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Shadowed (Valos of Sonhadra Book 6)

Page 10

by Isabel Wroth

  "A kiss." He repeated reverently. "I did not see the other humans mate this way."

  Deja grinned, rocking back to sit on her heels. "That was not mating."

  "It wasn't?"

  "No. Humans call that fooling around. Or foreplay. It comes before mating, and there are many ways to enjoy one another, to bring ourselves to orgasm without actual penetration. Would you like me to show you?"

  Deja had kept her tone teasing, feeling like the most divine temptress, wicked as all three of them shared what seemed like a nervous glance, then as one looked back to her and gave a resounding-



  Deja led him by the hands to her sleeping platform, her smile causing the appendage between his thighs to thump against his belly, the anticipation of not knowing what she would do causing his breath to come in broken pants.

  He had watched intently as she had fooled around with Arkhan, diligently taking note of all the things Arkhan had done to make Deja arch or grip him tighter.

  Feeling her pleasure swirling through their blood bond so that he experienced her every quake, every twist and lick of ecstasy as though it was his own.

  The explosion of her release had been so unexpected he had fallen back on the floor, consumed by the never before felt sensations, certain he would dissolve into shadow and be once again formless.

  "Stand here for a moment," Deja murmured, laughing lightly when he froze in place. "May I touch you, Izax?"

  His tongue felt thick in his mouth, too clumsy to form words, so eager to taste her kisses as Arkhan had, he could barely stand it.

  "I am yours, Deja. Touch me as you will. Any way you will."

  She tilted her head to look up at him curiously, the frown that knit between her brows brought him to his knees, thinking he had said something to displease her.

  "You matched your coloring to mine." She did touch him, her fingertips tracing his face, curling in his hair to draw a long length over his shoulder.

  Izax took a coil of her white hair in his hand, bringing it forward to compare the whisper soft texture to his own.

  "I thought perhaps it would bring you the same pleasure it brings me, to look upon your pale flesh in the glow of Penumbra."

  The frown disappeared from her brow, a soft, shy blush painting her cheeks as she smiled, the blue in her eyes brightening enough to make it seem as though they were purple.

  No other race but the Shadowed had such multifaceted eyes, only giving further proof to say Deja belonged here with them.

  "Is that your way of saying you like the way I look then?"

  "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." Izax felt a flurry of emotion take wing throughout his body and knew it came from Deja. His truth had caused her pleasure.

  "Thank you." She murmured. "You are among a fair few who think so."

  "Then the rest are surely blind."

  Izax had not intended his declaration to be amusing, but Deja's laughter rang out in delighted little peals. He had never considered laughter to have a flavor, but when she rocked up on her toes to press her smiling lips to his, Izax could taste her happiness.

  Or perhaps she always tasted this way. Sweet, and so...oh great darkness. Her hands wound themselves in his hair, guiding him to tilt his head just so, the soft, wet swipe of her tongue across his bottom lip tore a groan up from the depths of his heartstone.

  Deja fed him her sounds of pleasure, laughing a little when his hands found the lush mounds of her backside and hung on for dear life. He had kept his eyes open, not wanting to miss a moment, but her lashes had fallen shut and so Izax tried it, marveling at the increase in sensation.

  "Mm, I could kiss you all day." She sighed, a wicked twinkle sparkling in her eyes as she drew back, giving him one final kiss when he had helplessly swayed forward to chase after more. "But I have something else in mind."

  Izax gulped, half-mad already with what Azurryn had called desire, and the plans forming upon Deja's expression were enough leave him panting.

  "Can you stand up for me?"

  Izax surged to his feet, grinning with deep satisfaction at the way Deja shrieked and laughed in surprise, clinging to him, his hands on her rear keeping her pressed against him.

  "Put me down, handsome."

  "Handsome? What does this mean?" he asked, loathe to release her, yet too curious to know what 'else' she was planning.

  Her palms spread wide on his shoulders as he let her slide down his front, tracing over the mounds of muscle his body had produced with a hum of appreciation.

  "Beautiful. You are beautiful. All of you chose to take the shape of males too beautiful to be real. Stay just like this."

  Izax shot a quick glance to Azurryn and Arkhan as Deja slowly moved around him, her palms roaming up and down, learning every inch of him.

  Arkhan was still on the ground, his features relaxed with his release, a smirk twisting his lips as he watched Izax now receiving Deja's attentions.

  Azurryn's head was tilted curiously, his focus given in totality to the small female wreaking such pleasurable havoc.

  Izax felt a tug at his waist and lifted his arm so Deja could continue unknotting the material from his hips, whipping it away with a sharp snap, murmuring her appreciation as she continued to torture him with the exploration of her hands down his sides.

  "My god man, I could crack a tooth on your ass."

  Izax opened his mouth, intending to ask whether or not that was a good thing, but his question was lost in the sharp gasp. His body jerked when her lips and teeth brushed and scraped the taunt flesh of his rump.

  Everywhere her mouth touched his skin, Izax felt an answering throb in his appendage. Deja took her time, in no rush it seemed, taking particular delight in hearing him groan or gasp.

  "Come over here and sit," she laughed, guiding him with glee towards one of the low lounges. "I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself."

  "I am impervious." he stammered, watching her twist her long hair over her shoulder, the black of her dress such a stark color against her pale flesh, revealing more than it truly covered as she knelt between his spread knees and ran her palms up the insides of his thighs.

  "You certainly appear to be." she answered, licking her lips while hungrily staring at his appendage. She shot him one last glance, her smile wicked with her own excitement. "Don't forget to breathe."

  Izax would have asked what she meant, but she curled her small hand around the angry spear of flesh that ached for her, and all thought fled in the wake of her touch.

  He had palmed the shaft to discover its texture, but nothing could have prepared him for the feel of her hand on him there.

  The air heaved out of him at the first wash of her hot breath, a strangled noise of inarticulate rapture choking him when she licked her way around the florid top, subjecting what he was quickly discovering to be the most sensitive part of his new form to her tender, wicked kisses.

  Izax thought surely nothing could compare to this feeling, and within seconds Deja proved him wrong.

  Blistering heat enveloped him, sweat breaking out on his body as Deja bent her head and sucked him inside her mouth.

  His hands curled into fists at the whirl of her tongue, flickering here, laving there, her delight vibrating through their blood bond when he threw his head back with a shout.

  She took him deeper, sucking hard enough to hollow her cheeks. Hard enough for Izax to feel the blood surging through the veins of his shaft, pulsing in perfect time to the beat of Deja's heart.

  She hummed around him, the vibration surging through him, raking merciless claws of bliss down his spine, making him shake hard enough to rattle his heartstone.

  Her fist around his appendage tightened, pumping up and down to follow the motion of her mouth, driving him closer to a precipice he recognized, though what rushed towards him was a maelstrom in comparison to before.

  It rose over him like an all-encompassing tide, his desperate shout echoing throug
h the room as it took him. His shaft surged forward, deeper, rhythmically throbbing as he came to know a whole new kind of release. It left him quivering, boneless on the lounge.

  Ecstasy. Izax was drowning in ecstasy.

  "Oh!" Deja's soft exclamation forced him to open his eyes, almost whimpering in denial when she released him.

  Surprise and curiosity painted her flushed face, her swollen lips pursing as she exhaled a stream of curling shadow.

  She was pleased, cupping her hands in front of her mouth to collect the tendrils of his essence, watching in fascination as it drifted away on the air.

  "Well, that certainly makes cleanup a little easier."

  Deja crawled up his body and wound her arms around him, steadying him as his corporeal form threatened to once again dissolve, prolonging his pleasure with her hands combing through his hair in soothing movements.

  "Are you alright?"

  Izax managed to nod, deeply shaken, certain if Astaria had ever sought to take such delight and care in pleasing him, he would have willingly bowed before her and done anything she commanded.

  Izax looked into Deja's eyes, his human Marahi's beautiful eyes, and thanked the darkness that shadowed all things she was nothing like Astaria.

  "You said you chose to take human forms because I'm human, but I'm sorry to say I've never seen a human with a cock like this before."

  "C-cock?" Izax stammered.

  "Mm, this." Deja rubbed the hot, slick center of her body up and down the length of his shaft, as she had done with Arkhan. Small wonder Arkhan was still on the ground. If Izax had been standing, he surely would have crashed to the ground.

  "Would you prefer I change the shape of my cock then?"

  His offer was met with a horrified gasp, "Don't you dare! I wasn't complaining, Izax. You are glorious, head to toe. Did you like my mouth on you?"

  "I never knew such pleasure was possible. I admit, I observed others of your species performing the same act, but none of the females seemed to enjoy it as you did."

  Deja's brows drew together in a frown, her fingers smoothing over his face in aimless patterns. "I'm curious to know just what all you were observing."

  "I can take you there."

  "Another time. I still have fooling around to do."


  Deja slid off Izax's lap, biting into her cheek to stem the whimper of appreciation, giving his sprawled, glorious body one last look before she turned to Azurryn.

  The dark haired valo had been silent and patiently waiting for her to look his way, his gaze positively scorching as she approached. Wicked desire had turned her into a wanton hedonist, wanting to drown these alien males in as much pleasure as possible.

  Yet when she reached for Azurryn, his hands shot out to shackle her wrists, stopping her from touching him.

  It set her back a step, realizing she hadn't even considered he might not want her, but even as the thought crossed her mind, he moved forward and pushed her hands out to her sides, his face lowering towards hers with sensual intent.

  His kiss was neither hesitant nor gentle. Not at all. He kissed her like he knew exactly what to do, masterfully leading her in the sensual battle of lips, tongues, teeth. She swayed when he drew back, staring up at him in astonishment.

  " were paying very close attention." she slurred stupidly, reeling and breathless.

  Smug male pride lit his fathomless eyes as he searched her expression. "Yes. I wish to foreplay you."


  Azurryn tilted his head towards the others, never taking his eyes off her. "You gave pleasure to them, to all of us, I want to know what gives you pleasure."

  Bloody hell. " do?"

  "Oh yes." he purred, "Stand here for me, Deja, just like this."

  His deep whisper was black magic to her senses, leaving her frozen in place, her eyes drifting shut as he released her and began to circle and touch her the way she had touched Izax.

  Azurryn ducked his head to bury his nose into her hair, dragging in a deep breath, brushing a kiss to her cheek when she turned her face towards him.

  He filled his hands with her hair, twisting it around his fist for a moment before pushing it all over her shoulder. He caught the straps criss crossing her shoulders, the gentle pressure of his hands urging her to lower her arms as he pushed her dress down her biceps.

  The barely there triangles of cloth slithered down her chest, over her hips to fall in a puddle at her feet, leaving her nude there in the center of the room for all of them to see.

  Her breath shuddered out of her, her skin prickling with goosebumps at the thick finger moving down her spine in a slow slide.

  She followed Azurryn's touch with her eyes closed, her eyes rolling left and right as he swirled circles around the dimples at her low back.

  She bit back a smile and a shiver when he explored the cleft of her bottom, his heat pressing closer as he stepped up to fill both hands with her cheeks.

  She hadn't ever known the crease where her ass met her thighs to be so sensitive, but a caress there made her toes curl and her heart leap in her chest at the shocking burst of nearly ticklish delight.

  "I have wanted this from the moment you climbed into my hands and told me you had never felt safer." Azurryn's breath across her nape shot exquisite pleasure straight through her. Her blood pulsing hard between her thighs, more heat, more fluid seeping from inside her. "I never imagined you would be so soft."

  He rubbed soothing circles up and down her hips, around to knead at her belly before sliding upwards to cup the weight of her breasts in the heat of his palms.

  The link between them gave him total access to her emotions, her desires, and Azurryn took careful cues from her reactions, slowly experimenting, tugging and twisting her nipples between his fingertips until he found just the right amount of pressure to make her cry out in bliss.

  Deja felt herself spinning, flying, landing on her bed with a heavy, warm weight pressing her down into the spongy mattress. Azurryn bent over her, his mouth mapping the terrain of her body in ravenous mouthfuls, kissing his way down her torso to rub his cheeks back and forth over her belly.

  His eyes rolled up to pierce her with searing intent, his voice deepening to a gravely rasp.

  "Show me," he commanded, taking her hand, guiding it to cover her pussy, demanding she show him how she liked to be touched.

  Deja looked from where he scooted down to kneel between her thighs, to where Izax and Arkhan stood just behind him, all three of them looking pointedly between her spread thighs in rapt anticipation.

  Deja wasn't sure what it was that brought her more pleasure, her hand on herself, or the way all three of them were staring at her pussy with their hands wrapped around their cocks.

  She swirled her fingertips around her clit, sliding down to trace more circles around her opening, biting into her lip as she teased herself, teasing them in turn.

  Azurryn growled low when she pressed a finger inside, then two. Their bodies shuddered with the echo of her muscles clenching down around her own hand.

  Azurryn caught her before she could do more than reach for the soft, spongy spot just behind her clit, lifting her hand up to inspect the wetness gathered on her fingers.

  He must have felt her desire increase, his gaze shifting to her, watching her expression when he brought her fingers to his mouth and sucked them deep, swirling his tongue around and around.

  Astonishment crossed his face, licking his lips as though savoring her taste, looking from her fingers to her pussy with wonder. Before she could so much as take a breath, Azurryn dove right in.

  No hesitating, he buried his mouth between her legs, taking one long lick of her from bottom to top, his rough exhalation, the sound of delirious hunger vibrating against her clit with enough force to throw her back and make her writhe beneath his eager tongue.

  It was clear he didn't know what he was doing, but what he lacked in knowledge, he made up for with pure effort. He made an absolu
te mess of her, gorging himself for a moment before his touch gentled, and he went from mindlessly rooting at her pussy with his mouth, to determinedly finding every spot that made her squeal and shudder.

  Deja moaned low, her body rocking on the bed, hands twisting in his hair to hold on at the careful probe of a much thicker finger tracing her clenching opening.

  She couldn't help but lift her hips, pressing herself against his questing finger, shouting out when Azurryn thrust deep, her pleasure lashing at all of them. Deja rode Azurryn's hand, using him to find the release she was suddenly dying for.

  She opened her mouth to ask for more, but Azurryn was already pressing a second finger inside her, catching the driving rhythm she needed until she was right there, right on the cusp of the most brilliant orgasm.

  She was so focused on it, she didn't wonder why Azurryn suddenly levered himself up to look down at her. With her hands still clenched in his dark hair, she pulled him down for a kiss, tasting herself on his mouth, so close, right there, dismayed when he tore his hand from inside her, given only a moment to mourn the loss before his thick fingers were replaced with something much, much thicker.

  As wet and ready as she was, her body offered little resistance to his invasion, and as enormous as he was, there was nothing else to call it.

  Azurryn found the end of her in one determined push, the look of awe and twisted agony on his face something Deja was certain she would never forget.

  "Show me," he groaned, his arms shaking with strain. He shouted when Deja wrapped her legs around his thighs, panting as if he'd run circles around the city for hours.

  She murmured soothingly to him despite her own shock and need, pushing him over onto his back. The stretch to take him this way was even more intense, and as close as she was, she knew neither of them would last long.

  Deja leaned down, her breasts cushioned on his chest, using her arms to brace herself just high enough above Azurryn to be able to look down into his eyes as she rolled her hips, back and forth, up and down, over and over until she couldn't hold it in any longer.

  The orgasm started deep inside her, a quaking ripple that spread from her belly, up to her breasts, throttling down to her toes in a gravity defying rush. She felt Azurryn's cock swell impossibly larger inside her, a hard pulse that stretched her overstimulated tissues to the max, his roar bouncing her on top of him even as his hands held her prisoner, impaled with no place to go.


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