Second Chances: A PAVAD Duet
Page 22
Ed answered that one. “A mix of both. I heard good things about Marianna through the grapevine. I did some browsing of personnel jackets, and realized she was friends with both Fin and Lorcan. I spoke with them both—heard great things—and also started looking at personnel jackets of those she worked with. Once I realized she had some of the best technicians and specialists in the area, I looked closer. After several weeks of discussions with the Indianapolis field office—as well as others—we made the decision that we wouldn’t mess with a good thing, and try to keep the specialists who worked well together, on the same teams. That’s why we offered relocation packages to nine people. Two were declined due to family in the area and being close to retirement age.”
“Before you offered those packages, Dad, were the nine people on the exact same team?”
“Yes. For the most part, we were on the same shift, or had several hours’ overlap. We worked good together, and the lab was a comfortable place to work. Nearly all of those I worked closely with decided to relocate. Only three were from other shifts, and I didn’t know them that well. One of those was Eric; I worked with him on a few cases, mostly on differing shifts, but I worked closely with his ex-wife. The other two were those who didn’t relocate.”
“What about the other shifts? How did they take the request?”
“There was some grumbling—working for this new division brought with it a pay raise and some prestige. And those who were offered the transfers weren’t necessarily the most experienced on lab staff. The Indianapolis lab isn’t a large one at all. About a third the size of this one. That made a difference to some, too.”
“Can you think of anyone who was capable of composing something like this?” Ed placed a composite drawing on the table in front of her. She studied it closely.
“This is what the explosive looked like? Eric is the one who handles our explosives evidence. This looks like something we’ve logged in the past.” Marianna turned the document over so that she could show the Hellbrooks what she’d noticed. “This section here holds the charge, and the detonator. This part here, if you compare it to the chemical analysis the St. Louis Field Office lab found, it’s basically a colored smoke bomb.”
“Every arsonist or bomber has a unique signature,” Hellbrook said.
“And this looks a bit familiar to me. But I’ll admit it, explosives are not my specialty. Eric can tell you more. I’m sorry. But this…the green smoke bomb? I remember working on something like this last year with Eric and Hugh Schild.”
Chapter 33
Ed recognized the name. That was one of the names in the files in front of him. “Schild? What do you know about him?”
Marianna’s face told him, before she said anything. “I wasn’t fond of him. He worked with Eric. He wanted Eric’s position after we left. But I don’t know if they gave it to him. He had some…issues…with others. Don’t get me wrong, he was very good at his job, but…he knew it, too.”
“Who was his direct supervisor?”
“Eric was his team leader.”
“How did they get along?” Georgia asked.
“Volatile. Hugh was—is—convinced he’s the best at his position, but he isn’t. Eric had to naturally keep him in check. Hugh didn’t take to that very well, I don’t think. I heard they’d had a few arguments. But that was nothing knew—everyone had had an argument or two with Hugh.”
Marianna hesitated, as if she wanted to say something more.
“Go on, sweetheart.” He wasn’t even aware the endearment slipped out until Georgia’s eyes narrowed. It didn’t matter; he was more than ready to tell his daughter how his feelings for Marianna were developing. He wasn’t going to hide it from anyone.
“Hugh Schild is narcissistic, a bully, and thinks he’s wonderful. And…and the only people who had access to the files of the case where the arsonist used a colored smoke bomb of this type were Eric, me and Hugh.”
“So he’s our most likely candidate.” Ed flipped through the man’s file, noting the stack of complaints against him. But had those complaints led to this? “What else can you tell us about his relationship with everyone? Have you personally had dealings with him? Has Agent Cody? Dr. Asher? Kelly or Allison?”
“I have. He wasn’t happy that he was working with me on that case. He wasn’t happy my team in particular was chosen, and that I’d had him blocked when he attempted to transfer to my team. He and Kelly disagreed constantly. She worked a later shift, and it often overlapped with Hugh’s. Allison was her team leader. She’d had dealings with him as well.”
“Sam and Cody? Dr. Asher?” Georgia asked.
“Cody, mainly because of Kelly. They are pretty tight, and she was more likely to confront Hugh about his mistakes. She’s had some background in explosives as well, and Hugh resented anyone who could potentially upstage him. From what I heard, they put him on third shift so that he could antagonize as few people as possible.”
“And Sam Gareth and Dr. Asher?” Hellbrook asked.
“General disagreements. Hugh didn’t say much to Sam; not with Eric being her ex-husband. He didn’t like to confront Eric, and that’s what would happen if he got into it with Sam. Payton…I don’t think he had ever had a disagreement with Payton. Most people don’t. She’s quiet, and sweet, and everyone likes her. Even those who don’t really fit in with the rest of the people around them love Payton.”
“We’ll have to ask her directly, once she’s awake and able to tell us exactly what happened in her lab.” Ed wrapped a hand over Marianna’s shoulder, rubbing lightly, sensing she was starting to get upset. Her calm had been shaken considerably today; it was admirable she’d held up as well as she had for this long. “In the meantime, can you think of why Hugh Schild would snap, and do this? Anything, no matter how small.”
“I don’t know. He wasn’t offered a transfer package. He may have resented it. He may have resented Kelly or Cody, or anyone who did. I just don’t know!”
Ed pulled her against him and held her while she broke down.
Chapter 34
After Marianna regained control of herself, she watched in almost amazement as Ed and his son-in-law mobilized Fin’s team in the search for Hugh.
Was it Hugh? Could she possibly have been wrong? Of everyone she’d worked with at Indianapolis, he was the one she could see doing this. He was the only one in the Indy lab who ever caused any major problems. But did that mean he’d done this?
How else was she possibly to explain the unique explosive composition that only she and Eric and Hugh knew about? The case in question had been an extremely hush-hush investigation; one that wasn’t even for their field office, but for the Chicago lab. She’d even gone in after-shift to help the two men with the paperwork that had required a supervisor’s signature. She’d boxed up the paperwork and signed off on the evidence herself. No one else knew about it. No one.
It had to be Hugh.
It sickened her to think that the man she’d worked with had had it in him to hurt so many people. Over nothing. A job. That was all. Minor workplace disagreements that happened in nearly every office in the country. Were such things ever worth it?
The only answer was no.
“So what’s the next step?”
“I’ll get Carrie finding out everything she can on Hugh Schild. His background, his latest movements. Anything that may have happened in Indy in the last few months. You get some rest,” Hellbrook looked her straight in the eye, his manner reassuring. “And worry about yourself and the kids. We’ll handle things from here. And I promise you, we’ll not lose him. In a few hours, we’ll have more to go on. In the meantime, I suggest we all get some sleep. Tomorrow might just be equally as long.”
A few minutes later they carried their sleeping son to their car, leaving Marianna with Ed. He made hot chocolate, of all things, and nudged her to the sitting room. She was tired, but knew she wouldn’t be settling down anytime soon.
She just wanted normal back.
sp; He settled onto the couch beside her, his shoulder warm against her. She sipped at the mug, taking comfort in the warm scent of him and chocolate mingling.
One thing was certain, her fears and hang ups where he was concerned had disappeared in the last few days. If someone had told her it could happen so quickly she’d tell them they were crazy. But it had. And now…she didn’t know what the next step would be.
She told him as much. “I don’t know what will happen.”
“I know. But we’ll get him, sweetheart—”
“No. I mean you. And me. I know what you want.”
“Do you?” His shoulders tensed.
“I’m not…I think…I mean…” Where had this uncertainty come from? “This is silly. Ed, I want to try.”
He stared at her for a moment. “Try what?”
“I’ve not dated in seven years. And my ten year marriage was hell.”
“No. I need to say this.” She held a hand up. “You’re the first man I’ve been attracted to since…before Bobby.”
“I’ll admit I’m flattered. Listen, I read the file. I understand what happened. You don’t ever have to mention anything else about it again, if you don’t want.”
“I don’t want. It was the most horrific experience I’ve ever had, but it got me one of the seven most miraculous gifts I could have ever been given. I can never forget that.” And she would never tell her youngest son how he was conceived. She loved him too much to ever hurt him that way.
“I can understand that.”
“But it also took something from me. I didn’t always realize that; but I do now. I think, that after all this time, I should at least try for a second chance. Don’t you think?” She felt so raw inside, so scared.
“There is no right or wrong answer. I think that whatever you choose to do is the right decision. I’ll never push you into anything.” He faced her, his expression earnest and sweet. Endearing, even, in a way she’d never expected the cold and frightening Ed Dennis to be. How her opinion of him had changed…
“I know that. And of every man I’ve ever encountered, I know that you won’t push. I think that maybe that’s why I can do this…” Marianna leaned forward and brushed her lips against his. She pulled back slightly. “I think I’d eventually like to try more. If you’re willing.”
He smiled, his hands hot on her back. He toyed with her hair, then wrapped hot fingers around the back of her neck. Pulled her closer for a kiss that had her breath catching when he—they—was done. “Know that I am far more than just willing. When you want. How you want. And what you want. I can promise you that. Is that what you want?”
“That’s exactly what I want, but I want it to be equal. I’ve never had equal with a man. I want laughter, and fun, and normal with a man, you. Do you think that’s possible? Even with this job, with our families, with who we are? I just want normal, Ed.”
“You want normal? Let’s do normal. Let’s do soccer games, school carnivals, fishing trips, and candlelit dinners. I can’t make any guarantees, no one can. But I can give you my word that we can try. Every single day, we can try. Starting right now, if you want.” He pulled her onto his lap, his strong arms going behind her. Marianna laughed, low and quiet so not to wake the seven sleeping children upstairs, and snuggled into his arms. She lay her head on his shoulder, and took the comfort he was offering.
“Normal. Starting now.”
They held each other for a long time, until Marianna felt sleep start to overtake her. He stroked her hair, her spine, until she was nearly out.
Marianna jerked up so hard she nearly fell off the couch. “Jamie, baby…”
“Mommy, I wanna go home.”
Marianna slipped off Ed’s lap, hoping her son hadn’t seen exactly where Ed’s hands had been. She picked her son up into her arms and cuddled him close. “Did you have a bad dream?”
“No. But the man at the window was scary.”
Her hands tightened around her son. “What man, baby?” James wasn’t prone to nightmares or fancy imaginings. Not this one, her most serious child.
“The man with the black clothes. He came in through our window. Woke me up. I thought he was Mr. Ed…”
Ed jerked to his feet, hand going for his cell. He pressed a button and barked orders into it. He was already running down the hall. His weapon was drawn. “Get to the boys, now! I’ll have four agents inside in seconds.”
Marianna held her son close to her chest and ran. She didn’t know what she’d do to Hugh, but if he harmed any of her children in any way, she’d rip him to shreds. Without a second thought.
Chapter 35
Ed ran to the room shared by the younger boys. Matthew’s room. Had Schild gotten in to the boys? How? His security was complex; there shouldn’t have been a way in. Marianna was right behind him, James held tight to her chest. “Mari, get all the boys into one room. Put them in the closet, under the bed, whatever you have to do, understand?”
“Ed…you don’t think…”
“I don’t know. But I’m not taking chances. Royal, Compton, and Norton should be inside by now. If Hugh’s in here, we’ll find him.” Bobby and Timothy were still sound asleep in Matthew’s top bunk. The room was undisturbed. “Jamie, buddy, where did you see this man go?”
“Down the hall by Mommy’s new room. By the potty.”
“Marianna, stay here.” He pulled Bobby from the bed and put him in Matthew’s closet. Timothy was next. “Keep the boys quiet.”
“Ed—the older boys…”
“I’ll get to them. You just have to trust me.” He hoped to hell this was a promise he could keep.
“I do. Keep my children safe.”
“I will.” He left her, huddling in the closet with three of her children. It was one of the hardest things he’d ever done.
The room Marianna occupied was down the hall a bit from the one the younger three boys slept in. The older boys were between Matthew’s room and Marianna’s. He entered the room shared by the older twins first. They were sleeping soundly, obviously not disturbed. He woke Bryce first, then Collin. “Get to your mom and younger brothers. Stay in there with them. Closet. Go. Quietly.” He used his body to shield theirs. Once they were safe he moved to the next room.
Nate and Ted were gone.
Ed bit back a curse. He grabbed his cell and hit speed dial for Agent Royal. “Nate and Ted, fifteen and eleven years old, aren’t in their room. They’re somewhere in the house. Repeat, two minor males at large. Everyone else is in one location, other than the suspect.”
“Gotcha, boss. We’ll find them.”
Ed turned toward Marianna’s room. Had Schild taken the boys in there? To use against their mother? Or had the boys gone somewhere else? And where was Schild?
He pushed open the door to the room that had once been his daughter’s. It was dark, undisturbed. Had Schild been in there?
He could find no indication of it.
“Perimeter secure. And we have Ted. Repeat, Ted is safe. Confirms the presence of an unknown male inside, possible ID as a former colleague of his mother’s. No sign of the older boy. We have two agents inside the building, searching now. Nearest LEOs are already on their way. ETA two minutes.”
Dammit, where was Nate? Had Hugh taken him somehow? Where were they? He’d never damned his house before, but he did now. There were so many places someone could hide, even more places someone could hide explosives.
Had he done the right thing, keeping Marianna and the boys in one place? Every instinct he possessed told him no. He turned around and ran as quietly back to Matthew’s room as possible. Two minutes was just too damned long.
Marianna had the boys behind her, and she’d found one of Mattie’s t-ball bats to arm herself. “Mari, come on.” He picked Bobby up and put him in his mother’s arms, then instructed the older twins to carry the younger. “We have people outside.”
“Ted and Nate?”
sp; “Outside. Ted’s outside. Mari, I’m not sure where Nate is. Local LEOs are on the way. I want you all out. Then I’ll find Nate.”
Chapter 36
Marianna’s heart was frozen, terrified for her son. Where was Nate? What had happened? She carried Bobby close. They followed Ed as he led them through the kitchen and out through the garage.
Agent Royal met them in the yard. He took Bobby from her, and grabbed her hand. “Boss, McLaughlin’s team’s on your perimeter. They heard the call, and were already at HQ. They have Ted down at the neighbor’s, 631 Brickstone Ave.”
“That’s two blocks away and empty. Mari, go. I’ll get Nate, I swear to you. Go.”
She nodded. She just hoped he realized just exactly what she was trusting him to do.
She followed Royal, nearly running as he carried her youngest son. The three youngest boys were crying, and the sound broke her heart. How could she help her babies now?
And Nate? Where was Nate?
They reached the empty house just blocks from Ed’s estate. The lights were on, people were inside. People she recognized.
“Mom!” Ted ran to her. She caught him against her and held him.
“Oh, baby! Where’s your brother?”
“I don’t know! We heard something, then Nate covered my mouth and told me to get outside, out of the room. I went out the window, but Nate didn’t have time to follow me. I think that guy took him!”
Marianna pushed Ted toward Ana Sorin. “Stay here!”
She turned around and ran back toward Ed’s, back toward her son.
Chapter 37
Ed found Nate and the man he recognized as Hugh Schild in the basement of the house. Nate was calm, but Ed could tell he was scared. And why wouldn’t he be? He was only fifteen years old, his family was in danger, and Schild had a gun.
“Schild. I don’t believe we’ve met; I’m the owner of this house.”