Time Out (Nashville Nights Next Generation -6)

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Time Out (Nashville Nights Next Generation -6) Page 7

by Cheryl Douglas

  “Hi, Megan. It’s so good to see you,” Nikki said, squeezing her hand. Nikki tucked her head under her husband’s chin and wrapped an arm around his waist. “When J.T. told me he was having lunch with you, I just had to stop by and say hi.”

  “I’m so glad you did.” Megan realized she meant it. She was accustomed to socializing with people who could help bolster her career, but since moving to Nashville, she’d had the opportunity to spend time with people she genuinely liked. It was a nice change of pace.

  Nikki slid into the booth while the waitress delivered their drinks.

  J.T. asked, “Does a pizza sound good, ladies? The chef is experimentin’ with a new recipe he wants me to try.”

  “Sounds great,” Megan said.

  “I’m in.” Nikki smiled up at her husband.

  “Great, just give me a minute to tell him.”

  “You’re so lucky,” Megan said as she and Nikki watched J.T. cross the bar into the kitchen. “That man is so crazy about you, Nikki.”

  “I can assure you the feeling is mutual.”

  “What’s the secret to your success? I mean, most Hollywood marriages break down after a few years.”

  Nikki laughed as she gestured around the bar. “In case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t Hollywood, sugar.”

  “I know, but the same rules still apply. Your career is so demanding, you travel all the time, you live under a microscope. Ty too, yet you guys have two of the strongest marriages I’ve ever seen. How do you do it?”

  “Are you asking as a reporter or a woman?” Nikki asked, propping her chin in an upturned palm.

  “I don’t know,” Megan said, smoothing her napkin in her lap. “A bit of both, I guess.”

  “It’s not easy. We’ve had ups and downs, but the bottom line is simple: I couldn’t live without that man in my life. I love making music. I love touring and playing for my fans, but I love J.T. and Lauren more. If I lost the ability to sing, I’d be okay as long as I had them.”

  Megan was overcome with emotion, but she hoped her impassive mask hid her true feelings. She took a moment to collect herself by taking a sip of her soft drink.

  “Is that what you want for yourself?” Nikki asked.

  “Um, I don’t really do the forever thing. I tried once, but it didn’t work out so well. I’ve decided I’m just not cut out for the whole marriage-and-kids thing.” She never wanted to hurt another man the way she’d hurt Brock.

  “Is that so? I heard you’re dating Shaw Carver. He’s a hottie.”

  “I can’t argue with that,” Megan said, laughing. “But it’s not serious. He’s knows I’m only here for a short time.”

  “How are things going out at the ranch? My daughter tells me Nick’s given you a hard time.”

  “Things are better on that front.” Megan hoped her expression didn’t convey how much better. “He said he wants to get along, and I think I believe him.”

  “You can trust Nick. He’s one of the good guys. He says what he means and means what he says.”

  “You really think so?” If anyone could give Megan insight into Nick’s behavior, it would be someone who had known him his whole life. “I can’t deny his one-eighty makes me a little uneasy. He went from hating me to… liking me in the span of twenty-four hours.”

  “Maybe he’s just decided to stop denying the truth.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve seen you guys together a time or two. You two have some serious chemistry.”

  Megan thought about the kiss they’d shared last night. Combustible would be a better description. “Maybe we should just have sex and get it out of our systems.” Her face felt as if it was on fire when she realized she’d said that aloud. To his aunt, of all people.

  Nikki’s bright blue eyes shone with amusement. “In my experience, chemistry like that doesn’t fade with time. If anything, it gets hotter.”

  “I don’t know what to do about him,” Megan admitted, dropping her head into her hands. “My gut tells me not to trust him, but my body is sending me a different message entirely.”

  “What have you got to lose by taking a chance on him? You should see where it might lead.”

  “The last thing I need is a friends with benefits arrangement. No matter how hard both parties try to keep it simple, it inevitably gets complicated. I don’t want to make things uncomfortable for anyone, least of all Avery and Ty. They’ve been so good to me.”

  “If you go back to L.A. at the end of your contract without exploring this thing with Nick, will you have any regrets?” When Megan didn’t respond right away, Nikki asked, “Will you always wonder where it might have led?”

  Megan smiled. “Yeah, I guess a part of me would always speculate about whether the attraction would have just run its course, given the chance.” She had to believe that’s what would happen because she broke out in a cold sweat every time she considered the alternative.

  “Then give yourself permission to explore it. Be honest with him, set the ground rules upfront. He’s a big boy. He can decide for himself whether he’s interested.”

  “You really think I should?” Megan bit her lower lip as she pondered the possibilities. Did she really have the courage to suggest the kind of arrangement she wanted, and would he agree to it?

  “I definitely think you should,” Nikki said, squeezing her hand. “Trust me, you’ll regret the things you don’t do more than the risks you took.”

  Chapter Six

  Nick was awe-struck when Megan walked into his father’s party. She was accompanied by a cameraman, lighting technician, and makeup artist. She carried a microphone, as did many of the correspondents who had come to capture the party. The sight of her in a dark silver, floor-length strapless gown, sparkling jewelry, and high-heeled strappy sandals left him breathless and apparently speechless. Trey had to nudge Nick’s arm to bring his attention back to their conversation.

  “I’m sorry, what were you sayin’, Trey?”

  “I asked you how many points Last Song has racked up so far this season, but I have a feelin’ you couldn’t tell me if your life depended on it.” He laughed. “That’s sayin’ somethin’ for a guy who’s been eatin’, sleepin’, and breathin’ those horses for the past three years.”

  “He, uh, has…” Nick watched the cameraman set his equipment down on a nearby table and whisper something in Megan’s ear. What the hell?

  Trey smiled. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she? I’ve seen her on TV a time or two, but she’s even prettier in person.”

  The other two set their equipment down and left Megan and the cameraman alone.

  “Yeah, she is.” Nick’s hands curled into fists when Megan’s face lit up at something her cameraman said. She threw her arms around his neck, her enthusiasm evident. A smile lit her face. “Excuse me, Trey. I need a word with the lady.”

  Trey slapped Nick on the back and chuckled. “I’d just be careful which words I chose if I were you, son. The first ones that come to mind are usually the worst.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Nick muttered.

  Nick nodded to dozens of people trying to engage him, but his attention was focused on one thing and one thing only: Megan. “Glad you could make it, sweetheart,” he said as he slipped a possessive arm around her waist.

  She looked up at him, clearly caught off guard. “Nick…”

  The cameraman said, “Hey, you’re Nick McCall, right? Ty is your old man.” Without waiting for confirmation, he turned to Megan. “We should ask him a few questions. What do you think?”

  “Um, I…”

  “You seem to have me at a disadvantage.” Nick tried to maintain his composure. His jealousy was irrational. He had no claim on Megan. They hadn’t even been intimate, yet he saw red whenever another man touched her. “You know who I am, but I haven’t got a clue who you are. Meg, aren’t you gonna introduce me to your… friend?” He looked down at her, hoping she read his displeasure as a warning.

, this is Cary, my cameraman.”

  The other man extended his hand. An unspoken warning was sent and received in their eye contact before they shook.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Nick McCall was your boyfriend, Megan?” Cary asked.

  “He’s not.” Megan clenched her microphone with both hands, refusing to look at Nick. “We’re just… uh… friends. Like I told you, I’m staying with his parents until I can find a place of my own.”

  “Cary, do you mind if I have a word with Megan before y’all get down to business?”

  Cary looked at Megan to confirm she didn’t mind being alone with Nick. “Take all the time you need, boss.” He picked up his equipment and joined the rest of their crew.

  “You want to tell me what the hell that was all about?” Nick faced Megan as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He knew if he didn’t confine his hands, he would pull her into his arms and kiss the glossy lipstick off those full, pouty lips. He didn’t care if his friends and family knew the nature of their relationship had changed. Hell, if he had his way, he’d rent a billboard. One Shaw Carver would be sure to see.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You and your cameraman looked friendly. Too friendly for my liking.”

  “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

  “No, you don’t.” Nick turned to walk away, but she grabbed his arm.

  “Where are you going?”

  “If you won’t tell me what’s goin’ on, I’ll ask him.”

  Her breath hissed through her clenched teeth as she glared at him. “He just told me he and his fiancé, who happens to be a production assistant at the station, are expecting a baby. Are you happy now?”

  He gave her a self-deprecating smile. “Gettin’ there. Did you tell Carver you’re done with him?” That question had eaten away at him all day. After their kiss, Nick knew he couldn’t let Megan and Carver get closer. When she didn’t respond, he gripped her upper arm. “Look, after last night-”

  “Nothing happened last night!”

  Turning them away from the guests mingling around them, he said, “Don’t give me that. You can’t tell me you weren’t into me last night.”

  She crossed her arms, looking like a sullen child being forced to apologize to the class bully. “It was one lousy kiss.”

  He lowered his voice as he leaned closer. “It was one incredible kiss. I could taste you all night.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed on a sigh, and she pushed her palm into his chest. “Don’t do this. Not here. I have to get through the night… to interview your father… and…”

  Nick almost felt sorry for her. She was working so hard to hold it together, but she was almost as close as he was to falling apart. “I have a room upstairs,” he said.

  Her eyes flew open. “Why?”

  He knew his gaze was predatory as it roamed her body, but he didn’t care. He wanted her to know what he was thinking, feeling, what she did to him. He wanted her to struggle to maintain her professional façade all night while she tried not to think about him. “I want you. You want me. Before the night’s over, we’re going to figure out how to make that happen.”



  He had never had to work so hard to wear down a woman’s resistance, but it would be worth it. She would finally concede and abandon fighting the craving clamoring to be satisfied.

  “This is a bad idea.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “It can’t evolve into anything. I’m moving back to L.A. no matter what happens.”

  “I don’t care.” He did care, more than he would admit, but he had months to convince her that her future was in Nashville, with him.

  “Fine.” She tilted her head back to look him in the eye. “As long as we understand the ground rules.”

  “Which are?” His voice was low, and she sensed he was teetering on the edge. His control was dangerously close to snapping, and when it did, he would break every one of her damned conditions.

  “No relationship, just sex. We don’t date or go public with our… affair. It happens behind closed doors. No one knows.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” If she thought for a second he wouldn’t stake his claim while she shared his bed, she was delusional.

  “That’s the only way I’ll agree to it.”

  Their eyes locked and held. When it became obvious they were at an impasse, Nick muttered a curse. “Fine, I’ll agree to your terms on one condition.”

  Megan looked wary. “What is it?”

  “You stop seeing Carver.”


  “No buts. No way in hell am I gonna let you keep seein’ him, or anyone else. As long as you’re sleepin’ with me, you’re with me and only me. Is that clear?”

  She glared at him but offered a sharp nod.

  “Good.” He slipped his hand into his pocket and withdrew a key card. Pressing it into her palm, he said, “Room 1132. Eleven o’clock. Not a minute later.”

  “I’m here to work-”

  “You’ll have plenty of time to do what you need to do. Then you’re mine.” His eyes raked over her… up… down… up again. “All mine.”


  By the time Megan slipped the key card into the door, she stirred with mixed emotions: anticipation, excitement, fear, apprehension.

  Nick had slipped away half an hour before, and she was grateful he was trying to honor their promise to be discreet about their… arrangement. No way would she call it a relationship. They were physically attracted to each other. That was all. They didn’t have to trust or confide in each other. As long as she kept her secrets closely guarded, she would get a no-strings attached affair, and he would have no further ammunition he could use against her.

  “I thought you’d changed your mind,” Nick said.

  Her breath caught in her throat when she saw him sprawled out on the bed wearing only black running shorts.

  He had the remote in his hand, but his attention was fixed on her instead of the flat screen TV. He turned it off, and the silence and darkness moved in around them, making their environment seem even more intimate.

  “I…uh…” She closed the door and licked her dry lips. Acting as though she’d never walked into a hotel room to find a half-naked man waiting for her in bed was silly. But her previous lovers had never looked like that.

  She knew he was muscular, but she hadn’t anticipated his abs being so defined, his shoulders so broad, and she thought only fitness models and professional bodybuilders had that deep V that disappeared beneath their waistband…

  “Like what you see?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow.

  Only when he asked did she realize she’d been staring. “I guess my mind was wandering.”

  He rolled onto his side as he propped his head in his palm. “So was mine. I was calculatin’ how long it’ll take me to get you out of that dress.”

  His words, the pleasure she had no doubt he could deliver, made every thought unconnected to him slip to the back of her mind. His body and how he intended to use it to satisfy her was the only thing that mattered. Secrets, lies, deceit, and fear were problems for another day. The only thing that mattered was the attraction she was done trying to deny.

  “You got a head start,” she said, dropping her purse on the desk. “I’ll have to catch up.” She reached for the zipper running the back of her dress, but he held up his hand.

  “Wait.” He rose to his knees on the mattress. He crooked a finger at her, his bright blue eyes a shade darker with the lust neither felt compelled to hide anymore. “Ever since you walked in wearin’ that dress tonight, the only thing I could think about was peelin’ it off you.”

  She walked toward him, close enough for him to realize his fantasy.

  Instead of reaching for her zipper, he held her face and stared into her eyes. “You are so beautiful. So perfect.”

  She tried not to squirm under his close scrutiny, but it wasn’t easy. He looked at
her as if he were reading the secrets imprinted on her soul, and she didn’t intend to let him go there. “Thank you.”

  “I fell asleep thinkin’ about you last night.”

  His whiskers scraped across the sensitive skin where her neck and shoulder met, and she arched her back, hoping he would treat her to a kiss instead of whispering the sweet words her heart ached to hear. She couldn’t allow herself to believe their arrangement was anything more than two people satisfying a sexual urge. If she did…

  “I dreamed about you…”

  Closing her eyes, she tried to shut out his whispered declarations, to think about anything other than the way his words made her feel: loved, cherished, terrified.

  “About what it would feel like when I finally had the right to touch you like this.” The only sounds in the room were their shallow breathing and the hiss of her zipper. “When I could kiss every inch of you…”

  She’d never expected him to be a gentle and considerate lover, taking his time and seeing to her needs before his own. He acted as though they had a lifetime to act out their fantasies, in spite of the fact she told him more sand was slipping through the hourglass every day.

  Reaching for the drawstring on his shorts, she hoped to expedite the process so she wouldn’t get too caught up in the sensual web he wove around her. Falling for Nick, believing he was the answer to every prayer she’d been too afraid to voice aloud would be too easy.

  He held her hands, preventing her from carrying out her plan. “We’ve got all night, Meg. And every night after that.”



  “I told you, I’m leaving Nashville just as soon as I can.”

  He smiled as though he didn’t believe her. “Then I guess we’d better make the most of the time we have.”

  “I won’t change my mind just because we have sex.”

  “We’re not going to have sex, sweetheart.” The dimples bracketing his smile mocked her.

  “We’re not?” A sick feeling of dread tightened her stomach. What if he’d just lured her up there to make a fool of her?


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