Tame: A High School Bully Romance (Savannah Heirs Book 2)

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Tame: A High School Bully Romance (Savannah Heirs Book 2) Page 10

by Coralee June

  He chuckled and scraped his scratchy jaw against the sensitive skin beneath my ear. “That’s true. You’re no flower, princess. You’re a fucking thorn. I'm just savoring this because it won’t be happening again.”

  “Nope, it won’t. One time is all I want,” I retorted at the same time that I reached under his shirt and scratched my nails down his back.

  It was true. I did want just one, hard fuck, just to prove to myself I could do it. I could have sex and enjoy it. I wasn’t going to let Pick take that from me forever. But I knew that if I were doing this with Beau, he’d be too worried, too careful, too soft. I didn’t want any of those things. I needed someone to fuck me like nothing had ever happened to me. And Godfrey, for all his selfishness and asshole disposition, could give that to me, because in his twisted way, he understood me, and he knew that right then, I didn’t want to be coddled.

  “Take my cock out. You give me your hands, I’ll give you mine.”

  My hand was already at the clasp of his jeans before his words fully registered. “Wait...You aren’t going to fuck me?”

  “Oh, I’ll fuck you, alright. Just not like that.”

  A new surge of anger rushed through me, and I dipped my hand under his boxers and grabbed his dick, squeezing hard. “What? Am I too dirty for you?” I challenged, feeling furious fire and despairing water fill up my eyes. “You don’t want me?”

  He pushed his hips against me, forcing my hand to grip him even harder than it already was. “Does it fucking feel like I don’t want you?”

  I didn’t understand. But then, Godfrey did everything for a reason. I just had to stick around him long enough to learn what all of those reasons were.

  “Stop thinking,” he snapped, forcing my eyes on his when he gripped me by the jaw. The touch was firm, but gentle, and when I felt his thumb sweep against my cheek, I nearly melted at the touch.

  His hand worked my dress up the rest of the way, and then he started to rub circles around the outside of my panties. It didn’t take him long to make me wet, which was amazing, since yesterday I thought I’d never be able to become aroused again. But I wasn’t about to waste it.

  I kept squeezing and stroking him, probably a bit too hard, but I liked the feeling of literally holding him in my hand. I liked the power it gave me. And that was it, I realized. For all of his faults, Godfrey really did know how to read people. He knew that this was what I needed for now, even if I didn’t know it myself until he gave it to me. He was giving me what I wanted, without letting me rush into sex that might leave me panicked. It wasn’t until just then I truly appreciated just how observant he really was.

  When he felt my hand loosen slightly, no longer a punishing grip, he rewarded me by dipping his finger under my panties and swiping across my slit. I gasped, my hand going still as I focused on his skilled fingers, working me with that blissful movement that gave me exactly what I wanted. “Don’t stop now,” he teased, knowing full well the effect he was having on me.

  I pressed on the head of his cock with my thumb, swirling his precum over his hardness with my fingers before massaging him again. With each pump, I squeezed just a bit more as his fingers circled my nub, perfecting that sweet rhythm as I matched his tempo with my own movements.

  “Yes,” I hissed out.

  Each grunt in his chest spurred me further, grinding into his palm like an orgasm would finally release me from the hell I’d been living in. I squeezed just a tad tighter, licking my lips while wondering how he’d feel bumping into the back of my throat.

  Godfrey’s eyes zeroed in on the movement of my tongue, and I felt his skin grow hot with desire. “Not this time, but if you want a taste, I’ll let you suck my dick next time, princess.”

  “There won’t be a next time, remember?” I shot back, but his words had done something nasty and perfect to me. I found myself reaching my peak as I visualized his dick in my mouth, me on my knees and his hot cum sliding down my throat.

  My orgasm was like shattering glass, splintering us both with the shards as he followed soon after me. My palm became slick with his cum while I panted for breath, and before I could question myself or let the reality of what just happened come crashing down on me, I lifted a finger and sucked on his sweet release, pulling it out with a pop.

  “Interesting,” I began, my throat husky as my limbs went numb from pleasure, and I relaxed back on the hood of the car.

  “What?” he asked. His own tone rough as he panted beside me, his forehead pressed against the metal.

  “You taste sweeter than I imagined. I thought the devil would be sour,” I teased before gripping his hand and pulling it out of my panties.

  I used the end of his shirt to wipe myself off, methodically wiping myself clean of him. He watched me with an unreadable expression as I moved out from beneath him, sliding off the hood of the car.

  “Take me home, Godfrey,” I said before opening the passenger side door and sliding inside.

  I stared through the windshield as Godfrey adjusted himself and stripped off his shirt, tossing it in the dirt like he wanted to leave behind the evidence of what we’d done. Without a word, he got into the driver’s seat and turned on the engine, pulling away from our little hideout to head back to the city. As soon as we were back on the main road, he reached over and flipped on the music, playing that song I hated as he drove me home.

  I expected nothing less, and yet, I found that I hated that song just a little bit less.

  Chapter Eleven


  No. No no no.

  Darkness crawling over me like a shadow of thorns.

  “I don’t want it!” I screamed, but my voice was like an echo, a distant plea that didn’t do much of anything.

  A prick of the skin.

  “Shut the girl up already,” a voice said. His tone was like crunching on gravel. There was a pile of broken teeth at my feet.

  Just one little prick. Just one taste, and it’ll all be over.

  It’ll all be over.

  I was scratching at myself. Peeling my skin back, layer by gruesome layer. But it wasn’t blood pouring from my veins, it was white powder.

  Snow. Beautiful snow.

  “Stop,” I begged.

  But again, my words did nothing.

  Each deafening decibel in my voice just beckoned them nearer.

  Each whimper that escaped my lips was just a lighthouse.

  Each tear was just the end.

  Each end was just another beginning.

  “Rachel, wake up!” a voice called over and over again. I felt my shoulder being jostled as I tried to crawl out of the deep sleep I was trapped in.

  I was face down in my plush pillow, drool collecting at the corner of my lip as I fought off the demons plaguing my sleep. The dark nightmare that assaulted me every night was always the same. It was a bunch of flashes of shadows, garbled words, and nameless faces, all of them picking at my body like it was theirs for the taking.

  “Rachel, baby, you gotta wake up,” a voice pleaded.

  It was very concerning that the first thing I hoped for when my eyes peeled open was to find Godfrey Taylor. But when I was greeted with the morning light, it wasn’t cruel, cool-as-ice eyes that greeted me. Instead, it was warm hazel ones, dipped in concern.

  “Beau?” I asked, while gripping the pale pink sheets drenched in sweat around me. I twisted around in bed, sitting up in an instant, feeling far too vulnerable to keep lying on my stomach. “What are you doing here?” I asked. Our faces were just inches apart. He could probably smell the morning on my breath and the sulfur on my soul.

  His eyes dipped down to my heaving chest where I kept clutching the sheets against my breasts. He was probably mistaking my quick breathing for lust at his proximity, but it was actually just frantic remnants from the nightmare I’d been having. I felt hot under his gaze, but not in a good way, and I wanted nothing but a cold shower to wash away the terror that my dream had left me in. “You were having a bad dream,”
he whispered before reaching out to stroke my cheek, pushing a pale blonde strand behind my ear in the process.

  Beau was wearing his signature leather jacket, form-fitting jeans, and a band shirt from the seventies. He probably had never even heard a Pink Floyd song in his life, but he liked to dress the part.

  “I’m fine,” I gritted out before pushing the blankets off of me, which was a big mistake. Cool air rushed at my skin and clung to the beads of sweat that were coating me in a slick sheen. A shiver spread throughout my body from the chill of it. I had forgotten that the night before, I’d stripped down to just a t-shirt and panties. Godfrey had left me hot and bothered after our little session on his hood, and it seemed like every layer of clothing I wore last night was too much. Godfrey had wanted to strip me bare, and he’d succeeded, even though he hadn’t been here to witness it.

  Beau swallowed hard while taking in my legs and the curve of my bare hips. “What are you doing here?” I asked before making my way over to my connecting bathroom. I didn’t bother shutting the door. Partly because the nightmare made me feel unnerved about being locked up in closed spaces, but also because I was reminding myself that Beau wasn’t a threat. I needed to remember that I wasn’t trapped. I was in control. I could do this. I could shake it off and leave the door open. I’d be giving my friend a little strip tease in the process, but I’d told myself last night I was going to start using my body as a weapon, and I’d meant it. Trying it out on safe Beau seemed like a smart way to practice. I could use my body on my terms and put on a show for my own benefit.

  Giving him my back, I stripped out of my shirt, tossing it to the floor before turning on the shower. Beau followed after me, and I could feel his tall presence in the doorway. “Your dad sent me. He was worried when you didn’t answer his texts,” he explained.

  I hummed in thought and looked over my shoulder at him, catching the way his hungry eyes took in the dip in my waist and the curve of my ass. I swallowed at the hunger there and reminded myself once again that this is who I should want. Beau was my friend, and I trusted him. He was kind and strong and already in my father’s inner circle. The thing with Godfrey was going to fade now that we’d gotten each other off. It had to.

  That’s what I tried to convince myself, anyway. Godfrey was completely wrong for me, and wanting him would only lead to heartache. But Beau was safe, he was here, and I could see exactly how much he wanted me. I wanted to see if I could want him too.

  I’d started sleeping in my underwear back in the basement. Learned real fast that the more clothes between me and my tormentors, the longer it took them to hurt me. Even Godfrey’s lingering heat couldn’t stop that. Unclasping my bra, I let the straps fall over my shoulders. I pinched the fabric between my thumb and index finger and then let it drop to the floor in a dainty fall.

  “Yeah?” I asked, over the roar of the shower. Steam was already starting to fill the room as I slipped out of my panties. It made the entire scene more erotic, somehow. Like he’d have to search through the hazy vapor to seek out my creamy skin. “What does he want?” I asked.

  Beau was a lifelong friend, I told myself, feeling his attention riveted on every exposed inch of me. I could handle his stare. I could show my brain who was in charge. I could forget Godfrey.

  Beau cleared his throat before answering. “He got called to business in Atlanta, and he wants me to meet him there. He wants you to spend the day with Taylor until he gets back. It’s one of those all hands on deck situations,” he explained as I stepped under the rushing water and pulled the curtain shut. The moment I was in the privacy of the shower, I wrapped my arms around my waist and closed in on myself, letting out a shaky breath. Try as I might, my body just wasn’t responding the way it would’ve if it had been Godfrey out there instead.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s a school day for people that aren’t being held prisoner in their homes,” I said with a sigh.

  “I’m pretty sure people like Godfrey Taylor skip class all the time,” Beau gritted. I could hear the jealousy in his tone, but I wasn’t in the right state of mind to call him on it.

  I washed my hair as quickly as possible before running the washcloth over myself. Once the water was shut off, I stepped out into the cool air and wrapped the oversized towel around my trembling body. “And why can’t I just stay here at home?” I asked again before walking to the mirror to wipe the fog away. The girl staring back at me looked different than the girl I saw yesterday. She was more vibrant, had an extra gleam to her eyes and a telling mark on her neck. I felt different somehow. Like more in control of my sexuality. Too bad I couldn’t tell that sexuality to desire Beau instead.

  “It’s not safe,” Beau replied cryptically.

  “Y’all are going to have to start coming up with better excuses, Beau. It’s not safe anywhere I go,” I replied in a dry tone. Maybe this was why I struggled with Beau. He was too much like my father, always trying to gently insist that he wanted what was best for me while keeping me chained to his will. Godfrey wanted to break the binding on my tattered wings.

  Dammit, why was I comparing everything to Godfrey?

  Beau sighed and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my middle where the towel was barely closed. Even through the fabric, I could feel his warm forearm on my stomach, and I wanted to rip it away from me. Why was I like this? Why did Godfrey, admittedly one of the most careless men I’d ever met, make me feel more comfortable and safe than Beau, who’d always been a constant in my life? He was warm and fun. Sweet and loyal. He was like a damn Golden Retriever, but I kept wanting the wolf.

  Beau gently leaned down to place his lips at my neck, and everything inside of me turned to ice. He was rubbing his salt in my wounds, and it was taking everything I had not to sink to the floor in a heap of jitters. “I wish I could stay with you,” he whispered. “I don’t like this Godfrey guy. Haven’t heard good things about him, and he looks at you like you’re someone he’d like to mess with.”

  “Yeah,” I said, swallowing. Little did Beau know I wanted Godfrey to mess with me just as much as he wanted to do the messing.

  “Just call Godfrey. Please stay away from the house until your dad says it’s clear. I can drop you off anywhere you need to go on my way out,” Beau promised before pulling away from me and going into the bedroom to sit down on my bed.

  I glanced back in the mirror again, taking in my relieved expression. Maybe having Godfrey Taylor as a babysitter wasn’t a bad gig after all. I didn’t make a move for my phone though. Not only did we not exchange numbers, but I realized this was a prime opportunity to catch him off guard. I had replaced my addiction to heroin with my need to shock a man that didn’t shock easily. I grinned. I was going to be getting my fix very soon.

  Chapter Twelve


  I woke up with a raging hard-on that wouldn’t quit. Not when I fisted the angry, throbbing traitor in the shower. Not when I rubbed one out after breakfast in the guest bathroom of Rogue Kelly’s estate. Hell, I was still as hard as a fucking rock when I got to school. All because of Rachel Fucking Nomar. After what had happened yesterday on the hood of my car, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. The look on her face when she came on my hand was goddamn perfection, and it had haunted me even while I slept.

  “Happy to see me?” a high-pitched voice said just as the overpowering smell of cotton candy filled my nose.

  A warm body pressed against mine, and it took everything I had not to shove her away. Happy was the furthest emotion I was feeling at the sight of Stephanie Palmisano. She’d ridden my dick more times than I could count this last year, all because we’d needed an excuse to get into her house and hide evidence there. I hadn’t wanted to tell her that part, but Scarlett insisted we come clean. She said it was wrong of us to use Stephanie like that. Little did she know that Stephanie liked being used. I just wasn’t the Heir that Stephanie really had her sights on. Which was why sex with her had always left me unsatisfied. But Bonham—
the fucker—who she’d had her sights on for years, always ignored her. Stephanie kept hoping that if she shared enough Heirs, she’d finally get her turn with him.

  “No,” I replied honestly. The only girl I wanted to see was also the only girl I should be staying the hell away from.

  Stephanie didn’t react to my harsh honesty at all. That girl could handle an insult, that was for sure. It made me wonder what kind of asshole her father was if she was so desensitized to insults. Or maybe it was just the status quo of coming here to Smith Academy. Prep girls in plaid skirts could be vicious little things. No matter the reason, it sucked for me because Stephanie wasn’t getting the hint, which meant that she was banging right into me, and I had no buffer.

  Rogue and Scarlett were taking a sick day, and Luis was bound to show up three periods late and reeking of weed. Bonham was the only one here with me, which was why I was positive that Stephanie was throwing herself at my feet. He was currently leaning against my car, his injured leg propped up as he scowled at the parking lot and did his best to ignore her.

  “How are you, Bonham?” she asked, her voice less confident than when she’d addressed me. His name sounded like a squeak in her mouth.

  “Fine,” he gritted out.

  I had half a mind to call him on his bullshit. He wasn’t fine. Hadn’t been since the Macon Mob had fucked up his foot. He’d been spending all his time feeling sorry for himself and clenching his jaw, looking like an angry, wounded animal, even though he’d already made more progress than anyone had expected. He’d graduated out of the wheelchair and had moved on to crutches—which he absolutely refused to use unless absolutely necessary.

  He was set to be finished from physical therapy soon, and although he’d have a slight limp for the rest of his life, he’d still be able to walk. What a fucking consolation prize. I hated how the doctors and nurses gushed about his progress, like I was supposed to be happy that a lifelong ailment was the only thing wrong with him. My best friend shouldn’t have had to go through this in the first place. Which was why, despite wanting to stay at home and get thoughts of a certain gangster princess out of my head, I was here, in the school parking lot, standing by his side. Bonham was determined to get valedictorian, which meant no more missing class. He was far too ambitious for his own good, and he actually enjoyed doing homework. Sometimes even mine.


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