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Christmas Present

Page 35

by Lauren Wood

  I groaned as I leaned on her making her gasp. Melissa wasn’t like all the other girls here, she was sweet and shy which is why I love her. “Carmichael is back and he kept me up most of the night.” Melissa’s eyes widen at my words which made me laugh and say “Silly! Not in that way. Never in my life would I give Carmichael the time of day." as I slung my arm over her shoulders and continued walking out of the school.

  "Just stay away from him Grace. You know how dangerous he is. Word has it that he's been doing illegal stuff." Melissa said timidly. I agreed with her. Even though Eros has suddenly become a Greek God of some sort still he is a man whore, bad influence, and most of all dangerous.

  "Hey, I got a new joke. What's the difference between a cat and a comma?" Melissa asked. I looked towards her with a grin and ask her what. "One has claws at the end of its paws, and the other is a pause at the ends of a clause." this made me laugh. It's called Grace and Melissa humor. We were in the middle of laughing but it came to a complete halt when we walked outside the school. Parked in the parking lot was a nice Audi sports car but that's not the source that killed our joyous moment, it was the man leaning against it.


  Melissa's eyes widen as she trembled beside me while I glared at him like I was burning holes right through that thick skull of his. Everyone's eyes were on Eros, I mean he is the notorious bad boy and wherever he goes trouble follows, and not to mention his new looks. Whispers filled the air as people wondered why he was at the school when he graduated years ago. Once Eros' eyes met mine a grin made its way on his face, and pushed off his car and started making his way towards me.

  My heart started beating ferociously since I didn't want people to see him anywhere near me. People's eyes started widening as they looked between Eros and I. "Hello little Grace." he greeted me. "What are you doing here?" I said with a frown. "I've come to settle your payment," he said casually. I rolled my eyes as I started taking my wallet out from my bag but then his hands pushed my wallet away as he said "I told you I don't want money. I want you."

  "Want me to remind you what my answer was?" I growled. Melissa stayed quiet behind me as she observed the both of us. "I remember very well what you answered but I'm talking about dinner. Just have dinner with me and you can forget all about the window," he said.

  "I'm sorry but Melissa and I have a chemistry project." I lied. "No we do--" but I shut Melissa up as I glared at her. Unfortunately, Eros caught on and smirked. Next thing I knew Eros dragged me to his car and it didn't help that his tough long fingers left a scorching trail behind. I looked back at Melissa, she's terrified that she looked like she was about to call 911. People scattered around the school either glared at me or looked at me like it was the last time they'll ever see me.

  When we got to the restaurant I rested my chin in my hands trying to seem like I wasn't impressed. The restaurant was absolutely beautiful and the food smells delicious. How can he even afford this place? I bet it had to do something with his illegal business.

  "Alright Carmichael, why me?" I suddenly ask wondering why he wanted me "Is this some sick joke? Or am I some kind of project to you just so you can get into my panties?" I asked with a sweet smile on my face. "Honestly little Grace," I was seriously getting irritated with the nickname he gave me. "I've always been interested in you especially now that you've grown into one hell of a woman."

  "Wish I could say the same thing... Roses are red, violets are blue, God made me pretty. What happened to you?" I told him with a smirk filled with pride on my face. He chuckled and said, "That's not what happened last night when you were checking me out." I instantly frowned but couldn't help when my cheeks turned red. "You're adorable when you blush," he added which made me turn even redder.

  How can someone like Eros look like that? I can't deny that he's good looking. It's almost as if it was illegal to be that good looking. Once again Eros caught me checking him out, and he had that annoying smirk on his face. "Seriously Grace," this was the first time he used my name without little in it. He grabbed my hands across the table and I tried yanking my hands out of his but he had a strong hold on me. "I wanted to take you out to dinner because I wanted to go out with you," he said but I was more focused on his calloused hands that sent shivers up and down my hand but at the same time kept my hands warm.

  "I... I..." I stuttered for a moment but when I looked into his mesmerizing eyes I remember what happened last night and my face tightened into a frown. "No Carmichael," I sternly said as I yanked my hands out from his strong hold. His eyes shut for a moment as he said, "Please my little Grace, call me Eros."

  There was no way in hell I was going out with the notorious Eros Carmichael. The warning signs were everywhere from Melissa's warnings all the way to the worried stares of my fellow schoolmates. And remembering all of Eros' girlfriends back in the day, they were more bed buddies rather than actual girlfriends. But I was in no position to jump into a relationship. I had my studies and not to mention I'm applying for a scholarship in medical school.

  I cannot have distractions but even Eros was not worthy of a distraction. I demanded Eros to take me home and I can't help but feel guilty because he had a certain look in his eyes, like he lost all hope. It was a quiet drive back to my home. Before I could even open the door to his car he pulled me by the arm and yanked me close to him. So close that I could feel the heat coming from his body.

  "I will never give up on you, my little Grace," he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. As I exited the car I felt pale because I believed in his words. For some reason, I believed that Eros would never give up on me.

  Chapter 3

  I've come up with millions of ways to kill Eros Carmichael. The bane of my existence. I was the talk of the school, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was even the talk of the town. Some say that Eros has kidnapped me and tortured me, others say that I was part of Eros' mafia group, but the last one is worse. People are saying that Eros and I have eloped.

  The nerve of some people. Melissa, on the other hand, cried her heart out when she saw me the day after. She truly believed something bad had happened to me, and to me, going to dinner with Eros was already considered bad.

  Melissa and I were placing fliers around town to advertise our school's Welcome back fair. "He really asked you out?" Melissa couldn't believe that the Eros asked me out. I gave her a simple nod and said "It doesn't matter anyways. Even if he bought me gifts or treats me like a queen, as long as he's Eros Carmichael I'll never agree."

  "It's kind of scary to think how a guy like him is interested in a girl like you. No offense Grace, but we're both just plain Janes. It makes you wonder what he's really after." Melissa's words kept repeating in my mind the whole night even during the welcome back fair. Music and laughter filled the grounds of the fair but all I could focus on were Melissa's words.

  I have good grades, great family, and a mind of a medical doctor. I had no riches, curves of a model, nor am I a great lover. So what is Eros really after?

  I was walking aimlessly until I bumped into something solid. I then noticed that it was someone. "Oh, my apolog--" I cut myself off as I saw who it was. "Oh, it's just you."

  "Come on, I deserve a better greeting than that from you little Grace." it's not a surprise that he said that while smirking. He then looped my arm with his and entwined our fingers together.

  "The only thing you deserve is a knuckle sandwich." I growled which made him laugh, "That's so old school of you," he commented. "Too bad I don't have enough middle fingers to express how I feel about you." This time I'm the one who's smirking. "And what are you doing?"

  "Taking you on a date," he said as if it was the most obvious thing. "I'd rather stab myself than go out on a date with you," I spat out and this made his smile widen. "Feisty little thing aren't you?" I wanted nothing more than to execute one of the ways I thought of killing him. He turned his head to look at me and smiled. I was taken back for a bit because this smile was different from his oth
ers. They didn't have the hint of mischievousness or a perverted grin nor was it a scheme behind a smile. This was a genuine Eros smile and it had my heart feel all sorts of wonderful. The last time he showed this smile was when he saw me on the night I broke his window. Little did I know that my heart was secretly yearning for this smile.

  I shook my head and pushed aside those thoughts and shoved them in the garbage bin just where the likes of Eros belongs. "You either let me go or I'll scream," I warned him. He tossed his head back and laughed "Little, little Grace. What I'd do just to get you to scream my name," he teased which made me glare at him even more.

  He then guided me to one of the fair's game stalls. "I tell you what, let's play a few games, ride a few rides and if you still don't want to go out with me then I'll leave you alone," somehow those are music to my ears. I smiled at him and said "Then what are you waiting for? Win me a stuffed toy," and once again I'm drowning in the butterflies of my stomach because of that addictive genuine smile of his.

  I've lost track of time as Eros and I played games and rode a few rides. He even won a stuffed panda for me. And as I'm lost in our laughter and fun I forgot that this was only part of the deal for him to leave me alone. All my life I've strived to be a good student and good daughter that I've never let myself have any fun. It was like a breath of fresh air.

  During our little fun as we laughed and shared cotton candy, a group of men wearing hoodies came up to us. "Boss," they nodded towards Eros. "We have a situation." one said, and as I looked at Eros he was no longer in a jolly mood. His carefree smile was replaced with a serious expression. "I'll be back little Grace," he said as he left with his men leaving me alone. It wasn't even minutes till I finally snapped out of the little bubble that Eros has created for us.

  What the hell was I doing? He's in the freaking Mafia for all I know. I mean a group of men in black hoodies showed up and called Eros, the boss. My mood turned sour as I stomped out of the fair and started heading home. But before I could reach my car a hand tapped my shoulder. I spun around expecting to see Eros but instead it was a man wearing a white shirt. "May I help you?" I asked politely.

  Suddenly three more men appeared behind him and all the blood has left my face. "That's Eros' girl, get her." one of them said. Two men grabbed me by the arms and tried lifting me but I wasn't going without a fight. The other two tried grabbing my legs but I was kicking like the day I was born. "Let me go! Let me--" I was suddenly cut off as one guy shoved a piece of cloth into my mouth. I tried screaming and shouting but it only became muffled.

  I knew just being around Eros was going to get me into trouble. I heard tires screeching as they started dragging me towards the car. "Get off of her!" a familiar voice growled. I was dropped to the ground as the men who carried me started fighting with Eros. It wasn't much of a fight when it's obvious that Eros was winning. My body ached from the struggle but my focus was on Eros beating the men into pulps.

  I was in awe at the way he moved. He obviously knows what he's doing. He moves like a warrior would combine with gentleness. His eyes focused on his moves and his face full of anger. Once the men were down on the ground, Eros growled "You stay away from what's mine!" the men then ran away.

  In a blink of an eye, Eros was right beside me checking for any injuries on my body. "Are you alright little Grace?" he asked. His eyes full of concern. I won't deny that I enjoyed his company today and saw a whole new side of Eros but I can't ignore the fact that's he's Eros Carmichael. The dangerous man who lives next door. Who claims that I’m his, when nobody owns me.

  I pushed his hands away as I stood up. "I could've handled myself," I tried my best to stay angry. "Little Grace, I know you can handle yourself but I can protect--" before he could say anything else I stomped my foot and said "Enough of your games Carmichael," he flinched. Probably because he could detect the irritation in my voice. "The best thing you can do for me right now... is to stay as far away from me as possible."

  I grabbed my stuffed panda but before I could leave Eros grabbed my hand. "I will always protect you even if you don't want me to," he said. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was hurt by my words but I shrugged it off and said "But how can you protect me from yourself?" my heart clenched by the way he looked at me. “As you wish,” he said emotionless. I turned around and left without looking back but the way he looked at me will haunt me for the next few days.

  Chapter 4

  I've underestimated when I said that 'the way he looked at me will haunt me for the next few days.' It's been a month since the incident and the way he looked at me still haunted me. He stayed true to his word because I didn't see a single glimpse of him. And I didn't know what irritated me more? The fact that he's not around and he could be planning something or my traitorous heart yearning for his presence.

  My parents were at the hospital and it was storming outside. Thunder echoed through the sky, lightning lit up dark rooms and heavy rain pounded loudly on the roof. I was in my room trying to get my homework done. But all my thoughts were consumed with Eros and his absence. I ran my hand through my hair frustratingly, and I can't help but glance every now and then at the Panda that Eros won for me.

  Maybe I was too harsh on Eros? I mean he did show me a good time at the fair and he was always kind to me except for his flirtations and perverted jokes. Suddenly I heard glass shattering coming from Eros' house. Maybe he was with another girl? Just the thought of that makes my heart clench.

  I shook my head willing myself to ignore the thought of Eros but then another glass shattering noise came from his house and I couldn't help but be worried. I stood up and went to my window but it was hard to see anything through the heavy rain. I groaned not knowing if he's alright or he's with another girl. I don't know why it bothered me so much. As I stared at the window through the heavy rain, I knew that there was only one way to find out.

  I grabbed my coat as I dashed into the pouring rain and ran all the way to Eros' house. I knew that Eros no longer lived with his parents so it was just him. As I climbed the stairs to his porch I noticed that his front door was slightly ajar. The worst came to mind. What if someone's here to hurt him? Or worse... kill him.

  I felt my blood leave my face and without hesitation, I pushed the door open. Vases were broken on the floor but there was no sign of Eros anywhere. "Hello," I called out hoping his annoying grinning face would show but there was only complete silence. As I started walking into his home I noticed the floor was wet almost as if someone got drenched in the rain and walked right through the house.

  "Carmichael!" I called out through the house. I heard groaning and instantly stiffened. "Carmichael, if that's you then it isn't funny." But as I rounded a corner I gasp at the sight. Eros was drenched from head to toe, probably from the rain. He looked like he was worn out and a broken glass was on the floor and he had a bleeding hand as he laid on the ground. Who would've known that someone as tough looking as Eros could look so broken.

  Immediately I made my way next to Eros as I brought his head to rest on my lap. "Carmichael, are you alright?" I asked the most stupid question. Of course, he wasn't alright. I put my hand on his head to feel that he was burning up. His eyes were drooping as his body trembled. I started panicking as I slapped his face trying to keep him awake. "Stay with me Eros," finally calling him by his first name. "I need you to stay awake and I also need you to help me get you to your bed," going all full nurse mode.

  As I helped him to his bed which took a while since we kept stumbling on furniture. I bit my lip as I started stripping him from his wet clothes. I had to convince myself that I was a nurse and this was natural but I couldn't help but gawk at his bulging muscles. But what made me move faster was his rising body temperature. Once he was in dry clothes I started cleaning his wound on his hand. Removing particles of glass from the wound, applying alcohol and finally bandaging it up.

  I wiped parts of his body with a clean rag removing the sweat and grime from his body. Who knew? That Grace
Hawthorn would be taking care of the most feared man in our town. If it was anybody else they would've left Eros' body to slowly die. I stared at his sleeping form admiring his handsome face and his body as it rises and falls to his breath.

  "What are you doing to me, Eros?" I asked no one in particular.

  Suddenly I heard a tired chuckle coming from him. "You... you called me by my name," he said tiredly. "It sounds nice coming from you," he added. I blushed as I looked away but then snapped my head back at him and asked, "Why the hell were you lying on the ground wet?"

  "Be careful little Grace, you almost sounded like you care," he said with a smirk.

  I did care but I blamed the part of me that wants to be a doctor. His smirk faded and was replaced with a pained expression. "I kept my word," he started and I thought he was talking about keeping his word by staying away from me. "That I'd protect you even if it means standing in the rain," he coughed. I rolled my eyes and said, "Didn't your mom tell you that it is bad to be in the rain?"

  "No," was his simple answer. I remember that Eros and his parents were never great neighbors. His parents kept fighting and knowing Eros he must not have a great relationship with them. I instantly felt guilty for asking that question. "Gosh... how did I get lucky to have someone as beautiful as you to take care of me?" he asked as he brushed my cheek with his hand making my cheeks turn red.

  "I bet you say that to all the girls." I nervously said. I felt disappointed that I was just another girl of his collection. He chuckled and said "Just you, my little Grace. Only you get to hear such words from me. You deserve all the sweetest words in the world."

  "Why me Eros? I'm not sexy. I'm not--"

  "Grace, you're sexy without you even knowing. It's not a secret little Grace that I'm completely in love with you." he said.


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