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The Atlantis Chronicles- The Kordam Party

Page 2

by Michael Brown

  “Well, Galasa is beautiful,” Glitter considered Havadar, “and I'm sure she'll make you a wonderful wife.”

  “I know.”

  At that moment, Kayara rushed up. Glitter and Havadar looked at her, breathless and nervously stroking her bulging belly.

  “What is it, Mother?” Glitter frowned.

  “We just received a priority message from the Galactic Fleet,” Kayara spoke with concern. “ Aurora Colony has been attacked by the Hellkin. The Atlantis is leading an armada into the Aldebaran system to repel the invasion. The Galactic Fleet has ordered you to return.”

  “Then we've got to get back,” Glitter nodded.

  “I'm going to speak with your grandmother,” Kayara regarded her daughter with urgency. “I'm sure she'll be able to arrange passage to the Atlantis for us.”

  “When are we leaving?”

  “There is no way to know,” Kayara sighed, “so far, I've heard that all travel into and out of Aldebaran has been restricted to military traffic only.”

  “But my return is military traffic,” Glitter cried.

  “Relax, my little flower,” Kayara spoke reassuringly, “your grandmother will do what she can.”

  “Okay, fine.” Glitter was sad that she would have to leave her home, but felt some stirring emotion about going back to duty.

  With that Kayara walked away. Havadar looked at Glitter.

  “Maybe you'll stay long enough to see my betrothal ceremony,” Havadar spoke hopefully.

  “I wouldn't miss it,” Glitter smiled at her uncle.

  They fell silent as Glitter pulled out her vapor cigarette and started puffing on it. Havadar gazed at her strangely.

  “You inhale smoke?” Havadar was puzzled.

  “It's water vapor,” Glitter shrugged.

  “I had heard humans inhaled the smoke of burning leaves,” Havadar wrinkled his nose with disgust. “Why would they do such a thing?”

  “Humans used to smoke the leaves of the tobacco plant,” Glitter explained, “they did so because the smoke contained addictive substances. However, they eventually gave up the practice because they discovered it was also toxic. They replaced smoking tobacco with inhaling water vapor laced with flavorings.”

  “Interesting, how did you take up such a habit?”

  “I started using a vapor cigarette when I was in high school,” Glitter said. “I generally use mild flavors, such as cherry, honey mead or brandy.”

  “There is another strange habits humans practice,” Havadar furled his brow as he considered another embarrassing question. “Perhaps you could explain it.”

  “What is it?”

  “I have heard that human women wear a strange garment with two cups for their bosoms,” Havadar smirked.

  “It's called a brassier,” Glitter took a puff of water vapor, “or simply a bra.”

  “Why do human women wear this thing?” Havadar genuinely curious.

  “It's an undergarment that supports and theoretically keeps a woman's breasts still,” Glitter explained, “though some bras don't do anything close to doing that.”

  “I have seen images of these bras that human women wear. They look like the breast wraps that Elnore women wear in the warmer climes of Elnore Prime.”

  “Yeah,” Glitter said, “but our women wear them as outer garments. We don't wear bras as undergarments. In fact, I've stopped wearing them.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “Because, I have no more human DNA left in me,” Glitter sighed. “I am entirely Elnore. I'm taking up Elnore customs...even to the point of giving up wearing bras. I never really liked wearing them. They were never really comfortable. I'm very glad to give up wearing them.”

  “Well, I'm glad you have decided to embrace our heritage.”

  “Yes, but I will always honor my human heritage as well.”

  “As well you should,” Havadar nodded firmly. “You should honor the culture of your father.”

  “Listen, its midday. Let's go have lunch.”


  On that note, Glitter and Havadar got up and made their way inside the manor house.

  Back in orbit of Aldebaran, Red Kite Forty cruised along the periphery of the battle. Her mission was to help coordinate the fighters in their efforts to fight back the Hellkin warships and fighters. On the bridge, Dan Dockweiler sat at the pilot's console and Charlie beside him at the co-pilot's console. Behind them, to the right of the bridge entrance, Whipple sat at the side console, pouring over the scanner readings. A cluster of blips appeared on the range of their scope.

  “Skipper, we're picking up a cluster of enemy fighters moving up through Sector Three-Seven.”

  Dan glimpsed at his own repeater display of Whipple's scanner and saw the cluster. Snorting, he keyed his radio.

  “Red Kite Forty to Gladiator Leader,” Dan spoke into his headset pickup.

  “This is Gladiator Leader,” said the fighter pilot's voice from the speaker of Dan's headset.

  “Gladiator Leader, move your squadron to intercept a cluster of enemy ships closing in from Sector Three-Seven.”

  “I see them Red Kite Forty,” spoke Gladiator Leader's voice from Dan's headset speaker, “we're moving to intercept.”

  “Understood, Gladiator Leader.”

  As the scanner display showed the cluster of icons representing Gladiator Squadron moving to intercept the Hellkin, Dan skimmed the scanner readings of the surface of the planet. He saw something on the readings that chilled his blood.

  “Whipple, what's that cluster of readings near the local fleet headquarters?” Dan demanded.

  Whipple looked at his own scanner display of the surface of Aurora Colony.

  “Appears that an invasion tower has made planet fall near local fleet headquarters,” Whipple reported.

  “Have they deployed their troops?” Dan grumbled.

  “Looks like they've already deployed the first battalions, Skipper,” Whipple grunted.

  “Send word to the Cyclone,” Dan snapped, “we're breaking formation and going down to the surface.”

  “That's against orders, Skipper,” Whipple responded calmly. His wise-cracking demeanor often brushed against Dan’s brusque command style. Part of why they got along was they worked well together.

  “Goddamnit, Whipple!” Dan shrieked. “My wife and daughters are living on Aurora Headquarters base! I'm going to get them out of there!”

  “Understood, Skipper,” Whipple worked at his console, “sending the message now.”

  “Charlie, prepare for a crash dive into the atmosphere,” Dan growled. “Whipple, I want all weapons primed, loaded and ready to blast those bastards to hell.”

  “Yes, Skipper.”

  Banking sharply, Red Kite Forty moved away from the Galactic Fleet starships. Her engine bars burning blue-white energy behind her, she began moving into a position to penetrate the planet's atmosphere.

  Episode 4: “The Kordam Party”

  “Through me you pass into the city of woe:

  Through me you pass into eternal pain:

  Through me among the people lost for aye.

  Justice the founder of my fabric moved:

  To rear me was the task of Power divine,

  Supremest Wisdom, primeval Love.

  Before me things create were none, save things

  Eternal, and eternal I endure.

  Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”

  Sign above the Gates of Hell, from Dante's “Inferno”

  Chapter One

  On Elnore Prime, Kayara stepped into the travel office of Lovandiel Valley's small spaceport. The young Elnore woman at the desk in the office smiled at Kayara as she entered.

  “Hello, Kayara,” the girl said.

  “Hello Siniel,” Kayara smiled. Siniel was Kayara's first cousin.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “Would you kindly book passage for Rose and me to the Starship Atlantis?”

  “Oh no,” Siniel cried, �
�I thought you and Rose were visiting for two weeks.”

  “I know, but Rose got an emergency recall.”

  “Oh no, that's unfortunate. I was enjoying seeing her. She looked so beautiful on her coming of age.”

  “I know,” Kayara nodded, “I was so proud of her.”

  “Well, I'll just book a hyper-flight for you to the Atlantis,” Siniel got to work at her computer terminal.

  “I remember when you brought her to my coming of age,” Siniel grinned with memory, “she was so cute in her little dress. I can't believe she's come of age already.”

  “She was sired by a human.”

  “Ah, that's why she matured so fast.”

  At that moment, the holographic display of Siniel's terminal flashed a red display.

  “Oh my, it looks like I can't book your flight.”

  “Why not?” Kayara got a vexed look on her face.

  “Travel to Aldebaran has been restricted by the Galactic Fleet.”

  “Can't you wave that restriction? Rose is a Fleet pilot.”

  “I'll try, Kayara,” Siniel shrugged, “but this is a municipal spaceport, I'm limited in the things I am able to do.”

  Siniel worked for a few minutes, but the red restriction display appeared again on her terminal's holo-monitor. She sighed in frustration. “I'm sorry. I can't wave the restriction.”

  “That's okay,” Kayara demurred.

  “Maybe your mother could get you and Rose a flight.”

  “That is a good idea.”

  “Sorry I couldn't help you,” Siniel apologized.

  “It's okay, Siniel,” Kayara was going to get that flight out of here. Her own mother could be a challenge to deal with sometimes. She had hoped they could have left on public transportation. She left to go back to the mansion.

  On the bridge of the Atlantis, a holo-monitor on Too Far's console flashed a display at him. He looked at it and tapped his toe claw in irritation.

  “Captain,” Too Far growled, “we have a ship out of position.”

  Bowen swiveled his command chair so he was gazing at the tactical console.

  “Which one?” Bowen hissed, obviously angry.

  “Red Kite Forty.”

  As Bowen turned back to face to front of the bridge, snapped his fingers and waggled a finger in a come here gesture. A young enlisted bridge crewman brought him a headset comlink. He put it on, then jabbed the holographic intercom key on the right arm of his chair.

  “Communications,” He barked into the headset's pickup.

  “Proceed, Captain,” came Commander Poleek's voice from the headset's earphone.

  “Get me a direct line to Red Kite Forty,” Bowen snarled in a tone of voice that brokered no argument.

  “Stand by, Sir.”

  After a few minutes, Dan's voice sounded from the headset's earphone, “Red Kite Forty, go ahead Alpha-Actual.”

  “GODDAMNIT, DAN, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?” Bowen howled, drawing a few sideways looks from the rest of the bridge crew.

  “I don't understand, Mitch,” Dan's voice replied nonchalantly.

  “You've left your position,” Bowen growled, “what in the goddamn hell are you fucking doing?”

  “The enemy attacked the local sector headquarters.”

  “I am aware of that,” Bowen snarled, “we're already mustering a strike force to retake sector command. Why is that relevant to your leaving your position?”

  “My wife and daughters live on that base,” Dan growled right back at Bowen. “I'm going to go rescue them. If you can't handle that, Mitch, blow me out of the stars.”

  At that moment, a holographic monitor appeared near Bowen's face. It displayed a text message from Landry. Bowen read it and then waved the holo-monitor away.

  “Dan, I've just been informed that the strike force has launched. Since you're on a trajectory for a crash dive into Aurora Colony's atmosphere, I'm ordering you to rendezvous with the strike force. Escort it to sector command. While they are killing some Hellkin, you can rescue your wife and daughters. If you deviate from these orders, I'll shoot you myself. Is that clear?”

  “Transparent, Mitch.”

  Without another word, Bowen jabbed a key on the holographic control panel projected from his chair arm to end the transmission. He looked over his shoulder at Too Far.

  “Too Far, flash the CO of the Pacifica,” Bowen growled, “order her to change course to intercept the Hellkin command ship. I'm sick of fighting these turkeys. We're taking out their overlord.”

  “Flashing her now, sir.”

  “And while you're at it, prepare to fire the shield beam. We're going to vaporize them.”

  On Elnore Prime, Glitter and Kayara stood in the great hall of Lovandiel Manor. They were again dressed in flowing white gowns. Their hair was intricately braided and decorated with gold chains and jewels. They stood with the entirety of House Lovandiel, as well as the other minor houses that lived in Lovandiel Valley. They stood at the front and gazed at Havadar who was in front of the whole gathering. A young woman was by his side. She was an adolescent like Havadar. She was slender, yet shapely. Her long flaxen hair hung loose down her back. She was dressed in only a simple white dress, like the one Glitter had worn for her coming of age ceremony. Havadar was dressed in a humble white tunic and black trousers. His own long black hair was loose and hung down his back, save for a single lock banded at the back of his head. Adorina, Glitter's grandmother, stood next to Havadar. Lovandiel was also there in the form of a hologram. His hologram flickered and distorted as the Atlantis tried to maintain the transmission. The girl's father and mother, the patriarch and matriarch of a minor house, stood with her. Between the young couple, an Elnore Priest stood with them. The priest was dressed in flowing blue robes, highlighted in gold. He spread his arms.

  “Friends,” he orated, “we are gathered here today to join Havadar Lovandiel and Ellien Myrwood in the bond of betrothal. Their two lives will be entwined together. When they come of age, they will become husband and wife. Ellien Myrwood has agreed, fully willing, to be betrothed, and Havadar Lovandiel has agreed, fully willing, to accept her as his betrothed.” With that, Havadar and Ellien clasped hands and gazed into each other's eyes.

  “Ellien Myrwood,” Havadar said, “I take you as my betrothed. I promise to take you as my wife when I come of age.”

  “Havadar Lovandiel,” Ellien spoke earnestly, “I take you as my betrothed. I promise to accept you as my husband when I come of age.”

  “Thus, as it is spoken,” the priest nodded, “thus it is to be. This young man and woman have been betrothed. They shall be bonded in marriage when they come of age. Now, as it has always been done, so shall it be now. Havadar and Ellien will now be permitted to consummate their betrothal, and should Ellien come to be with child, then it shall be a sign that the most Holy Creator has blessed their pairing.”

  On that note, the priest backed a pace and walked away. At this point the whole of the gathered people surged forward to congratulate Havadar and Ellien. Glitter was the first to speak to them. First she hugged Ellien and then Havadar. Glitter and Havadar looked at each other after the embrace.

  “Hey, be gentle with her, okay,” Glitter grimaced. “It hurts a girl when she gives up her virginity.”

  “I will.” Havadar beamed happily.

  As Glitter stepped away from them, she suddenly felt worried. She stepped over to the railing, gazing down at the rapidly flowing waters of the river below. Adorina stepped over to her noting the concern painted on Glitter‘s face.

  “What is it, Rose?” Adorina asked gently.

  “Grandmother, I saw my mind.”

  “What was it?”

  “I saw a blue sky over a Galactic Fleet base,” Glitter shivered. “There were fiery objects falling from the sky. But before they can hit the ground, they pulled up and become Galactic Fleet fighters, bombers and troop transports. And even though there was no indication of where this base was, I somehow knew it
was the sector command base on Aurora Colony in the Aldebaran System.”

  “Perhaps you are sensing what your sire is going through.”

  “I need to return to my ship,” Glitter pleaded. “I think Dad's in trouble.”

  “Daniel is a good pilot,” Adorina said. “I'm sure he will be fine.”

  The hologram of Lovandiel approached, still flickering and distorting.

  “Are you returning, Rose?” Lovandiel asked hopefully.

  “Mother and I are trying, Grandfather,” Glitter nodded. “We keep hitting travel restrictions.”

  “Worry not, my love,” Adorina chuckled dryly. “I have put pressure on the local Galactic Fleet transport authority to ensure that Rose and Kayara are able to return.”

  “Very well, my dear,” Lovandiel sighed. “I must end this transmission. Local jamming is getting worse.”

  Before anyone can say anything further, Lovandiel's hologram flickered out completely.

  “Come, Rose. Let us go get you and your mother a flight to Aldebaran.”

  “Thank you, Grandmother.“ The two women turned and started from the hall, taking the time to collect Kayara.

  The bright blue sky over Aldebaran Sector Command Headquarters, on Aurora Colony, was deceptively quiet, but brilliantly lit up with the flickers and flashes of the battle going on in orbit. Suddenly the quiet stillness was shattered by the rumble of sonic booms accompanied by a tight cluster of fireballs falling through the sky. They faded and resolved into Red Kite Forty, the fifteen Talon Two starfighters of Wizards Squadron, nine troop transport shuttles, five Long Spear bombers and a Ranger class tactical transport. The Ranger transport, troop shuttles and bombers flew in phalanx formation. Red Kite Forty moved ahead of them and the Wizards were on the perimeter of the formation.

  On the bridge of Red Kite Forty, Dan glared at his instruments and keyed his radio.

  “Strike force, this is Red Kite Forty,” Dan spoke sharply into his radio pickup. “The enemy is directly ahead. Troop transports peal off and begin landing operations.”

  “Roger, Red Kite,” said a female voice from Dan's headset speakers.


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