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The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior

Page 5

by Saxon Andrew

  “That’s a good analysis. I didn’t consider that.” The Commander smiled, “You might just work out. Order ceasefire and load a Planet Killer in the tubes.” The commander waited for the Weapons Controller to say something but the controller stayed silent. He saw the red button on his panel illuminate and he said as he pushed it, “The Swarm will never forgive us if we walk away without leaving a message.”

  • • •

  The giant missile launched and went to high speed. The missile hit the planet, burned through the planet’s crust, and hit the core. The magnetic field in the missile holding the twenty pounds of antimatter away from the sides of the container melted and released the twenty pounds. The resulting explosion shattered the planet.

  • • •

  The Grogat Commander hit the jump command and the fleet jumped away through null space where the teleport suppression field had no effect. The incoming Bristone Fleet watched as the planet exploded and a massive shock wave blew away. The Fleet met the stealth probes that had been released and collected a hundred of them before the shock wave washed over the fleet, destroying any probes still in the system. The force fields protected the Realm’s fleet but they knew that the Grogat were going to be a huge danger in future encounters if an answer to that beam wasn’t found. Admiral Gardner said, “Get the probe’s information out to the Algeans.”

  Chapter Four

  King Jon Robbins looked at Admiral Thom Gardner and listened to his report on the Grogat attack. When the Admiral completed his report he said, “So this was a trial to see if their new beam can destroy our ships?”

  “Yes it was, Your Majesty.”

  “And what conclusion can you draw from this?”

  “We have the Algeans activating standard null drives in all of our ships. We’ve become so dependent on teleportation that we were unable to come to the planets defense.”

  “Will the ships be as effective with null star drives?”

  “No, there will be delays in the jump process that don’t exist in teleportation.”

  Jon nodded, looked at Maranda, and then said as he looked back at the Admiral, “So the tactics of teleporting in, firing a weapon, and immediately teleporting away can no longer be used.”

  “That is correct, Your Majesty.”

  “How do our ships match up to theirs?”

  “We’re behind them in the ability to cloak our ships but pretty much even in the weapons our ships use. However, the new beam on the bows of their ships is not slowed by our force fields. If they hit, the ship will die.”

  “What do you intend to do about this?”

  “We’re planning a raid on the planet where the new beams are being produced. The Cats tell us that the beam takes a rare element in the laser housing that is only available on that planet. We intend to take a working model and destroy the planet behind us.”

  Miranda sat forward, “How many civilians are on that planet?”

  “Two billion, Your Majesty.”

  “And we’re just going to kill them all?”

  Thom stared at the Queen and said, “The planet you saw destroyed in the recording had more than six billion inhabitants. They have already destroyed eight more planets since that planet and the civilians killed by their ships will soon total a trillion. Are you saying we shouldn’t destroy the source of the missiles and beams that are killing billions?”

  Maranda saw the Admiral’s anger and quickly looked at Jon who said, “Admiral, I want that planet destroyed and we’ll take one of their ships for examination. I don’t want to risk our warriors trying to take that planet.”

  “We want to do that, Your Majesty, but all of their new ships self-destruct if the force field on it is breeched. The only way to get the technology they use in the planet killing missile, their cloaking device, and that new beam is to go and take it off the planet that builds them.”

  “When are you going to do this?”

  “As soon as the Algeans have converted enough ships to null drives.”

  “How long do you estimate that will take?”

  “Two months, Your Majesty.”

  Jon knew that Sam was going to be out of training by then. “Keep me informed, Admiral.”

  Thom bowed and left the throne room.

  Maranda looked at Jon and said, “We’re going to kill two billion innocent people.”

  “They’re not innocent, Miranda. All of them are armed and serve in the military. Even the children start training to fight as soon as they’re able to walk. The Cat’s notified me that their mother sees that planet as pure evil.”

  “We do something very similar, training our citizens in the Realm.”

  “Yes but then we don’t go out and enslave populations and destroy planets that resist our invasion. You’re holding your heart out to a carnivore that would eat our baby if given the chance. Would want to save them if you knew that?”

  Maranda’s expression immediately changed, “Blast them.”

  “That’s what we’re going to attempt to do.”

  Miranda looked at Jon, “What has you bothered?”

  “Sam will be out of training before the attack.”

  Maranda shook her head, “He won’t allow you to stop him.”

  “I know.”

  • • •

  Sam moved into the ranks of his platoon to start armor training and noticed two things immediately: first there were women warriors in the ranks; and he recognized one of the warriors in the rank in front of him. As the platoon mingled Jon went over and tapped the warrior on the shoulder, “You’re in a strange place.”

  The young man turned around, saw Sam, and looked quickly around, “Don’t tell anyone who I am, Sam.”

  “I won’t if you won’t. Why are you here? How could we have ended up in the same unit?”

  “I suspect the Admiral wants us in the same place so he can keep tabs on what we’re doing.” Robby saw Sam’s expression, “I have no desire to wear the Crown, Sam. This is where I should be.”

  Sam nodded and said, “Robby, I’ll keep it to myself. Does anyone know you’re here?”

  “My uncle is the only one and it took me a year to finally convince him to allow me to find my own way.”

  “Admiral Gardner is a tough nut, Robbie. What name are you using?”

  “Robert Talant.”

  “You’re doing the same thing I am; you’re using your first and third name.”

  “I am.”

  “I have two others here in training that I’m able to link with.”


  “Dort and Tgon.”

  “I can link with them as well.”

  “You can?”

  “Ask them. I’m on the Gardner, side but my great grandmother was a Robbins and a daughter of Jon and Molly. I also carry the skin of the three.”

  Jon thought a moment and decided to see if he could link with Robby. “Can you hear me?”

  “Loud and clear. I should have tried this before, Sam. I just really never thought about it.”

  “I understand that many of the Ancestors of the Three can link to another. However, very few can link to more than one other at the same moment.”

  “I’ve seen that. Let’s get through this training and see where we are?”

  Sam paused and said, “Have you heard the melody?”


  “We have.”

  Robby’s face showed his shock as they heard, “ALRIGHT YOU CRY BABIES. FALL IN.”

  Sam nodded at Robby and took his place. Robby thought to him, “We need to discuss this.”

  “Later. Dort and Tgon should also be involved.”


  • • •

  The platoon trainer looked at the fifty two trainees and shook his head. “You are the poorest excuses of physical specimens I’ve ever seen. How did you make it through initial training? We need to work you into shape.” He waited and hoped for a groan, but didn’t get one. He shook his head, “At least you know e
nough to keep your mouths shut.” He stared at them a moment longer and said, “We will begin your training on the first day by allowing you to ask any question you desire. After today, you will only answer questions, so you better get them out now.” He paused and said, “Well?”

  A huge Glod in the front row raised his hand, “Go ahead.”

  “I notice that there are female warriors in the platoon. Are they physically able to perform to the level of strength needed to be a Life Warrior?”

  The Trainer laughed, “Your mind is small for such a large body.” The Glod heard the females laugh. “Your armor is capable of lifting a military transporter off the ground. All our armor is manufactured to perform to identical standards. If your armor can do it, so can the female’s armor.”

  Sam saw a pretty black haired woman in the front rank raise her hand.

  The trainer said, “You wonder why initial training was so rigorous if your armor will provide the strength?”

  The woman nodded and lowered her hand.

  “Your armor will be like a second skin but you are going to have to use your muscles to make it perform. Although it doesn’t require a lot of effort, it does require enough that over a long battle, fatigue can become an issue. The more strength and stamina you have; the higher your chance to survive.”

  Sam saw Robby raise his hand. The trainer said, “Go ahead.”

  “I guess this question is for the females. Why would they want to join the Life Warriors and forego having a family?”

  The Trainer laughed. Several of the women gave Robby hard stares as the Trainer said, “They will tell you that they are just as committed to defending the Realm as any man here.” He paused, shrugged, and said, “And they would be telling the truth.”

  Robby raised his hand again. The Trainer nodded. “Your answer indicates that there is more to the answer than what you said.”

  The Trainer slowly nodded his head. “How many of you male warriors are married?” About a fourth of the platoon raised their hand. The Trainer said, “Everyone look around.” Everyone saw how many raised their hands. “Now, how many of the females present are married?” Everyone looked around and no one had raised their hand.

  The Trainer looked at the pretty dark haired woman and said, “Are you willing to explain why there is a difference or should I do it for you?”

  The woman said, “How could you possibly know the reason?”

  The Trainer smiled and nodded toward the black haired beauty, “She and every woman here will deny this but I happen to know it’s true. They are here to fight for the Realm and find their mate. They know that only the very best males pass training to become a Life Warrior and if you want one of the best, you need to go where they are. They know that to wait means that most of the best ones will have already been taken before they leave the service. This is not only true of the males; these women have also proven they are the best we have in the Realm. They will also be off the market before their service is over.”

  The dark haired woman said, “How do you know this?”

  “My wife told me after she won my heart.”

  The woman smiled and said, “I just wondered, Sir.”

  The Trainer looked at Robby and said, “Any more questions?”

  “Yes, what’s that warrior’s name in the front rank?”

  The dark haired woman turned around and glared at Robby who was smiling. “Why do you want to know?”

  The Trainer said, “You two can introduce yourselves later. Are there any other questions?”

  Sam raised his hand, “Does our armor have the music capability?”

  The Trainer looked quickly at Sam and said, “Why do you ask?”

  “I’ve heard the stories of the Three.”

  “Well, it was the three that made that armor so dangerous. If you hear it, you’ll know. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen anymore. Are there any other questions?”

  “When do we eat?” Everyone in the platoon stared at the blonde who asked the question. Jixie felt their stares but the body she wore burned calories at an incredible rate. She felt its hunger.”

  “Immediately after your ten mile run.”

  No one made a sound and the Trainer said, “Attennnshun. Right Face. Forward, March. At double time, March.” The platoon moved forward and Jixie stayed behind Jennifer and looked forward to having the midday meal. She saw that Jennifer was intrigued, and not angry like she appeared to be, by the one that wanted to know her name. This should be interesting. She could follow the process and perhaps learn more about that word called love. She still had no idea what it meant. If Jennifer didn’t bond, perhaps one of the others would.

  She looked at the warrior that asked the question about the music and wondered what he was talking about. She decided to look in his mind to see and nearly stumbled. His mind was not open. She couldn’t see his thoughts or anything else. This was not possible. She forgot all about love and wondered if he was also a creature in a fabricated body. She determined that she was going to keep a close watch on him. Was he sent here to find her?

  She continued running and then remembered she had the history of the Realm in her mind. She looked for the Three and twenty thousand items appeared. She thought, “Musical Armor.” The list decreased to less than eight hundred and in less than ten seconds she knew what the warrior was asking about. What was this all about a Creator? She decided to focus on that at night.

  • • •

  That evening in the commissary, Sam, Robby, Dort and Tgon sat at the same table. Sam said, “Why didn’t the two of you ever tell me you could link with Robby?”

  Dort shrugged, “Sam, we can link with thousands of individuals. I imagine you can as well.”

  Sam thought a moment and said, “I never tried linking with anyone other than you two because I was privy to secrets my parents promised to keep. I probably wouldn’t have known about the two of you if not for attending the same school.”

  “Most of those in school could link to one another one at a time.”

  Robby nodded, “That’s where I linked with Dort and later Tgon. I never attempted to link with them together.” Robby paused and said, “You mentioned you can hear the music.”

  Gon nodded, “We heard it when we linked.”

  “I wonder if I can hear it as well.”

  Sam looked around and said, “There are some telepathic species in training that might learn who we are if we link. I suggest that we do this at the conclusion of training when we go to pick our weapons.”

  Robby wanted to know but reluctantly nodded, “Patience is something I’ve been forced to learn and I’ll yield to your higher rank.”

  “Robby, I’m not that much higher.”

  “Sorry, you’re the King’s brother. That gives you the edge and you know it.”

  Dort said, “Well, I’m going to bed.”

  Robby nodded, “I’ll be there momentarily. I don’t eat as fast as you do.” The three laughed and went to put their trays away.

  “Who are you and why did you want my name?”

  Robby turned around from watching the others leave and saw the black haired woman standing in front of him. “I really want to apologize for that. I know I probably embarrassed you and I must have sounded like a bubba.”

  “What’s a bubba?”

  “You know; all glans and no brains.”

  “Then why did you ask?”

  “You sounded so self-confident and sure of yourself. I was greatly impressed with how you handled yourself. You’re also very nice to look at.”

  The woman’s frown disappeared and she sat down across from him and said, “My name is Jennifer Aman.”

  Robby smiled, “I’m Robby Talant.”

  “Well, I came over here to give you an earful about putting me on the spot and I end up being complimented. You’re forgiven this time; just don’t do it again.”

  Robby smiled and said, “You can count on it.”

  Jennifer smiled and stood up, “I’ll s
ee you in training.”


  Jennifer walked away and wished he had asked her to stay. She knew he was too much the gentleman to ask; especially after this morning, but she liked his smile.

  Jixie went for her third helping of food and found she couldn’t find what the four at the table had talked about. Everything else was open in the man’s mind, but the time spent at the evening meal with the other three at his table. She directed her attention to the other two strangers that were at the table and found that she was also blind to them. She wondered what was going on and decided to study the issue that night.

  • • •

  By three in the morning, Jixie had come to a conclusion. She was not a part of the creation she was currently located in. The detailed history of the “Three Brothers” said that the Cats were unable to hear their thoughts initially. It was only after two creations came together that they could be heard. She pondered that thought and then paused, “How could she hear anyone’s thoughts if she was not from either of the two creations. She must have some sort of indirect contact with one of the creators. Ummm. It had to be the Cat’s creation. That is where every life form was located and she could hear everyone around her, except for the three warrior trainees at the table. They must be connected to the Creator of the “Three Brothers.”

  But the Trainer said that no one heard the music anymore. That meant no one was connected. But these three were not open to her. They had to be connected to that other creation and she suspected they heard the music. She would make sure that when they went to select their armor, she would be there. She decided the only way to know was to keep an eye on the brown haired warrior named Robby. He was the only one she could see and he would know. Jixie turned her attention to her body and began distributing the nutrients where they were needed. She thought about the one that asked about the music. Something about him was different from the others. She needed to keep him in her attention as well.

  • • •

  The electronic screen was a beast. The new Life Warriors had been given their armor three weeks earlier and had learned how to operate the complicated systems. Sam tried to control his armor in the battle scene, but was finally overwhelmed. The Trainer said, “Not Bad, Private. You made it to eighty six percent.”


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