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The Glimmer Steel Saga, Boxed Set, Books 1 - 4

Page 19

by Spencer Pierson

  Duke Terek’s already significant frown deepened as he absorbed the information. “Were they trying to kidnap my son? You and your people have my thanks, Trelakor. Do you know who they were?”

  “Yes, or at least who was doing the work. Who they worked for? That’s another matter, entirely.” Trelakor paused before continuing. “It was a mercenary group being led by a man named Stitch. They say he’s newly missing a hand, so was easy to spot.”

  Valeran cursed, “Stitch? He’s not just some cheap thug. I’ll put some more guards on my son right away. Markam is good, but he’s not that good. Why would they be coming for Gavin?”

  Trelakor shook his head slowly. Aiden could feel Trelakor’s attention drift towards him once again and realized it was probably not a mistake that he was speaking within hearing distance.

  “It is not your son they were after, but Aiden Finn. The orphan you brought to my docks. Also, the one that saved the young baron and who is also newly friends with your son. There is no reason given, but there is a significant price on his head, Valeran. One whose trail leads to your city. No one I’ve asked knows who set the price, but it is large enough to tempt even the sea folk. Do not fear, he is safe with clan Dawad and on the Wilthorn docks, but I would still recommend you take him and go soon.”

  Duke Terek’s eyes fell on Aiden’s then, as if suddenly realizing he was close by. Aiden tried to appear as if he hadn’t been listening, but he wasn’t fooled and stared at him for a long moment before nodding slowly. “Yes…yes, I see. Thank you, Trelakor. I will look into this as best I can.”

  Trelakor put two of his four hands on the duke’s shoulders. “Do that, and again thank you for helping us.” Aiden could feel the large Arakuul’s eyes drift to his. “Or to whoever did. Strange indeed that such fortune seems to follow you, Aiden Finn, but also welcome. We will pay our debts, and the first is to give you a warning. My daughter has her eyes on you.”

  Skay grinned next to the tall Arakuul, watching Aiden with a twinkle in her eyes even as Duke Terek came back across the plank and onto the deck of the skimmer. Aiden hadn’t realized it before, but Skay must be Trelakor’s daughter. He decided that not waving would be rude, so he did so even as the two figures turned, heading back into the crowd to go help their people. Skay’s answering smile left him feeling pleased and a little guilty as Chari’s face flitted across his mind’s eye, but then shrugged. It was yet another mystery for him to figure out, though this one didn’t seem to be so unusual or strange. He suspected that boys had been trying to figure this mystery out for a long time and he doubted he’d be any better at it than them.

  It took about an hour to unload those that wished to return to the docks. They’d return with the rest of the injured, keeping them dry and safe until they could find their people. It was going to be chaos for a while, so anyone they weren’t sure of would return with them to the city. The trip back seemed to pass in a haze with everyone walking around exhausted.

  Aiden stayed with his friends, talking quietly about the day. He occasionally caught the duke watching him, his crystal-blue eyes deep in thought. Not sure what to make of the strange behavior, he decided to ignore it, hoping that nothing would happen to him when they returned to the castle. Clearly, he suspected something but how far would he go?

  Glowby was drifting aimlessly over the deck, his glow casting curious lights over various figures or objects. It occurred to him that the death and destruction had not affected Glowby directly, or at least not to any great degree. Glowby had been clearly agitated when leading him into the burning building, but almost calm while they moved amongst the dead or injured earlier today. Aiden had cried more than once as he helped pull a broken body from the floating debris, and even the duke had grown more grim as the rescue had stretched on.

  Maybe Glowby doesn’t feel like we do, or only when it will get something done. Maybe he’s manipulating me, he thought, pondering the mystery for a moment before shaking his head. Did Glowby really deserve for him to be questioning his friend?

  Seriously, I’m not sitting here wondering if Skay or Chari are monsters, and I clearly don’t understand them, Aiden scowled, pushing his worry once again from his mind. He’d never questioned Glowby before yet here he was, for the umpteenth time in a few days wondering about his companion. Some friend he was.

  Chari stood, saying she wanted to go below and get some dry clothes and some sleep. She gave everyone a hug, including Aiden, of which he was appreciative. He didn’t want Chari to be angry with him. Watching her go below decks, Aiden couldn’t help but think how beautiful she was despite being soaked and bedraggled.

  “You have it bad, Aiden,” Gavin said, grinning at him.

  “Huh?” Aiden said, his eyebrow raised.

  “I mean, you like Chari, don’t you? She is beautiful and I think she likes you too.” Gavin settled back in his chair, watching Aiden with a small, curious smile on his face. Markam half growled from where he was lounging, one of his legs flipped over one of the large padded armrests. “You shouldn’t egg him on, Gavin. At least when you screwed up, Chari knew the rules.”

  Gavin sighed, his face falling a bit. “That…was different. I didn’t think she thought we could be married…”

  Markam chuckled. “Well, you’re right about the first part of that sentence. You didn’t think.”

  “What rules?” Aiden interrupted, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Gavin still looked like he didn’t want to talk about it so Markam answered.

  “The rules regarding relationships and marriage for the noble families,” Markam said, sitting up and leaning towards Aiden. “Something you’ve probably not had much exposure to, but I think you need to know, don’t you Gavin?”

  Gavin remained quiet, letting Markam continue. “The reality is that noble’s tends to treat relationships and marriage as tools. Not all the time, I mean we’re as prone to love as anyone, right? There’s the odd fairy tale, but alliances through marriage are important and usually arranged. It’s rare when we get to marry someone we love.”

  “He’s right, Aiden,” Gavin interjected. “I myself have been pledged to marry someone since I was seven. I have never even met the girl. I don’t really like it, but that’s the life of someone born into my family.”

  Aiden narrowed his eyes, tilting his head suspiciously. “So, Chari is already promised to someone? I take it that it isn’t you?”

  Markam and Gavin gave each other uncertain glances before turning back to Aiden, and he didn’t like the look on their faces.

  “Not me, Aiden. She’s been promised to marry Ashrak.”

  Aiden could feel the blood drain from his face. Did he hear that right? Ashrak was promised to marry her, the pompous bastard who Chari clearly hated? The one who had saved his life… Slowly Aiden stood and walked away without saying anything else. He could hear Gavin and Markam talking, but he didn’t care what they said and refused to listen. Ashrak. Gods, how could he be so stupid. No wonder the tall noble was laughing at him every time they met. He barely even noticed a faintly glowing Glowby settle on his shoulder as he leaned on the front railing of the Skywitch.

  He spent the rest of the trip there, watching the two moons reflect off of the dark sea below. Really, he should have known better. He was an orphan, and he’d known, just known all along that getting involved with royalty was nothing but trouble. And here was yet another kick to the face.

  “How could I have been so stupid, Glowby?” Aiden muttered, turning slightly towards his friend. “I mean, I really should have known better, kept my face down and not answered when they spoke to me. Instead, I tried to…” He stopped, sighing softly and shaking his head. He didn’t want to finish the sentence, knowing it would be too painful. Didn’t want to say the words like Chari since it would come out so bitter.

  Instead, he stood and stared until they began to settle towards the sky docks of the castle. The palace was beautiful, especially at night being lit by numerous lanterns scattered around the groun
ds and along the walls. Even so, Aiden couldn’t appreciate it as he sulked and waited for the ship to come to rest. When it did, he moved woodenly to follow everyone off of the ship and onto the castle grounds.

  Gavin and Markam stood with Chari, whispering to her as she watched him with sad eyes. He tried not to look at her, tried to not seem like such an idiot but it was hard. As he was standing there, trying to think of how to escape, the duke came over to him with a few guardsmen.

  Aiden saw them coming and figured this was it. He prepared himself to be grabbed and thrown into a cell, but none of that happened. Instead, the duke patted his shoulder and spoke, sounding as exhausted as Aiden felt. “Aiden, the guards will take you to one of the rooms where you can change, and get a warm bath. There will be food for you afterward and I’d like for you to stay and rest the night. It’s been a long day for all of us and no sense walking back to the school in the dark by yourself. The others are staying as well, in case you were wondering.”

  Aiden felt surprise coursing through him but he didn’t have the energy to really respond so he just sighed and nodded, too exhausted to do anything else. He followed the guards, barely noticing the elegance he was ushered into or the absolutely decadent bath that was in a small room off to the side. The warmth, however, was wonderful as it washed over his tired muscles, stinging only a little on his hands and face where the fire had kissed him. The food that had been laid out for him after his bath was equally decadent but also filling. Not able to finish his plate, he tiredly collapsed into the soft bed and was thankful the day was finally over. Aiden wondered what tomorrow would bring. Maybe the duke would do him a favor, and they’d toss him into the tar pits before breakfast. Despite his exhaustion, he was unable to fall asleep for hours, his mind circling back to Ashrak’s smirk every few minutes.

  Chapter 16

  Despite tossing and turning for hours thinking about Ashrak and Chari, he finally began to drift off to sleep. Only it wasn’t sleep. It was something else entirely. Both times before, when he’d felt pulled into whatever that dream realm was called, it was a gentle pull. This time, it was not like that at all.

  There was an intense, focused quality to it, as if a tiny hole being drilled into a door rather than the door itself opening. That was the only way he could describe it though that strange suction and resistance was familiar, it also felt more intense.

  Aiden had vowed to pay more attention the next time he experienced this transition so he pushed his consciousness towards what was happening. It felt like Glowby, his friend, so despite the differences, he was not afraid. It also made it easier to tap into the process, watching it happen as he moved from one place to another. He noticed a wave of something flicker across his skin that was similar to pushing his hand into a pond. Perhaps it was what separated his world from this one?

  He realized that he should have been paying more attention to the Skywitch all the way back to the castle. Maybe he could have learned more about glimmer steel, but it was too late now. Who knew when he’d have access to the skimmer again? He cursed himself, angry that he’d been too preoccupied with thoughts of Chari and Ashrak to think that learning more about this odd power might help him. Acting too much like a child, he thought, as if I could stand a chance against someone like that too-handsome jerk, Ashrak.

  The film seemed to have moved over his body, pulling him away from it and moving into a strange gray haze. Wait… away from his body? This wasn’t what had happened the last few times.

  Aiden began to look around frantically, but neither his arms, legs nor body appeared in this strange place. Instead, he felt like he was floating aimlessly. He could feel panic begin to overtake him, a slow boiling feeling of fear that was overriding his sense of calm. Still, just as he began to lose his mind entirely, he again felt the warming presence of Glowby wrap itself around him. He knew his friend had been there all along, but the reminder was good and he began to think again. Willing himself to slow down and focus, he drew on Glowby’s sense of calm and serenity to help him maintain his equilibrium.

  As he relaxed he noted that they were flying through the night sky. It was dark out, though there was enough light from the two moons to show the gentle, rolling cotton-like fields of clouds below him. He’d never realized where he was if he hadn’t flown on the Skywitch earlier, but here he was again flying high in the sky.

  Time passed, and he began to see other differences in the world he was in. Not just that he didn’t have a body. He could tell that he was not just with Glowby, but inside of him as they raced along. Everything he saw looked as if it were colored more deeply.

  “Well, this is delightful… I’ve not had a flying dream in ages. It’s much better than watching dear old dad mowing heads off of peasants.”

  Aiden jerked, startled at the voice that seemed to come from the air beside him. Turning, he could make out a faint flux of colors that seemed to have a definable, though small, area. Pushing his awareness out cautiously, he was shocked to realize it felt familiar.

  Ashrak! Could it be? Maybe he was dreaming still? He felt the calming sense of Glowby again, wrapping around him in some sort of odd hug. It felt good, and quieted him again but still, was he dreaming? No, he wasn’t. He could tell now and knew he was in that strange dream realm, but what was Ashrak doing here?

  “Can’t control this one, I guess?” The voice rambled on, seeming to delight in making commentary in that insufferably cheery voice. “Well, maybe we’ll end up in that little canton bar on the coast again? My goodness, I miss that dream. That was pleasant, soaking in the sun on the beach and watching dear sister absolutely fail to attract any of the local fishermen to her bed. Pity for them but they really should have known better. If I’m lucky, I’ll wake up before it gets to that part.”

  “It’s not a dream, and will you please be quiet?” Aiden heard himself speak, his voice sounding strangely muffled. He could feel Ashrak’s mind coming to a sudden stop and the smell of butterscotch filled the air. “Um… Excuse me? Is someone there? I’ve not had this in a dream before? I mean, I’ve had people, but…you feel different? Odd? And why does it smell like burnt toast?”

  Aiden wished he could wake up and escape. Ashrak, of all people? How had that happened? He was still very upset with Ashrak. He’d not been able to the boy’s face out of his mind the whole night.

  Suddenly, he stopped. Thinking about him the whole night, he thought bitterly to himself, could that be what happened?

  “Hey, that burnt toast smell is getting stronger whoever you are. Your voice sounds familiar. But I can’t see you, only clouds buzzing by. Hello?”

  “It’s… It’s me, Aiden and no, you can’t see me but I’m here. And before you ask, no, I don’t have a clue what is going on.”

  The voice paused, a sudden smell of orange citrus spiking with the butterscotch before Ashrak laughed his infuriatingly superior laugh. “Aiden? Orphan Boy? Why would you be in one of my dreams? I’m flattered, but really could maybe you change into some pretty dancing girls or something?”

  “No, we’re not in a dream, Ashrak.” Aiden snapped. “I’m not sure exactly where we are, but I think we’re somewhere in the sky for real. Going somewhere but I don’t know where. I…it’s hard to explain but I’ve been someplace like this before.”

  “Well, I did say I wanted you to stick around and see what amusements you could cook up. This is a bit farther than I would have guessed, but bravo. Outdoing yourself on your first try is setting the bar rather high! I’m quite glad I helped you now. However, I am going to reserve my right to disbelieve you if things go too far to the left, okay?” Ashrak paused, the smell of cut grass replacing that of citrus. “You say you’ve done this before? I hope you can at least give me the abridged version? Say, is there anything dangerous perhaps?”

  Aiden paused, concerned and not wanting to panic Ashrak. “I don’t know. I’ve only been here twice before, and this time was different than the previous two. Like not having bodies? That is differ
ent. As for dangerous I really don’t know. I think it’s where glimmer steel comes from, though.”

  “Well, that smell of lavender is better than burnt toast whatever that is. So, no bodies? I wonder what it feels like when you have a body in a place like this. Say, Orphan Boy, are we going down?”

  Aiden turned his consciousness outwards again, and indeed, they were descending through the clouds. When they broke through the cover he didn’t recognize the land below them. It was full of tall mountains, and snow covered much of what he was seeing with only the occasional outcropping of black stone breaking the surface.

  He didn’t know how, but they could still see even though it was very dark, and with the cloud above there was little moonlight breaking through. Aiden supposed it might be Glowby’s work, but he wasn’t about to tell Ashrak that. They seemed to move for another twenty or so minutes, and then a large, barren-looking castle began to emerge before them.


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