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Goldie and The Three Bears

Page 6

by Honey Jans

  She knew he was eager to join her harem and deep down, she wanted him, too. “Just what stuff is that?” she asked, thinking of Tyson's amazing oral technique.

  "Surfing,” he said with a playful grin, adding, “Get your mind out of the bedroom, love."

  "Surfing in Wisconsin?” she asked, amused.

  "Come on, surf's up,” he said grabbing her hand.

  "I don't have a swimsuit,” she said, grinning. She'd recalled seeing a surfboard leaning against his wall in his bedroom. She'd thought it was just decoration. Who knew he actually used it? But he didn't stop to grab the board, just towed her out the back door.

  "Neither do I, sugar,” he said with a playful leer as he rushed her down to the beach.

  She laughed when suddenly his clothes vanished, then he grinned.

  "But as a consideration to you, I'll add these."

  She smiled when he blinked board shorts onto himself. “You Bears have powers I've only heard rumors of."

  "You ain't seen nothin yet, love,” he said, leaning in to kiss her.

  She let out a gasp as his playful blue aura mingled with hers and then she kissed him back. Her body heated up along with her mind. He was her final harem mate and she wanted him.

  He broke the kiss to murmur, “Now you?"

  She nodded and he gazed at her clothes making them vanish. She blushed, feeling excited and proud when his fascinated gaze lingered on her curves. He liked what he saw. Then a string bikini covered her naughty parts, making her smile. “I like your taste in swimwear,” she said then chuckled.

  "Thanks,” he said, tugging her out the back door. “No need to worry about attack. I've got the property covered with a security bubble."

  She relaxed and gazed out at the beautiful private lake. The water was smooth as glass. “I don't think you're going to be doing any surfing in that."

  "Watch,” he said, snapping his fingers and waves suddenly lapped against the shore.

  "Wow. Color me impressed,” she said awed.

  "Good,” he said, towing her into the surf.

  She giggled a little scared. “I don't surf."

  "Trust me?” he asked, holding out his hand.

  She made a decision and put her hand in his. It seemed to mean a lot to him that she trusted him and his hand tightened on hers. Then she found herself on the surfboard with him. She laughed, startled when they rushed through the surf, getting a thrill that raised her heartbeat and her arousal. Damn. Lane pressed up against her back, his erection pressing against her ass. “This ought to be illegal. It's too damned fun,” she said with a smile.

  "Ready to get wet?” he whispered into her ear.

  She purred. “You bet.” Then she looked up, saw the playful twinkle in his eyes and sputtered, “Don't you dare,” a moment before the surfboard vanished and they both dropped into the water. She went under with a splash and came up laughing and Lane wrapped his arms around her, holding her afloat. They clung together, wet and wild.

  "Okay if we get naked?” he asked for permission.

  She nodded and their swimsuits vanished. She floated against him in the water, reveling in the free feeling. Then he bent to kiss her and she stopped thinking as his hair-roughened chest brushed against her nipples, driving her wild. Her mound brushed up against his hard cock and she moaned. He dove into her and she wrapped her legs around him, taking him deep inside as the water around them sparkled pink. Then she closed her eyes as he rocked into her and came with a scream.

  * * * *

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  Chapter 13

  Honey yawned and came groggily awake. Rolling over, she let out a startled gasp when waves rippled under her body and grabbed the covers for purchase. Swaying with the waves sweet memories of surfing with Lane and the sexy aftermath came to her. At least after this seduction, she had immediate recall. She sat up in bed, feeling bemused and took a good look around his room, trying to ground herself.

  Lane's surfboards were once more hung on his wall, confirming her memory that he had zapped them away. Her last memory was of lying on the beach with him in afterglow. Now she was in bed alone. She looked down at his king-sized waterbed and smiled. Somehow it fit her water-loving lover. She was even lying on aqua blue silk sheets. Lane was totally a water element.

  She moved toward that edge of the bed and once again felt the bed move under her. The waterbed's ripples only partially accounted for her feeling still at sea, but there was something else going on with her. She yawned, knowing her sleepiness was out of character for her. Her last words to Cruz this morning played back at her. I'm not going to let you put me under one of your Were sleeping spells echoed back across her consciousness.

  Shit, she knew in an instant that it was true and a little piece of her heart broke. She'd trusted them, given herself to them, and they were playing some kind of game with her. They were animals at heart and she should have expected it. The Bear boys were slipping her mental Mickeys and she didn't like it one bit. But maybe there were extenuating circumstances. They might be trying to help her. She just had to find out why they were doing it. It smacked of Were trickery and she didn't want any part of it. Her soft human heart wanted to give them a noble reason for keeping her cossetted this way, but having been raised around their kind, she wasn't so sure.

  She pulled herself together and tiptoed down the hall, trying her hardest to sneak up on them, not an easy task when she had no magic tricks of her own. She sensed Lane's aura in the great room before she was halfway down the hall and knew he was alone. Cruz hadn't returned yet. She couldn't believe how let down she felt. She told herself to cut the pity party and keep going. Lane would have to answer her questions.

  Then she felt the atmosphere change and picked up a new aura approaching from the west. An air sign. Then a warm pink aura washed toward her as Tyson walked into the building and she smiled. Tyson was here. At least he hadn't stayed away after she'd claimed him. She listened to the door click behind him and heard his greeting.

  "Lane, I'm back."

  She was pleased with herself that she'd guessed his identity when he wasn't within visual sight. At least one part of her was getting stronger since mating.

  "Took you long enough,” Lane said.

  "Patience, cub. I was using your new thingamajig to scan the shack. Took a little time to get it working."

  "Tell me you didn't break my new diagnostic scanner,” Lane said with a grumble.

  "Relax, it's still in one piece."

  "So. What did you find? Is everything okay back at the shack?"

  "Inconclusive. It picked up a Were presence but that could have been a remnant from the owners. It also picked up some human out-of-control vibes. Whoever did this was just out to cause damage. They trashed the place but funny enough, they didn't steal anything. I stashed her laptop and purse in the trunk of her car and drove it over here."

  Honey's body tightened. How dare he!

  "Shit, I hope you weren't boneheaded enough to leave her car where she can find it. Cruz will have both our asses if she escapes."

  "I'm not stupid. I parked it behind the shed and her purse, laptop, and keys are securely locked in the trunk. Even if she spots the car she won't be able to start it. I can always say I had it towed here if she challenges me. Our main job is to keep her satisfied and sleepy so that Cruz can do his thing. Which brings to mind, is everything going okay here?"

  "Things are going swimmingly. Our girl is sleeping like a baby in my bed right now,” Lane said with pride.

  "So she recruited you for her harem,” Tyson said dryly.

  "She wasn't going to at first. She wanted to leave, as a matter of fact."

  "Shit, we can't let that happen."

  "Relax. I managed to distract her and she was none the wiser that I did a mental push on her."

  Honey tensed as the reason for her sudden change of mind became clear. It was worse than sleeping spells, they were using mind control.

  "Is Cruz back yet?"

  "What do you think? Black Jack isn't known for quick negotiations. It'll be a while yet before he returns. You didn't put her out too deep, did you? She's starting to get suspicious.

  Honey stood there frozen, her heart breaking. Cruz had flat-out lied to her. He'd promised he wouldn't tell her grandsire. If this prompted Black Jack into a heart attack, she'd kill Cruz herself. He'd been playing games with her, manipulating her. It just proved what a human fool she was to fall for him. Now her only way to get out of this unscathed was to harden her heart, be just as sneaky as he was. Well, the Bear brothers didn't have to worry about taking care of her any more.

  The first thing she needed to do was get away unnoticed. She quietly turned on her heels and tiptoed down the hall to the back door. Luckily she'd seen how Lane turned off the alarm earlier. When she got to it she punched in the series of numbers, glad of her affinity for numbers. At least she could get out of his quietly. Then when she was safely outside, she made a dash for the shed which was cloaked by a thick stand of pine trees. If she made it there, they probably wouldn't notice her even if they looked this way.

  She rounded the corner to see her car parked right where Tyson had said it would be. She winced when she saw the graffiti spray-painted on it. Damn, those teens must have been really angry. She approached the car anyway, determined to put the Bear brothers behind her. Now she had to get her keys out of the trunk, but how? Angrily she banged on the trunk with her fist. I wish to hell I could do magic like the Bears. At the thought, her trunk popped wide open. She stood there for a moment startled. How in the hell did that happen? Unless she'd picked up some enhanced powers from the Bears. She'd heard rumors of exchanges if the mating was true. Is it possible? It didn't really matter. She was through with love, and Cruz. And she had no time to ponder her good luck.

  Quickly, she grabbed her purse and fished for her keys. After she quietly shut the trunk she ran to the front of the car and used her remote to unlock its doors. Soon she was driving away, putting the lodge in her rearview mirror. How long would it be before they discovered her missing? It didn't really matter. She wasn't bound to any of them and this really wasn't running away, she was running toward her future. So why did she feel so forlorn?

  At least Tyson had done her the favor of checking out the shack. It was safe to go back and clean up the damage. She was a mature woman and she could clean up her own mess. She'd put things right, pack up, and head out to her new life in the morning.

  Cruz walked out of the Lockwood Camp feeling better than he had in a long time. He and Black Jack had come to a compromise of sorts. The old Bear would trust Cruz to be Honey's guide through the season. Then when it was over and they remained unmarked, as the odds said they would, he would let her go. It was bliss, at least temporarily, and he intended to make the most of it.

  At the edge of the Lockwood Camp he neared the exit portal back to his own realm. The PDA Lane had insisted he take remained firmly in his pocket. He hadn't needed rescuing after all. As he got to the clearing an itchy feeling between his shoulder blades told him he was being watched. Reminders of the ambush yesterday flashed through his mind. He covertly reached for Lane's device while scenting the air for the smelly Sundowner who'd gotten the drop on him. Instead of funky musk, a cloyingly sweet scent he remembered all too well wrapped around him. Joelle! He frowned as he turned to see Honey's half-cousin, Joelle, slink into the clearing. This was a complication he hadn't anticipated and didn't want. Honey had said Joelle had already formed her harem, even going so far as to steal Honey's former beau, thank the gods. He owed her for that. He didn't feel the threat coming from the powerful Were fem but there was a sultry smile on her lips that he didn't like. Shit!

  "Did you miss me, lover?"

  Cruz tensed at her teasing words. “For the record, we've never been lovers."

  Joelle made a show of sniffing him and rolling her eyes scornfully. “Hmm, I can smell that you haven't missed someone else. I'm surprised at an elite like you scraping the bottom of the barrel with that little commoner."

  He ignored Joelle's snide comment, tensing as she stepped into his personal space. He raked a disinterested gaze down her lanky body. She was all smooth lined and powerful angles and the skimpy outfit she wore, a leather top and skirt, barely kept her covered. As he watched, one strap casually slipped off her shoulder, baring one breast for him. In the Were community she'd be considered the most beautiful, but he found Honey's warmth much more alluring. “What do you want from me, Joelle?"

  "Guess,” she said, reaching out for him.

  "Not interested,” he said as she splayed a hand on his chest her long fingernails digging into him. Apparently she was out to expand her harem. Of course, she always had been greedy. She wanted to bag herself a clan leader and move up in the Were hierarchy, but she left him ice-cold. Ignoring her obvious come-on, he looked for minions behind her, feeling wary. He sensed a trap, and somehow he read the insincere vibes coming off her loud and clear. Surprised at the new gift he wondered if he'd gotten that enhanced power from Honey? He smiled at the thought, wondering what she might have gotten from him. It was a good sign.

  "Stop thinking about that usurper and pay attention to me!” Joelle shrieked as she dug her nails in.

  Cruz winced as she scratched him, effectively tearing his thoughts away from Honey. He scowled down at her, the rage in her eyes startling him. She was out of control. Had she been behind his attack yesterday? It seemed pretty damned likely, but why? One thing was becoming crystal clear, she hated Honey. “How long have you been jealous of your cousin?” He knew he'd hit a sore spot when she flushed.

  "Jealous? Don't make me laugh,” she said, pushing him away. “That freak is no kin of mine."

  He teleported from the scene, grateful for the reprieve as she stood glaring at him. Somehow he knew this wouldn't be the end of her interference. It had hurt her pride that he'd turned her down and she'd do her best to make him pay. But as he went, the musky smell of the Sundowner filled his nostrils.

  * * * *

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  Chapter 14

  Honey pulled her car up behind her grandsire's fishing shack. Two could play the hide-the-car game. Her fingers trembled as she pulled the key from the ignition and gazed at the dilapidated shack. What a disaster her life had become. She was running away from the only men who'd made her feel like a woman and toward a future she wasn't certain of. Would Cruz come after her? Not bloody likely, he was too busy making deals with her grandsire. Well, she refused to be a pawn in Were politics anymore. Thank goodness she had found out that he was playing games before she made the mistake of falling even more in love with him.

  Grandsire would probably kick his lying ass for losing her and it served him right. With a sigh she walked up the rutted path, key in her hand. She tried to open herself up to any hostile Were vibes that might be lingering from the break-in. Tyson had said it was human but could she trust him and Lane's crazy diagnostic tools? When nothing concrete came through the ether but petty childish anger, she decided that Tyson was right. This was the work of some mundane teens with a severe case of teenage angst. She sympathized as she felt their pain, knowing how hard it was to be an outsider and opened the door.

  Cruz teleported back to his lodge, putting the weird meeting with Joelle behind him. He actually felt happier than he had in a long time knowing that warm and sexy Honey was waiting for him. He and Black Jack had come to a deal. The old man would trust him to protect her and guide her through the mating fever. But they both knew that in the end he wouldn't get to keep her. Still he felt lucky for the hand that fate had dealt him. He couldn't wait to get back into her arms and into his bed. In the meantime the old man was instituting an intertribal hunt for the thugs who'd threatened her.

  He popped into the house and felt a little let down when he didn't see her or feel her aura. He grinned, realizing that he'd picked up more from Honey than he'd realized. Tyson was busy in the kitchen and
Lane was out back. He could feel their essences, their auras. And they were happy. It meant that everything was as it should be at home. Then he heard Tyson whistle as he cooked supper and grinned. Hey, he was getting pretty good at this. If his grouchy woman-hater brother was this happy, Honey must have worked her magic on him. The pain he carried over losing Fleur was diminished. Honey's touch must have done it. He waited for the pangs of jealousy to bloom inside him and instead felt an enhanced contentment. This was the way it should be. He strode into the kitchen saying, “I'm home. How's it going, bro?"

  Tyson looked over at him and smiled. “For the record I felt you before I saw you."

  "So you got some of her talent too,” Cruz said with a nod.

  "Uh huh. Don't worry, bro, I know she isn't mine."

  Cruz didn't know what to say to that. They both knew that the fates wouldn't choose either of them.

  Tyson didn't give him a chance to talk, adding quickly, “And to answer your question things are fine here. Seeing that you're back in one piece, Black Jack must have spared your balls."

  "Shh,” he hissed, looking around to make sure Honey wasn't within earshot.

  "Don't worry, we didn't tell her,” Tyson said dryly. “And she's asleep, so she didn't just overhear this."

  Cruz heard the reproach in his brother's voice. “I did it for her own good. She'll understand after the danger is passed."

  "You think so, do you? Well, let me tell you that lady had been pushed around by, ‘snarling growling Bears,’ her words, so much that she's going to push back."

  Cruz winced at the words. She'd spat at him that she was sick of dealing with overly macho Bears and now he could understand it better. But damn it, he had no other choice than to go to her grandsire. He'd just have to convince her of that. “I'll deal with her,” he said firmly. “And the good news is that Black Jack and I have come to an understanding."

  "Hot damn, that is good news,” Lane said, coming into the room.


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