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Black Heart And Red Redemption (Iron Dogz MC)

Page 5

by René Van Dalen

  DC stormed up to the bed and came to an abrupt stop, her eyes narrowing into furious slits.

  “What. The. Fuck. Someone is going to die for this! What the fuck happened to you?” With that she stormed further into the room then very carefully sat down on the bed and took my good hand in both of hers. I did not expect her next words, not at all. “I am so sorry about Ilya, Tori. He was a really good guy. You must feel so lost without him. I wanted to come to New York with Pixie but shit was going down with my dad’s club and I couldn’t get away. And now you’re back not even five months and this shit happens to you. Who are we killing?”

  She was still the same DC. Excitable, fiercely loyal and very, very dangerous. Her asking who we had to kill wasn’t a rhetorical question at all. Those fierce dark eyes of hers were deadly serious. She was a fighter to her very core.

  “It’s so good to see you, DC. And don’t worry about not coming out to the US to see me. I loved the phone calls and video calls; they were a lot of fun and more than enough.” I soothed.

  “Ja, Ja, Ja, fine. Who did this to you? I need names, Tori. And don’t try that soothing little voice of yours. I’m not falling for that shit.” DC growled as she bent and kissed me on the forehead.

  This friend of mine was such dichotomy. She had two distinct sides to her personality. The lovable friend and the killer queen. I was super lucky she was my friend. I would never want to make an enemy of DC Michaels, she was fierce and deadly.

  “Dom took care of them but the step-ogre is involved so there might be more of them out there somewhere looking for me.” I said softly.

  “Jesus! When will that old bitch die? She’s been a thorn in everyone’s side for far too long. Someone should just kill her already.” DC growled as she looked back at her man. “Do you have a plan for keeping my friend safe, Hawk?”

  Hawk shook his head in exasperation as he drew a chair up next to the bed. “She’s locked down up here, baby. No one but the officers and Sam have seen her. Aunt Beryl knows she’s here and now so do you. While we keep her here Dom is eliminating the rat in his house and erasing the men responsible for this shit. The Maingarde bitch is going to find herself short quite a few men once Dom gets done taking care of business. Everyone knows Pixie and her friends are untouchables, so why the old bitch gave the okay to have Tori targeted is still not clear. I’m waiting to hear more from Dom.”

  I tightened my hand around DC’s. “Don’t worry about me, DC. I’m safe now. Only Dom and his inner circle know I’m here.”

  Both of them frowned heavily at me. “What the hell do you know about his inner circle? What have you been doing since you got back to Cape Town? You’re not dating the asshole are you?”

  I pulled a nasty face then winced as the stitches in my lip pulled tight.

  “You did not just go there. Dominick Maingarde is the last man on earth I would ever date. He’s dead inside. Yes, I admit, he’s one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. But when you look into those beautiful eyes there’s nothing there, they are cold and lifeless. The only person who brings any life to his eyes is Pixie and it doesn’t last very long before it fades. So no, I’m not involved with him, nor will I ever be.”

  She nodded knowingly. “As long as you keep it that way. You’re young and once you get over the loss of Ilya and your career I’m sure you’ll find someone. Not Dominick or anyone like him. You need a good guy. A white knight.”

  I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing and so did Hawk. I shook my head at her.

  “You are so full of shit. Ilya wasn’t the paragon of manhood you think he was. And let me say once again, because you never believe me, yes, I loved Ilya but as a friend and that’s all.” She gave me a raised eyebrow and I sighed. “Okay, so maybe we did bump uglies once or twice, but it was strictly friends with benefits. We were both focused on our careers, not on having a relationship. One day, when I’m ready, I want a man who loves me, warts and all and who I’ll love despite his many, many faults.”

  Hawk growled. “Are you really going to sit here and talk about this shit?”

  “Babe, if you don’t want to listen to us you don’t have to stay up here. You can go back to your office.” DC snipped at him.

  “Babe.” Hawk didn’t say anything else, just that one word and a look.

  Turning back to me she looked over my face, body and then my leg.

  “Have you seen a specialist?”

  “Yes, Dominick took me to see an orthopaedic specialist when we landed here. The specialist said as far as he could determine the damage was superficial but he wants me to have a MRI and x-rays once the swelling has gone down. We’ll see once we get there.”

  “This is such bullshit.” She muttered. “What were you doing anywhere near those people?”

  I snorted at my own stupidity and for not listening to Pixie.

  “I had an appointment to see Dominick about funding for a ballet school for underprivileged kids. Then I heard those assholes planning a murder and shit hit the fan. And now I’m here.”

  “Why the hell would you go to Dominick for money? His money is dirty, Tori.”

  “I don’t care if his money is as black as coal or as white as snow. Those kids need help and if his black money gives them a chance to achieve something amazing then I’ll take it.” I growled at her.

  Her hand tightened around mine so hard it hurt and I winced. She immediately let go.

  “What I’m about to tell you is only for your ears. You don’t say a word to Pixie or anyone else. Promise me.”

  “What? Okay, I don’t like it but I promise I won’t tell Pixie, or anyone else until you say it’s okay to tell.” I was confused. DC looked as if what she was about to tell me was making her feel ill.

  She sighed, dropped her head then looked up at me with those black eyes and they were filled with something I found very hard to place.

  “The step-ogre is involved in sex-trafficking. She has little kids and young women kidnapped and then she sells them into the sex trade. A few months ago we saved some kids but we weren’t able to destroy her organisation. They are still operating and we are living with that hanging over our heads. She knows we know about her organisation and that has put a target on our backs. Dom is working with us and some other people to take her organisation down.”

  My mouth had fallen open with shock as I stared at her then looked over at Hawk. He gave a tiny chin lift in agreement.

  “Dom is helping you?” My voice was barely there, it was so soft.

  “Yes. Beneath that cold exterior of his there’s still a heart, believe it or not.” DC stroked my clenched hand.

  Lordy, this was so much to take in. What if I had taken Dominick’s money and she stole kids from my school? I couldn’t stand to think about it. I needed to think about something good, something bright and happy.

  “Okay, I get it. Can we not talk about this right now? It’s making my headache come back.” I smiled but it wasn’t a very happy smile. “Tell me about how the big man over there snapped you up and put his mark on you. I can remember a time when you swore you would never let a man claim you. So out with it. How did it happen?”

  DC went along with the change in conversation and I listened with a grin as she told me the story of how Hawk Walker caught this wild woman and made her his old lady.

  “And the underground fighting? Do you still beat up poor unsuspecting women for fun?”

  Hawk burst out laughing and DC threw a mock angry look his way.

  “Yes, but you know as well as I do that they know exactly what they are in for. I haven’t had a fight in a while but I’m thinking I should let Grizzly organise one before you go back to Cape Town. I remember how loud your screams were the last time you came to one of my fights. And that was a tame fight at the gym. You’d love Underground.”

  I almost started bouncing on the bed and stopped myself just in time. “I would love to watch you fight again. It’s been years since I’ve been to one.”

  “You are a blood thirsty little thing, aren’t you?” Hawk grinned.

  “No, not really. I just like watching DC fight. Her moves look almost choreographed, so much so it reminds me of a dance. Without all the blood and stuff, of course.”

  DC got that look in her eyes. A look she got when she was planning something or had just had a good idea.

  “You should think about creating a dance and perform it when you are back on your feet again.”

  Pain bloomed in my chest and I was hard pressed not to gasp with it. I pushed it away and gave a small smile.

  “I will never dance on the stage again, DC. My leg is done. It’s too weak to take the strain required.”

  “Bullshit. You can work around it. I know you, Tori. You are one of the most talented ballet dancers to ever come out of this country and I’ve followed your career. I know what was said about you. You can do this. If you set your mind to it you can find a way to dance again, even if it isn’t on the world stage. Don’t let what those doctors tell you stop you from dancing. Take what they say and use it. Change the way you dance, maybe look into modern dance, anything that would allow you to do what you love.”

  Typical DC. Having her taking my back felt so good.

  “That’s why I wanted to talk to Dominick. I thought about teaching kids to dance, to give back some of what I had learned. But dancing? I don’t know about that. We’ll have to wait and see what happens when this cage comes off my leg and the specialist takes a look.”

  She gave several small nods, her eyes narrowed on me.

  “Right. Then this is what’s going to happen. You’re not going back to Cape Town until I’ve had time to make that leg of yours as strong as it can possibly be. We’ll work on your rehab together, and once we’re done you’re going to dance again, even if it’s only for your students and their parents.”

  I gaped at her. “You can’t just keep me hostage here, you know. Once my problem is sorted I will be free to leave.”

  “Nope.” She declared and pointed a finger at my chest. “You won’t be leaving for a while, short ass.”

  “Don’t call me that! I’m not that short. And I can leave when I want to. It’s not up to you.”

  She outright laughed at me. The crazy bitch.

  “That’s where you are wrong, my dear friend. And don’t even think about asking Pixie to help you, she won’t. I want you here until you are well enough and my man will help me keep you here.”

  “Sorry, little red, in this she’s the boss.” Hawk grinned. What the hell was wrong with these people?

  “My name is not short ass or little red, and she’s not the boss of me.” Damn, now I just sounded like a little kid arguing with her parents.

  “Babe, you are fucking tiny. I thought my woman was short but compared to you she is tall.”


  I was about to let them both have it when the door silently opened and Kid followed by Ziggy and Jagger walked into my room. And looking at their serious expressions I knew I wasn’t going to like what they had to say.

  Kid ignored both Hawk and DC and came straight to the bed, leaning over and kissing me on the top of my head.

  “Not looking so washed out anymore, baby girl. The rest has been good for you.” He murmured before he turned and dragged a chair up right next to the bed and sat down.

  Deafening silence reigned in the room as everyone watched him with narrowed eyes. What was going on? And having learned early in life that if you didn’t ask you’ll never find out the important things, of course I asked.

  “What’s going on? Why does everyone look at him as if he’s grown an extra head?”

  DC snorted with laughter but didn’t say a word; she just raised an eyebrow at her man, waiting for him or one of the others to answer.

  But they weren’t the ones who answered. It was the man himself who did.

  “Don’t mind them, baby girl. They’re just being their usual asshole selves.” He shook his head at them.

  “No, that’s not it.” Ziggy interrupted. “He’s acting all touchy-feely, and let me tell you, sweetness, this man hasn’t been all up in his feelings for fucking years. So this shit right here has got us all very confused.”

  “Is this you claiming the girl before anyone else can, brother?” Jagger asked with a wicked grin.

  What? I snapped my head around to Kid to see him shaking his head at his friends.

  “Jesus. No. She’s like a baby sister to me. The only way I’m claiming her is as family. So any fucker who tries to make moves on her is going to meet up with my fists.”

  If my eyes could have stretched any wider they would have. The man hardly knew me and he has claimed me as his family. What about his real family? Didn’t he have any? And if he didn’t what happened to them? When I looked into his eyes I saw a sadness that spoke to the sadness inside me. The sadness of loss. It made me wonder who he had lost.

  My first day as a guest at the Iron Dogz MC’s compound has been full of surprises.

  I wondered what the rest of my stay would bring.

  My heart jumped in my chest as his face suddenly appeared in my mind’s eye. It was a face I had last seen when I was eighteen years old, he must have changed over the years. It’s been nine, almost ten years after all.

  His rugged, dark eyed unsmiling face was replaced by Ilya’s classically handsome and smiling face.

  The differences between the two of them were so vast. They were like night and day. Maybe that’s what had drawn me to Ilya in the first place. The fact that he was so different from the man who had ruthlessly shattered my stupid heart.

  I felt tears starting to burn at the back of my eyes and I blinked furiously to get them gone. I would not cry. I had cried enough over the last almost two years to fill a big bath. No more. Ilya would want me to be happy. He would want me to be strong and face my limitations straight on.

  And I would. I would rise above this latest disaster. I would triumph over my latest adversity.

  My best friend had believed in me, believed I would shine in whatever I attempted.

  I would prove him right.

  “Baby girl? Are you okay?” Kid took my hand and squeezed softly and I forced a smile.

  “I’m fine, just craving some coffee again.” I tried to joke.

  “Coffee isn’t good for you.” DC frowned. “You’re on heavy medication and need to have healthy drinks, not pure caffeine.”

  “Ugh. You and your healthy drinks. Do you still drink that nasty green smoothie thing?” I looked at Kid and made big eyes. “Avoid it at all costs, it tastes like green slime.”

  DC gave me the evil eye and I grinned.

  “Carry on, short ass, carry on with this shit and I won’t help you in the shower. You do want that rats’ nest on your head sorted don’t you?”

  I immediately surrendered. “Please, I’ll be your friend forever. I need a shower so badly. My head feels all itchy and yuck and my body is all stinky.”

  “Well, no time like the present.” DC said. “You guys need to leave.”

  The room emptied as if by magic. The only one not leaving was Kid. He pulled back the duvet and between him and DC they removed the brace and bandages. My leg looked awful. I was still looking at it when Kid slid his arms around me, lifted me from the bed and carried me into the bathroom and sat me down on the toilet.

  Turning to DC he gave her a look that I couldn’t read.

  “If you need help call me, I’ll be in the room sorting out the bed.” He didn’t give DC a chance to answer. The door closed softly behind him as he walked out of the bathroom.

  Getting out of my pj’s and into the shower wasn’t easy, but we managed. Years of undressing in front of other people left me with very few inhibitions. Being naked wasn’t one of them. Thank the pope the shower was separate from the bath. I didn’t have to climb into the bath or anything, it was as easy as walking into the large glass enclosure and sitting down on the built in seat.

  By the time
my body and hair had been washed I was sore and so very tired that I could hardly hold myself up as DC helped me to dry off. I was hardly aware when she called Kid in to help get me dressed in clean clothes. I slept right through them dressing me, drying my hair, rewrapping my leg and putting me back in bed.

  It was the wonderful smell of food that woke me hours later. And the best thing about waking was that I didn’t have that dull feeling because of the pain medication. I had fallen asleep without taking any.

  There was a middle aged woman sitting next to my bed, watching me. I blinked sleepily and smiled.

  She smiled back. “I’m Aunt Beryl. You missed lunch today, but that’s a good thing. You slept well. I made cottage pie for dinner and there’s banana custard for desert. Both won’t hurt your mouth. You’re such a tiny little thing you need to eat to build up your strength.”

  I grinned. “Hello. The dinner smells amazing, and I am a lot stronger than I look.”

  She grinned widely. “Good for you. You’re going to fit right in.”

  With that she got up and left, leaving me gaping after her. Why would I need to fit in? Once my problem was sorted I would be going back to Cape Town. No freaking way was I staying up here and watching Beast with his children. Not to mention with another woman.

  My brain came up with so many awful scenarios I almost lost my appetite.

  It didn’t last long. The food was calling my name far too loudly.




  His girls were dressed and their bags for the day packed. They were going to spend the morning with Gail’s kids at Bulldog’s house where they would be watched over and safe. He did not want to leave them for yet another day but he had no choice. He had appointments to see his lawyer and the Advocate that would be handling his case in the Supreme Court. They had a fuckload of things to go through to ensure the whore never got her slimy fingers on his girls ever again.

  And after what had almost happened to Ice’s woman and her kid he wasn’t going to take any chances with Child Welfare getting involved. The Maingarde Organisation had too many fingers in too many government pies. No way were his babies disappearing never to be seen again.


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