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The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  Jixie smiled and said, “It’s really good to be here, Greg.”

  Sam said, “Greg, is the platform available?”

  Greg looked at Sam and said, “When do you need it?”

  “At midnight.”

  Greg smiled and said, “I’ll have it here by eleven.”

  “Thank you, Greg. Do you have the dress Molly wore at her first reception?”

  “We have it.”

  “Please take Jixie and have her fitted.”

  Greg smiled and said, “If you’ll come with me.”

  Jixie looked at Sam and wondered what he was doing, but she was swept up by the staff that had rushed in to get her dressed for the event. She went with them and wished she was still with Sam.

  • • •

  At midnight Castle Gardner was illuminated and could be seen from space. The lights shining on the tallest spire were incredibly bright. Sam waited and Jixie walked into the throne room and Sam was amazed. She was absolutely beautiful and Jixie saw his love on his face. “What are you doing, Sam?”

  “I’m introducing you to Ross.” Jixie looked troubled and Sam said, “It’s time they met you.”

  Jixie nodded and Sam took her hand and led her through the portal to the main spire. He walked up the steps to a platform that slowly rose in the air above the spire and the huge crowd erupted into cheers. The emerald dress Jixie had on was brilliant and millions wondered who she was. The sky was packed with vehicles and millions of citizens were on the ground. The enormous gathering roared their approval. Sam waved and Jixie stood behind him, feeling the huge crowd’s emotions. After ten minutes Sam raised both hands and lowered them toward the ground. The giant roar diminished and after a few moments, silence dominated the vast multitude.

  Sam went to a microphone and said, “I announced my arrival so that I would have the opportunity to speak to you before anyone else arrived and took up space that is rightfully yours. I have greeted you several times over the years and you have always grounded me on who I am and what I should be. At one point recently, I lost myself and was in danger of forgetting who I am. It was you that brought me back from that terrible moment. I want to take this moment to say thank you for your support and love. I wouldn’t have made it without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  The crowd erupted in an even louder roar and Sam let them express themselves. After fifteen minutes, Sam raised his hands and the crowd grew silent again. Sam pulled Jixie forward and said, “I know you’re wondering who this is standing with me.” The crowds found a close by monitor and saw the beautiful blonde woman standing on the platform with the Duke. “Her name is Jixie and she doesn’t have a last name. I intend to correct that. I have asked her to marry me and she has accepted. Please say hello to the Duchess Robbins.”

  This time there was no stopping them. The crowd started dancing and screaming. The Duke was getting married. Jixie looked out at the crowd and felt their happiness. She raised her hand and waved and the noise doubled. Sam looked at her and said, “They know, Jixie.”

  Jixie smiled and hugged Sam. The noise grew even louder and Sam said, “The wedding is going to be somewhat large, my love.”

  “As long as they are here there will be plenty of love, Sam.”

  Sam smiled and kissed her. The volume of the crowd was as loud as it could go but it still grew. The news went out, Duke Robbins was getting married. The mayhem that message caused was unbelievable. The mad rush to attend roared out of control.

  • • •

  Dort linked with Gon, “Are you going to go?”

  “Did you see him?”


  “He’s alive again, Dort. I can’t say no.” Dort looked angry but then started to smile. “What?”

  “She’ll keep him safe. I’ll forgive her…this time.”

  Gon smiled, “Hey, no tricks.”

  “You know me.”

  “Like I said, no tricks, this is a serious occasion.”

  Dort just smiled.

  • • •

  Two weeks before the wedding, the bridal shower ended and the huge number of ladies began leaving the outer conference center on the castle grounds. Dort, Gon, Robby, and Sam were standing outside waiting for it to end when suddenly, screams erupted and ladies began sliding out of the building, down the sidewalk and into the grass. Sam was shocked and then everyone turned to Dort. “What?”

  Sam tilted his head and Gon said, “I told him no tricks.”

  Dort took off running with Sam right behind him. Jixie stood up from the grass and said, “That was amazing. Let’s do it again.” The ladies rushed around the building and the rest of the afternoon was spent sliding out of the building. The reporters covering the event sent the images throughout the Realm and everyone was amazed at the smile the Duchess had as she slid out of the building. Jixie won more hearts that day. She was going to be Royalty but she didn’t mind laughing at herself. At the end, the three tossed Dort and he slid out of the building laughing the whole way. The three looked at each other and did a belly side out of the building into the grass. Sam hit the grass and rolled just as Jixie came sliding into his arms. The picture of that moment still hangs in the Throne Room at Castle Gardner.

  • • •

  Sam and Jixie sat in the family room at Castle Gardner with Jon and Miranda. The day had finally slowed down and the children had been put to bed. Jon looked at Sam and Jixie and said, “Your wedding has gotten out of control.”

  Sam looked at Jon and saw Maranda nodding. “I’m not sure what you mean?”

  Jon lifted his wrist unit and said, “Do you want the citizens of Ross there?”


  Do you want the warriors that fought in your regiment?”

  “Of course.”

  “All members of the Royalty are required to attend; they have to be there.”

  “Yeah, so.”

  “That’s more than ten billion, Sam. And the planetary leaders of the Realm’s main allies are also demanding to attend.”

  Sam looked at Jixie and back to Jon, “How many should be there, Jon?”

  “We had to use the Algeans to put the list together and it totals more than a trillion.”


  Maranda said, “It’s out of control. Even if you excluded the citizens of Ross, it would be unmanageable.”


  “Sam, you really don’t know how much the Realm loves you. Our allies would be devastated if they couldn’t have someone there. The Royals have been offered millions for their passes to attend. And the requests have continued to pour in at more than six million a day. This is unprecedented.”

  Sam sighed, “So what do we do, Jon?”

  “I really don’t know.”

  Jixie looked at Sam and said, “Pride, do you have a moment?”

  “I’ll always make time for you, Your Highness.”

  “Will you come here for a moment?”

  Jon looked at Sam and he shrugged.

  Pride appeared and Jixie said, “You have the mental ability to connect with large numbers of individuals. How many are you able to contact?”

  “I really don’t know.”

  “Is there a limit?”

  “I really never have tried to determine the limit.”

  Jon said, “What are you thinking, Jixie?”

  “We’ll get married in an isolated place with just Sam, me, and the one leading the ceremony. Pride will be present and send the ceremony directly to the minds of everyone in the Realm. They will all be able to see it up close.”

  Jon looked at Pride, “Is what she’s suggesting possible?”

  Pride shook his head and muttered, “How would I know?”

  Jixie said, “What if you sent the images to all of the Cats and they sent it out to the Realm?”

  Pride tilted his head and said, “Now that might be possible.”

  Sam said, “And it would be better than seeing it on a monitor. The mental images woul
d be incredibly clear.” Sam looked at Jon, “That would mean you couldn’t be there.”


  Maranda said, “He’s right, Jon. If you don’t go because of the issue of everyone being included, no one could complain. They would know this is being done out of respect for the Realm.”

  Jon frowned, “We need to find another way.”

  Jixie smiled, “You could take my place.”

  Jon jerked his head toward her and started chuckling. Finally, he laughed and said, “Not what we want but what we must.”

  Sam said, “Something like that.”

  “I’ll not go, but Mica will be there.”

  Sam nodded, “That’s fair. He could be the ring bearer.”

  Jixie said, “If Dort, Gon, Robby, and Jennifer aren’t included I’ll never get back in their good graces.”

  Maranda smiled, “Their children will go as well. Gon’s son can hold Jennifer’s baby.”

  Sam said, “You are going to have to explain this to them, Jon.”

  “I’ll make sure they understand.”

  Jixie said, “I will have one guest.”

  The three turned to her and she said, “Hey, I’m from outside the Realm. I should be allowed one guest.”


  “I’m not saying.”

  Sam said, “She’s right. They’ll understand.”

  Jon looked at Maranda and said, “Ok. I’ll make the announcement.”

  Jixie said, “The brothers first.”

  “I know, I know.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The wedding day finally arrived and Sam waited for Jixie to arrive. The children were there and Mica was as proud as a thirteen year old could be. He knew that being there was something extremely important and he loved the uncle whose name he bore. Gon’s son Gren was holding Jennifer’s baby and the child seemed to be engrossed by the moment. Gren’s orange hair fascinated her. Dort’s daughter Delah stood beside the two and took turns holding the baby that had developed a game of going from one to the other.

  Jixie was ready to leave when she heard, “You should not be doing this.”

  “Hello, Senior. This is something I want to do.”

  “You will only be leaving him to begin your study.”

  “I’m starting my study here.”


  “Senior, you know that every adult can choose what they wish to study and where they want to do it. I wish to study here. You might say, it’s part of my development. Besides, I won’t be here very long.”

  The Senior was silent for a long moment and said, “How long?”

  “I really wish you had answered me honestly when I asked you the same question before we connected. I’ll probably be done within a hundred years or so. I’ll still be just a youngster. Besides, you’ve agreed that it was my coming here that allowed you to expand your vision of reality. I would hope you would want me to continue providing you with details. I’ll let you know how things are progressing.”

  “Jixie, you should return home.”

  “I will after a little time has passed. It won’t be very long.” Jixie terminated the connection.

  “You need to talk with your daughter.”

  “She will not be connecting with you again until she finishes her study.”

  “She will if asked.”

  “The important word is asked. You know no one can be forced to stop their study. You were not acting properly when you connected with her. The only one that can force her to connect with you again is me and I’m telling you now that I will not force that on her. I’m ashamed of your behavior in this. Bullying a hatching is beneath your position.” Jixie’s mother felt the Senior terminate the conversation. She pondered what he was going to do. He would not take this without a response.

  The Senior was angry. He had to find a way to force her back. He thought about it for a while and eventually came up with an answer.

  • • •

  The citizens of the Realm had mixed emotions about the wedding. They were greatly disappointed about no one being allowed to attend but were curious about everyone being present mentally. They waited and then the images started and all their disappointment vanished. They all saw that they were present and the images were unbelievable.

  • • •

  Sam saw Jixie appear at the alter with a middle aged woman. They moved closer to Sam and Jixie said, “Sam, this is my mother.”

  Sam bowed to the woman and said, “I’m so glad you could attend. I love your daughter and I welcome both of you to my family.”

  Millie looked at Sam and smiled. She saw his heart and though she had serious reservations about what Jixie was doing, her heart melted when she saw Sam. She saw Jixie looking at her and she said, “Go with your heart, Daughter. I approve of this and know that this is where you should be.”

  Jixie hugged her mother and felt her tears. She was shocked when her mother appeared in a human form. “I don’t want to shock the locals.” Jixie turned to Sam and he took her hands and faced the priest.

  “Do you Jixie take this man to be…”

  • • •

  The Realm watched the Realm’s greatest warrior marry a being from another place and they saw the love they shared. When the priest finally said, “You may kiss your bride.” The millions of planets held their breath. “I present to the Bristone Realm the Duke and Duchess Robbins.” The celebrations were immediate.

  The citizens of Ross had gathered at Castle Gardner and the explosion of cheers shook the walls. Ten minutes later when the new couple appeared on the main spire at the Castle a massive celebration exploded around the planet. Music was broadcast and there was dancing in the streets. The King and Queen of the Realm teleported in to the Spire joining Sam and Jixie and the celebrations really wound up and started in earnest. The entire Realm was in festival and the loyalty to the crown was back to what it was during the first rulers of the Ancient Stars Realm. Sam and Jixie waved to the crowd and celebrated their joining. For a moment, war was put aside and love was in the air.

  • • •

  Pride looked up and saw that the Mother was strengthened in a remarkable way by the celebrations. The damage she had been enduring was healing and he knew there was now hope for the future. Her slow death had been stopped and even reversed.

  He looked at the happy couple and wondered what lay ahead of them. He sensed forces operating against them and feared for them. He shook his head and remembered that love conquers all. He prayed that would be the case but worried about what lie ahead. He put the thoughts aside and joined his species as they reveled in the joy. The view of the Royal Families at Castle Gardner was still being sent to the citizens of the Realm and every planet felt their connection to other planets in the Realm. For the first time in more than a thousand years, the Realm was united in a way that would not be lost.

  • • •

  Jon looked at Sam, “I think you might have made a better King.”

  Sam shook his head, “I am right where I belong fighting for the Realm. You are where you should be leading our efforts. You have always been the steady hand and that’s what we need in a King. I don’t possess your patience.”

  Maranda hugged Jixie, “Well, how does it feel to have a last name?”

  Jixie’s bright smile was immediate, “It grows on you. It has a nice sound.”

  “Doesn’t it?”

  They turned back to the cheering millions and waved.

  • • •

  A month passed in whirlwind fashion and Jixie teleported to El Prado. She found Pride and Vremel waiting on her. “Thank you for coming, Vremel.”

  “I’m always available for you, Your Highness. What do you need?”

  Jixie sat down on the ground and smelled the blooming trees. It was wonderful. She opened her eyes and said, “You’ve not been sending us against the real trouble makers out there.”

  Pride looked at Vremel and turned back to Jixie, “I think you know

  “I do, but I’m afraid that Sam is going to find them without you. He’s taking his squadron back to his last attack and I suspect the civilization that he attacked is searching for him.”

  “They are.”

  “We can’t defeat them.”

  Pride nodded, “I think that will become apparent rather quickly if we bump heads with them.”

  Jixie nodded, “That started me thinking. How many civilizations are out there that we can’t handle?”

  Vremel said, “More than ten thousand.”

  Jixie was stunned at the response, “I’ve not seen anywhere near that number.”

  “That’s because you’ve not seen them in action.”

  Jixie thought a moment and said, “I guess you’re right. I should be able to determine their capabilities by observing their ships.”

  Pride said, “It’s like a fighter that is going to fight an opponent in a punching match. He had previously seen his opponent knock out three other fighters with a single right handed blow. They meet in the center of the fighting space and he says, “You have a great right hand.” His opponent responds with, “I’ve been told I have the best right hand punch of any fighter.” The fighter decides that he will avoid giving his opponent any opportunity to use his right hand during the match. They start the contest and in less than six seconds he’s knocked unconscious by his opponent’s left hand. When he finally comes to his senses he sees his opponent standing in front of him. He says, “Did I tell you I was left handed?”“

  Jixie and Vremel laughed. Jixie said, “You really don’t know the ability of an opponent until they use their most powerful weapons.”

  “Exactly, and some of these really nasty civilizations never have to use their best weapons.”

  “How do you know about them?”

  Vremel said, “That’s what my species does. We scout the forces we’re going to face and determine their strength. There are thousands of civilizations that could destroy the Realm if they knew we were here.”

  Jixie sighed, “So what do we do about this current civilization we’ve angered?”

  “They don’t know where we are at the moment. Our plan is to delay meeting these civilizations until we have developed the technology to take them on. However, Sam has jumped the gun and has taken the war to other places in creation. He doesn’t really listen to our cautions.”


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