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Forever, Boss: Bad Boy Office Romance Series Box Set with Bonus Novella

Page 44

by Juliana Conners

  Asher can have Mandy Calderon, too.

  And she can have him.

  I head back to my cubicle, determined to grab my briefcase and leave the building. Maybe for the last time ever.

  But Janice is there, bent over my desk and in the process of writing me a note on my sticky pad.

  “Oh! Madilyn, there you are,” she says, nearly jumping up in the air. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Hi Janice,” I tell her, so used to her eccentric ways that I only momentarily think of pointing out to her the illogical fallacy that even though she’s at my cubicle she’s somehow surprised that I showed up.

  “We must have just missed each other,” she says. “I got back from getting coffee and saw your summaries on my desk. So I headed right down here to talk to you.”

  I’m glad that she wasn’t around to witness my embarrassing departure from Asher’s office. I’m not sure if she’d be happy about it, knowing he and I are finished before we had even really started, or if she’d gloat about it, telling me she had tried to warn me.

  “But then you weren’t here,” she continues. “But now, here you are.”


  I smile at her much the same way I would smile at a preschooler.

  “Here I am, Janice. What did you want to talk about?”

  “Oh yes. Well. I was glad you were able to complete the summaries so quickly and I have a few more here for you to do,” she says, patting a large stack of deposition transcripts she had left on my desk, beside my computer monitor.

  I wish I could roll my eyes but I refrain. More busywork. More work that a paralegal could do, but yet she gives it to me.

  At least it’s billable hours.

  But I can see the writing on the wall. My time at this firm will be spent stuck not only in Cubicle Hell but also in busywork hell.

  But what other option do I have?

  I stare at Janice, knowing I should be glad that at least I have her.

  “Yes, of course,” I tell her. “I’ll get started on these right away.”

  “Thanks, Madilyn,” she says, and walks away.

  I sit down and pick up a deposition transcript and a highlighter. As I skim the meaningless beginning of the deposition— which almost all deposition beginnings are— I try to formulate my new plan.

  I had turned down my prior firm’s offer in order to work here. But maybe they will have an opening and want me back. Otherwise, I don’t think I’ll be able to apply for new jobs with a straight face until I’ve worked here for at least a year.

  I’ll sit here every day then, I decide, doing Janice’s busywork, so that I will have a year- long job on my resume, and maybe she’ll give me a recommendation when I apply to new jobs. I’ll have to suffer through it, but it’s my only choice.

  As I delve into the meatier parts of the deposition, I furiously highlight anything relevant, hoping I look intense and focused instead of upset and pathetic.

  And then, someone clears their throat behind me.

  I turn around to see the nervous sway of one of the firm’s runners. He’s holding an intra-office lawyer-only delivery envelope and he is obviously not used to delivering it to a lawyer in the paralegal’s domain.

  “Ms. St. Clair?” he asks, double checking the name on the package.


  “The lawyer?”


  “I have an intra-office delivery for you from Mr. Marks,” he says.

  He hands me the package, and I stare at it in shock. Clearing his throat again, the runner says, “Please sign this log indicating that you’ve received this delivery, and note the time next to it.”

  “Um. Okay.”

  It’s standard practice— purportedly to make sure the runners do their jobs and to record when mail or other items make their way from partner desk to associate desk within the firm. And I suspect its real sole or at least additional purpose is to ensure that no associate can claim they never received an assignment as an easy way out of excusing a missed deadline.

  But I feel guilty, as if I’m signing for the acknowledgment of receipt of a bomb. Or hush money. Or something else that is dangerous and taboo.

  He pushes the pen into my hand, urging me to sign so that he can go about his next task. I’m shocked but I know it isn’t his fault.

  I sign my name and add the time next to it. I even remember to thank him.

  And then I peek into the envelope, even though I already know what’s inside of it.

  It’s that damn lingerie.

  It’s my redemption. The second chance I so desperately wanted just a few minutes ago. But now I’m not so sure I want it.

  Chapter 27 – Asher

  I watch Madilyn via the firm’s security monitoring system as she taps her foot and scribbles furiously on a notepad. I watched her receive my package. I know she has it but I don’t know what she plans to do about it.

  I’d like to think she’s waiting for my command but I can’t be too certain. She was understandably mad when she stormed out of my office. I can’t blame her.

  In fact, I blame myself for allowing it to happen.

  At soon as she’d left, I’d kicked Mandy Calderon out of my office.

  “But you told me to come be your mentee…” she’d pouted, resisting my attempts to make her leave.

  “Temporarily,” I’d told her. “I told you this was just temporary.”

  “You can’t seriously want Madilyn instead of me,” she’d insisted. “She’s so…”

  Temperamental, I’d thought. Stubborn.

  And so fucking irresistible.

  But all I’d said was, “Be quiet. Not another word. How dare you insult your fellow associate?”

  “Well, it’s not like I knew she’d hear me,” she’d protested, batting her eyes at me.

  But she looked pleased with herself.

  I hate myself for even having thought that Mandy might be a suitable replacement. She’s not even a challenge. She just throws herself at me. Like the way she’d just hopped up onto my desk and started flirting. I certainly hadn’t told her to do that.

  And I hadn’t even fucking enjoyed it. Clearly my mind is still focused on Madilyn because Mandy’s an attractive woman but none of this is working for me. I can’t seem to think of anything besides Madilyn’s curves and how badly I want to fuck her.

  I knew it was time to get rid of Mandy. She’s clearly too needy. I had already been married to someone like that, and certainly didn’t need to repeat the past.

  There are reasons I only proceed after a lot of research and calculation. I just wasn’t expecting my current project to throw me such curve balls.

  “There is no more mentor/ mentee relationship reassignment, temporary or otherwise,” I’d told Mandy. “I have no interest in working with someone so cruel about other people. For the last time, please leave my office.”

  “You’ll be sorry,” she’d sputtered, picking up her designer purse and leaving my office in a huff.

  She’d stopped short of the doorway, as if struck by a good idea.

  “What if I tell everyone you sexually harassed me?” she asked.

  “I’d tell them it was quite the opposite,” I spat back.

  She turned away again, shaking her head, and left my office. I’m reminded of why I always think carefully before choosing— and thus having to reject— any potential pet. They have the tendency to become irrational and unpredictable. Usually I make certain all the rules are in place before making any moves.

  But I’d let Madilyn throw me off my game, without doing enough to make sure the game had even gotten started in the first place.

  It dawned on me that I may have lost the chance to work with the one associate who was enough of a challenge for me. And, even though it goes against my rules— not to mention my better instincts— I decided to do something out of the ordinary.

  I sent the lingerie she’d left here back to her.

  After all, what are rules if th
ey’re not meant to be broken?

  And what’s the use of finding my perfect pet if it doesn’t involve putting up a little bit of a fight for her?

  But now it’s just a matter of seeing whether Madilyn wants to accept my invitation to join the game again. As I watch her working intently, I start to doubt that she’ll be a willing player.

  I hate that she has any fucking power or control over me. I need to remind her who’s boss and take back the reins. But first I need to see how she responds to my latest summons.

  Chapter 28 – Madilyn

  It’s late and all the paralegals have gone home. But I’m still here in Cubicle Hell working on Janice’s deposition summaries. I haven’t decided what to do about Asher.

  Out of inertia— or perhaps stubbornness— I’ve continued carrying out my plan to work hard for Janice, even at her busywork, so that if I need an out I have one.

  And yet.

  During lunch, I’d gone home and taken my dog Lucia for a jog to clear my head. Or so I told myself. Maybe it was really just an excuse to shower. To shave my legs. And to put on the black lingerie.

  I’d looked at myself in the full- length mirror, wondering if I could actually go through with this. The lingerie is damn hot, and made me look like a billionaire myself. I’d decided hell yeah, I can do this.

  I’d put on my same black skirt suit over the lingerie and then I’d returned to the office. I knew better than to approach Asher again. He wants to be the one to approach me. To give me commands and make me follow them.

  I’ve learned this about him, and accepted it. And, much to my surprise, I even like it.

  So I’ve been sitting here for the rest of the day, half telling myself I still have an escape plan— and even working at it— but mostly waiting for some sort of sign, some signal, some command, from Asher.

  My blazer is slung across the back of my chair, since no one else is around, and my shoes are off. My back hurts from slouching over in the inexpensive computer chairs the paralegals use.

  Just as I’m about to give up on Asher ever contacting me and decide to head home, I see the flashing notification of a new intra-office instant message. I click on it.

  Asher Marks: Have you decided to be my pet?

  I hesitate. But then I tell myself not to wait too long, lest I blow my chance yet again. I feel desperate, almost humiliated. And I love it.

  Madilyn St. Clair: Yes, Boss.

  Asher Marks: Prove it.

  Madilyn St. Clair: Yes, Boss.

  I stand up, ready to go up to his office. But the notification light flashes again.

  Asher Marks: Stay there.

  Madilyn St. Clair: Yes, Boss.

  Asher Marks: I want to see what you decided to wear for me before I decide whether or not this arrangement will continue.

  Well that’s confusing, I think. How can I…?

  But then another message appears.

  Asher Marks: Unbutton your blouse and show me your bra. But only if it’s the one I gave you and told you to wear. And only if you’re willing to do as I say from now on.

  What the hell?

  I turn around, wondering if he’s come down to my floor. I don’t see anyone. I turn back to the computer.

  Asher Marks: Just do it. Unbutton your blouse. Don’t question me. Don’t make me regret anything ever again.

  Madilyn St. Clair: Yes, Boss.

  I add:

  Madilyn St. Clair: I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.

  And then I unbutton my blouse. Just the top three buttons.

  Asher Marks: Further.

  I unbutton it all the way, and then, remembering, I type:

  Madilyn St. Clair: Yes, Boss.

  Asher Marks: Take it off.

  I swallow, careful not to look too reluctant, because I’m assuming he can see me.

  But how?

  My heart pounds as I think about the possibility of someone coming in. Either a lawyer to pick up a file from their paralegal’s desk, another paralegal who forgot something and needed to come back for it, or even the night janitorial crew.

  How humiliating.

  I can feel myself wetter than I ever thought I could get.

  Apparently I’m not opposed to a little bit of humiliation.

  I take my shirt off.

  I’m standing in the empty room, in only a black bra.

  Asher Marks: Show me your nipples. I bought you a bra capable of that for a reason.

  Without even hesitating, I unsnap the portion of the bra that covers my right nipple, and then my left.

  Asher Marks: Play with them while I watch you. Tell me you’re my pet.

  Madilyn St. Clair: Yes, Boss. I’m your pet.

  Asher Marks: Say it out loud while you play with your nipples.

  I take my nipples in between my fingers and rub them. They’re so hard and erect, and it feels so good.

  “I’m your pet,” I tell him, out loud, wherever he is. “I’m your pet, Boss.”

  Asher Marks: Very good. I can see you’ve decided to follow my instructions. And I have one more for you.

  Madilyn St. Clair: Yes Boss?

  Asher Marks: Put your blazer on— and only your blazer— and come to my office immediately.


  I thought he had planned to leave me here, playing with my nipples all night without getting to see him. I don’t think I could bear that kind of torture if he decided to tease me again like last time.

  Madilyn St. Clair: Yes, Boss. Your pet is coming to you.

  I gather my blazer and throw it over me, gripping it tight against my near- naked chest.

  Hurrying to the elevator, I keep my blazer clutched around me, looking around to make sure no one is here. I’d be mortified if anyone saw me like this, but I guess that’s part of the excitement. And part of Asher’s game.

  I’m a willing pawn now, playing along without knowing— or even caring— what the end game is.

  Chapter 29 – Asher

  Here she is, in my office.

  Madilyn St. Clair: the associate I’d researched, hired, and planned to make my newest pet. But whom I wasn’t sure I would ever fucking see in my office again. And certainly not like this.

  She looks vulnerable and submissive with a blazer barely covering her breasts and their exposed nipples that she’d just played with for me while I watched.

  She locks the door and then gives me a shy smile.

  “Sit down,” I tell her, my voice stern and commanding.

  “Yes, Boss,” she says, and she does.

  “Now show me what you were supposed to wear for me, but refused.”

  She spreads her legs for me again, this time revealing the blank lingerie I had carefully chosen for her.

  I love when she does what I want.

  I’m glad she’s finally listening to me now and being submissive.

  “And take off your blazer.”

  “Yes, Boss.”

  She lets it fall to the floor. Her nipples are in plain view. I admire their erect pointiness, and her luscious curves as a whole before continuing, afraid of letting her see how impressed I am.

  “Come over here,” I finally say.

  “Yes, Boss.”

  She walks over to my side of the desk and I say, “Closer.”

  Her perfect tits are right in front of my face. I want to touch them but I don’t. Because this time when I touch her I want it to sting. To be memorable. So that she never forgets who’s in charge.

  I unsnap the covering on the crotch part of the panties and expose her pussy to my impatient eyes.

  It’s clean shaven. She had definitely decided to be my pet.

  I had wanted to taste her pussy. But now I feel that my position is too weak. She had obviously figured that I would take her back. Give her another chance.

  I can’t let her know that she was right. I return to my rules once again. I need to teach her a lesson. And make her pleasure me without returning the favor in full.

rn around and bend over,” I command her.

  She leans over on my desk and I lift up her skirt.

  I take a moment to admire her heart shaped ass, fully exposed for my viewing pleasure. But I don’t say anything, or allow myself to linger too long on what I know is pure perfection.

  I take the thong part of her panties in my hand and move it over to the side. Her pussy is right in front of my face and she’s dripping wet.

  “I can see how much you like this.”

  Her beautiful pussy is throbbing, just waiting for me to enter it. But I don’t plan to give her that satisfaction just yet.

  “You didn’t do what I wanted last time,” I remind her.

  “I’m sorry, Boss.”

  I stretch her panties tight around her while I slap a firm hand on her right butt cheek.

  “Ouch!” she cries, involuntarily.

  I slap the other side, and she tenses up, but doesn’t say anything. She just sucks in a deep breath. I squeeze her ass cheek, which feels firm but malleable in my hand.

  I rub my finger up and down her clit, and she shivers. I know she wants me to do more. I almost feel myself giving in to her desire and my urge to feel myself deep inside her.

  But I remember my rules. I may have forgotten or bent most of them for her before and I’m even breaking too many now. I shouldn’t be going this far yet. I shouldn’t be giving her so much control.

  I want her so bad. I want her in a way I’ve never wanted anyone. I can’t even think.

  I need to take charge quickly. But I still need a release that I would usually be disciplined enough to wait longer for.


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