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The Atlantis Chronicles- The Kordam Party

Page 18

by Michael Brown

  “We did have questions,” Zuaim nodded, “we simply preferred asking them during this dinner. In Polistian society, conversation during a meal is one of our most cherished traditions.”

  “Same with our people,” Bowen replied, “or at least it used to be.”

  Zagovor spoke with reverence, “I am certainly impressed by the structure of your defense force within the ship. You have Marines and fighter pilots. Commander Landry and Colonel Acrami, I would very much like to see how your fighter pilots and Marines handle various combat situations. I have taken the liberty of bringing several computer discs with various combat simulations that Defense Securitate members undergo in their training. Perhaps we can adapt these discs to your ship's computers.”

  “Well, I think we up for a little challenge,” Landry gruffed.

  “On the subject of your Defense Securitate,” asked Acrami, “how is it structured?”

  “It is a defense organization for the Polistian Hierarchical Consortium,” Zagovor replied, “there are many positions within it, as well as many sections. For instance, I am head of a section that is in charge of protecting high-ranking individuals, including the Chancellors, High Advisor, the handmaidens and the attaché. There are also sections that, you might say, are equivalent to your Marines, fighter pilots and naval forces.”

  “An overall organization then,” Acrami gestured for clarification, “dedicated to the overall security of your planet.”

  “That is an accurate accounting,” Zagovor nodded.

  “It would be interesting to see both the Alliance and the Securitate to work together,” said Plumbar.

  “Indeed,” Zagovor replied again, “I have heard of some of the common threats you battle against, including these 'Hellkin'. My organization can easily devise countermeasures against enemy threats; we would be most interested in learning about how you handle these enemies so that we may be prepared should they attack us. After all, your enemies shall undoubtedly be our enemies also.”

  “I'm sure we can arrange something of that nature,” Bowen politely responded.

  “In that case,” the Defense Securitate section chief again replied, “I will contact my people and see if they can send in some of our best officers to discuss with your superiors on that matter.”

  After everyone enjoyed their appetizers, it was now time for the main course. As with the appetizers, everyone got their own dishes based on their preferences. The Polistian delegation was served elaborate dishes of roasted insects and locust, in accordance with their dietary requirements. Salvei was served his tenth glass of Elder wine, which made Lovandiel take notice.

  “I have a feeling my selection is going to be quite light by the time this dinner is over,” Lovandiel spoke quietly to Bowen.

  “Don't worry, Ambassador,” the Captain reassured the Elnore. “I'll see if I can get some replacements. One thing's for sure, Salvei must really love that wine.”

  “And he doesn't look so inebriated either,” Corbin remarked, adding to the private conversation.

  “Ah,” Salvei after taking a sip of his tenth glass of Elder wine, “this is actually much better than Hunaja.”

  “I never thought you would end up favoring that over our most cherished drink,” Zuaim buzzed softly with a surprised chuckle. He then spoke to Bowen and Lovandiel, “You will have to forgive my friend; apparently the Elder wine has now become his most favorite drink.”

  “Please, my friend,” Salvei said in turn, “the sweetness of this wine really attracts my senses.”

  “Speaking of attraction,” commented Dr. Schiguelle, “I have wondered about your physiology. From what I have studied, your sense of attraction is....more sensitive than ours.”

  After a brief pause, Zuaim again chuckled, “Yes, Doctor. Our stimulus is of course more sensitive than yours, especially when it comes to sexual attraction.”

  The Patriarchal Chancellor's remark made the Atlantis officers really take notice. Bowen, Carmen, Tanner, Davis, Landry and even Lovandiel came close to either choking or spitting out their drinks when that happened. Sex was not something ordinarily mentioned in such a casual manner and most certainly not during a state dinner where diplomats are involved. Bowen started to think about earlier when Zuaim admired Carmen's beauty. He could not help but wonder if the Patriarchal Chancellor was indeed attracted to her, and if he was going to actually ask her to be his bride or something. Of course, he could not just start a scene; the purpose of the Polistian delegates staying aboard Atlantis was so that they could get to personally know one of the best ships in the Galactic Alliance. Deva, who had sensed Bowen's reaction earlier, started to become concerned that the Captain might try to provoke an incident with Zuaim. Zuaim, after being oblivious to Bowen's previous reaction, started to notice.

  “Captain Bowen,” Zuaim asked, “is everything fine?”

  “Hmm,” Bowen gasped after a few moments of silence, trying desperately to find the word, “ Tell me about....the idea behind sexual attraction.”

  “Well, Captain,” Zuaim replied, “our bodies have very sensitive stimulus glands that can easily be attracted to members of the opposite sex. These glands are indirectly networked into the sight, feelings, hearing and smell stimulus. A woman's beauty to a male Polistian is like the taste of sweet nectar from a flower. Of course, sexual attraction does not necessarily mean the wanting of a mate. In fact, I am deeply devoted to my counterpart Aiti. Infidelity and extramarital relations are deeply forbidden in Polistian society. Of course, it is still natural to feel aroused by the sight of the opposite sex.”

  “I see,” Bowen mumbled while somewhat relieved.

  The dinner party lasted for two hours, with many more discussions about the ship, the Galactic Alliance, Polistian society and more. Afterwards when it was time for the Polistian delegates to be shown their quarters, several officers came to accompany them. As the delegation left the dining room, Zuaim told them to go ahead and that he would join them shortly.

  “Captain,” Zuaim called to Bowen, “may I speak with you privately?”

  “Yes,” Bowen nodded. He was not sure why Zuaim would want to speak to him. Did he offend the Patriarchal Chancellor in some way by his reaction to him over Carmen? Whatever the reason, Bowen hoped a fight would not be started over this.

  “It has come to my attention that you had an adverse reaction to my advances toward Carmen Ramirez,” Zuaim told Bowen frankly.

  “Yes,” Bowen swallowed his pride. “I would like to apologize for not being upfront about that beforehand. I did not want to cause any unnecessary trouble over this. And I sure didn't want to jump to any conclusions. I am truly--”

  Zuaim stopped Bowen mid-sentence to reassure him. “There is no need to apologize, Captain. I quite understand your reaction. Your First Officer has told me about your relationship with Carmen. You thought I wanted her for a mate or a counterpart, and I should have assured you then and there. I am the one who must apologize. Attraction to the opposite sex is part of our biological makeup. And as I stated, I am deeply devoted to Aiti in spite of feeling any arousal concerning females.”

  “Oh,” Bowen was a bit flabbergasted, “well, thank you. Apology accepted.”

  “I must say,” Zuaim buzzed, “you are very fortunate to have a female like Carmen Ramirez as do you say....a love interest. She would make a fine counterpart for you.”

  “I am pretty sure she would,” Bowen replied while much relieved.

  “Indeed,” Zuaim said. “I will join my delegation in being shown our living arrangements on this ship. I am sure our stay will be an interesting experience. And I will have to have a talk with Salvei; apparently his love for Elder wine might end up draining your ambassador's liquor collection....and I can tell your ambassador was quite concerned.”

  Bowen chuckled at Zuaim's remark as the Patriarchal Chancellor left to rejoin his delegation. He took a very deep breath in complete relief that no misunderstandings messed up the dinner.

nbsp; “These are going to be an interesting three weeks having these people aboard,” Bowen grumbled to himself.

  Corbin came over to give his captain a hard time. “So, glad the Patriarchal Chancellor isn't going to steal Carmen?”

  “Cowboy,” Bowen responded while slightly annoyed, “Zuaim wasn't trying to steal Carmen at all. It's just that....well; Polistian males seem to be easily attracted to females.”

  “I wonder if any of the handmaidens are....well,” Corbin wondered aloud.

  “I don't know about that,” Bowen replied somewhat bemused. “They might already be taken.”

  “Well,” Landry staggered by. “I don't know about you, but I.....I....I got to take a few hours off and go to my quarters.”

  “What's the matter, Papa?” Bowen was concerned.

  “ to change my pants....and my shorts,” replied Landry crisply.

  Full Name: TofarKrim

  Nickname(s):“Too Far”

  Species:Shrive Fighter


  Age:56, Earth Standard Calendar

  Birthday:June 6th, 2108


  Hometown:Kirinar City, Palio, Pleiades Star Cluster

  Religious beliefs/affiliation (if any):

  Shrive Fighter Polytheism

  Height:5’ 6”

  Hair:Tuft of crimson feathers


  Other physical Characteristics:

  Enlarged scythe claw on the inner toe of both feet.


  Occupation:Galactic Fleet Officer

  Education:Galactic Fleet Academy, Shrive War College Campus

  Service Rank:Lieutenant Commander

  Current Fleet Assignment:

  Tactical Officer, U.S.S. Atlantis


  ~Parents:KorothKrim (Father); Thella Krim (Mother

  ~Siblings:Rotahn “Iron Claw” Krim (brother); ThrihaffKrim (Sister)

  ~Spouse/significant other:

  OvahahnKrim (Wife)

  ~Children:TookahKrim (Son); Kayloh (Daughter); Feefar (Son)


  TofarKrim was the first member of his clan to join the Galactic Fleet. For more than a century, the Krim Clan was loyal to the Blood Claw pirate syndicate. However, in recent years, they began to distance themselves from the Blood Claws. Tofar joined the Galactic Fleet at the behest of his father. Naturally, Tofar went to the Galactic Fleet’s Shrive War College campus. The Shrive War College was run by Shrive Fighters who were members of the Galactic Fleet, and the hardest part of their job was acclimatizing Shrive Fighters to serving with other species, particularly Shrive Thinkers. The purpose of this was more to curb the ingrained violence of the nature of Shrive Fighters. During this time Tofar was quite comfortable and happy. He pushed through his academy years and graduated with top honors. During his early years in fleet service, Tofar demonstrated a tendency towards excessive violence, always within his orders, but certainly enough for him to earn the nickname ‘Too Far‘. He also demonstrated a mastery of tactics and strategy, allowing him to rise through the ranks. He now serves as the tactical officer aboard the U.S.S. Atlantis. As the tactical officer, he is in charge of all combat activities that do not involve the flight wing. Too Far is also in charge of relaying Captain Bowen’s orders to the rest of the Atlantis Battle Group.

  Full Name: Havendure Lovandiel




  Age:2300 years, Earth Standard Calendar

  Birthday:February14th, 136 B.C.E., Earth Standard Calendar


  Hometown:Lovandiel Valley, Imaradel Mountains, Elnore Prime

  Religious beliefs/affiliation (if any):

  Elnore Tree of Life Philosophy

  Height: 5 feet, 10 inches



  Other physical Characteristics:

  Pointed Ears


  Occupation:Diplomat, Representative of the Galactic Alliance Supreme Council

  Education:Doctorate in Diplomacy, Gondoliant University, Elnore Prime

  Service Rank:Civilian, Alliance Government Official

  Current Fleet Assignment:

  Roving Ambassador, USS Atlantis


  ~Parents:Havenor Lovandiel (Father), Galina Lovandiel (Mother)

  ~Siblings:Tiaras Lovandiel (Sister), Galgalad Lovandiel (Brother),

  Dorlan Winelle (Kayara’s Sire)

  ~Spouse/significant other:

  Adorina Lovandiel


  Wensa Lovandiel (Daughter), Kayara Winelle (Daughter), Havadar Lovandiel (Son), Kalinda Lovandiel (Daughter), Lieutenant Rosa Trent (Granddaughter)


  Havendure Lovandiel has long been considered the quintessential diplomat. He is open and friendly and finds it quite easy to speak to just about anyone. He has served as a roving ambassador for the Galactic Alliance’s Supreme Council for fifteen hundred years, Earth Standard Calendar. While most of the people he deals with often have a hard time even comprehending the idea of a single person having over a thousand years of experience, they find it easy to work with Lovandiel. Ambassador Lovandiel has been around the galaxy a few times and has acquired quite an eclectic store of knowledge on a variety of different subjects, from the ins and outs of piracy to the proper way to order food in an alien restaurant. Lovandiel is generally able to negotiate virtually any sort of agreement, and has rarely failed to reach an accord, even with the most obstinate of civilizations. As the patriarch of the prestigious and powerful Lovandiel Family, Ambassador Lovandiel commands a great deal of respect, and wields a tremendous amount of political power, though one would not realize this if one met him personally. Lovandiel does not allow this to go to his head. He knows that power is transient, and respect is subject to the whims of the public. He finds it much more enjoyable to be personable and friendly than respected and powerful. However, he is not above using his political power when he needs to. Fifteen hundred years of experience has taught Lovandiel to recognize when to wield power and when not to. He has a veritable army of friends and acquaintances, and when meeting new people, wastes no time in making new friends. Ambassador Lovandiel is a connoisseur of food and drink and loves to try new foods and beverages. Whenever he travels, he brings his own private stock of liquors and beverages, which would easily supply a small tavern. His private stock of drinks ranges from Elnore Elder Wine to Coca-Cola and includes an amazing variety of foods and beverages from more than fifty different worlds. Of course, Lovandiel delights in sharing his personal stock with others. His office is decorated with tapestries, paintings and sculptures steeped in Elnore culture. With his level of experience and amount of respect, there are always demands on Lovandiel’s time, and he is experienced enough to know how to easily manage all these demands.

  Full Name: Mitchell James Bowen





  Birthday:September 26th, 2134


  Hometown:Toledo, Ohio, United States, Earth, Sol Star System

  Religious beliefs/affiliation (if any):

  Christian, non-practicing

  Height:6 ft.



  Other physical Characteristics:

  Prominent scar on right thigh; prominent tattoo of

  winged, fanged skull on left bicep


  Occupation:Officer, Galactic Fleet; Fighter Pilot

  Titles/degrees:Galactic Fleet Service Commission,

  Graduate Galactic Fleet Academy,

  Graduate Fleet Basic Flight School,

  Graduate Top Gun Flight School

  Service Rank:Captain

  Current Fleet Assignment:

  Commanding Officer
, USS Atlantis,


  ~Parents: Doctor Edward Theodore Bowen (Father), Admiral Rebekah Eleanor Bowen (Mother)

  ~Siblings: Nancy Elizabeth Bowen-Caldwell (Sister), Harold Anthony Bowen (Brother)

  ~Spouse/significant other:

  Lieutenant April “Rain” Chang (girlfriend, deceased), Carmen Ramirez (girlfriend)



  Mitchell Bowen was a typical fleet brat. His father was a fleet science officer, and his mother was a fighter pilot. Mitchell Bowen is thought to have been conceived out of wedlock; however, this is an unfounded rumor. He was actually conceived soon after his parents got married. His home town is Toledo, Ohio by virtue of the fact that it is also his father's home town. During his time in high school, Mitchell Bowen dated Carmen Ramirez and the two were quite close and thoroughly in love. However, Carmen Ramirez had a pregnancy scare and summarily dumped Mitchell Bowen. Though Mitchell Bowen gave up on her and moved on, Carmen Ramirez never truly got over him, and regretted terminating their relationship.

  When Mitchell Bowen was eighteen, he was accepted into the Galactic Fleet Academy. Over the course of the next four years, he applied himself diligently, and despite gaining a reputation for being a womanizer, he graduated at the top of his class. He then requested to be sent to flight school. He was assigned to the Top Gun flight school. He graduated from Top Gun, and was assigned to the USS Agamemnon as a fighter pilot. Bowen distinguished himself as a fighter pilot. It was during this time that Lieutenant Mitchell Bowen met Lieutenant April Chang, another fighter pilot in his squadron. They dated and quickly fell in love. In time they began to plan to get married. This occurred during the Incirrata War. Unfortunately, April Chang was killed in action. Lieutenant Bowen never really got over April Chang's death. From that day on, he never entered into a long term relationship with a woman. He only had brief relationships, often limiting himself to one-night-stands. He only regularly slept with women who were only interested in casual sex and no relationship.


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