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Quinn’s Virgin Woman

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  At night, Quinn moved closer to her on the sofa so she didn’t have a choice but to hug against him when the movies scared her. He kept them supplied in ice cream, cooked her favorite meals. When she woke up in the morning, he was the first person she saw.

  No, she couldn’t believe what Martha was trying to say. There was no way he was looking at her with anything other than friendship.

  They took a seat at one of the smaller tables away from the crowd. Quinn placed her burger and fries in front of her. Taking a fry, she took a bite, moaning at the salty taste.


  “I’m not going to lie to you, Kaley. I’ve got all the company I need.”

  She picked up her burger, taking a large bite. “You’re hanging out with your sister and her friend. Aren’t we cramping your style?”


  Kaley wanted to ask more but she was afraid to find out the answer. His gaze was on her intently.

  “When you open your eyes, you’ll see exactly why I’m here.”

  She dropped her glasses down to cover her eyes. Most of the time she didn’t need them but they helped her to think clearly when they were on.

  “Eat your burger,” he said. She would have argued but he pointed at his watch. Kaley saw they’d been waiting a good twenty minutes to be served. She’d talk to Dorothy.

  There was no way Quinn had come for her. He’d never shown any interest in her before. What could have changed?

  Chapter Four

  Quinn entered the empty apartment after dropping Kaley back at the library. He’d be there to pick her up in the afternoon. The last week he’d not made any headway in getting to know her. She kept him at arm’s length, apart from when she was too afraid of the movies they were watching. Dorothy wasn’t helping either. His sister was using every opportunity to be out of the house.

  Without thinking about what he was doing, he entered Kaley’s bedroom, closing the door behind him. He opened her laptop, waiting for it to load. When it asked for a password he sat back, thinking about her. He tried typing in her birthday, Dorothy’s birthday, password, their names, then he wrote his name and birthday. The computer opened up to him.

  He was thrilled that she used his name and birthday to lock her computer. Quinn saw three files open. Opening the first document, he saw it was labeled “story one”. Frowning, he scrolled to the top of the fifty-page document and began reading.

  This computer was the access to the woman he wanted. He hated doing this, and had promised himself he wouldn’t, but he needed a clue to Kaley’s wants and desires. The story was about a shy, quiet woman—like Kaley. She was alone in the world and looking for that one man to awaken her. Quinn read through the story, seeing the signs that Kaley was begging for. She didn’t need to wait for him to make his intentions known. Kaley needed a man who took charge. He’d been playing this all wrong.

  When he read the next three stories, he closed the computer, making sure she wouldn’t know he’d invaded her privacy. He wanted Kaley to trust him even though he’d invaded her room.

  Opening her notebook, he saw more notes scrawled across the lines. Kaley hid from the world as her own desires scared her.

  Leaving the bedroom, he paused as Dorothy walked out of the kitchen. “I told you to stop going into her bedroom.”

  “I needed to.”

  “She texted me to ask about you and why you’re here.”

  “Shouldn’t she have asked that already?” He took a seat at the table as Dorothy handed him a cup of coffee.

  “You’d think so. Kaley isn’t much of a talker. She won’t question why you’re here until you make her aware there’s something she’s missing.” Dorothy took a sip of her coffee. “Do you know why you’re here?”

  “You know why I’m here and I’m not backing down. I need you to leave for a few weeks.”

  “You’re kicking me out of my own apartment?”

  “Kaley’s going to be mine. The only way to make her mine is to get rid of you. You’re like an added layer of protection she can hide behind. I don’t want her hiding or running to you.”

  “She’ll be pissed at me, Quinn. Can’t you think of something else?”

  He sat back, running a finger over his lip. “No. You’ve got to go. Make an excuse.”

  “Well, Scott turned out to be gay. I could use being heartbroken as an excuse.” Dorothy drank her coffee, frowning. “I hope you know what you’re doing. If Kaley starts to hate me, I won’t speak to you ever again.”

  Kaley wasn’t going to hate him. He was going to make sure she didn’t get chance to think about anything but him.

  “It’ll be fine.”

  For the rest of the afternoon, he helped his sister pack, and saw her off. She was going to visit their parents. Quinn promised to take care of Kaley. He asked her to wait until it was time for Kaley to get off work before she sent a text. Entering the apartment, Quinn was more in control. There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to get what he wanted. He never gave up.

  Entering the kitchen, he made a quick casserole so he and Kaley would enter the apartment to wonderful smells. He phoned his mother to talk him through Kaley’s favorite foods.

  “You’re being sneaky, like your father,” his mother said. Her voice filled the kitchen, where he had her on speaker phone.

  “I know what I want.”

  “Kaley’s a dear girl. We’re happy for you to get together. We’re just worried about what this will all mean.”

  “Mom, this is not some test I’m cramming for, or some hobby I want to master. She’s the woman I’ve been in love with for a long time. I did exactly what you, Dad, and Dorothy asked me to do. I left to give her time to spread her wings. I’m done waiting for her. I want to be with her more than anything else.”

  His parents were the only two people he could be completely honest with. They saw a hell of a lot more than he thought was possible for two people to see. Both his mother and father had seen what was happening to him with Kaley. Dorothy had been a surprise child as they’d been trying for over ten years to have more children. He didn’t know the complete medical history but it was hard for his parents to have lots of children, even though they both wanted them.

  The eleven-year age gap had never bothered him with Dorothy. He enjoyed helping his folks look after her. Being a big brother meant something to him. He warned all the prospective boys away, kept her safe, and Kaley. Then one day he came home from college to see Dorothy dancing around the living room. She was shouting over the music, encouraging Kaley to dance with her. He’d been silent as he watched the two girls. When he’d seen Kaley it had been like he’d been hit in the gut. The feelings she inspired inside him had been powerful, consuming. He’d not seen a mousy, shy girl. Quinn had seen the beautiful woman she was going to turn into. She loved reading and he loved watching her read. From that moment, he’d been hooked. Every chance he could, he’d come home just to see her. Those initial feelings had developed, strengthening with every passing year. Now, she was going to be his. They’d give his parents grandchildren. He wanted a big family but first he needed Kaley.


  The library was half an hour from being shut for the night. Martha was helping a family become acquainted with the books and sections. Kaley stood behind the reception desk, serving anyone who came forward. When she first started working at the library, she’d been terrified about dealing with customers.

  She’d always been shy. Kaley didn’t know why she was shy, it was just something she’d developed.

  When her cell phone chimed, she reached into her pocket to see a message from Dorothy.

  Sorry to do this to you, Kaley. Scott broke up with me. The bastard was gay. I’m not going to be around for a few days. Love you. See you soon.

  Groaning, she pocketed her cell, wishing Dorothy had called her sooner. If she was broken hearted she was going back home to her parents. There was no way Kaley would get the time off work. The last half hour went
by so fast and she didn’t have any spare time to come up with a good reason to get out of going home.

  Outside of the large window she saw Quinn stood waiting for her. It was still light. In a few months it would be totally dark at this time of night.

  “See you tomorrow,” Martha said.

  It was her day off tomorrow, however, she always studied on her days off.

  “See you.”

  “If I don’t see you, I’ll understand why.” Martha looked toward Quinn.

  There was no way anything was going on there.

  “I’ll be here.”

  She made her way out toward Quinn. “You didn’t need to wait for me,” she said, folding her arms underneath her breasts.

  “That’s not a nice way to greet me.” Quinn reached out to stroke her cheek. The action took her completely by surprise and she simply stared back at him, shocked.

  He ran his thumb along her bottom lip before he circled one hand around her waist, tugging her close.

  “I missed you.”

  She didn’t get time to speak as his head lowered closer to her. In the next breath, he was kissing her.

  The kiss wasn’t sweet or gentle. Quinn’s kiss was demanding. His tongue ran across her bottom lip, seeking entrance. She gripped his arms, aware of the thickness of them underneath her hands. He was so strong and confident. This is what she wanted for herself yet couldn’t have.

  Quinn didn’t ask for a kiss. He took it, and the experience along with his presence made for a heady combination. She opened her lips, giving him everything he wanted. Moaning, Kaley pressed her body against his. The hand at her waist moved down to her ass.

  “Now, that’s exactly the way I want to be greeted from now on.” He dropped another soft kiss to her lips before taking hold of her hand.

  What the hell had just happened?

  She used her free hand to touch her lips. They were swollen from the passion of his kiss.

  “Dorothy’s gone to spend some time with our parents. Scott really broke her heart.”

  “I got the text.”

  He didn’t release her hand, keeping her locked tight next to him. She didn’t want to let him go as they made their way to the apartment.

  The apartment that no longer had Dorothy, his sister.

  She was alone with Quinn.

  Her heart started to race. The kiss played over in her mind.

  “I made your favorite casserole.” Quinn took out his key as they stood outside of the door.

  Once inside, Quinn took her bag from her, helping her into the apartment. The door closed and was locked, keeping the outside world out. The scent of the chicken casserole made her stomach growl. Quinn chuckled. “Come on, it should be ready.”

  She followed behind him silent as he took control. Who was this man? In the last week he’d talked to her at every opportunity, asking her advice and accommodating her every want. The man before her wasn’t asking, he was doing.

  Taking a seat at the table, she watched him carry the casserole to the table. He served them both a large portion of the food.

  This is what you’ve wanted. This is what you write about.

  Suspicious, she looked toward her door to see it was still closed. There was no way he’d invade her privacy or read those stories. They were her stories. He wouldn’t even know that she wrote in her spare time. It wasn’t something she advertised. She began eating, conscious of his gaze on her throughout the meal. Kaley liked his eyes on her. This was the first time in her life a man had taken an interest in her.

  Scooping up more of the food, she stared right back at him.

  “I’m sorry about Dorothy.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “She’s your sister.”

  “She dated a guy who turned out to be gay. Dorothy will get over it.”

  “You’re not a little worried about others exploiting her?”

  Quinn throw his head back and laughed. “Baby, I’m more worried about the men than my sister. She’s a massive manipulator.”

  Kaley licked her lips, thinking back to Quinn staying in their apartment. Her heart pounded as she took another bite of the casserole.

  “Dorothy did it on purpose, didn’t she?” Kaley asked.


  “She knew you were going to be here that day. Not once did she tell me about you or even give any hint of what was going on. Both of you planned for that day.”

  He didn’t look away from her, confirming her suspicions.

  “Why didn’t either of you tell me?”

  Quinn took a drink of soda before he started talking.

  “All the time I’ve known you, not once have you been in my company for long. You always scamper away from me or find a reason not to be alone with me. Dorothy knows my feelings when it comes to you. I asked her if I could stay here so you’d get used to what I want.”

  Kaley stood, taking her plate into the kitchen. His words were not what she expected. She put the plate in the sink then turned around, freezing. He stood right behind her.

  “What do you want?”

  He leaned around her, trapping her against the sink. She licked her suddenly dry lips once again. His closeness had her gut clenching and her pussy melting under his intense gaze.

  “I’ll show you.”

  Quinn cupped her cheek, titling her head back.

  She couldn’t speak. Words formed on her tongue yet didn’t come out. What should she say or do?

  Then his lips were on hers and all other thoughts left her mind.

  Chapter Five

  Quinn’s cock pressed against the front of his jeans, threatening to burst through. He’d imagined Kaley in his arms yet nothing had prepared him for this instant attraction. Her skin was soft, her body full and round. The need to take her was strong. He wouldn’t back down. Those stories she kept locked away in a computer sealed with his name meant he wasn’t going to let her go.

  She’d lost all chance of getting away from him.

  With his other hand, he slid it around her waist, drawing her closer.

  He slid his tongue deep into her mouth, moaning as he did. She opened up to him like a delicate flower. Within seconds her hands were on his shoulders, gripping tightly.

  Breaking from the kiss, Quinn stroked her cheek. “Now you know.”

  “You came here for me?”

  “I quit being a Seal for you. I did my time, paid my folks’ price. I wanted you the moment you graduated school. I know I’m fucking crazy for wanting someone so young but you’re different, Kaley. You’ve always been different to me.” He caressed her back, never wanting her to go. Her eyes were bright as she looked up at him.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t need to say anything. I want you and I’m not going to let you go.”

  “You didn’t need to stop being a Navy Seal. I’d never stop you,” she said, touching his face. Both of her hands were shaking with tremors from the way she held onto him.

  “It was a distraction. Now I’ve got you. You’re all the distraction I need.”

  “Wait, the only reason you became a Navy Seal was because of me?” He nodded. “You could have gotten yourself killed.”

  “Baby, I needed to give you time to be alone. You were young. I respected my mom’s advice in giving you space.”

  “She knows why you’re here.”

  “The only person who doesn’t know why I’m here is you.” He fingered the edge of her shirt. Sliding his fingers underneath the shirt, he touched the smooth flesh of her stomach. He wanted to touch her without any clothes between them. Without asking her permission, he began opening her shirt, revealing her beautiful body to his gaze.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Kaley didn’t fight him as he removed her shirt. She wore a sexy red lace bra that showed off her nipples. His cock ached with the amount of blood pounding through his veins.

  “I want you, Kaley. No more hiding.” He claimed a kiss, stoppin
g any kind of protest she may have. Slipping his tongue between her lips, he tasted her.

  She moaned. The sound vibrated around his body, drawing him closer to her. He lifted her up in his arms, carrying her across the rooms. Quinn didn’t go for his room.

  “What are you doing? You can’t carry me,” she said, wrapping arms around his neck.

  “I want you in my arms, baby.” He opened the door, kicking it closed before he placed her on the bed. Quinn tugged the shirt over his head, letting her see him naked.

  Kaley had opened her lips to protest only to stop when he got partially naked. Her gaze landed on his chest, covered in the ink he’d gotten over the years. On his arm was the Navy Seal insignia of his unit. The ink around his heart was her name in fancy writing. He’d gotten drunk when he visited home only to find she’d left to spend Thanksgiving with her family. It was one of the trips where he didn’t get to see her. He hated it but refused to go back to work without some memory or token of her. The tattoo was a constant reminder to him of what he was working for.

  She stood up, staring into his eyes.

  Quinn wondered what she was going to do when her hands lay on his chest.

  “You really want me?”


  “I’ve always wanted you.”

  She stroked his chest, going up and down his abs. Her touch alone turned him on. He reached around her back, unsnapping her bra.

  “This is moving too fast.”

  “I’ve tried slow. You always found a way to be away from me.” He pulled the bra from her body, leaving her naked like him. Quinn didn’t touch her breasts. Wrapping his arms around her back, he drew her closer so they were chest to chest. The tips of her breasts touched his chest, and it was perfect to him. He closed his eyes for a split second, relishing the feel of her being close to him. Quinn didn’t want to let her go.

  Dropping a quick kiss to her neck, he licked the pulse.

  “If you don’t want me to continue, I won’t. The moment you tell me no, I’ll stop. I’m going to hold you and I’m not leaving. We’re together now, Kaley.”


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