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Rose in the Brier

Page 10

by Liz Rein

  During the meeting they discussed the consequences that Lady Octavia faced for the fraud and the attempted murder. Cecilia knew that nobility are not often punished for their crimes so she was not expecting much and the Runner confirmed her suspicion. Because the footpad who attacked them was dead and the other did not know who hired them they could not prove her guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. And because she was a lady of nobility punishing her for the fraud will take time. Nobility was not eager to convict one of their own, especially for taking the funds her husband left his bastard. Cecilia’s goal this day was not to see her pay for her crimes but to get her to confess and tell her why. Blackbrier Park was insignificant compared to all of the other Thornburg estates

  The door was opened by a very severe looking butler. With as much haughtiness as he could muster Sterling handed him one of his gold inlaid cards and said “Lord Sterling to see Lady Octavia.”

  Glancing at the card then looking at Sterling, Cecilia and Macintyre he said, “One moment” then disappeared down the hall.

  They were left waiting in the foyer for several minutes. Although proper etiquette was for them to be shown into the salon immediately this was not the case. Cecilia took the time to examine the house, this was the first time she has seen the house much less been inside it. She had always been curious of where her father lived when he was away to London on business. The house was just as she imagined it, formal with dark woods polished to a high shine.

  Cecilia looked to Mr. Macintyre, he seemed relaxed, waiting for nobility must be an everyday occurrence for the runner. Sterling was shifting his weight off his bad leg and leaning into his cane, although healed it was not as strong as it once was.

  Lost in thought, it was a moment before Cecilia noticed the butler was returning. “If you would follow me.” he said and escorted them to a salon at the back of the house. At the door he announced their presence to the lady in the room, “Lord Sterling Fairchild and associates.”

  Lady Octavia looked up from the sampler that she was stitching then stood shaking out her skirts. With eyes only for Sterling she walked forward with her hand extended. “My Lord Fairchild, it is nice to make your acquaintance. I do not believe we have met, however I am sure we run in the same circles. How may I help you?” She had pointedly ignored both Cecilia and Macintyre.

  Kissing the back of her hand he bowed and introduced them. “Lady Octavia, I believe you know Ms. Cecilia Wright.”

  “Unfortunately.” she replied flatly.

  Ignoring the comment Sterling continued, “… and Mr. Macintyre from Bow Street.”

  She did not even acknowledge him just squinted in distain.

  “My lady, you may not be aware but two years ago my brother purchased Blackbrier Park from you.”

  “Oh? I do not pay attention to such trifles, my late husband’s solicitor took care of such business.”

  “Yes, well...the Duke gave the estate to me and recently there have been questions of ownership as well as validity of the late Earl’s will.”

  Cecilia could not take it any longer. She wanted answers, she wanted to know why. Why would she change the will, why would she have them attacked. It was only money and the original will left her plenty. Why go to such lengths for such a paltry sum in relationship to the vast sum she originally received? “Why did you change the will? Why take Blackbrier Park, my home?” In frustration she simply asked, “Why?”

  Lady Octavia pulled back and with an ugly look on her face she said, “How dare you?” How dare some little bastard borne of some base born tramp come into my home and accuse me of any wrong doing. Who do you think you are speaking to? I am the Countess of Thornburg. You should not even speak to me, I am so above you.”

  As she began speaking Lady Octavia started to lose control. Her rage was so great that she was shaking with it. “Don’t you think that I didn’t know what he was doing there, setting up a little family, treating you as if you belong. You belong nowhere, to no one. I am his wife. Me. You are nothing. Nothing but a bastard.” She raged, “Everything should have been left to me. I’m his countess not your mother and certainly not you. Me. I don’t care what those papers said, everything belonged to me.” She spat as she continued her tirade “I am not going to let some bastard take what rightly belongs to me. Even if you have to die for me to get it.” She ended the last statement at a near shout, echoing throughout the room.

  After that wild rant she suddenly turned away from them and calmed. Brushing her hair back into some resemblance of order she faced them, her face set in stone.

  Coldly she said, “You cannot prove anything. No one of consequence would take the word of some based borne cit over that of a lady. Even if you could, nothing will come of it. Now leave before I have you thrown out.”

  Cecilia, Sterling and even Macintyre were so shocked at the amount of vengeance that spewed from her that they were silent.

  “I think not.”

  The statement came from behind them. Surprised they all whipped around to face the new Earl of Thornburg.

  The Michael Wentworth, the new Earl of Thornburg and distant relation to the old, had just returned from a business meeting and when he walked in the front door he heard the commotion in the salon, curious he went to investigate. What he saw was Lady Octavia, a lady who was normally so coldly proper, in the midst of an apoplectic fit of great proportions.

  She seemed to have lost all control. He heard her confession to acts that he would have otherwise not believed her capable. She believed that there would be no consequences. He could not let her get away with it. “I cannot allow you to continue with this atrocity.”

  “You don’t control me.” Lady Octavia said.

  “No? I don’t believe that you want to test me.” he said with steely reserve. “I have been all over the city collecting your vouchers; you seem to have racked up a lot of debt in the last two years.”

  Shocked Lady Octavia drew up to her full height. “How dare you intrude on my business!”

  “Your business had collectors knocking on my door.” Coldly he continued “This is the last straw. Not only did you go through the money the Earl left you but Ms. Wright’s, as well.”

  With that he turned to Cecilia and Sterling and said, “Hello, I do not believe that we have met. Let me introduce myself, I am Michael Wentworth, the new Earl of Thornburg.” Apologetically he continued, “I’ll make sure that everything is as it should be. I’ll have the funds that are properly yours as soon as I am able and I am sure that we can work out something about Blackbrier Park. I am dreadfully sorry for this occurrence.”

  Apologizing to that bastard was the last straw for Lady Octavia. With a scream of rage she took up the snipping shears on the side table and charged Cecilia. Pure unadulterated rage was in her eyes.

  Seeing Lady Octavia go for the long pointy instruments, Sterling stepped in front of Cecilia protecting her. Grabbing Lady Octavia’s wrist he wrestled the sharp shears from her grasp. The Wentworth jumped into action as well, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her away.

  Once subdued and locked in her room with a burly footman watching her they all gathered in Lord Thornburg’s study to discuss the details of Lady Octavia’s offenses. With such a visceral reaction and violent tendencies Sterling, Macintyre, the Runner and the Wentworth agreed that drastic actions were in order. The Earl, taking responsibility, called for a physician.

  The physician, after a quick examination and consulting the Earl determined that Lady had a psychotic break. Her continued state of agitation was not good for her health. His recommendation was a stay in a special facility for overwrought females. The Earl, knowing the reputation of such places decided to place her in a private facility for treatment and observation.


  Sterling and Cecilia returned to the Duke’s home in emotional exhaustion. They sat in a comfortable silence together both lost in thought. This afternoon they had been through a lot together. Lady Octavia admitted
her part in the deception and tried to kill Cecilia once again.

  With the truth revealed Cecilia did not know where that left them. One thing she did know was that when Sterling protected her from Lady Octavia’s rage she had never loved him more. It amazed her that a man would go to such lengths for her, first helping her find the truth then saving her not once but twice. She knew that changes were coming but she hoped whatever they were they remained friends.

  Sterling knew that after today’s revelations it was time, time to convince Cecilia to marry him. Her objections to their marriage were no longer a consideration. As an heiress she could no longer say that she was not good enough. He just hoped that she did not think that he was proposing again just for that reason.

  That night Sterling entered Cecilia’s room through the connecting door without knocking. She looked up from the book she was reading and after seeing him she laid the book on the bed. She could see whatever Sterling had to say it was serious; he had a look of utter concentration. Without waiting for permission he sat on the bed at her hip.

  Never one for romantic gestures Sterling just rushed into this proposal. From his pocket he pulled a box, a jewelry box. “This ring belonged to my mother and if you would do the honor of becoming my wife, I would like you to wear it.”

  “Oh, Sterling.” Cecilia breathed.

  “I know you said no last time but I would like you to listen to me before giving your answer.” Taking the ring from the box, Sterling set the box aside and holding the ring continued, “This last week has shown me that we are friends as well as lovers and when we were attacked it cemented the realization that I love you, I can’t imagine living without you.”

  “Miss Cecilia Wright, will you marry me?” he asked again.

  Cecilia who was staring at the ring while Sterling was talking looked into his eyes. She loved him so much. Today she realized that love knows no bounds and that their love should not be bound by society’s rules and as long as Sterling’s family approved of their relationship she was willing to risk her heart. She had tears in her eyes, tears of joy. “Oh Sterling, I love you too. Yes, I will marry you.”


  They were married two weeks later in the Blackbrier Village. It was an intimate ceremony in the small chapel with local friends in attendance. The room was filled with flowers and the morning sun streamed through the large glass window. Sterling’s brother stood with him and Mary was her attendant. Wentworth, the new Earl of Thornburg, walked her down the aisle.

  Over the two weeks Cecilia and Sterling came to know the new Earl well. They had become good friends and Cecilia was happy to have a relation, as distant as he was. The Earl did what he promised and returned the inheritance that her father left her and he also gave her the purchase price of Blackbrier Park which she in turn gave to the Duke.

  Sterling and Cecilia decided to live at Blackbrier Park, the question of who owned the estate was never raised.

  Coming Soon By Liz Rein

  Steele Her Heart: Project Steele #1

  In 1958 Dr. Jack E. Steele, a medical doctor and retired US Airforce Colonel, coined the term bionics. Bionics originating from bion meaning unit of life and ic meaning like. Bionic: like a unit of life.

  This new science focused on giving superhuman powers with the use of electromechanical implants. DARPA, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is responsible for developing this technology under the classified program called Project STEELE.

  Betrayed by a mole in the Black Ops Captain Grayson Foster’s team was severely injured. Now with the help of the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency and experimental high tech bio-mechanical and DNA manipulation research they are healed with new enhancements. Now on the hunt for the mole Grayson rescues Sara, a photojournalist, who can identify the culprit.

  Can they put aside their attraction while they search for the traitor?


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