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A Dangerous Man

Page 13

by Rachel Cade

Ciara had to shield her eyes in order to see where she was going. The deck was slippery, forcing her to be careful as she crossed it. But curiosity pressed her forward, down a long series of stairs that led toward the beach.

  When her feet hit the sand, Ciara felt like a fool. The moonlight that poked through the clouds only revealed a deserted beach.

  Had she gone crazy now, hallucinating in the middle of the night?

  Jack stood against the beam of the small porch, puffing on a cigarette he’d bummed from Garcia. It had probably been a good five years since he’d smoked.

  There was a lot of shit to figure out in a minimal amount of time. He had never worked for any U.S. government organizations. He worked for himself. The storm had made communication impossible and he hadn’t been able to get back in touch with Sam. It seemed like the only thing he could do was wait it out. And take a breather before he made his next move.

  “I knew it was you!”

  Jack almost dropped the cigarette at the sight of Ciara stepping on the porch landing. How gone was he on thought that she could sneak up on him like that?

  She was drenched, like him, from head to toe. Their eyes locked as he lurched away from the porch beam.

  “I saw the light from your cigarette,” she explained.

  She wiped water from her eyes, the faint light gave her skin a blue tint.

  Jack blew smoke out of his mouth, tempted to crush the cigarette into his palm. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Following you.” Ciara pushed back her plastered hair. “What is this place?”

  Jack watched as she crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s a hut that came with the property. Your boyfriend’s going to have it torn down I’m sure.”

  “Marcus isn’t my boyfriend.”

  “You might want to tell him that.”

  She stared at him. She wasn’t even wearing a robe. The water pretty much turned her nightgown sheer. The only thing Jack could be grateful for was that he didn’t have to see her in full light.

  “Wait.” Her head shifted. “Are you jealous?”

  Jack flicked cigarette ash. His voice reflected his growing annoyance, “I don’t have time for this shit.”

  “You like me, don’t you?” When his answer was silence, she laughed shortly. “You do! That’s why you’re mad.”

  Grimacing, Jack tossed the cigarette into a water-filled bucket. “You think this is a joke? Do you know have any idea what Marcus Kelly does?”

  “Something bad enough to have a guy like you working for him?” She stepped closer, searching his face for a reaction.

  “Yeah,” Jack admitted harshly.

  “I already told you he’s not my boyfriend. He’s not anything to me. I’m just down here to make my dad happy within the next couple of days, I’ll be back in D.C.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “I’m just entertaining him because it’s what my dad wanted.” She paused before adding lowly. “I wasn’t really given a choice.”

  Jack’s jaw tightened before he spoke, “Are you trying to tell me your old man pimped you out to a dealer?”

  Her palm crashed against his cheek, stinging it with the wet slap.

  Jack let her have it; even in the heavy rain he heard her faint whimper.

  Her mouth twisted, and when she raised her hand to him again, he caught it. His fingers easily wrapped around her wrist.

  “The first one was free.” His eyes locked with hers as he moved forward, forcing her to step back. “The second one, you’re gonna pay for, so don’t do it.”

  She tried to wrench her arm away, but he wouldn’t let her. The more she pulled the more he tightened his hand.

  Why did she think she could fight him?

  She was angry at hearing the truth, well he was angry having said it.

  He had all this shit to deal with and she was once again in the center of it, stealing his attention.

  “You could have stayed in your room and gone to sleep,” he hissed.

  “I’m not six years old. Let go of me.”

  “You followed me out here, at 2 a.m. Your dad didn’t ask you to do that did he? You had a choice about that right?”

  “I’m going to scream.”

  Her panting breath mixed with the spray of rainwater the bouncing off the wood planks of the porch.

  “Yeah.” Taking her arm, not much effort was needed to send her stumbling inside the hut. “You are.”

  Ciara’s shoes slid a bit as she tried to halt herself from possibly falling in the dark space.

  Her heartbeat pounded as she quickly turned to see Jack’s huge form following her through the door.

  “Why’d you follow me Ciara?” His deep voice filled the space as she saw him move to the side, closing the door.

  Thrown completely in the dark now, her damp hand rose to fix the falling strap of her gown while she searched for words. “I couldn’t sleep. I saw you running across the patio. I just wanted to know where you were going.”

  Jack turned on an oil lamp, filling the room with a gold light her eyes squinted to adjust to. “That’s all,” she added quietly.

  Jack’s white t shirt plastered to every muscle she remembered. He took his time straightening from the lamp that was on the small table. His face was like stone and he seemed more occupied with turning down an open shade.

  Did anything she could say even matter?

  “Just curious huh?” He turned to face her.

  His golden eyes caught the lamp light before he stepped away from the window.

  Jack stopped a few feet away from her. “Just a curious, spoiled rich girl.”

  Ciara pursed her mouth, her feet hit the ground hard as she tried to maneuver around the wall of man that stood between her and the door.

  His hand was on her jaw. She tried to pull away, hating the sudden rush of heat that blossomed between her legs. The hold wasn’t tight but it was stealing her breath.

  “Tell me what you’re curious for.” Ciara glanced at the door. “No.” He made her face him. “You want something, just say it.”

  His gaze slipped to her mouth as he waited.

  Jack’s hold tilted her head back, forcing her to make eye contact with him.

  “You already know what it is,” she managed.

  “I do.” He leaned toward her a bit. “But I want you to say it.”

  The power he had irritated her. The men around her were always trying to tell her what to do and she was sick of it.

  “I won’t.”

  Something flashed in his eyes. His breath was hard on her face.

  When he leaned closer, she found his face about an inch from hers. “Now you wanna be defiant hmm?” Jack leaned forward until his mouth was by her ear. “Not only are you gonna say it, you’re gonna beg for it.”

  The tip of his tongue tapped her ear before he gently pulled the lope into his mouth running his tongue over it.

  Jack’s mouth was gone before she could close her mouth over her gasp.

  Ciara pushed back on his chest, making sure to stay composed. “I don’t have to beg for anything.” She couldn’t let him overwhelm her.

  Jack stepped back from her, a nod gently bobbing his head. He reached for his waist and began pulling his shirt up. Sharp defined muscles were revealed as he pulled it off, tossing the wet fabric off to the side. It made a loud plop against the floor where it landed.

  “Because men usually just do what you want right?”

  She raised her chin a bit at his sarcasm. “Yes.”

  He started undoing the button on his jeans while eyeing her gown. “Take that off.”

  Ciara’s eyes lurched up from his hand.

  “You want me to do it?” he asked with a raised brow.

  Did she?

  Ciara was just a body of nerves now. And her brain seemed to have difficulty completing thoughts. All she knew was the mugginess of the air weighing against her skin and being under his gaze.

  She reached for the strap
that seemed intent on falling anyway and pushed it down her shoulder.

  “Not like that.” His words stopped her. “Over your head.”

  What difference did it make? She didn’t voice the question during their quiet stare down.

  Jack stood there in no hurry to touch the faded jeans that rested against his hips.

  It wasn’t a contest she would ever win so she snapped her head down as she reached for the hem of the wet gown.

  It was like elastic against her skin, peeling it up wasn’t an easy task. Right when the fabric was bunched around her neck she felt Jack’s hands, stopping her.

  She looked up at him in question.

  Watching her, Jack squeezed the fabric in his hands. A cascade of water fell to her collarbone before slipping down her breasts. Some of the cool water dipped into her belly button before dampening the waistband of her panties.

  Then his gaze dropped from hers, appearing follow the water’s trail down her body.

  His fist tightened and he squeezed the fabric harder, more water fell. This time his warm mouth met it at the base of her throat.

  Jack’s hold kept her arms upright while his tongue created a heated path down the center of her chest.

  Her exposed nipples tightened while his mouth lingered between them licking the water trail down to her stomach.

  The weight of her swelling breasts in combination with the aching peaks forced Ciara to close her eyes.

  Jack used the edge of his tongue to circle the outside of her navel. A strong pulse behind her underwear tightened her jaw. When he opened his mouth against her stomach his lower lip skimmed the line of her underwear.

  “Did I get it all?” he asked against her skin.

  Rough hands slipped between her thighs, his knuckles dented into her flesh as his hand rode up.

  “Did I?” Jack rose quickly, his tongue capturing her nipple. “Mm. I didn’t.”

  He pulled the gown away and held it in the same hand he slid her toward him with. The action pushed her breast against his face and he was more than ready for it.

  Ciara’s hands balled into fists as his lips sucked her nipple into his mouth. He was content to tease the very tip with his tongue, applying more pressure as her whimpers grew louder.

  “Fuckin’ perfect.” The words vibrated against her skin.

  When his finger plucked at her other nipple Ciara grabbed his wrist.

  Jack’s teeth grazed her drenched nipple before he stood to his full height, wearing the closest thing she’d seen to a smile.

  She let out a deep breath not letting go of his wrist. “You get on my nerves so much, Jack.”

  “Yeah.” He pulled his hand from her to gather her wet hair behind her head. “I know, princess.”

  Even before his mouth touched hers, she completely surrendered to him.

  She needed this time. She needed him.

  Jack’s mouth was different. This kiss wasn’t rushed and desperate like it had been at the casino. He took his time exploring her mouth, holding her close so their damp skin connected.

  Ciara reached up for his massive shoulders for an anchor as he put more weight behind the kiss. His tongue softly mated with hers before it curled up to the roof of her mouth. She clung to him in the heat, savoring the lushness of his mouth.

  It didn’t even matter that she didn’t know his past. He protected her, when he could have left her to die. But she couldn’t think of it beyond that. Right then nothing in the world existed beyond them, the hut and the rain.

  Rough fingertips were against her hips under the waistband of her panties. “These need to go,” he said gruffly against her open mouth.

  Ciara’s leg inched forward, touching wet jeans. “But you’re still wearing these.”

  Jack’s knuckles brushed beneath her belly button. “And you’re lucky.”

  She reached for his chest to touch him, then lightly pushed after his comment.

  Jack held her hand against him so she could feel his heartbeat.

  Pointing up, he said. “You see that beam? I want you to hold on to that.”

  “Wait. What?” She looked up to where he was pointing.

  “I’m going to lift you up. Don’t princesses like being lifted?”

  “What if we try this acrobat routine and the whole hut falls in on us?”

  He chuckled. “It’s sturdy. I’ve done chin ups on it.”

  His face seemed to dare her to say no.

  “It’s safer than those shoes you wear,” he pointed out before kneeling in front of her. When he pulled at a pompom on her slipper, he added, “Didn’t notice these.”

  “Leave my pompoms alone.” Shaking her head, she looked down at him. “I don’t know how this is supposed to work but I’ll try it.”

  Hooking a finger under her panties he dragged them down her hips in one motion. His face was only inches from her neatly trimmed mound and a harsh tingling began as he stared quietly at it.

  “Good,” was all he said.

  Jack’s breath grazed her calf as he carefully removed her foot from each sandy wet shoe.

  When her bare feet hit the wooden floor, Jack put them to the side before standing up again.

  “You ready to be an acrobat?” He held out his hand for her.

  Biting her lip, Ciara accepted his hand and stepped forward.

  With one swift lift Jack waited for her to grasp the beam before pulling her thighs to rest over his shoulders. She barely got accustomed to the change in height before he felt his mouth against her, lightly kissing the top of her mound.

  The hairy roughness of his cheeks against her damp thighs caused her to shift over his shoulders, unintentionally moving closer to his mouth. Jack held her up by the thighs about an inch off his shoulders, and the sudden movement had her grasping harder over the beam.

  The coolness of his breath forced her to acknowledge how wet she was. And completely vulnerable to him.

  The first touch of his tongue was him taking a light taste. It was a feathery touch but at her most sensitive part. It was aching for the contact.

  Ciara whimpered, shifting her body against his tongue while he held her wide open.

  While his tongue began to gently massage her clit, her stomach clenched. A light moan filtered from her lips.

  Just then, his tongue slipped deep inside her, causing her to gasp and tighten her grasp against the beam. Using his hands Jack pushed her up an inch before lowering her down on his tongue. Ciara felt her walls constrict around it, hungry for more and he gave it to her.

  She cried out and couldn’t stop, because he wouldn’t stop. His tongue penetrated her as he lifted her up and down over his face again and again until her back to curved forward. The spasms and the powerful grip of his hands overwhelmed her.

  Ciara was dripping down his mouth; he was so close she knew when he licked it off his bottom lip before going back to feeding off her.

  His lips skimmed over her clit, touching her outer folds, and teeth grazed her before he latched on to his sucking with just enough pressure for her to begin feeling the underside of her legs go numb.

  Her heartbeat slammed in her chest while she gasped for air.

  Jack lowered her down slightly so more of her body weighed down against his mouth as he completely devoured her.

  He wouldn’t stop …

  Against his back her legs twisted and she screamed, releasing her orgasm into his mouth. He made a noise against her and she didn’t know if it was pleasure or triumph; drinking it all as mini aftershocks rocked her body.

  Jack lowered her back to his shoulders, with his head still embedded between her legs, lapping at her swollen flesh.

  Trying to catch her breath, Ciara’s weak arms released the beam to cup the back of his head.


  His lips were gone, and she tumbled down his chest not stopping until her ass was over his belt buckle while he held her knees in the crook of his arms. Ciara grasped tightly to the back of his neck; eyes wide.
/>   Jack’s expression, however, was casual. “Imma start callin’ you Peaches instead of Princess. How’s that?”

  She hoped he wasn’t looking for an answer.

  “Peaches,” he repeated, looking down at her lips. “You wanna taste it?”

  His eyes were still sharp but a deeper golden and easy to get lost in. All she could do was nod feverishly before he leaned forward.

  He playfully kissed her, keeping it light. Then turned around and began walking as he held her in the same position.

  Once he came to a stop Ciara turned her head to see the small twin-size bed covered in white sheets.

  When she turned back to him, she barely got out a word before he tossed her on to it.

  It was shockingly soft, but her cry still filled the room as she landed on her back.

  The sight of him looming over her stole her comments over his actions. Power just emanated from him. Not the kind she was used to. Deep down, she always felt it. Even when they first met. His different kind of power seduced her. It caused her to follow him in the pouring rain.

  Jack was sculpted from granite and the only thing hiding her full sight of him was his jeans. Still the outline of his erection reminded her that they were far from finished.

  “You shouldn’t be here.” His zipper creaked as he pulled it down. “Just like you shouldn’t have been at my place.”

  Jack pushed his jeans and underwear down simultaneously before kicking them off. A sign his patience was wearing thin. When he straightened, Ciara couldn’t look away.

  “Wait a second,” she struggled for words. “Jack – Jesus.”

  He ignored her, leaning down to fish in his pants. When he stood again, he had a condom in his hand, which he hurriedly opened and put on.

  Ciara watched in awe as he pulled the plastic down his thick veiny shaft in three strokes.

  “Where is that supposed to go exactly?” The sharpness in her voice cut through the air and the sheets ruffled as she sat up.

  “Deep - inside – you,” was all he could say. He was moving beyond words at that point. And he needed her. He needed to be at a place beyond words with her.

  She continued staring at his dick, despite the flat line of her mouth she lifted her hand toward it. And her first touch was mercy. Blood coursing through it caused it to twitch as she measured the length of it with her small hand.


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