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Lion of Liberty

Page 35

by Harlow Giles Unger


  Anglican parish

  colonial opposition to British-imposed


  Stamp Act

  on stills


  Townshend Acts




  Boston Tea Party

  tax on

  Tenth Amendment

  Thomson, Charles

  Thoughts on Government (Adams)

  Tidewater aristocracy

  Quebec Act and

  Tidewater region of Virginia

  Todd, John

  Tories, return of

  Townshend, Charles

  Townshend Acts

  repeal of

  tax on tea


  between colonies and Britain

  lack of central authority over


  Treatise of Military Discipline

  Treaty of Paris

  Tryon, William

  Twopenny Act (1758)

  Tyler, John

  United States, map of (1783)

  Valley Forge (Pennsylvania)

  Venable, Richard


  Alien and Sedition Acts and

  boundary/commerce dispute with Maryland

  as largest colony

  martial law in

  new capitol

  new government

  Piedmont region

  plan of government

  preparation for war

  response to Coercive Acts

  response to Quebec Act

  response to Townshend Acts

  in Revolutionary War

  separation of church and state in

  1771 floods

  slave trade in

  taxes proposed after the Revolution

  Tidewater region

  western lands of

  Virginia Assembly. See also House of Delegates

  Virginia Constitution

  Virginia Conventions

  Virginia currency

  Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser (newspaper)

  Virginia Gazette (newspaper)

  Virginia Historical Society

  Virginia militias

  von Vattel, Emmerich


  Continental Congress and

  in Virginia

  Wallace, George

  War, declarations of

  Ward, Samuel

  War debt

  Washington, George

  attempts to replace as commander in chief

  on boycott of British goods

  canal-building project and

  command of Continental Army

  command of Virginia militia

  Constitutional Convention and

  death of

  as delegate to intercolonial congress

  as delegate to Second Virginia Convention

  farewell tour with Lafayette

  on frontier life

  on Henry as commander

  as land owner

  land purchases/speculation

  Locke and

  as member of House of Burgesses

  negotiations over Virginia-Maryland boundary/commerce

  on Patrick Henry

  political appointments offered to Henry and

  portrait of

  pre-Revolutionary War debt

  as president

  Quebec Act and

  ratification of Constitution and

  response to Tea Party

  on slavery

  search for Henry’s son John and

  Stamp Act debate and

  support for federal government

  Whiskey Rebellion and

  Yazoo Land Company lands and

  Washington, John

  Washington, Martha

  Washington, William

  Wayne, “Mad” Anthony

  Weatherford, John

  Webster, Noah

  Westmoreland Protests

  Whiskey Boys

  Whiskey Rebellion

  Whiskey tax

  Whites, intermarriage with Indians

  Williamsburg (Virginia), in Revolutionary War

  Winston, Edmund

  Winston, William


  Wirt, William

  Woodford, William

  Wythe, George

  Yazoo Land Company scandal

  a Documents relating to Henry reveal nothing about his activities during the eighteen-month period that begins with his serious illness. Although he disappears from the pages of history, the most likely explanation is the simplest—that he remained at home, tending his farm when he was well enough, but always out of public scrutiny.

  Copyright © 2010 by Harlow Giles Unger

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, address Da Capo Press, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142.

  Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available from the Library of Congress

  eISBN : 978-0-306-81934-6

  First Da Capo Press edition 2010

  Published by Da Capo Press

  A Member of the Perseus Books Group

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