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A Girl Called Summer

Page 18

by Lucy Lord

  Summer paused a fraction before saying the word and turned to look at him. Jack felt his heart start to beat faster again at the implication.

  ‘So tell me about your childhood,’ he said, changing the subject. ‘I guess it was pretty cool, growing up on the beach?’

  As they cycled, they chatted. Summer told Jack all about her childhood, growing up on the beach with her hippy parents; Jack, in turn, had her giggling helplessly with his impressions of his parents – the renowned Filthy Meadows and flashing-eyed ex-groupie Maria Gonzalez. They talked about Summer’s time at the University of Barcelona, and Jack’s at Princeton, and how Jack got into acting almost by mistake. Summer told Jack about her global travels, and surprised and impressed him with her knowledge of the world – he had kind of assumed she’d led a happy but sheltered island life. Jack filled Summer in on the latest Hollywood gossip, some of which had her in fits of astonished laughter. They talked about music, and art, and literature, and by the time they reached the turn-off for one of the northern beaches nearly two hours had passed and they felt like they’d known each other for ever.

  ‘This is great,’ said Jack, thoroughly exhilarated by the exercise and the beauty of their remote surroundings. ‘You were right – it’s a fantastic way to get to see Ibiza.’

  ‘Just you wait,’ said Summer, getting off her bike. ‘Leave the bikes here for a bit, and come with me.’

  Jack did as he was told and followed her. As they emerged from the forest, he saw that they were on the edge of a cliff, looking down at a vast expanse of glittering sea several hundred metres below. The sea was patterned in two distinct colours – dark blue where rocks lay beneath, and a brilliantly clear turquoise that indicated pale sand under the waves.

  ‘See down there,’ Summer pointed at a tiny sandy little cove, bordered with rocks on either side. ‘That’s where we’re going.’

  ‘Wow.’ Jack whistled. ‘Beautiful.’ Then he laughed. ‘And you did promise me remote. But how do we get to it?’

  ‘When we get to the bottom of the track, there’s some hiking involved,’ said Summer. ‘You’re not afraid of a bit of climbing, are you?’ she added, teasing him.

  Jack smiled at her. ‘Bring it on!’


  ‘So we made it,’ said Summer, her face glowing from exertion as they scrambled down the final boulder and landed on soft white sand.

  ‘We made it,’ repeated Jack, looking around at the idyllic surroundings. The cove was tiny – barely six metres wide – and bordered on either side by rocks, although the hillside above it was populated by dense green forest. The sugar-like sand stretched into the sea for some distance, so it was quite a way before the clear turquoise water faded into indigo, then deep navy.

  ‘So,’ said Summer, starting to feel slightly nervous now that they were actually here. She’d been so buoyed up on adrenaline and excited by her plan as she’d prepared the picnic that morning, she’d barely had time to consider the possible consequences. Despite their getting acquainted with each other during the two-hour bike ride, she didn’t really know this man from Adam. But it was too late to turn back now. ‘What would you like first? Lunch or a swim?’

  Jack started to laugh. ‘You brought lunch?’ Could this woman be any more perfect?

  ‘Uh-huh. What did you suppose was in that?’ She indicated the rucksack that Jack had gallantly been carrying for her as they’d clambered down the rocks. ‘You didn’t think I was going to let you starve, did you? You’re my guest for the day.’

  ‘I feel honoured,’ smiled Jack.

  ‘But you still haven’t answered my question.’

  ‘Oh, a swim first, definitely. It was pretty hot work getting down over those rocks.’

  ‘I agree,’ said Summer. ‘And the sea here is absolutely delicious.’

  So are you, thought Jack. So are you.

  ‘You know,’ said Summer. ‘As these beaches are so deserted, we don’t tend to bother with bathing suits up here. It’s so cool to feel the water on your naked body. But if you’re not comfortable with that, then . . .’

  ‘No, no, I’m totally cool with nudity,’ said Jack hastily, thinking that Summer had just answered his question: yes, she could actually be even more perfect.

  ‘OK then, race you in!’ Summer grinned and started to pull her vest top over her head, revealing her bare, tanned torso and high, full breasts. Jack tried not to look as he busied himself taking his own clothes off. He turned away as Summer undid the button fly on her white denim shorts, and by the time he turned around again, she was running, naked, down to the sea. Naked himself now, he ran after her, gasping with pleasure as the refreshing water hit his over-heated body.

  Summer, swimming further out, was wondering what the hell had got into her. She couldn’t remember ever having felt so happy, so joyously free, so ecstatic in another human being’s company. And, she had to admit to herself, so incredibly turned on. Jack had coped effortlessly with the exhausting hike, his long legs making light work of the heights and distances involved, never stopping chatting in that intelligent, educated way of his. He was the perfect mixture of brains and brawn, Summer decided, turning back to face the shore and seeing that he was only a few feet away from her.

  ‘This is glorious!’ he shouted. ‘Sensational, exquisite, sublime!’ He yelled the words out and they echoed slightly around the cove. ‘Thank you for bringing me here, Summer.’

  ‘It’s my special place,’ she said. ‘I’ve never brought anyone here before.’ And before she could think any more about it, she swam over to him and kissed him, holding his face in her hands. Jack kissed her back with such ferocity that they both nearly went under, but they soon recovered themselves, and kissed and kissed and kissed, oblivious to everything but the other’s mouth and hands and body, just the two of them, alone in the sparkling Mediterranean Sea. Jack’s hands, when they weren’t holding onto Summer’s face like he never wanted to let her go, were roaming around her body, stroking her breasts, waist and buttocks, but never venturing between her legs. Soon she was writhing underneath his touch, silently begging him to touch her there.

  By mutual unspoken assent, they started to swim back to shore, collapsing on the sand at the water’s edge as they resumed their exploration of each other’s bodies. Jack took first one full breast and then the other in his hands, gently sucking and nibbling until Summer was crying out in pleasure, begging him for more. Tentatively, his fingers strayed down to where her thighs met, touching her ever so lightly on the very edge.

  ‘Oh yes, just like that,’ Summer breathed, so he moved his head downwards, kissing her flat belly all the way down until he reached the burning skin between her legs. He spread her wide with his fingers, slowly sliding them in and out as he sucked and licked and kissed. Within less than a minute he felt her starting to contract around him, bucking helplessly against his face as the gentle waves lapped around them.

  ‘Oh God, oh don’t stop, oh, Jack, oh yes, oh God, ohhhhhh . . .’

  Once she’d come to her senses, Summer laughed.

  ‘Sorry, that was a little premature,’ she said, sitting up and kissing him, stroking his wet curly head, not wanting to be apart from him even for one second.

  ‘It was beautiful,’ said Jack, kissing her back.

  She reached out for his cock, rock hard and ready, and bent her head to suck him between her lips, but he pushed her back gently against the sand. ‘If you do that, I won’t last a second,’ he said shakily. ‘And for our first time together, I want to come inside you.’ Summer’s eyes glazed over with lust as she gazed up at him.

  ‘I’m all yours.’

  Jack raised himself up on to his elbows and slowly, oh so slowly, began to inch himself inside her, looking her in the eye all the while. She was so wet that it was difficult to do it so slowly, but eventually he had gone as far as he could go, filling her up with every inch of him. Still looking her in the eye he raised his eyebrows slightly, and she nodded. He thrust further, and t
hen they were both lost, crying out in absolute pleasure. Summer wrapped her legs around his back, as he thrust rhythmically into her, again and again and again, his muscular buttocks powering his large cock, bringing her to orgasm again and again and again, as the waves continued to lap around them, the sun beating relentlessly down on their thrashing bodies. At long last, Summer felt Jack grow even further inside her. For a brief moment he was completely motionless, before crying out ‘Summer!’ as heaving spasms wracked his entire glorious body.

  After about thirty seconds, still inside her, he raised himself up on his elbows and looked her straight in the eye again.

  ‘This may be totally crazy, but I think I love you.’

  Summer smiled with pure happiness. ‘If you’re crazy, then so am I. I think I love you too.’

  And they started to kiss some more.


  ‘I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.’ Summer lifted her head from where it had been resting on Jack’s broad chest.

  ‘Well, that sure was a good way to work up an appetite.’ He tightened his arms around her and she gave a happy sigh.

  ‘Really, though, I could eat a horse. You stay there and I’ll set up the picnic.’

  They’d moved out of the shallows and had been lying in the shade of the rocks at the back of the beach, making slow and languorous love one more time before drifting off to sleep in each other’s arms.

  ‘OK, let’s see what you have,’ said Jack lazily, watching as Summer clambered to her feet, brushing the sand off, and made her way over to the rucksack, which she’d also left lying in the shade. She was so lithe and supple, he could watch her move for ever.

  ‘First things first.’ She grinned. ‘Wine!’ With a flourish she produced a bottle wrapped in a plastic sleeve. ‘Yay! It’s still cold. This thing is magic.’

  ‘What is it? Some kind of insulating thermos?’

  ‘Something like that, yeah. I’ve no idea how it works – the important thing is that it does.’

  Jack laughed. Summer uncorked the bottle of rose and poured them a plastic wine-glass each. They clinked glasses.

  ‘To life and love,’ said Jack.

  ‘Life and love,’ said Summer. ‘But we need to talk seriously soon.’

  ‘I know, I know. Can we eat first though?’

  ‘Sure.’ Summer smiled at him, unable to refuse him anything.

  She laid out the feast on a small gingham cloth on the sand.

  ‘Right, let’s get stuck in.’

  ‘This all looks delicious,’ said Jack. And it did. Simple, but delicious. Tortilla, tomato salad, jamon Serrano, fresh crusty bread and a couple of enormous ripe peaches.

  ‘Did you make this?’ Jack asked, taking a bite of the still warm tortilla.

  ‘Of course! Do you like it?’

  ‘Let’s just say I’m seeing more and more advantages to your being a cook.’

  Summer laughed. ‘Try the tomato salad. And take some bread to mop up the juices.’

  The almost overripe tomatoes were thickly sliced and layered with thin slices of sweet Spanish onion, slivers of garlic and torn fresh basil leaves, all drenched in heady extra-virgin olive oil.

  ‘Jeez, this is heaven on a plate!’ Jack greedily mopped up the oily, garlicky, fragrant juices with a hunk of crusty bread, washing the whole lot down with a swig of chilled rosé.

  ‘Don’t you think the tomatoes taste of the sun?’ said Summer, taking a large mouthful herself. Jack looked surprised.

  ‘How funny you should use that phrase. I was thinking only yesterday that you look like the sun.’

  Summer smiled. ‘What a lovely thing to say.’

  ‘Maybe that’s what being Ibiza-grown does to you.’

  ‘I guess that’s the only logical reason.’ They gazed at one another some more.

  ‘And now you must try this ham,’ said Summer, handing him the plate on which she’d laid out the local delicacy, so finely cut it was almost translucent. ‘Take a bite of ham, then a bite of peach – the sweetness and saltiness complement one another perfectly.’

  ‘I can’t believe I’m being given lessons in how to eat by a beautiful naked Swedish girl in a deserted beach paradise. Whatever else may happen to me for the rest of my life, I will always be thankful that I had this day. Thank you, God!’ Jack shouted dramatically, stretching his arms up to the sunny blue sky.

  ‘Shut up and eat!’ laughed Summer, before taking an enormous bite of peach. It was so ripe that the juices ran down her chin, and soon they were both so messily covered in sticky sweet peach juice that they had to go back into the sea to wash it off.

  ‘So . . .’ said Summer, once they were back on dry land. ‘Not wanting to ruin the moment or anything, but I think it’s time for that serious talk.’ She looked at him hesitantly. ‘I don’t do this, Jack. I’ve never knowingly slept with another woman’s man before, and it’s not something I feel comfortable with – well . . .’ she laughed sheepishly. ‘Obviously I felt comfortable doing it – more than comfortable – oh, you know what I mean!’ she added, flushed. ‘But I don’t like deception. You said you wanted to get to know me better – and I think we can certainly say we’ve achieved that.’ At this, Jack picked up her hand and kissed it. ‘But what’s to happen next?’

  ‘Even before today happened, I’d decided I was going to break it off with Tamara,’ said Jack, taking both her hands in his. ‘Now, I’m more certain than ever. But I can’t do it until we get back to LA. She’s on a major high at the moment about this new movie role, we’re on our European vacation, the Press will be everywhere – it would be a total nightmare, and it’s not fair on her. I do owe her that, at least. If I wait until we get back home, we can pretend it’s an amicable separation, no third parties – hell, she can even say she’s moved on from me now that she’s a serious actress – I don’t care.’

  ‘I understand that. You don’t want to make her suffer unnecessarily.’ Summer kissed him on the lips. ‘But what happens now? You’re going to be here another ten days, right? And she’s turning up soon. Can we avoid each other all that time? I know Bella and Poppy have already arranged some lunches and nights out . . . I’m not sure I want to avoid you anyway . . .’

  ‘That’s good to know.’

  ‘And what happens afterwards? You just talked about going “home”. If LA’s your home, and Ibiza is most definitely mine, then where does that leave us?’

  ‘I was thinking about this while you were asleep,’ said Jack. ‘I see how much you love this island, and I would never try and uproot you from what you love. But I’m pretty flexible. I don’t have to spend my whole life in LA. I move around anyway, depending on the movie I’m shooting, and I could definitely live part-time in Ibiza. Hell, it worked for Johnny in France.’

  ‘Johnny . . . ?’


  Summer gave a sudden snort of laughter.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘I can’t believe I’m having this conversation,’ she spluttered. ‘I only met you yesterday, and now we’re planning our lives together. Today’s been so dreamy, I guess the mention of Johnny Depp brought home to me how utterly mad and surreal the whole thing is.’

  ‘It does seem crazy, I know,’ said Jack. ‘But it’s right, isn’t it?’ He clasped both her hands and looked into her eyes again. ‘You know it’s right.’

  ‘Yes, I know it’s right.’ Summer sighed happily. ‘So I suppose now we play it by ear, and try to be very discreet.’

  ‘You got it.’

  Jack leaned back on his elbows in the sand, turning his face up to the sun. Summer looked appreciatively at his bronzed torso with its scattering of curly chest hair, and the dark line that led down enticingly from his belly button to his groin. God, he was beautiful.

  ‘So tell me about Tamara.’

  Jack frowned. He didn’t want to badmouth the woman he’d been engaged to for nearly a year, but he didn’t want to lie to Summer, either.

  ‘She – uh – sh
e has her moments.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Summer rolled over onto her front and started to play with Jack’s feet.

  ‘Hmmm, that’s nice. OK, she’s – well, let’s just say that “high maintenance” is putting it mildly.’

  Summer laughed.

  ‘She has tantrums like other people have breakfasts. Shit, that’s an appalling analogy.’

  ‘It certainly is. Gets your point across though. She sounds a nightmare.’

  ‘It’s not her fault, really. She had a tough upbringing, her parents have only ever been interested in her as a commodity’ – Jack found himself unconsciously quoting Tamara’s therapist – ‘but she’s still like a little kid. A very spoilt little kid. We should never have got engaged in the first place.’

  ‘So why did you?’

  ‘God knows.’ Jack changed the subject. He didn’t think that the answer – ‘sex’ – would be very tactful after the day they’d just had. ‘And what about you? How come there are no guys in your life? You’re so beautiful, I’d have thought you’d be fighting them off. You do promise me there’s no one, don’t you?’

  ‘I promise.’ Summer mentally crossed her fingers behind her back. There was no point in sullying this beautiful day by talking about the unfortunate matter of David. She’d tell him it was over as soon as she possibly could, and no harm would be done. ‘I guess I’ve never met the right guy. And now I have.’ She crawled across the sand to kiss him again.

  ‘And now you have.’ Jack pulled her down on top of him. The time for talking had passed.

  Chapter 14

  Sun was streaming through the shutters onto Summer’s bed in bright diagonal stripes. She sighed with pleasure as she felt Jack next to her – their legs were entwined in a happy tangle of damp sheets, one of his arms around her waist. She bent her head to kiss his shoulder, breathing in his musky, male smell as she did so.


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