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The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior

Page 11

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  Admiral Thom Gardner stood in front of the King and Queen of the Bristone Realm and bowed. Jon said, “I’ve been examining the data from the drop on the Grogat.”

  “I thought you’d find it interesting, Your Majesty.”

  “I see that more than ninety eight percent of the warriors dropped on three sides of that Weapons Complex were killed by the defenders.”

  “More than seventy percent were killed on the Fourth Side as well.”

  “There is a huge difference in the numbers, Thom.”

  Thom breathed a mental sigh. Jon was going to keep this conversation informal. He knew that Jon was upset at having dropped Sam in at the building.

  Jon said, “Why did you decide to drop a company with only two weeks of training in on the attack at the building?”

  “Meaning no disrespect, Your Majesty, did you review the video?”

  Jon stared at Thom for a long moment and finally said, “I did.”

  “What would have happened if I didn’t drop them there?”

  Jon looked at Maranda and she said, “Admiral, speak freely. We won’t use what you say against you.”

  Thom looked at Jon and he nodded. “Your Majesty, we were sending in four hundred thousand ships and half a million Life Warriors to take technology from that planet. I saw the defenses around the building and the numbers of warriors our forces would have to face to make that happen. Your brother hears the Trace. We both know if he does hear it and his warriors also hear it, they will be more dangerous than any unit we have. You’ve read the words of the Three Brothers about how their armor took on a life of its own and they fought without thought. Longer training would not have made them any more effective. Sam’s unit scored the highest of any unit in history, other than the Brothers, in the electronic training facility. I believed they hear the Trace. If I truly believed that and I didn’t drop them at the building, I would be endangering every warrior manning the defensive line to hold out the Grogat from the attack on the building. The only reason losses were lower at Sam’s location was because of his company’s performance.”

  Jon said, “I understand he changed your original attack profile.”

  “He did and I am thankful that I listened. If we had delayed getting our warriors on the ground, we would have lost them all. It was a very close thing that we didn’t. Fleet scans showed more than fifty million Grogat were moving into the city as we teleported our warriors out.”

  “How were you able to do that, Admiral? I thought the Grogat had a teleport suppression field in place.”

  Thom shook his head, “I’ve not been able to determine how it was removed.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “We have nothing in the data showing its removal. One moment it was active and the next it wasn’t. My staff believes that it was removed by something that was done on the ground; none of the ships were involved in its destruction.” Thom paused and said, “Your Majesty, I know your real fear is that now Sam’s unit is going to be the point of the spear used against the enemies we’re facing. If you order me not to use him in that fashion I will follow your command without hesitation. I must confess that I didn’t know him before meeting him at Ross. I only had my daughter’s description and she described him as a stuffed shirt that took things too seriously.” Thom looked at Maranda and said, “He is anything but a stuffed shirt.”

  Maranda smiled, “I’m glad you see that, Thom.”

  “My daughter is an idiot. She walked away from one of the finest young men I’ve ever met, Your Majesty. She’ll see that one day.”

  Jon said, “What are you going to do if I don’t order you to keep him out of danger?”

  Thom stared at Jon and said, “I will use him wherever I can to save the lives of our Warriors. If that means he’s put in situations that I don’t expect him to survive, I’ll do it. The only way I can live with myself if I don’t do it is to know that I’m doing it because you ordered it. I will not blame you for making that order, Your Majesty. I would probably order it if our roles were reversed.”

  Jon lowered his head and stared at the floor in front of his throne. Maranda and Thom waited and finally Jon raised his head and said, “Most Admirals would have just made sure he was not put in danger without my having to ask.”

  Thom nodded, “Most would.”

  Jon shook his head slightly, “I’ll not order you to protect him.” Jon took a deep breath and blew it out, “I remember from my earliest memories, my parents teaching us what the price of Royalty was and that those that shirked their responsibility were not entitled to lead. They told us over the years that we are more than we thought and that our destiny was to make the Realm better…and stronger. I’ll not dishonor them and Sam by diminishing his sacrifice in fighting for the Realm.” Jon looked at Thom, “You have won my admiration today, Admiral. You are more than I thought and I know you’ll do whatever it takes to defend the Realm against its enemies. I charge you to do that to the absolute best of your ability and used the forces under your command as you deem best.”

  Thom looked at Jon and bowed, “Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty. My family has served for more than two hundred years and I know that the Realm now has a King that is truly worthy of his title.” Thom stood and left the throne room.

  Maranda looked at Jon and came over and sat in his lap. She was much larger and the baby was coming soon. “Jon, I know what that decision took to make. I’m also more proud of you than I’ve ever been. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife.”

  Jon looked into her eyes and smiled, “You know I didn’t stand a chance.”

  “I know, but it’s nice to see how wonderful you are.”

  Jon pulled her close and kissed her on the forehead. Maranda smiled and said, “Have you forgotten what lips are for?”

  Jon laughed and kissed his Queen.

  • • •

  Sam looked at Admiral Gardner on his display, “How may I help you, Admiral?”

  “I’ve been struggling with how you fit in the command structure of the Realm’s Forces.”

  “I’ve thought about that as well. I can see where it could be an issue.”

  “It is an issue. I’m promoting you to Admiral and asking you to build a larger unit consisting of a battalion of Life Warriors and a squadron of transports and warships to defend your forces. Are you at the point where you can make this a reality?”

  “I think so.”

  “You will also report directly to me and will be given complete independence in when, where, and how your forces will be used.”

  “Admiral, I won’t be able to choose where we’ll be used, unless I’m in on the information used by the staff that selects our missions.”

  “I will order you to support our major exercises but you will determine where you want to see us use you. You will be given freedom to choose your own targets as you get up to speed.” Thom paused and said, “Your suggestion to change my plan before the attack was crucial to the success of the mission. I see that you are talented in seeing the big picture and I need your ideas as my team develops our strategy. I think I wouldn’t be wise enough to know how to best use your unit so I’m giving you as much leeway as possible to be effective. I will issue the orders to all my senior officers that they will comply with whatever request you make.”

  “Is that wise?”

  “Sam, you’re a Duke. Who’s going to challenge me or you on that one? They’ll probably be grateful that I’ve made that relationship clear.”

  Sam smiled, “Thank you, Sir. I’ll start working on getting my units ready.” Thom nodded and the display went dark.

  Sam was linked to the other three and he said, “Well?”

  Dort said, “That was interesting.”

  Robby interjected, “Are we able to grow that quickly?”

  “We need to try. If we had a battalion on the last drop, I suspect we could have handled the situation with fewer losses. The other Life Warriors actu
ally were in the way most of the time.”

  Tgon said, “A battalion has six companies. Who is going to command them?”

  “Obviously, the four of us and…”

  “Not so fast, Sam.”


  “I can see where you could command a company and be involved in the fight especially with us linked. Six companies is an entirely different beast altogether and two of them will not be linked. You need to not be tied up in commanding a company. We’re going to need you to be in contact with fleet and sending data to the units on where they can be used most effectively.”

  Tgon said, “I agree with Robby, Sam.”

  Sam sighed and said, “Well, back to the original question. The three of you will command a company.”

  Dort said, “I think Jennifer and Jixie should be given one as well.”

  “I agree that Jennifer is ready but I’m not going to give Jixie a command.”

  Tgon said, “For the love of the Creator, why not!?! She’s the best we have.”

  Sam said, “You’ve all seen how she moved around all of your platoons as well as the Life Warriors on the front lines. I believe her real value is being free to go wherever she sees the need. She can’t do that if she’s tied down to a command position.”

  Dort said, “I’m not sure about that, Sam.”

  “Dort, how many times did Jixie teleport out to the main street leading to the weapons complex and blow the enemy forces back three miles? And how many times did she go to the main lines and drive back the forces that were threatening to overwhelm them. If she’s given a command she will make sure her warriors are safe. If she had done that in the last fight, three million Grogat Warriors would have come down that thoroughfare and joined the fight. She’s more valuable having freedom of movement.”

  “Then where will we find the other two?”

  Sam smiled, “That’s the easy part.”

  Robby said, “How so?”

  “We have ninety five warriors that survived the fight around that building. I’ll just ask Jixie which two of them have the brightest glow.” Dort snickered. “What’s so funny?”

  “You weren’t this smart in school.”

  “Yes I was.”

  “No you weren’t.”

  “Why didn’t I ever get caught for the carpet caper?”

  Tgon yelled, “That was you?!? We nearly got expelled over that one and no one believed we didn’t do it.”

  “You have to admit, it had you two’s MO all over it.”

  Robby stared laughing, “Seeing the School Administrator sliding out the front of the building on that non friction carpet was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Sam said, “Watching the marching band slide out behind him was funnier. They shouldn’t have sloped the floor leading out of the building.”

  Dort snorted, “How were you able to make carpet with that slippery surface?”

  Sam smiled, “I told you I was smart.”

  “You didn’t answer me. And don’t think I’ve forgotten the transponder in one of my swords.”

  “You mean like the one you put in Gon’s sword.”

  “You did what?”

  Dort said, “Uh oh, look at the clock. I’ll see you later.”

  “Wait just a freaking minute. Hey, where did he go?”

  Sam looked at his wrist unit and said, “Umm, he’s headed out the front of the commissary at this moment.”

  “Shut up, Sam!”

  Robby and Sam laughed as Tgon ran out after the smaller Cainth.

  • • •

  “What’s wrong, Jixie?”

  “I had a talk with my mother and she doesn’t like me being here.”

  “I don’t think any of our families like what we’re doing and the risks we’re taking.”

  Jixie shook her head, “My mother is different.”

  “When was the last time you visited her?”

  Jixie looked up and said, “I guess it was right before our initial training.”

  “That long? We get days off; you should go visit.”

  “I don’t know. It would take a lot of time.”

  Jennifer looked at Jixie and lowered her chin, “Get real; you have armor now and can teleport anywhere you want instantly. You don’t have an excuse.”


  Jixie chuckled. Jennifer said, “What’s so funny?”

  “I think you’re right. I’ll go see her on my next day off.”


  Jixie thought, “Mother, I thought you weren’t watching anymore.”

  “I’ve been looking at the information you sent me and I’ve found it entertaining. I look forward to seeing you.”

  Jixie smiled and said to Jennifer, “Let’s go get some more food.”

  “Jixie, you should weigh a ton. Where do you hide it?”

  Jixie stood and moved toward the commissary buffet, “You really don’t want to know.”

  Jennifer looked at her friend and saw she was back to her normal self. She worried about Jixie.

  • • •

  Jixie’s mother thought to herself, “You’re not alone in that.”

  “I was just studying the information your daughter sent and I’m confused about this relationship with a creator.”

  “I’ve wondered about that myself.”

  “The pattern is confusing.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “If she sends you any more information, will you share it with my group?”

  “I thought you were beyond this.”

  “The concepts do not match the overall matrix. This pattern conflicts with our view. It’s…troubling.”

  “She just promised to visit soon.”

  She felt his enthusiasm, “Will you allow us to communicate with her?”

  “I’ll ask.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  She felt his presence leave and she wondered about the contact. Why would the Senior Elder want to talk to Jixie and what in the information had him troubled? His understanding of the Study was beyond everyone. His enthusiasm was never seen. What could Jixie have possibly done to cause this?

  Chapter Nine

  Jixie was watching the new recruits go through maneuvers on the vast grassland and thought some of them were pretty good. There were more than a thousand of them going through maneuvers and they were making great strides at working together. “What are you thinking?”

  Jixie was startled by Sam. He was still invisible to her. “I was watching the new Warriors getting familiar with their armor. Some of them are pretty good.” Jixie turned to Sam, “I’ve been wondering why our armor is a fusion of modern technology and the technology of the first Realm.”

  “We had to use the old technology to prevent the Dremor from killing our warriors and planets. They might return or we might encounter them.”

  Jixie continued to watch the warriors and absently said, “You don’t need to worry about them.”

  Sam said, “Why not?”

  Jixie turned her full attention to Sam and said, “Uhhh…if they’ve not been seen, they’re probably no longer a problem.”

  Sam smiled at Jixie, “Why are you concerned about our armor?”

  “The old armor is a hog with power. There are recent developments that can make the modern armor more powerful, but they’re not compatible with the old.”

  Sam stared Jixie in the eyes and said, “Would you bet the survival of your friends against a Dremor return to make those changes?”

  Jixie had to decide about continuing a charade with Sam or tell him the truth. She knew he knew who she was and though he was not recognizing it openly, he deserved the truth. “I sense the Dremor will not be an issue.”



  Sam looked up at the sky and said, “I imagine they played on the wrong playground.”

  Jixie smiled.

  “What changes would you make?”

/>   “I’d just remove the old armor and store it. I’d leave the power source that powered both with the new armor. The new armor is so efficient that the additional power that was required by the old armor will increase the power of the modern armor four times.” Jixie paused and said, “The speed will also be increased.”

  “Will you trial your idea with Jennifer to see if you’re right?”

  “I’ll take her to the Armory now. I’ll send you a report when we trial it.”

  “Thank you, Major.”

  “Sam, I’m a scout. You know, a private.”

  “You’re still a scout, but you’re now a Major as well. You may have to order some warriors around and I want you to have the rank to do it.”

  “I think our warriors will listen to me.”

  “I’m not worried about our warriors.”

  “Oh.” Jixie smiled, “Well thank you for your confidence.”

  Sam smiled as he turned and said, “Your smile brightens my day, Major.” He walked away and Jixie slowly shook her head. “You still look good from any distance.”

  Jennifer walked up, “I’ve just been told to go with you.”

  “Let’s go run an experiment.”

  “I’m all yours.”

  “Race you to the Amory.” Jennifer disappeared and found Jixie waiting. “Did you stop to eat or something?”

  “How do you do that?”

  Jixie remembered an ancient Earth video and said, “When you can remove the stone from my palm, grasshopperette, you’ll know.” Jennifer looked up and rolled her eyes. Jixie laughed, “Come on and let’s see if this works.”

  • • •

  Jixie and Jennifer arrived back at the training ground and Jennifer aimed her main blaster at a target with a force nine force field. “Are you sure this is ok?”

  Jixie shrugged, “Sam said to run a trial and we need to know. Give it a shot.”

  Jennifer sighed and fired the beam. The force field held for a half second and then exploded outward in a huge blast. Every warrior in sight teleported away instantly. Jennifer looked around at the empty training ground and turned to Jixie, “It works.”

  Jixie looked at the deserted training ground and said, “Boy! They disappeared fast.”


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