevator, it looks much the same as my floor. An older woman sits behind a reception desk. I go to tell her my name, but before I can even open my mouth she says, “Ms. Emery, Mr. Wellington is expecting you,” she says with a smile. “You can go ahead on in. I think he is finishing up a phone call, but he said for you to go right in. He’s the second door on the right. Lunch will be here in just a little bit. Can I get you anything while you wait?”


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