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Team Tomás (The Saints team series)

Page 14

by Ally Adams

  “Camera? Clean hanky?” Kay asked with a wink.

  “Yes thanks, Mom.” I smiled, waving the camera at her.

  “Got Ed?” Sasha asked, and Ed smirked at her.

  “I’ve got Alice, come on,” he said, nudging me out.

  I grabbed my bag and followed Ed to his car—a sedate sedan but fairly new. “A work vehicle,” he explained. “Tax deduction for the business.”

  “Ah ha,” I nodded, not that his driving preference really required any explanation but the guys seemed hung up on car appearances and their contracts allowed them to spend big on a car if they wanted to do so. He stuck the bag of balls on the back seat and we got in the front and belted up.

  The god of broken hearts must have been protecting me; I saw a black Ducati motorbike turning into the club grounds and coming towards us. It was Tomás—I don’t know if he was coming to see me, the football manager or get physio, but thank fuck I wasn’t in the office. That’s all I needed. I ducked a little, pulling down the sun visor, and watched in the side mirror as he turned past us, not seeing me in the car.

  Ed started the car and checked the address on the sheet supplied by Shayne. I sat dying, willing him to drive—move it, let’s go, put the foot to the floor for pity’s sake.

  I watched in the mirror as Tomás parked and pulled off his helmet. He ran his hand through his hair. Oh my, he was gorgeous sitting straddling that big black bike with his jeans on and a leather jacket. Ed saw him—damn, can we just get going here? Please don’t come over to the car, please, pretty please.

  Ed put down the window and called out a greeting and Tomás replied. I sat far back in the seat, staying out of sight. I breathed a sigh of relief as Ed put the window up, and turned the car towards the road.

  I put the sun visor back up and turned my attention back to the lovely Ed. I hadn’t spoken more than twenty words to Ed since I started at the club—he was sweet and shy and I was the new girl, so it would be good to get to know each other. It would help with my job too. We started talking about the game and I congratulated him on a good performance, not that I’d have a clue, but that’s what you usually said.

  “Thanks.” He smiled. “This is my second year with the club and it’s coming together now; it takes a while to learn to play as a team, but they’re a good lot.”

  “Are you a career player?” I asked. I was pretty sure Tomás was a professional player, you know full-time and no college qualification.

  “Actually, I’m an accountant,” Ed said, surprising me. “So is Kaiser… uh Nik. Have you met him?”

  “German Nik?”

  “Yeah, that’s him. I look after our business books and some of the players’ finances as well.”

  “So how did you get into security?” I asked.

  “Well The Russian was working part-time just doing some security work when we first met and he’d roped some of us guys in if they were short staffed.” Ed shrugged. “Easy work, just hustle a few people along and look as though you don’t want to be messed with. He had the idea to take over the Saints’ security and it just built from there. We have about eight clients now including the Saints and we rent that space from them. I do the accounts and a bit of security work when needed.”

  “Really? I didn’t realize the business expanded out of the Saints’ office. Most impressive. So what are The Russian’s qualifications?” I asked.

  “He’s tall,” Ed said, delivering the line without a smile.

  He glanced to me and we both laughed.

  “He’s got a management degree,” Ed said. “He’s handy with the contracts and a few other things.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to run into him in a dark alley,” I said.

  “His size is handy for a security company,” Ed agreed. “Jackson is a carpenter, Josh is a full-time player...” he rattled off names and I waited, dreading the name he would get to eventually. “...Tomás, he’s a whiz at I.T. can fix anything, but I don’t think he’s qualified, Lucas has a history degree...”

  I tuned out. A whiz at I.T., so he could fix my laptop, phone or anything else that needed tweaking. What I needed him to do was fix my broken heart, but he wouldn’t be getting a chance to do that any time soon unless he had a good story to spin.

  I guess if we had gone the whole way, if he had come inside me, it would be memorable for the pleasure and the pain. I wished we had. As some poet said, maybe Tennyson or was it Shakespeare, no Tennyson I think, whatever... Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. At the moment I didn’t feel that way because the pain was too much, but in a week’s time, or two, or a month, maybe I’d agree with him.

  Chapter 24

  I had all the photos I needed and there were some super cute shots of Ed instructing some of the kids in technique and a great shot of them all chasing Ed, and then sitting on Ed as he lay flat on the ground underneath them. While Ed wrapped it up and spoke with the sports teacher, I braved a glance at my phone. I had turned it on earlier, but avoided looking at it until the job at hand was done. I guess I would have been disappointed if Tomás hadn’t tried to call again—which was pathetic I know because I told him not to—but he had. I thought it would be easier if we didn’t talk and just moved on, instead of dragging it out and prolonging the agony for me.

  I thought a lot about it overnight, about whether I could just have sex with him, keep it casual, no commitment, and enjoy having him take my virginity. I know guys can do this—separate sex and emotion—but I wasn’t sure I could. As much as I wanted him, I didn’t think I could be his casual fling. I hadn’t the heart for it; I was either all in, or all out, so to speak. Maybe if I didn’t care for him so much I could just have had a fling and walk away.

  I saw two missed calls and two text messages from him this morning, and another call and text from last night. There was a call and text from Mia and I texted her back to say I was at work and all was well. I replied to Cassie’s text message confirming I would definitely be moving in tonight and I’d arrive with my car packed full of gear just after six or so. At least Tomás wouldn’t know my new address and wouldn’t surprise me with a visit.

  I took a deep breath and opened Tomás’ first text message. His call and the text came in last night just after I sent him the text saying: It wz fun & thx 4 the G8 D8s. C U around the club maybe.

  TOMÁS: Don’t do this Cookie. I beg U 2 let me explain

  I sighed. I couldn’t think of any explanation that would satisfy in my head what I had seen. I opened his second text message.

  TOMÁS: I am falling in luv with U

  Holy crap. I promised myself no tears especially since I was at work. Ed appeared and I jumped up, grabbed my bag and camera and followed him to the car, blinking furiously to clear my eyes.

  What did I say to that? Why was he with her, why were they all over each other if he was falling in love with me?


  We got back to the office and I was looking out for Tomás’s bike as we drove in. It was gone and I breathed a sigh of relief—I didn’t want the drama at work. I thanked Ed. It had been fun spending time with him and I parted ways with him at the door while I lingered outside the office to call Dane and thank him for the flowers. I dug his card out of my bag and called. It went to message bank and I breathed my second sigh of relief in minutes; I was too drained to turn on the charm this afternoon and I didn’t want him asking me out just yet. If I could just have one drama at a time thanks Universe, that’d be appreciated. Being heartbroken took so much energy.

  Not saying being asked out by a gorgeous guy is a drama—I don’t want to piss off the universe and the love karma vibes—I just wanted to be in a good head space if it went that way with Dane. Phew, glad we got that sorted. I left a message: “Dane, hi, it’s Alice here. Wow, well thank you. What a gorgeous surprise… I didn’t even present and I get flowers! Um, I’ll try and catch you later and hey, thank you again, you’ve made my day.” That should do it for now.

I walked back into the building and turned left down the hallway to our marketing area. I was accosted by the scent of the flowers as I entered our partitioned area. They made the office look quite lovely.

  “You two look beautiful with those flowers beside you,” I said, teasing Sasha and Kay and appreciating the scene.

  Kay chuckled.

  “It helps that we were beautiful to start with,” Sasha piped up.

  “Ain’t that the truth?” I agreed. “I got some great pics that I’ll stick up online now. Want me to send you some words and a few shots for the newsletter too?” I asked Sasha.

  “Please.” She nodded, enthusiastically. “By the way, you had a visitor.”

  Here it comes.

  “Oh?” It’s hard to make that sound nonchalant when your heart is beating like a drum and the pain in your chest is so overwhelming that it clouds all rational thoughts.

  “Tomás the Latin lover was looking for you.” She smiled. “He didn’t look happy even after the great game on Sunday.”

  “He was very polite and charming though,” Kay said, with a dreamy look.

  That was my Tomás, charming.

  “What did he want?” I asked. I tried to keep it cool. “I’ve only got three players at events this week and he’s not one of them... yet.”

  “He didn’t say,” Sasha said. “He just strolled in with that leather jacket on and those well-fitting jeans and looked at your desk expectantly. Then he said our names...”

  “Rolled off his tongue like honey,” Kay said and fanned herself.

  Good grief.

  Sasha continued, “He asked where you were and admired the flowers.”

  I cringed. I didn’t want to ask questions but I desperately wanted to know what Sasha and Kay told him. Sasha filled in the blanks without me having to stage an inquisition.

  “I told him they arrived for you this morning,” Sasha said, “and he seemed pissed by that, didn’t he Kay? I think his jaw sort of locked.” She tried to impersonate him and I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head at her.

  “What?” she said. “It doesn’t hurt a guy to know he has competition.”

  This wasn’t going to be good, but then again, maybe that would help him move on.

  “I don’t think I’m in Tomás’s league,” I said.

  “Not slutty enough?” Sasha said, and we both grinned.

  “Yeah that’s it,” I agreed. “Nice girls come last or something like that.”

  “I wouldn’t know.” She shrugged and gave me a wicked smile.

  Yeah, I believe Sasha wouldn’t know; she was a strange one and I suspect she was into some strange stuff too.

  “His girlfriend has just arrived from Buenos Aires hasn’t she?” Kay piped up.

  Sasha and I both turned to look at her.

  How the hell did she know that?

  She continued like the proud source of all good gossip. “Yesterday at the game, I heard some of the WAGS mention it when I was working in the VIP marquee. They said that the two of them had been going out since school but one of the wives said he wanted to come here by himself first before bringing her to live here.”

  “Looks like she’s checking up on him,” Sasha said.

  And he didn’t think to mention that to me when he was sucking me! Fucking men. My phone rang again and I looked to the screen and it was Tomás. I turned it on silent and let it ring out.

  Get stuffed Tomás, preferably by your girlfriend.

  Chapter 25

  “You’re here!” Cassie screamed as she opened the door and I stood there with an armful of clothes and a suitcase.

  “Here and deaf now,” I said, and grinned.

  “Hi Mr. Peterson.” She opened the door wider to let me and my dad in. “Isn’t this exciting? Our first flat together! But we’ll be really sensible about it, Mr. Peterson.” She caught my eye and reeled her enthusiasm in.

  “I’m sure you will be Cassie, clever young women like you two,” Dad said. “I’ve just come to help with the move in and check your security.”

  “Sure,” Cassie said. “My folks got someone in to put better security on the windows. I think we’ll have more trouble getting out than someone will have getting in.”

  Dad chuckled and did a quick look around. He looked for smoke alarms too; an occupational hazard.

  We took my first lot of stuff through to my new room. It was a bit bigger than my current room and absolutely bare except for a double bed. A large built in wardrobe featured mirror doors and there was a three-drawer chest next to the bed.

  “Perfect!” I exclaimed and dumped everything on the bed. We went back for a few more loads out of my car and Dad’s, and then he said goodnight with a reminder that I was coming for dinner Thursday night. We agreed we would do that every week, it made the parting easier. I watched him drive away and for a moment wanted to run behind him; I’m guessing he felt the same and was just waiting for me to signal him to stop. I sighed and went back inside; moving out was inevitable I guess.

  As I entered, Cassie had two glasses of champagne poured.

  “It’s a double celebration.” She grinned. “You’ve moved in and I’ve met someone.”

  I hope my face looked happy enough for her. I really was happy for her but while I was in so much pain it was hard to get there.

  “Who? What? How? And thanks,” I said, taking the champagne and clinking my glass against hers.

  “To moving in, welcome,” she said, in a toast.

  “To housemates and friends,” I agreed. We moved to the living area and I collapsed on the other end of her huge L-shaped couch.

  “I met him twelve days ago, but who’s counting. I just kept him to myself for the first week... you know how it is?” she asked.

  Did I ever. If Tomás could stop coming into the office it would be easier to keep it to myself.

  “I get it,” I said. “So?”

  “I met him at the commerce ball at college and then we hooked up again for an official date last week and it is going wonderfully well,” she gushed. “So even though you’ve just moved in, you might have the place to yourself a few nights a week, if you know what I mean.”

  I knew exactly what she meant. “You’re going to stay over at his place and have wild, passionate sex?” I said, bluntly.

  “Got it in one! We did it on the weekend and it was good, so good...”

  Kill me now, please, anyone.

  “Anyway, his name is Rick—it’s actually Patrick, but everyone calls him Rick—and he’ll be here tomorrow night to pick me up; you can meet him then.”

  I looked at Cassie and she was alive with excitement, probably the way I was last week in the glow of Tomás’s potential love. With her glossy red hair and pale blue eyes, she was quite a catch and every bit as nice on the inside as she was on the outside.

  “Good on you Cass, you’re such a good catch and no doubt he knows it.”

  She leaned over and squeezed my hand.

  “Thanks Ali. But he is the catch, trust me, he’s gorgeous.”

  I knew all about gorgeous. I was the expert on it; I had seen it first hand and had it in my hands and my mouth only two nights ago. Aaaggh, move on, I scolded myself. Not every thought I have has to lead back to Tomás, or I’ll be buried in them!

  “So, what’s he studying?” I turned my thoughts back to Cassie and her new guy.

  She cleared her throat and looked a bit sheepish.

  “Oh... he gate crashed the commerce ball but isn’t a student?” I asked. “No big deal.”

  “Um, not quite, he’s a lecturer in the school of commerce, but I’m not doing commerce so it’s not as if I’m doing one of my teachers,” she said.

  I laughed and teased her. “Going out with the teacher, ooh...”

  She smiled and bit her lip.

  “Cass, even if you were in his class, so what? You’re both grown up, this isn’t high school. How exciting!” I passed my glass over so she topped us both up. “To Cassie and Rick, a
nd to our new housemate status.”

  “It’s great to have you here at last, Ali.” She clinked my glass for our second toast and we swallowed bubbles—Cassie was on top of the world, I was in hell.

  Another glass later I bade Cassie goodnight as I went to unpack and she went to call Rick. I entered my new room and closed the door... on the bright side, I could wallow without Dad scrutinizing me and worrying. I found my stereo, put it on softly and began to sort my gear out. It was going to be good here, good in a weird way—I couldn’t wait not to cook if I didn’t want to or just to buy Cup Noodles if I felt like it. No rush to get out of the bathroom since Cassie and I each had our own now, and I could come and go whenever I wanted… not that I couldn’t before but Dad still clock watched and worried. Plus I would have a little bit of dating privacy if I dated again, ever.

  I cleared the bed and lay down on top of it. Mia was going shopping with me on the weekend—it was an away game and she didn’t have to be at the game and I didn’t have to work—and we’d get serious about doing up my room with lamps, bedspread and curtains.

  My phone rang and I groaned, then I noticed it was Dad.

  I swiped and answered. “Miss me already?” I asked.

  Dad chuckled. “Of course,” he said. “Love, Tomás was just here looking for you.”

  “Ah, right, sorry about that,” I said.

  “That’s perfectly alright. I told him that you had moved into your own place now but I didn’t give him the address, I said that was up to you.”

  “Thank you Dad, he didn’t get angry about that did he?” I hated the thought of my father facing off a tall, fit guy like Tomás.

  “No, not at all, he was very polite. He said he’d call you. Is everything all right with you and him?” Dad asked.

  I didn’t want to lie so I applied the side stroke swimming technique and paddled around the question.

  “I just want a bit of space between work and home and dating. Don’t want them all falling in on each other,” I said.

  “Good thinking,” Dad said. “All right, well leave you to it. Remember you can always come home.”


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