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Chloe (Cheaters)

Page 4

by Lacey Silks

Given that my father was a lawyer and I had some experience looking at contracts, I felt comfortable with the simple three-page agreement. As I flipped through the pages, Axel removed his suit jacket and hung it on a hook at the side of the booth. I stole a peek, wondering whether his shoulders were just as wide as earlier in the day. By the time I was reading through the second page, he was rolling his white shirtsleeves up. Was he trying to be distracting on purpose?

  This was the first time I’d seen his forearms exposed, and my jaw dropped at the beautifully inked arm. Roses and vines climbed up his skin as if it were a pergola. He caught me staring, and I pretended that I needed to ask him a question. Actually, the most important detail had been on my mind for a while, but I haven’t seen anything mentioned in the contract.

  “So, I need to ask you a question about the job. Does it come with medical?”

  “Yes, it does.” He smiled. “Third page.”

  Of course third page, because I haven’t gotten to that yet.

  “And I’ll make sure to get a copy of the paperwork delivered to your apartment.”

  “Thank you. I mean that, Axel.”

  “You’re welcome. Just promise me that you’ll come back to work for me after the baby’s born.”


  “You know?”

  “I saw you rubbing your belly on the balcony. I gather the father doesn’t know you’re pregnant.”

  Bingo! I was certain he didn’t know because I didn’t even know who the father was. Instead of telling him the whole story, I just shook my head.

  “If I were to be a father, I’d want to know the minute the mother found out.”

  “Not everyone is as perfect as you. And not everyone deserves to know.”

  He frowned, and I was afraid I’d said too much.

  “I’m not perfect, Chloe. And I don’t think I want to be. Those little nags and flaws that make us human are the best parts. For example, I love the way you keep curling your hair around your finger when you want to ask me something but don’t know how.”

  I lowered my finger from my hair, down to my knee.

  “Or the way you blush when you’re caught staring at me.”

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted.

  “Don’t be. I like it. Or how blunt you can be about pretty much anything. You didn’t take bull from the clerk at the furniture store when she tried to push an obsolete table on you.”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “Someone I knew was there by coincidence and overheard you chatting with the cashier.”

  I was pretty sure that I remembered a blonde bombshell browsing the lamp section. She reminded me of Kylie, and I’d spaced as far away from her as I could. She was wearing bumblebee sunglasses, so I couldn’t be sure whether it was really her. Now I thought it probably had been. How well did she know him? Were they together? Was she the one who’d picked out my clothes instead of Axel?

  I made a mental note not to overthink it, and to keep my voice lowered when doing business. But I couldn’t help being over-chatty when my personality clicked with someone else’s. More often than not, people weren’t open to a simple conversation with a stranger.

  As my gaze fell on the last page with the offered salary, I gasped. “Axel, this is way too much for an interior designer.”

  “It’s fair, and it’s the going rate for the kind of job you’re doing.”

  To me it seemed like triple the rate, but hey, if I wanted to have enough saved to raise this baby, then I had better not complain. Besides, my goal was to live without looking over my shoulder; and I still had ten thousand, if not more by now, to pay back to Dwayne before that could happen.

  I signed the last page and passed the paper to him, saying. “Everything looks good.”

  He stuffed the contract back inside a folder and lowered his shoulders, much more relaxed. “Now we can enjoy each other’s company.”

  “I found out last week,” I blurted.

  Axel leaned forward and rested most of his weight on his elbows, waiting for me to continue.

  I was beginning to wonder whether pulling out the lingering information that was always on the tip of my tongue was a special power Axel had. And now that I’d started, I was afraid that nothing could stop me from spilling more.

  “I went to a clinic a week after I missed my period. The nurse confirmed that I was pregnant, so I got the recommended vitamins and came back to the shelter. That first night, my mind started spinning. I’m pretty sure it was because the hormones now knew that I knew and started acting up. I mean, one minute I was excited about this new little human I was going to bring into the world, and another minute I was crying because I didn’t know how I could ever be good enough to raise this baby, and it deserved so much better than a homeless shelter.”

  I paused, letting the remaining air, which there wasn’t a lot of, out of my lungs, and then drew another deep breath. “I panicked. The night before that party… Well, when I almost got mugged near the shelter, that was the last thing that pushed me over the edge and made me climb up on that balcony railing. And then I met you, and now your offer with the job — it’s all completely changed my perspective. You gave me hope. You didn’t save one life last week, you saved two.”

  Axel was still leaning forward. I couldn’t read the expression on his face and wondered whether I’d said too much.

  “Chloe, no matter what happens in our lives, promise me you won’t walk up on another balcony ledge.”


  “Okay, I promise.”

  “Or do anything else that would have similar results.”

  “Meaning, try to commit suicide?”

  “Yes. Whatever happens, know that I’m here to help you. I have a knack for reading people, and you’re too special not to be part of this world. I’m doing this not because I have to, but because I want to. You call me any time of day or night, and I’m sure we can solve any problem, okay? A smart and beautiful girl like you should always live her life to the fullest. It’s the least you deserve.”


  I had the urge to look up into the heavens and see whether a hole was torn out because Axel must have fallen from there. Jesus, my own thoughts were beginning to sound like cheesy pick-up lines.

  Nope, I wouldn’t ruin this. I couldn’t. I would work hard, save enough money to raise this kid the right way, and when the time came, I’d finally fix the mistakes from my past.

  “You wouldn’t have jumped,” he said quietly.

  “I wanted to.”

  “But you wouldn’t. Now dig in.”

  Axel had ordered our appetizers when I was reading through the contract. The food looked like artwork, and I had a difficult time guessing the ingredients, but everything I tasted was delicious. This was way different from cafeteria food in college. He watched me eat, smiling at my excitement of discovering the new tastes in my mouth.

  “Wow, this one’s melting on my tongue. Try it.” I reached over with my fork, giving him a taste of the caramelized slice of tofu with some sort of an herb sauce.

  Axel’s eyes almost rolled in their sockets. “I think that’s Olivier’s new one. Do you mind if I order your entrée as well?”

  “Go ahead,” I waved. “If you’re that good at appetizers, my taste buds are dying to know what you’ll do for the main course and dessert.”

  I thought I heard him growl at the word dessert, but maybe it was just my stomach adjusting to the amount I was consuming. When I looked up at Axel, he raised his hand for the waiter. When the gentleman arrived, he asked, “We’ll both have what I discussed with Olivier earlier.”

  The waiter walked away, and I leaned in. “You know the owner?”

  “Yes, I dine here often. This restaurant is very private, with high security, and he’s a good friend.”

  Wow! What else did I expect but for Axel to know everyone?

  “Wait – earlier you said you’ll have the papers delivered to my apartment. I’m still at the hotel.”

bsp; “As of tomorrow you can move into the suite you furnished.”


  “It will make designing the remainder of the building much easier, won’t it?”

  “Yes, but that’s way too big. Axel, you can’t possibly—”

  “Please, just hear me out. You’ll live there for now, while designing the rest of the building and choosing an apartment that you feel more comfortable in and designing it to your needs,” he paused, “including a baby nursery.”

  He reached forward, but then pulled his hand away before touching mine. I thought he wanted to say something more, but he didn’t. I was stunned and couldn’t stop shaking my head.

  “I don’t think there’s anything in this world I could do to pay you back.”

  “There will be a time when I come to claim my debt,” he winked jokingly, but part of me wondered whether he was being serious. It was still difficult to read him, and I wondered whether it had to do with his past Mafia life. I’d googled his name before coming here tonight. At twenty-eight, Axel had lived through more experiences than many men did their entire lives.

  We finished the rest of our meal, which totally blew my mind. I threatened to add to my next contract that I’d only dine at Olivier’s, and we both laughed. I had a delicious chocolate lava cake and even chatted with the restaurant’s owner, who made a comment about possibly redecorating his restaurant. When Axel recommended me, I could have jumped over the table and kissed him. I was beginning to think that I’d look for any excuse to kiss him.

  Afterwards, Axel drove me back to the apartment building, where apparently all my belongings have already been moved. I stood with my back against the door, wondering what the protocol was for inviting your new boss inside.

  I shouldn’t.

  It was too dangerous to be alone in the apartment with Axel. I blamed the attraction on my hormones. I didn’t have time or space for a man in my life, and if I didn’t control those new feelings my body was having such a difficult time dealing with, I was afraid I’d make wrong decisions too quickly.

  “To a great business partnership.” We shook hands while our gazes locked. I didn’t know how long we stood there like that, just staring at each other.

  “I should go in,” I whispered.

  “Yes, you should.” He let go of my hand. “Lock the door behind you, Chloe.”

  I closed the door before he left, leaned my back against it, and slid down to the floor. I was definitely living in a dream, not to mention embarking on a business relationship that would push the limits of professionalism to their breaking point.

  Chapter 8

  I settled into the routine of getting up early in the morning, going downstairs to a café across the street to get tea and a bagel, and then having another walk through the apartments I was working on. Once my hunger was sated, it was time to make orders, shop, accept deliveries, and instruct Josh, whom Axel hired to help me, where to set the heavier furniture. I would then re-arrange decorations, polish the stainless steel appliances, and make sure all the mirrors were spot free. By the time evening rolled around, I was pooped.

  Axel stopped by every couple of days, bringing me peach tea, a container with fresh fruit, and the apple fritters that my body was craving. While I appreciated the effort, I couldn’t help but feel like he was giving me special treatment and more attention than an employer should. Who was I kidding? Of course he was treating me differently than someone he’d hired the traditional way. Not that I didn’t appreciate it, but I couldn’t stop wondering, why me?

  On the days that he was there, I’d show him the latest progress, he’d nod in approval, ask a few polite questions, and then he’d leave. Each time he stopped by, I felt the tension between us grow. The accidental touch of our fingers when he passed me my tea and that coy smile on his face when he listened to me describe the interior design choices didn’t go unnoticed.

  And then there were the postcards. He made sure I had one each week, ready with postage, so that I could send it home. It was one of the sweetest gestures anyone had ever made for me.

  “You look like hell,” he said, plopping down one evening on my couch after we’d done a walk through on the last unit. He pulled his fingers through his hair and exhaled loudly.

  “Thanks. But you don’t look any better.”

  “Sit.” He pointed to the couch, as he rested his head against the cushion, and closed his eyes. I could feel his tiredness seep into my bones, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to absorb it all, because if I did, I’d pass out.

  I took a seat on the other end. Axel made himself more comfortable by raising his feet to the couch, extending his long legs, and then signaling for me to lift mine as well. I hauled my swollen feet up, and after removing my shoes, he brought them closer to him. I rested back against the side arm as his fingers pressed into my soles. He stretched his own legs out so that mine could rest between his. His fingers felt so good on my feet, I didn’t care that he was my boss; and in fear that he’d stop the wonderful pressure, I didn’t dare question him. Besides, over the past three weeks we’d become good friends — at least I hoped we had — and I felt much more comfortable around him than before. So far I’d managed to control my attraction, and it felt good not to give in to a man for a change.

  I didn’t realize when I moaned with pleasure, but I couldn’t help it. He smiled and continued pressing his fingers. The way he kneaded underneath my heel, my body was melting. I closed my eyes and had almost nodded off when he asked, “How many apartments are done?”

  I opened my eyes. “Twenty-three. I’ll probably be done before the end of the month.”

  “And the one you’re going to move into? I know you picked it out, but I haven’t seen you working on it.”

  “Have you been keeping tabs on me?”

  “Maybe. It’s fascinating seeing the work you’ve done. You’re like a breath of fresh air. The way you move, the way your eyes light up with excitement when you find a decorative pillow… Then when you show me the rooms… it’s just amazing that someone so full of life ended up on… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring this up again.”

  “I know you don’t think of me as much, but I’m so much more.” He was holding my right foot in both of his hands, warming it, when I pulled it away. He reached back for it, and brought it to his chest, holding it against his beating heart.

  “That’s not true, Chloe, and I see all that is you. You had a weak moment that night. I apologize for bringing it up. I shouldn’t have. I’m pretty sure that I see you differently than you think. That’s why I’d like to be the one to decorate your apartment.”

  “Seriously? You and decorating?”

  “Don’t sound so shocked. I have good taste in… well, suits for one thing. Let me do it.”

  “Okay, if that’s what makes you happy.”

  Who was I to argue with the boss?

  “It’s not the only thing that makes me happy.”

  I felt my cheeks heat. Was it appropriate for a boss to be such a good friend as well? Was it okay for my employer to be rubbing my feet so perfectly?

  “I had a good home, you know,” I started. “A really good one. But things happened, and I didn’t want my family to think any less of me.”

  His gaze lowered to my belly. Axel was smart enough to figure out that I hadn’t left because I was pregnant. Heck, I’d told him I found out the week before we met. There was another reason — one I’d promised not to ever speak about or think about. At least not until I was ready. Yet it was haunting me more with each passing week.

  He squeezed my foot harder, drawing my attention back to him. “And just so we’re clear, I think about you every day. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last when I fall asleep.”

  And all I could do was shake my head.

  “Why are you finding that so difficult to believe? Look at all the work you’re doing. You’re pouring your soul into this place. And I’m proud that you can overcome your

  “I’m just grateful for a chance. I’m grateful for everything, Axel.”

  I yawned.

  “By the way, you’re taking a day off tomorrow,” he announced.

  “It’s Friday.”

  “Consider it a long weekend, then. You need an extra day off, babe. All work and no play means stress and misery, and I’m not going to allow that.”

  “I can’t. And my work is like playing, so really, there’s no need for time off.”

  “What am I supposed to do with the front row seat Bon Jovi tickets?”

  I shot up. “You got Bon Jovi tickets?”

  “I guess I could donate them.” He pretended to be lost in thought, trying to solve his predicament of two concert tickets I would absolutely die for.

  “You’re playing with me, aren’t you?”

  “Wait, I think one of my clients is a fan. I can give them to him.”

  “Don’t you dare, Axel Wagner. I swear, if you’re bluffing, I’m going to—”

  By that time I was up on the couch, walking toward him like a cat, over his stretched out legs and closer to his splayed torso.

  “What are you going to do?” The mischief in his eyes was exhilarating. I felt my heart race as I thought about the perfect threat.

  “I’ll tickle you to death.”

  “You’re threatening me with tickling?”

  “Yes, besides being a designer, I’m a professional tickler.”

  I went right for the ribcage, but in one swift move, Axel flipped me over and I ended up underneath him, squirming away from his prodding fingers at my sides.

  “Hey, you’re not playing fair, you’re stronger,” I laughed.

  “All’s fair when I’m threatened with tickles.” He continued for a moment longer, and then stopped when my shirt rose up my stomach.

  He lowered his hand to my tummy. The skin-to-skin touch shocked me at first. For the past three weeks, I’d avoided any kind of physical contact with Axel for the sole reason that it made me wish for more. And I couldn’t have more, because I had a baby to think about and he was my boss. A deliciously sexy boss I had dreamt about banging who was hovering above me like a sexy predator.


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