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Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers

Page 31

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Later, as Gemma fell asleep on Grey’s chest, she knew she loved Grey and probably always would. But would what Grey offered or didn’t offer her be enough?

  Chapter 14


  Grey waited for their luggage to be unloaded while Gemma had gone to the restroom. Their last evening in paradise had been almost perfect. If he’d had a ring, their trip would have ended in a most memorable way. Grey shifted restlessly on his feet. Just a few weeks ago, he’d been giving his older brothers grief, and now he understood exactly why they couldn’t wait to make their women their wives.

  He’d call his jeweler. Gemma deserved a unique engagement ring, and he wanted to design it. The least his brothers could do would be to help him come up with a romantic proposal. They didn’t suck at theirs, anyway. Their wives did actually go through with the weddings.

  Now that he’d made the decision, he couldn’t make Gemma his wife fast enough.

  He grabbed their bags from the carousel and headed back to Gemma. When he turned the corner and spotted her at the newsstand, he knew something was wrong. She’d lost all color and her arms were wrapped around herself. He ran to her. “Gemma?”

  She didn’t speak, she only pointed to the display of newspapers and magazines. Grey felt a gust of cold creep up his spine as he turned and saw a picture of Gemma on the yacht in her bikini. “How?” The only time Gemma had worn that bathing suit had been their first day out. Someone on his staff had taken the picture and sold it to the highest bidder, and that made him see red. He wouldn’t stop until he’d found the source.

  “Honey, I know it’s shocking to see yourself on these magazines.”

  “They think I’m pregnant, Grey. Six months pregnant, according to the doctor’s evaluation of my baby bump.”

  He looked back at the paper. How could he help her through such an invasion of privacy? He’d had to get used to it, but Gemma had never asked for any of it. He couldn’t let this be their ending before they even began.

  “They think that’s the only reason you’re with me.”

  She turned to Grey with tears falling down her cheeks, and he hurt inside for her. He saw it in her eyes. “Don’t, Gemma.”

  “Don’t you see, Grey? The whole world is saying the same thing I tried to tell you, I’m not who you need.”

  “Yes, Gemma. You are exactly who I need. You are who I love.”

  “I want to believe that, Grey. But seeing myself on that magazine and reading the unflattering things they wrote about me took me back ten years to the obese girl who only wanted to disappear. I’ve come too far to go back to being her.”

  “I love you, Gemma. Don’t let a gossip rag ruin what we have. Believe in us, Gem.”

  “I…I can’t, Grey. I need time.” She turned away and walked toward the exit.

  Gemma was too quiet on the drive back home. He dropped her off at her grandfather’s with only a kiss on the cheek. As soon got home, he had Chet on the phone. Whoever leaked the picture of them on his yacht would go down. Then he called the owner of the rag that printed the offending story and threatened a libel suit unless they wrote another article about the work Gemma was doing to help childhood obesity in the district. He wanted the world to know about the kind and generous spirit they’d slammed for nothing more than to sell papers. Whatever amount of celebrity he had would be put toward helping a cause important to both of them.

  The next day, she didn’t answer any of his texts. He showed up at her studio the following day to take her to lunch, and Mellie said she’d left to run errands. The day after that, she still wasn’t answering his calls or texts and he’d had enough. He showed up at her grandfather’s before she left for work the next morning and caught her as she left the house. As soon as she turned to go back inside.

  “Gemma, wait. Just listen, please. Just hear me out.”

  She didn’t move, so he took a step closer to the porch. “I found the person responsible for leaking the picture. It didn’t happen by my employee directly, but ultimately they took an unauthorized picture. His girlfriend found it on his phone and sold it to the magazine. He no longer works for me.”

  “I’m sorry you had to do that. I know how much your trust you crew.”

  Grey shook his head, “You are incredible, Gemma, do you know that?

  She only shrugged, and he wanted to take her in his arms. “I’ve also been in discussion with several magazines to promote what you’re doing with the wellness classes you’ve been holding.”

  “What?” She grabbed the porch column for support.

  “Not only that, but several area businesses want to donate funds so you can increase the number of students you’re helping. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if your campaign goes national.”

  Her eyes were big and round in disbelief, but he also saw excitement. “Why, Grey? Why would you do that?”

  “Because it’s important to you, so it’s important to me.” Now came for the hard part. It was time to sink or swim. Slowly he stepped onto the porch and took her cold hands in his, gazing into her eyes. He and took a breath and pled his case. “Gemma, I love you.”

  Her breath caught and tears began to form in her eyes, but he didn’t stop—he needed her to hear what was in his heart. “I can’t promise things like this will never happen again. But I can promise that I will spend the rest of our lives loving you and cherishing you for the beautiful woman you are. You’re right. We don’t belong together because the truth is, you are way too good for me. I know you don’t believe what I’m saying, so I’m going to give you time to think about it, and I hope with all my heart that you come to realize we do belong together and believe that I do love you. I want to marry you and have baby girls that look just as beautiful as their momma.”

  Grey paused and took in her glittering eyes now flowing with tears. “But before that can happen, Gem? You have to believe in me.” His voice caught, “I love you, Gemma.”

  He’d laid all his cards on the table, and now their happiness was up to Gemma. He turned to go and was halfway to his car when he heard her breath catch and then a gut-wrenching sob.


  He turned back around and caught her in his arms. She smiled up at him through her tears, and he thought that was the most incredible sight he’d ever seen.

  “Oh, Grey, I can’t promise you that I’ll never have bouts of self-doubt again, but I can promise to love you and believe in you. I want to marry you, and I want to have your babies, but I’d also like a handsome little boy with a devilish smile just like his daddy.”

  “I love you, Gemma. Will you marry me?”

  “I love you, Grey. Yes. The answer is yes!”


  Smoothing down the little black dress that Grey had insisted on buying her in Bermuda, Gemma gave herself one more look in the bathroom mirror. She tried not to dwell on the fact that she could have made a mortgage payment for what Greyson had paid for the small amount of fabric she wore. But she’d admit the formfitting number did look good on her. The neckline was cut lower than she was comfortable with and she knew she’d worry all evening that her girls were showing, and the deep plunge back teased around an area she’d rather not have made public. Thankfully it wasn’t that short, hitting her about mid-thigh. Grey had loved the dress the minute she’d tried it on, and she shivered, remembering how he’d helped her remove the dress in the changing room. Her cheeks flushed when she thought about the sales woman giggling when Grey handed over his black card. The woman totally knew.

  Gemma picked up her black clutch and headed downstairs to meet Grey.

  Grey smiled as soon as he saw her, his eyes smoldering as they followed her across the patio. He pulled her into his side and gave her a brief kiss that held promises for later. “I missed you, Mrs. Anderson.”

  “I like the sound of that, Mr. Anderson.” She leaned in and gave him another kiss. He groaned, and Gemma couldn’t help the surge of pride she felt knowing Grey wanted her so desperately. She wa
nted him just as desperately.

  “Let’s go before Mom makes us take more pictures.”

  After hugs and kisses and many well-wishes, they were finally on their way to the airport, where they’d be flown by helicopter to their yacht waiting just off the coast.

  Gemma snuggled into his side in the limousine’s luxurious leather seat. “I can’t believe we’re cruising to Greece for our honeymoon.”

  “Believe it. I’ll have you all to myself for four weeks.”

  She tipped her head up and felt his lips on her forehead. She smiled—Grey always had to be touching her. She had no problem with that. “You don’t want to see Xander while we’re there?” His lips moved to the area behind her ear that made her shiver.

  “We’ll see him later. Just not on our honeymoon. Did you think he was quiet at the wedding?” Grey paused to ask, keeping his lips on her skin.

  She stretched her neck, giving Grey more skin to kiss. “Xander is always quiet,” she breathlessly answered.

  Grey’s hand settled on her thigh just below the hem of her dress. “He said he needed to talk to me about something.”

  Shivers of anticipation ran over her, and she felt Grey’s sly grin on her skin. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. And she didn’t have a problem with that either. She’d get her turn later, once he saw what she had on underneath her little black dress. Or rather what she didn’t have on. “Do you have any idea why?”

  “Not a clue, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it has something to do with his high maintenance girlfriend.” His hand began to inch upwards as he nuzzled her cheek. “But I do know it takes thirty minutes to reach the airport.” With his other hand, Grey pushed the button to raise the partition between them and the driver.

  She whimpered at his touch, opening her legs wider. “Do you think that’s enough time?”

  Grey pushed her down in the seat and arranged her just the way he wanted. “I’ll make it my personal best, Mrs. Anderson.”

  And as his head bent to devour her, Gemma raised her imaginary number 10 paddle in the air. A perfect score!


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  For the story behind Liz’s story, check out the back pages of this set.


  Keep reading for the next Anderson Brother’s story!

  Alexander’s Story by Gloria Silk

  From Geek to Greek Billionaire

  Chapter 1

  Olivia loved dogs, but that huge monstrosity galloping towards her was definitely not a mere dog. Before she could take action, she was whisked out of its way and unceremoniously dumped onto the hot sand centimeters out of the barking black beast’s path. Her breath caught as a big weight held her in place. Olivia tasted grit in her dry mouth, and then within seconds strong hands drew her to her feet.

  “Are you okay?” The deep voice held a certain urgency.

  Her pride and ego were the only things that were hurt. Straightening, she flicked her hair out of her burning face and stared up at her tall, bearded savior. He was regarding her through the lenses of black-framed glasses, with a combination of concern and curiosity.

  She nodded but no words came out.

  The expression in the man’s striking green eyes suddenly changed. He let her go and his eyes widened. “I—I’m glad.” Then, “Olivia? Olivia Moore?”

  Frowning, she nodded again and then recognition stole her breath for the second time, the emotional impact even more powerful than her encounter with the sand.

  “I’m Alexander, Alex Anderson.” His black beard and thick curly hair had changed his appearance, but as soon as she looked into those eyes again she knew him. Her best friend’s brother-in-law, who now lived in Greece. And worse, her secret, unrequited teenage crush.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  His earnest gaze boring into her, he said, “We knew each other when we worked on the gala—”

  “I remember,” she said hastily. “Well, thanks for . . . you know.”

  Olivia stepped back, intent on getting away from him as quickly as possible without humiliating herself by breaking into a dead run. Without warning, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her hard against him again just as a bike whooshed inches away, its bell tinkling belatedly. She felt the broad muscles hidden by Alexander’s baggy navy-blue sweatshirt. He smelled as fresh and welcoming as he had on that night when they had kissed and . . . .

  “Okay, I’m definitely not this unlucky, or this clumsy!”

  As soon as she started to back away from him, he released her, no doubt as eager to let go of her as she was to be free of his touch. She would not think about how red her face and neck were right now against her darned red hair. Why was she born to love the sun and the beach when they made her appear like a cooked lobster if she did not use sun protection from head to toe? She picked up her large brimmed sun hat and dusted it off, and pulled her white muslin over-shirt closer around her body.

  “Thanks again. Bye.”

  “You’re welcome, but wait up. How have you been?”

  “I don’t want to be rude, but I’d rather not chit-chat with the guy who stood me up on one of the most important nights, especially after we…”

  “What do you mean?” Alexander frowned, his dark brows like crows’ wings above his bright green eyes. “You’re the one who—”

  “It doesn’t matter. Have a good life.” She turned, checked that nothing else was bearing down on her, and escaped towards the beach house, affectionately named the Ellis cottage, which was the reason she was back here in Wrightsville Beach.

  As he strode beside her, Alexander’s hand touched her forearm. She halted and glared at it until he released her. She turned her glare to his face to find him studying her, his expression solemn.

  “Olivia, I did not stand you up, and if you just stop a moment we can sort it out.”

  Olivia stood still, worried her lower lip and was glad her hair was covering most of her face and her curiosity. He was probably in Wrightsville Beach visiting his family, which meant she would either have this conversation now or avoid him all over town. “Okay, I’m listening. But . . . .” She glanced towards the nearby café, “I need some water.”

  They made their way around the locals and jovial, tan tourists worshipping the sun to reach the popular Wilmington café. Olivia recoiled at the scent of hot dogs and deli sandwiches. Why had she delayed her daily jog to the middle of the morning? She liked the quiet of the early mornings with no temptation or distraction.

  “May I get you something else?” When she shook her head Alexander nodded, handed her one bottle and paid for their waters.

  As they sat in the welcome shade under the sun-umbrella in the early May heat, Alexander studied her with those deep green eyes behind his glasses until she forgot what they had been talking about. His level gaze took her right back to that night. The tingles all over her body made her feel strangely lethargic and warm inside. She forced herself to focus on his words.

  “Brittany told me that you were going to the gala with Brad,” he said quietly.

  Stunned, she barely managed an indignant protest. “Me? With Brad?”

  He nodded, then shrugged. “I realized the next day that she had her own agenda.”

  Brittany had been her nemesis, but that wasn’t what Olivia focused on. “How could you believe that Brad would even know I existed? He’d never be seen with a pudgy girl like me. And there was such a thing as the phone even in those days, you know.” Oh, God, she sounded like she still cared. She shrugged and drank some more of her ice cold water.

  “I’d hoped we’d go together, but…” Even as his voice trailed into silence, he continued to study her face.

>   Olivia suddenly felt hungry, not for food but for sweet, hesitant kisses she still remembered so well. She focused on a laughing toddler riding his tricycle up the path, his mother scurrying behind.

  Aware of Alexander’s gaze still on her, she relented and offered him an olive branch.

  “It was such a success, I wish you’d seen all our hard work come to fruition,” she admitted. They had met when Aunt Jenny, her best friend’s grandmother, had organized the big event for the “Deaf and Blind Children” charity. When the skinny, lanky and unassuming guy with slouching shoulders came to volunteer, Olivia immediately felt their shared kinship for helping others. And for not being eligible for the in-crowd.

  “I’m so sorry I missed it. I should have—”

  She shook her head. “It’s okay. At least now I know why you didn’t attend. It was better that way in the long run.” She stood up, tried to smile and failed. “It was…good bumping into you, but I’ve got to go. I’m helping Maria redesign and update her grandmother’s beach house.” The hint of amusement in his eyes and the slight curve of those sensuous lips—which had been the first to kiss hers—made her suddenly uneasy yet curious.

  “Still helping others before helping yourself?”

  Pushing away memories of the insistent dreams of their delicious kisses she concentrated on his words. “I’m an interior designer. It’s what I do for a living. And I’m getting well paid.” So why did she feel like a defensive teenager, flushing and feeling the heat that had nothing to do with the weather?

  “That’s great. I should have known you’d be the designer of Maria’s project. I hope we’ll bump—ah—see more of each other.”

  Not if I can help it, she nearly said, but shut her mouth before the words came out.


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