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The Vlakan King (Book 3)

Page 27

by Jim Greenfield

"No, it wouldn't because we would have won. You are a conceited Man and you have aged much since I last saw you. Unfortunate for you. I would have killed you at your best, now it is hardly a fight. Get out of my way or you die now."

  Beric Mallon raised his sword. Ioane Adan grinned and attacked so fast the warlord's head rolled on the ground before he could try to parry her stroke.

  Pain erupted in Ioane Adan's arm where Princess Linna's blade struck her. Ioane's eye flashed but she did not cry out. She touched her blood and brought her finger to her lips. She blocked the next sword stroke with ease.

  "You killed him!" cried Linna. "You will pay you monster. Go back to the darkness whence you came."

  "I do not believe so, little princess. It is time for you to die."

  She backhanded Linna who tried to duck but the sting on her temple was sharp. Linna's thrust was batted aside as were the next two. Linna realized the speed of Ioane Adan was too great. She glanced around for anything that could aid her. There were bodies on the ground behind Ioane but Linna did not think she could mount enough of an attack to back up the Celaeri Queen far enough to stumble over them.

  "So little princess, have you realized you cannot defeat me? I have planned for many of your lifetimes to take back our land. You will never learn what patience truly is for you are human and your life is so fleeting. I have sympathy for you, truly, that you see so little of Landermass and all it has to offer. Men are so caught up in the doing of things and not in the being. Ah, little princess, it is time for you to die."

  Ioane moved quickly, slicing the upper arm of Linna. She dropped her blade and reached for her wound but Ioane would kill her in the next moment with a blow to the neck.

  Before she could make the killing blow Ioane spun suddenly and just escaped the spear of her daughter. Ioane knocked the spear away and kept moving around Alarie, never letting her settle in for a strike. A surge of soldiers wedged between them and Alarie stared at her mother until Brandalay pulled her back to the gate as the Celaeri gained ground.

  The gate sagged on its hinges and the Celaeri warriors raced through pressing the defenders backward. The spirit of the Gornst soldiers had been shattered with the death of Beric Mallon and the fall of Picker. Picker tried to fight his way to aid the Princess and the Celaeri closed around him. He fought with desperation and newfound strength but he was outnumbered and the deadly spears of the Celaeri tried to claim his life. But the huge blade of Colly Bulger sent Celaeri sprawling and he cut them down; his rage fueling his strength. The Celaeri fell back and Gornst soldiers moved it. Picker was carried back to the tavern by Colly who would return soon. Brandalay and Alarie tried to rally the Gornst soldiers but few would stand. Ioane Adan strode through the gates and pointed at them.

  "Alarie! Leave this place. If you stand with the Men you will die," shouted the Queen of the Celaeri. Alarie said nothing.

  The shouts of the Celaeri drowned out Brandalay's response to Ioane but Alarie was already rushing forward. She parried the blows of her brethren as she fought to reach her mother. Ioane watched Alarie's approach through soldier after soldier. Alarie kept coming despite her wounds and killing the last Celaeri defending her mother she stood defiant, if uneasy, her spear leveled at Ioane Adan.

  "I did not wish this daughter," said Ioane. "But you sided with the Men against your own people."

  "You want to enslave Men again. I will not allow that."

  "Ah, your spirit is strong. It is too bad your body is weak; your life force drips from many wounds. You cannot stand against me; surrender and your life will be spared. I do not wish to kill your noble spirit. But resist me and your blood will soak this ground as will Brandalay's."

  Alarie rushed forward but Ioane easily blocked her thrust and struck her with the end of her spear. Alarie fell face down into the gore. She tried to get to her feet. Ioane kicked her in the ribs and she rolled over out of breath.

  "Goodbye my child." She thrust her spear downward. Alarie spun and received a glancing blow on her head. Stunned she lay still. Ioane raised her spear again but Brandalay led several soldiers in a charge and Ioane barely had time to defend herself. More soldiers joined and Ioane killed two and ran back to her soldiers where they reformed their lines.

  The fighters surged forward; their collision heard within the city walls. The screams and shouts were a thunderclap. The walls shook all the way to the castle from impact of the battle. The fighting continued for two more hours before the Celaeri push was exhausted. Ioane Adan pulled her troops back to the town square to regroup but many of the Gornst soldiers pursued them.

  Brandalay stared at the still form of Alarie. He knelt down and brushed the hair out of her face. Festin stood nearby, his moist eyes looking for firm ground. The blacksmith lost many friends in the past hours and was too slow to read Brandalay's mood.

  Brandalay stood and looked across the square to where Ioane Adan killed all comers. Her face was flushed and the smell of death urged her on. He trotted in her direction.

  Festin started to wrap Alarie's cloak around her when she convulsed and coughed.

  "Tarlac! She's alive!"

  But Brandalay was out of earshot.

  Colly defended himself against the Celaeri but his arms were leaden. He didn't know how long he could continue. He was getting old and slow and couldn't catch his breath. The fight to save Picker took more out of him that he expected. The roars of the Vlakan rose and the creatures began to enter the battle. The end would come soon now. He leaned as his sword as Celaeri approached again. He had earned their respect but they could read his fatigue. He exhaled and raised the huge sword once more. He heard horns to the north and the thunder of horses. It could only be Eslenda come at last.

  Prince Jahnn crested the last hill and saw the Celaeri army assaulting the walls of Gornst. He called to his herald who sounded the horn calling the soldiers onward. The Eslendian cavalry rushed forward to stop the flow of Celaeri into Gornst. Before the Eslendians rode Loric Greyrawk; light shining from him like a god in his wrath and his sword sang as it hewn necks of Vlakan. The cavalry broke through the Vlakan, scattering them and engaged the Celaeri, driving them back giving relief to the Gornst soldiers.

  The Eslendians' line curved to keep the Celaeri within their grasp. Raeind took Krysta, Merie, Davan and Jarius along the coast side of the Eslendian line to find one of the side gates of Gornst.

  From the south horns sound as a new army approaches Gornst. The colors are Cresida and King Byron rides at the head of his army. His soldiers broke off into columns and rode forward to squeeze the Celaeri against the Eslendian cavalry. Colly saw the changing of the tide and rallied the Gornst soldiers and they pushed forward from the gate into the confusion of the Celaeri. The main body of the Celaeri army was in the vise. Colly looked to the west line knowing he did not have enough soldiers there. Prince Jahnn of Eslenda would have to be up to the task.

  The Vlakan overwhelmed the west Eslendian line and ran freely toward the Princesses. Raeind rushed to cut off their advance and began to change in shape as he ran.

  "Run! I will hold them!"

  Davan grabbed Merie's arm and they moved toward the wall, but Merie stopped. Krysta was watching Raeind grow into a large furry creature. There is movement under Raeind's skin as his body changed shape, pulsing and pushing, distorting his Men form. His nose elongated and his jaw line extended. Dark hair erupted from his body. Krysta couldn't turn away, horrified and mesmerized by the transformation; she was heedless of the danger around her. Merie ran back and led Krysta away. Merie tugged her arm, then again more violently almost pulling Krysta off her feet. Krysta turned to Merie, suddenly realizing there was a battle around them. They ran towards the open small door in the city wall. A figure in the doorway waved frantically to the trio. Davan pulls the girls toward the gate that is held open by a baker. "Hurry boy! I have to close this before they get through."

  "Jarius! Come on!" But the young sorcerer was frozen in place staring at the Celaeri rushing hi
m. Davan had no choice; he pushed the girls through the gate and turned to get Jarius. But before he could step onto the battlefield again the baker pulled him inside.

  "Raeind's one of them!" cried Krysta. "He changed into a Vlakan! I saw it."

  "No, he's a bear," said Merie as if it were more normal.

  "He's a beast!" shouted Krysta. "What was I thinking? He is not human."

  The gate slammed shut and the bolt thrown.

  "A beast, a beast," murmured Krysta. She lost her balance and pitched forward but Davan caught her.

  "I'm sorry about your friends," said the baker. "But I had to shut the gate."

  "It's all right," said Davan. He exhaled to allow his sudden anger to subside. "You couldn't have done anymore. Thank you."

  "Where should we go?" asked Merie.

  "Go to the Grey Fox Tavern," said the baker. "Danni Picker will take care of you. She's calm in the midst of any storm. Go three blocks south then two blocks east. You'll walk right to it."

  "Thanks again," said Davan. He and Merie supported the sobbing Krysta as they walked. The city was alive with shouts and people running with supplies in many directions. Crowds of people surrounded the Grey Fox Tavern.

  "A beast…."

  "Hush now," said Merie. "We will rest soon. Shh."

  Davan forced his way to the door of the tavern.

  "I need Danni Picker. I have two girls with me."

  Danni came to him, her eyes reds, cheeks still wet with tears.

  "What can I do?"

  "A man at the north gate told us you could help. A baker I think."

  Danni saw Merie leading Krysta.

  "Are they hurt?"

  "No, but they are both princesses. Krysta is from Masina and Merie is from Eslenda. I need to leave them somewhere safe."

  "Elly!" called Danni. "Help me with these young ladies."

  A young girl ran out of the commotion in the tavern and stopped in front of Davan. She took Krysta's arm and led her inside. Merie and Davan followed.

  "Hi," said Elly. "What's your name?"

  "This is Merie and you are helping Krysta. I am Davan Greyrawk."

  "Oh, lord," said Danni. "Another one. You must be the cause of all this. There was a Greyrawk at the center of the last Celaeri war."

  "That was my father."

  Danni shook her head. "I hate to be rude but I wish you had not come to Cresida. Don't you live near Peradon on Anavar? Well, get inside. Come on ladies, we will find a place for you to sit and rest."

  "I've got to get back to the battle," said Davan. "I have friends out there."

  "Don't we all," said Danni. She wiped her eyes. "Go help your friends. Come back when you can."

  Elly watched Davan run down the street.

  "Elly, get to work," said Danni.

  Davan saw the flashes of sorcery before he reached the gate. Jarius was still alive! Gornst soldiers fought to keep the Celaeri near the gates and out of the interior of the city but they were losing more soldiers than the Celaeri. It was a matter a time before the Celaeri would run freely through Gornst. Davan found steps to the top of the wall and found a spot to watch the battle. He was no fighter and the speed of the Celaeri frightened him. How could a common soldier stand and fight? What courage those men must have!

  He scanned the battlefield marking the Eslenda soldiers, Gornst soldiers and the Cresida King's forces moving up from the south. The Celaeri were being squeezed although the cost of success was brutal. The Vlakan were everywhere. Davan tried to find something he recognized in the beasts but they moved so fast and were so alien to his eyes. He looked back toward Prince Jahnn and the young man was holding his own. He had moved toward Jarius and the two of them had found themselves in an island surrounded by Vlakan. Jarius' face was white from exertion and Davan felt a pang that he couldn't help them. He couldn't even hit a Vlakan with a rock from that distance. Prince Jahnn's sword dipped lower and lower as his arm tired. The Vlakan did not back away from the Prince and three charged at once and he went down. Jarius moved to help and was hit by a Vlakan. Davan yelled for someone to help them but his voice was swallowed by the battlefield clamor. A sudden flash of green and the Vlakan roared in pain. Streams of blood sprayed the area as a figure carved the creatures. Prince Jahnn regained his footing and Jarius rose stiffly. Loric Greyrawk killed the Vlakan and led the duo back to Prince Jahnn's troops. Loric killed Vlakan after Vlakan and finally the creatures withdrew. Prince Jahnn reformed his soldiers and advanced on the city gate.

  Davan looked for the bear that had been the man Raeind, that Merie and Krysta traveled with and saw the huge shape in the middle of Vlakan behind the Celaeri lines. The bear inflicted great damage but appeared to be slowing under the endless onslaught of the Vlakan.

  Then there was Loric again, fighting his way to Raeind's aid. The Vlakan sensed the danger and turned to face him but Loric was unstoppable. His blade flashed, red spray covered the field. The creatures fell back allowing Raeind to escape to Loric's side. From there they carved a path back toward the gate. King Byron's forces engaged the Celaeri from the south drawing much of their attention. Prince Jahnn attacked hard and Colly leads the Gornst soldiers to the Celaeri trapped between the hammer and the anvil.

  The dimming light changed the plans of the warriors. Each group pulled back as darkness grew. Pickets were set along the battle lines and the sentries were rotated frequently. The Vlakan would not be dismayed by darkness. It would be a sleepless night.

  The battle was engaged again with the dawn. The uneasy truce allowed each side to regroup, eat and rest. The Vlakan attacked King Byron's lines just before light. The broken gates of Gornst unleashed Colly Bulger and the remaining soldiers of the city. Prince Jahnn led his men into the battle.

  Prince Jahnn's soldiers corner the Vlakan leader. They slowly close in but once within reach the Vlakan rends them. They have no archers nearby and are stalemated. Davan had seen the large Vlakan and left the city armed with a sword taken from a corpse. He did not expect to use it but he felt slightly more secure as he weaved his way through battles. He ran up behind the line of soldiers surrounding the Vlakan.

  "Ian? Father, it's Davan!"

  The Vlakan's head jerked in Davan's direction.

  "Davan?" The Vlakan's voice was low and hoarse.

  "Surrender, Father. We can help you."

  "I cannot. Something drives me. I cannot control it."

  While the Vlakan spoke a soldier crept closer. Suddenly, the Vlakan spun and ripped the soldier's throat. The Vlakan was wild again and attacked the weak spot in the line of soldiers, breaking through and loping away. Davan called to his father.

  He ran after the Vlakan but loses sight of it. There is a wild battle in front of him and arrows slam into the Vlakan. Some soldiers run away, others fall to the ground. Davan sees a large Vlakan with an arrow through its neck. Davan ran to the body of the Vlakan and then turned it over ignoring the smell and looked at the face. There was nothing of his father that he could see.

  "Davan!" called out a throaty growl from the next rise. A Vlakan raised its paw looking at Davan. Then it turned and charged into the circle of soldiers hemming in the remaining beasts. Davan barely ducked the blow of a Vlakan that came up behind him. He turned, hacking with his sword but not seriously hurting the Vlakan. Its claws raked his shoulder and he dropped his sword. He looked into the eyes of the Vlakan and saw death.

  The bear seemed to come out of nowhere and drove into the Vlakan rolling it in the dirt. The crushing jaws snapped the forearm of the Vlakan and it screamed in its throaty man-like voice. It tried to pull away but the bear did not let go. Davan watched the struggle and saw Loric run over to the bear. Before Loric could run the Vlakan through with his sword the creature found the strength to pull away from the bear shredding its arm and ran from the battlefield its arm dangling at its side.

  A cry rang from Davan's left and the sorcery flash temporarily blinded him. He saw Jarius go down and before he could think Davan was mo
ving. He jumped down three steps at a time to reach ground level and ran to the gate. He picked up a sword and ran toward Jarius who frantically fought off the Vlakan kicking and attempting spells but his focus was gone. Davan ran up and thrust the sword with all his might in the back of the Vlakan. It shuddered and fell on Jarius. Davan pulled the heavy body off Jarius.

  "Davan? Where did you come from?"

  "Never mind. Let's get you inside the city. You're wounded and I think we are winning although I can't be sure. Come on."

  Jarius did not protest Davan's help to regain his feet. They hurried to the gate.

  Loric stood on the bloody plain just outside the city. He stared at the regrouping Celaeri and the remaining Vlakan. Ioane Adan stood before him, her spear pointing toward her son. Loric charged and Ioane waited. He knocked her spear aside with his sword and hit her with his fist. She staggered but did not fall. Her spear lashed out forcing Loric backward. She swung the blunt end grazing his forehead and thrust upward with the blade slicing his chest. Again and again Loric danced from view. She stabbed his foot and he lost his balance; the staff caught his chin and he went down heavily. Ioane laughed and stood over her son.

  Ioane raised her spear.

  "Both of my children died the same day. So be it."

  Before she could begin the fatal thrust a shape slammed into her knocking her down. She sprang to her feet.

  "Another fool!"

  "You won't kill Uncle Loric while I'm around," said Davan.

  "Ah, Ian's son. Perfect. I have uses for you." She moved quickly; Davan couldn't react.

  The force of Ioane's blow knocked Davan head over heels and he landed awkwardly and blacked out. However, his interference gave Loric the chance he needed to pierce Ioane's shoulder and she dropped her spear. She held her shoulder as blood flowed between her fingers. Loric was still unsteady on his feet and couldn't close on Ioane. She ran toward the Celaeri soldiers who closed ranks around her. The Celaeri pulled back and left the battlefield.


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