Chasing Sunset

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Chasing Sunset Page 19

by Missouri Vaun

  There were quite a few locals on the sidewalks as they drove toward the beach. Quaint outdoor cafés peppered both sides of the street. People lounged at sidewalk tables or walked their dogs. A shirtless guy holding a surfboard with one arm rode past them on a cruiser bike headed toward the boardwalk. This place had the same vibe as a bunch of the beach towns in Florida except that everyone here was a bit more fashionable, a bit cooler, and Finn got the impression they had more disposable income than anyone she knew. Finn wasn’t exactly sure why she thought that. Maybe it was the high concentration of expensive European cars and Teslas that surrounded them on the street.

  “How does it feel to be home?” Finn shifted into a lower gear. Traffic had slowed to a crawl the closer they got to the pier.


  “How so?” She glanced over at Iris.

  “Driving is a completely different experience. When you fly, somehow, you don’t realize how big the country is. You don’t realize how far you’ve traveled.” Iris paused and then pointed. “Just up there, take a right where that white car just turned.”

  The street Iris lived on was two blocks off the main drag. Most of the houses looked as if they were from the thirties or forties with well-groomed, mature landscaping. Iris directed her to park in front of a single-level, butter colored stucco house with a red tile roof.

  “This is your place?” Finn thought the house looked like something from a classic movie set in old Hollywood.

  “Well, technically it’s Maggie’s house and I just live here.” Iris got out of the car and fished in her purse for her keys. “Her grandparents were the original owners, and when they passed away she moved in to take care of the place. That was about six years ago.”

  “It’s a great house.” Finn flexed her back. She was stiff from driving.

  “Wait until you see the inside.”

  Finn followed Iris up the path of paving stones to the arched front entry. The wooden door looked as if it had seen a lot of action. There was a small inset window of stained glass in the pattern of a rose.

  “Maggie’s grandmother loved roses.” Iris anticipated her question.

  That seemed evident from the lawn, lushly edged with rose bushes.

  They’d hardly gotten in the door with the bags when someone squealed from the kitchen.

  “You’re home!” A very attractive, dark-haired woman bounded from the kitchen and embraced Iris. Her hair was straight but not as long as Iris’s. It barely brushed her shoulders. She had a slim build, elegant features, and brown eyes. And based on this first encounter, a bubbly demeanor. “I’m so glad. It’s so boring here without you.”

  “Maggie, this is Finn.” Iris made introductions.

  “Hi.” Finn was still holding the bags, but Maggie hugged her anyway. It seemed Californians liked to hug.

  “Regina and I were just texting about a belated birthday party for you. I think we should do it tomorrow. What do you think?”

  “Sure, why not.” Iris smiled and then looked at Finn for confirmation. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Absolutely. Your thirtieth birthday deserves serious recognition.”

  “I like her already.” Maggie hooked her arm through Finn’s. “Here, let me take one of those bags.” She started to walk down the hallway from the entry, tugging Finn along. “We have a spare room, or are you two sharing a room?” There was playfulness in her question.

  “We can put all the bags in my room.” Iris looked over her shoulder at Finn.

  Finn smiled. She was more than happy to share Iris’s room. Her classes at the track would start Monday, so she really only had what was left of Saturday and Sunday to bask in Iris’s company.

  As expected, the decor of Iris’s room had much more of a girlie flair than Finn’s rustic cabin. Colorful cushions were piled onto a very cozy looking four-post bed. The floors were hardwood, but soft sectional rugs were scattered about the room in strategic locations. There was a bathroom adjoining her room also. The tile was a colorful mix with a Spanish flavor.

  “You two settle in for a minute and then come sit on the patio with me. I picked up wine and some beer on my way home hoping we’d be having a party tomorrow.” Maggie looked back from the doorway. “Super nice to meet you, Finn.”

  Yes, definitely bubbly, but sweet.

  “We made it.” Iris put her arms around Finn’s waist.

  “It feels sort of surreal to be here…in your house…in your room.” Finn wrapped her arms around Iris.

  “I think I know what you mean.” Iris kissed her lightly on the lips. “Want to join Maggie out back?”

  “Sure. Let me change into shorts and I’ll come find you guys.” Finn wore jeans while driving because the leather seats got uncomfortable in the heat without long pants.

  “I’ll get a drink for you. Do you want a beer?”

  “Yeah, that’d be great.”

  Iris shut the door, leaving Finn alone to change. For a minute, she just stood in the center of the room letting everything sink in. She was feeling out of her element and nervous for some reason. She had no reason to feel unnerved. Maggie had been perfectly welcoming, and Iris had invited her to share her bedroom. What was she worried about? Oh, yeah, that’s what it was. Everything was too perfect. She was getting everything she wanted, and that always made her a little nervous.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  They hung out for a while with Maggie, but then she had to do a shift at the restaurant where she worked part-time. She was a painter by trade. The garage was her studio. But it was hard to have enough income from selling her paintings, so she picked up hours at a local restaurant. Finn hadn’t gotten a tour of the garage yet, but she was curious to know what sort of art Maggie did.

  After days spent in the car, Iris suggested they walk somewhere for dinner. There were several casual spots for tacos or California cuisine or sushi. They ended up deciding on tacos and enjoyed the cooling night air by eating outside.

  After dinner, Iris was inspired to play tour guide so she steered them toward the Santa Monica pier, a local landmark. The pier boasted a small amusement park and the vintage Looff Hippodrome carousel, a national historic landmark. Iris seemed mesmerized by the carousel. Finn decided it would be easy to stand and watch for a half hour and completely lose track of time.

  “So how did you and Maggie meet?” Finn stood beside Iris as they watched the colorful horses rise and sink.

  “When I moved to Los Angeles, before I got my first acting job, Maggie and I waited tables at the same restaurant.”

  “She seems nice.”

  “Maggie is great. We became instant friends. And then when her roommate moved out she asked me to move in. That was a little more than four years ago.” Iris turned to face Finn. “Should we keep going?”


  A beachfront walkway headed south of the pier to Venice and the heart of Bohemian LA. Near where Santa Monica Boulevard dead-ended at Ocean Avenue, a brass plaque marked the official end of Route 66. “Main Street of America,” read the plaque.

  “I was sixteen when I first heard about Route 66.” Finn stood looking at the inscription. “It only took me ten years to get here.”

  “Was it everything you hoped it would be?” Iris reached for Finn’s hand.

  “Everything and more.” Finn smiled at Iris as they turned back, walking hand in hand.

  There were lots of people out along the beach. They had to keep an eye out for joggers and cyclists.

  “Is this okay?”


  “This, holding hands.” Finn glanced down at their entwined fingers.

  “Oh, you mean two women holding hands?”

  “Yeah.” Finn hesitated. “I mean, you can be openly gay in Midtown Atlanta, but other places in Georgia it’s wise to be more mindful of where you are.”

  “It’s totally fine here. Trust me, no one cares.” She squeezed Finn’s hand for emphasis.

  “It does feel kinda…normal.�
� Finn nodded and quirked an eyebrow. “I like it.”

  “Hey, want to get some ice cream before we walk home?”

  “I never say no to ice cream.”

  They’d hatched this crazy trip plan over ice cream; it was only fitting that the epic drive should end with ice cream.

  * * *

  It was after nine by the time they got back to Iris’s place. Finn was feeling the fatigue of their early morning departure and a day of adjusting to new surroundings, Iris’s surroundings. This wasn’t the first night Finn had shared a room with Iris, but this felt different. This wasn’t some hotel room on neutral territory, this was Iris’s house, Iris’s bedroom. Finn wanted to relax but was a little on edge, not wanting to assume too much or appear to make herself at home in Iris’s space.

  She stood in the center of the room, waiting for some cue from Iris.

  Iris was tossing cushions from the bed to a nearby armchair. She must have realized Finn was watching. She straightened and looked at Finn.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I was just waiting…” She let her words trail off as Iris approached. The look Iris gave her churned her insides.

  “What are you waiting for?” Iris tugged at the hem of her T-shirt.

  “This is your space. I just…”

  “Finn, I want you here. I invited you, remember?”

  “Actually, I’m pretty sure I invited myself. That day at the corner store when I suggested we drive to California.”

  “Well, however it happened, I’m inviting you now. Come to bed.” Iris started to undress as she walked backward.

  Finn shucked out of her clothes and followed Iris. She slipped under the light comforter. Iris’s skin was smooth and warm and electric. Everywhere her flesh brushed across Iris’s her skin tingled. Iris rolled onto her back and drew Finn along with her, pulling her on top.

  Iris, what are we going to do about this? About Us? Those were the questions Finn wanted to ask but didn’t. Instead, she brushed a strand of hair away from Iris’s cheek and kissed the spot where it had lain. How could she ask those questions without seeming needy? Too needy, too soon. If Iris had any of the same questions about what the future held, she didn’t voice them. So, neither did Finn. She stuffed those thoughts down and focused on Iris.

  Iris rotated in her arms so that her back was against Finn’s chest. Iris spooned in Finn’s arms, pressing her ass against Finn. Iris had the most splendid ass. Finn swept her palm down the outside curve of Iris’s hip, over her thigh and then back to rest on the soft curve at the lowest part of her stomach. Finn was tired, but snuggled against Iris’s body like this made it hard to imagine falling asleep.

  She brushed Iris’s hair aside and tenderly kissed her neck. Iris moaned softly and shifted more firmly against her. Finn had one arm beneath Iris’s neck, with just enough reach to cover Iris’s breast. She teased Iris’s nipple with her fingertips. Iris covered Finn’s hand with hers, stroking her forearm lightly.

  Finn was getting so turned on. She slid her other hand down farther and began to stroke slowly between Iris’s legs. Iris turned a little, put her hand at the back of Finn’s head and pulled her down until their lips met. Their tongues danced as the kiss deepened. Iris opened her legs for Finn. She was still partially spooned against Finn so that Finn could touch her, but Iris couldn’t really reach Finn.

  “Don’t roll over. Just let me have you…like this.” Finn rubbed faster and every few strokes, slid inside. Iris arched against her hand, matching Finn’s rhythm.

  Iris wanted to touch Finn, but her position had her at such an angle that she couldn’t. She was at Finn’s mercy. Finn squeezed her nipple teasingly as she increased the friction with her other hand over Iris’s sex. She’d thought they might be too tired to make love, but the minute she’d snuggled next to Finn’s body she’d been instantly awake. Finn’s skin was like a match strike against hers. She gripped Finn’s forearm.

  “Let me…” She was breathless and could hardly get the words out. “Let me roll over. I want you to come with me.”

  She rotated in Finn’s arms and then pulled Finn on top so that her thigh was between Finn’s legs. She gripped Finn’s hips and applied pressure. She wanted Finn to grind against her. Finn kissed her deeply and slid back inside. The cadence of their movements was perfect. Iris was going to come and she felt sure Finn was right there with her. Above her, Finn’s entire body was rigid for an instant. She opened her eyes and looked at Iris with the most soulful expression. Iris felt Finn’s gaze deep in her chest. The connection surprised her and she almost lost herself, but Finn was thrusting inside her now, and sucking her breast, and she was cresting the wave of her orgasm. It built and built and swelled until…she crashed. Her limbs trembled and she clung to Finn.

  “Don’t let go,” she whispered. Her lips brushed against Finn’s neck.

  “I won’t let go.”

  And Iris believed her.

  She believed in Finn so much that she’d let go. She’d allowed Finn to slip past her carefully guarded emotional wall of safety. She’d let Finn come in, all the way in. Finn slowly moved her fingers, she was pulling away, but Iris touched her arm.

  “Don’t move.” She pressed her lips to Finn’s. “Stay.”

  Finn’s heart was pounding in her chest and in her ears. She could feel Iris’s heartbeat through her fingertips. She relaxed on top of Iris. Something had shifted between them just now. The intensity of their lovemaking had ratcheted up exponentially. She felt exposed, as if her chest cavity were open to the air and Iris had reached in and taken her heart into her hands.

  Iris had asked her to stay. Stay. The word that always triggered her flight response. But when Iris had asked her to stay, for the first time in her life, that was exactly what she wanted to do. But how could she?

  * * *

  The next morning, Iris woke before Finn.

  She was home, but home felt different somehow. As if the air had changed, or the temperature of the room, or the angle of the sun. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what exactly she was sensing. Beside her, Finn slept on her stomach. Her left arm, bent at the elbow, hung off the edge of the bed. Iris rolled over and kissed Finn’s back. She fought the urge to slip her hand beneath the sheet and caress Finn until she was awake.

  She propped on her elbow for a moment and watched Finn sleep. She checked her phone. It was only seven thirty. Why was she so awake?

  Last night things had been different with Finn. She’d felt the shift like a small seismic aftershock. Up to this point she’d been having fun. They’d both been having fun, keeping things casual and light. But last night, things moved beyond that for her. She wondered if Finn sensed it too. She’d felt safe enough with Finn to be vulnerable.

  The temptation was too great.

  She feathered her fingertips along Finn’s shoulder, then beneath the covers, down the curve of her spine to her waist. She slid her palm slowly across Finn’s firm ass. She moved closer, so that she could lightly kiss Finn’s shoulders while she explored with her fingers.

  Finn was still wet. Knowing she made Finn this turned on made her smile.

  Iris moved partially on top of Finn so that she could trace the outside curve of her ear with the tip of her tongue. Slowly, and very deliberately, she caressed Finn from behind. Finn moaned softly into her pillow and shifted her legs farther apart. Iris took this as a sign to continue. She was on top of Finn now, pressing her into the mattress as she teased Finn’s sex and ground her own against Finn’s ass. She was going to make herself come simply by touching Finn and rubbing against her.

  Finn fisted the sheet as Iris slid her fingers inside from behind. She’d been sound asleep when she’d hazily realized Iris was caressing her. Like some erotic dream she wasn’t sure if she’d imagined or was actually real.

  Iris’s hot mouth was on her neck. Her hair tickled her shoulder blades as she moved on top of Finn. And every time Iris rocked against her ass she teasingly brushed the
hard points of her nipples across Finn’s back. Finn had never been with anyone the way she was with Iris. She’d never allowed anyone to do the things Iris was doing right now, but she trusted Iris, she was in love with Iris.


  Full stop.

  She was in love with Iris?

  Iris was fucking her and she was about to completely lose control.

  She reached around, filled her fingers with Iris’s hair, and tugged Iris firmly against her back. She rocked into Iris as Iris pumped inside her.

  “Oh God…” She was coming hard and she was completely at Iris’s mercy.

  “I’ve got you,” Iris whispered urgently, breathlessly. “I’m coming with you…don’t stop.”

  She arched her back, lifting off the bed a few inches as the orgasm raged through her body. Every muscle was taut. Every fiber strained to the point of snapping, and then, finally, release. Finn dropped to the pillow. Iris clung to her and trembled.

  She rolled over in one strong move, throwing Iris onto her back. She kissed Iris hard, she fed on her mouth as if she’d been starved and Iris was the only thing to satisfy her hunger. She pressed her sex against Iris as one last tremor rippled through her body.

  “Iris…” She didn’t know what she wanted to say.

  “Finn, last night was incredible.” Iris held Finn’s face in her hands. “I couldn’t help myself…when I saw you sleeping there…so handsome. Your back, your arms—”

  Finn kissed her, swallowing the words.

  Iris, I’m falling in love with you. And that scares the shit out of me.

  “What is it?” Iris broke the kiss and looked up at Finn with a searching expression.

  “You’re beautiful.” Was all she could say.

  She snuggled into Iris’s neck and drew her close.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


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