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Chloe (Cheaters)

Page 8

by Lacey Silks

  “Hey, you don’t have to convince me.”

  “But I do have to do a background check.”

  “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

  “Good. Now are you ready to go see your next project?”

  Of course I was ready.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  I grabbed my purse and notepad. Axel took my hand, the way he always did, and moments later we were driving in a car I hadn’t seen before.

  “What happened to the Jaguar?”

  “Vomit,” he laughed.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m teasing, Chloe. It’s in the garage. This is my other one.”

  “You have two cars?” Of course he did. That was a stupid question.

  “Three, actually.”

  “Then why do you get Charlie to drive you around all the time?”

  “Because when I’m not the one driving I can do business.”

  That made sense. Fifteen minutes later he turned right into a luxurious neighborhood of mansions. I assumed we were driving to another building Axel owned, maybe something even more expensive looking than the last, but when we passed a metal gate that disappeared into the stone when it opened, my jaw got acquainted with the floor. Weeping willows lined the cobblestone driveway, some of their branches swaying low enough to touch the ground beyond the curb. When the trees disappeared, a stone house with the personality of a castle stretched in front of us.

  “What is this place?” I asked.

  “Welcome to my house.”

  “This is your house?”

  Holy shit of all shits, crap of all craps, and fuck of all fucks! I’d lived in a mansion before, but this was beyond even a mansion. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “Hold that thought.”

  He parked the car and came around to my side to open the door for me before I got a chance to step out. We walked up the few steps to the front door. The anticipation of what was waiting inside grew, but as soon as he opened the door and we stepped through into the open concept home, I was flabbergasted.

  “It’s empty,” I said.

  “Good observation.”

  We walked further in, with me leading, my head turning in all directions, looking for any kind of furniture, until my gaze found one stool by the marble kitchen counter.

  “What happened to all the furniture?”

  “Never felt the need to have anything else. I spend most of my days at the office.”

  “That’s boring.”

  “My time management has changed since meeting you.”

  “For the better, I hope.”

  “Yes, for the better.”

  I pulled my finger along the counter. Despite the emptiness here, the home felt warm and inviting. In my mind, I started arranging the couches, tables, chairs, paintings, vases, and rugs. It was a habit.

  “Is this why I haven’t been to your house before?”

  “Bingo. There’s simply nothing to see.”

  “You’re so wrong about that. Look at those beams,” I pointed to the two-story ceiling just under the roof. “They’re beautiful. Why does someone like you need so much space?”

  “I don’t. One day maybe I’ll fill it with family, but my grandparents used to live here. It got passed down to me because I’m the oldest.”

  “Wow! This place is amazing.” And that’s when I stepped into the family room and saw the unused stone fireplace in the middle, extending all the way to the two-story roof.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a house this beautiful. There’s no way that you live in an empty house, do you?”

  “No, I live here.”

  Could have fooled me.

  Now I understood why he preferred to spend some nights at my apartment instead of driving home.

  “So, you think you can do it?” he asked.

  “Do what?”

  “Furnish it. Decorate it.”

  Was he serious? Yes, we already established that he didn’t joke about work, but if I got my hands on this property, this would definitely be a dream job. I had an urge to pinch myself.

  “Fuck, yeah!”

  “Chloe Williams, I may have to wash your mouth out with soap.”

  “You try and I’ll put that dildo to good use slapping you around.”

  He shook his head and showed me the rest of the house. I followed him from one bedroom to another, slowly losing count in my head of how many we’d passed. He showed me the indoor pool, sauna, wine cellar, a basement begging to be a party room, a theater, and his semi-furnished office on the main floor. The smell of food made my mouth water, and Axel led us back to the kitchen. I’d need some time to acquaint myself with the space; otherwise, I was afraid I’d get lost. On the kitchen counter were cartons of Chinese food, and I felt my stomach grumble.

  “Let me guess – Charlie?”


  “You’re overworking that man.”

  “I’m pretty sure that Charlie likes his job.”

  “Did he clean up the vomit in your car before it was sent to professional cleaning?”


  “Case in point.”

  “Okay, smart mouth. What did you expect me to do, then?”

  “I would have cleaned it up. It was my vomit.” I opened one of the cartons and dug my chopsticks into the chow mein noodles.

  “How can you talk about vomit and eat at the same time?”

  “I’m a pregnant woman. That should explain it.”

  “Fair enough. So, this weekend’s the realtor party. Are you still up for going?”


  “Good. And Monday you can start here. I’m not sure if my appointment will pan out, but Charlie can drive you over.”

  I gave him a knowing look, to which he replied, “I promise he likes his job.”

  “You know, if you let me decorate your house, you’re never going to get rid of me.”

  “That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”

  I lowered my food and realized just how much my opening to him and me working for him had brought us closer. “Axel—”

  “Don’t say it, Chloe.”


  “But nothing. We’re friends, and I can’t help that I’m attracted to you. But I respect you and I wouldn’t do anything to ruin our friendship.”

  “Thank you. Why couldn’t I have met you six months ago?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m glad I met you now.”

  “Me too. So, tell me what you’d like to see here. Any ideas?”

  “I think you know me well enough by now to know what I like and don’t like. So, I’m leaving this house in your hands, Chloe.”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for.”

  “Surprise me.”

  Oh, that I definitely would. I’d make this the most beautiful and comfortable house Axel had ever been in. He’d never want to leave again. I’d make it functional, homey, and ready for the soccer team of kids he was planning to have in the future. For the first time since I met him, I wished it was his child that I was having. I wished the baby inside me was the number one player of our future household.

  Yet we weren’t even together.

  Chapter 14

  We arrived at the realtor party just after the sun went down. The crisp air foretold an early winter. Tonight, I was wearing black pants and a matching top that tied into bows at the shoulders and made the ensemble mimic a jumpsuit. The back was open and draped like a waterfall just above my behind. I was sure that once I gave birth and nursed my baby, I would miss the days when I could walk around without a bra and have my breasts stay up and perky.

  When I went out shopping, the one-piece attire was exactly what I’d had in mind, but given that my bladder was requiring more frequent visits to the bathroom, I opted for a two-piece I could easily remove. My black outfit was embellished with a silver belt and tear-drop earrings that Axel had purchased when he first met me, but I hadn’t had a chance to wear them bef
ore. I held onto his arm as we stepped through the door.

  “Thank you for coming with me,” Axel whispered into my ear, holding me with pride.

  “My pleasure,” I said.

  “I highly doubt that, beautiful, but okay.”

  I wasn’t sure why, but tonight I felt on the edge. Something was rubbing me the wrong way, but I couldn’t pinpoint what it was. So far, frustration was on top of the list, but why was I so frustrated? Was it the pregnancy? Was it being around all these new people? I didn’t think so. I felt comfortable and excited to be here, yet I couldn’t stop the irritable feeling. The moment Axel picked me up, it surged, and I couldn’t figure out why.

  My day had passed so quickly that the plan I had to relieve the undying pressure in my body went up in flames. I was either busy searching websites for inspiring photographs for Axel’s house, or I had to pee and then take a nap, and by the time I realized I was supposed to have some ‘me’ time, it was time to shower and get ready for the party.

  “You seem off.” Axel led us to the bar where he ordered a scotch for himself and a club soda for me.

  “It’s been a long day.”

  He leaned against the bar. “Wanna tell me about it?”

  I sighed in frustration. “Not really. It’s private stuff.”

  “Now you have me even more intrigued.”

  “Isn’t it enough that you’ve touched my… toy, and now I can’t use it because every time I open the drawer I see you holding it by your face?”

  There. I knew that sooner or later I’d blow, and it looked like sooner was the winner. God, did it ever feel good to get that off my chest. And now that I had, I made a decision to trash that dildo and buy myself a new one.

  “Wow. If I had known I would ruin your masturbation time, I would have left it alone. Actually, strike that. I have no regrets.”

  “You want me walking around all tense?”

  “No.” A coy smile lifted his face. “But there are other ways to relieve that sexual tension.”

  “I’m not talking to you about relieving my sexual tension.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s weird. Now are you going to mingle, or are we going to talk about my hormones and how they’re driving me crazy?”

  “Honestly, I’d rather stay here with you and watch you get all flustered because you’re horny. It’s quite amusing.”

  “Amusing? Argh! Go play with your friends. I’m going to use the washroom.”

  “See you back here soon.” He leaned to my cheek and kissed it before I left him. I could feel his gaze burn into my bare back as I walked away. The long line to the ladies room wasn’t a surprise. How come no one had invented urinals for women? I wasn’t exactly sure how that would work, but increasing the number of stalls somehow would have definitely helped.

  When I returned to the main hall where the buffet-style dinner was being served, I couldn’t find Axel. Given that a substantial line was already forming by the serving tables, I headed where my hungry stomach led me — for the food.

  Soon enough my plate was stacked with pretty much everything except seafood. While I loved fish and shrimp, the smell had somehow morphed into a scent that my stomach didn’t exactly appreciate. I carried my plate to an empty table and once more scanned the room for Axel. He was standing near the DJ, talking to a couple of guys. They shook hands, and he turned around, probably looking for me. I gave him a wave and he nodded in my direction before heading toward me. Before he reached my table, a blonde bimbo stepped in front of him, giggling.

  “Axel, I was hoping you’d show up here.”

  She stepped up on her toes and kissed him on his cheek, way closer to the mouth than was appropriate.

  “Kylie, it’s nice to see you again.”

  I rolled my eyes to myself, which made me feel somewhat better, and stuffed the last bite of a bruschetta into my mouth. How many Kylies did Axel know?

  “There’s a rumor on the street that the Ocean complex has been furnished.”

  “It’s not a rumor. It’s true.”

  “You know how much I wanted that project, Axel. I thought you were going to call me to help you.”

  “Actually, I found someone I couldn’t resist.”


  “Yes, her name is Chloe Williams.” He pointed to the table. Kylie turned around, and that’s when I recognized her from the party where I’d first met Axel. I stood up and extended my hand. “We’ve actually met.”

  “We have? When? I usually remember important people, especially anyone Axel plans to hire.”


  “Kylie.” Axel brought her attention back to him with a warning tone.

  “Oh, don’t be so uptight, Axel. You know it will take me a while to get over the fact that you’ve said no to me.”

  Somehow that made me feel good, but I could hold my ground.

  “We ran into each other at the party over a month ago. But I guess I wasn’t important.”

  She waved her hand as if her criticism was nothing. “Oh, I’m sure you’ve caught Axel’s eye somehow. I mean, we all have our price.” She winked toward me, implying that the only way to catch Axel’s eye was to sleep with him.

  “I assume you’re a designer?”

  “One of the best.”

  I doubted that.

  Axel was about to say something when his phone rang. He excused himself and stepped away.

  “Looks like someone’s had too many pigs in a blanket.” She eyed my belly.

  “Looks like someone’s been hanging out with too many pigs.”

  “You’re a funny little one, aren’t you? Don’t get yourself too comfortable, honey. Axel likes his women thin and exuberant.”

  “Wait, let me get my pen and start taking notes.” I couldn’t help the sarcasm coloring my voice. I wasn’t about to tell her that for one, I felt very comfortable with my body and two, I was pregnant and that little bump in my belly was a miracle.

  “You know, I think one of those rich guys by the bar was looking at you,” I lied.

  I should have written a book titled How to spot a gold digger.

  “Really? Well, I should go say hello, then. Wouldn’t want to ruin an opportunity by sitting at a table stuffing my face. Ta, ta!” She waved.

  Would it be too rude if I showed her my finger? Kylie left, and I watched Axel having a torturously long conversation. He paced back and forth, holding the phone at his ear. He looked so good in that suit — definitely better than anyone else in the room. It was obviously custom-made, but someone like him could probably afford a private tailor to follow him around all day long, double-checking his size after each meal.

  Speaking of his size, the crotch of his pants was so well fitted that when he shifted, putting his right leg in front of the left, I saw the fabric curve around his bulge. I wondered whether he was a brief or a boxer man, and after a moment of staring decided that he was wearing boxer-briefs. Feeling proud to have made that discovery, my gaze slowly lifted higher until it met his.


  Had he seen me staring at his junk?

  Axel joined me at the table. “Everything okay? Kylie can be a handful, and her mouth tends to run away from her.”

  “Really? I haven’t noticed.”

  “And I see that you’re still wound up like a yo-yo. Come.” He took my hand and led me away from the table.

  “But I wasn’t finished.”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked, but Axel ignored my question. We weaved down one hall, then another, holding hands like an old married couple before he stopped in a nook behind a fake plant and pinned me to the wall. His aroma sneaked into my lungs like a toxic cobra, settling there with its poisonously arousing scent, teasing me. We were pressed against each other, his alcohol breath lingering just above me, adding that extra layer of sexiness that was making my head fuzzy and legs wobbly. I could feel every single muscle of his chest and h
is abs as my body sank into his. His lips were by the temple of my head resting near my ear, his breathing deep and wanton.

  “What are you doing?” My heart raced and my lungs ached to breathe in more of him. A tingling between my legs reminded me of my overlooked need that had been building up pressure for weeks, its intensity flourishing all at once.

  “Shh. Just relax and enjoy.”

  Enjoy what?

  His hand slid down my arm and in between us as he positioned me slightly sideways to give him better access. When the tips of his fingers grazed over the skin on my stomach, right between my pants and the blouse, I sucked in a sharp breath.


  This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. But to stop it and deny my body what it desperately needed would have been a punishment I couldn’t endure.

  He must be joking.

  Yet his hand slid down my pants, fully cupping my heated sex.

  Holy crap!

  “Do you understand what’s about to happen, Chloe?”

  I nodded.

  “I’m going to make you come, but only if you want me to.”

  God, did I ever want him to. But I couldn’t get a word out. All my concentration was between my legs as I patiently waited for his fingers to slip beyond the band of my panties.

  “We’ll relieve that pressure, and you’ll feel much better. I promise. Do you want me to do that?”

  I nodded again. I couldn’t wait for him to fulfill that promise.

  “Say it.”

  “Yes, make me come.”

  “Don’t make a sound,” he whispered. As his breath caressed my cheek I finally felt the heated touch of his hand as it slipped underneath my panties. I was ready to come undone right at that moment, but there was no way I’d let it all go so quickly. If Axel Wagner, my boss, was touching me, I wanted to get the full experience because for all that was sacred, I’d never allow this to happen again.

  Tucked away in a nook of a side hallway, we were out of immediate view, but if someone turned the corner, we’d be caught. Knowing this predicament, I concentrated on what was happening below my belt, wishing this euphoric feeling would last for as long as possible, but at the same time, hoping that I could come quickly, before we were stopped.

  I clasped my hands onto his suit, holding on. He slowly eased a finger inside me, then pulled it out and up toward my clit, gently rubbing it. I wanted it all. I needed him to prod me again but not to leave the spot that would ultimately wield an orgasm. As if listening to my internal plea, his hand ventured lower once again, this time slipping in two of his digits. I parted my legs wider, pushing myself down on him, wanting to feel him deeper.


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