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Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian

Page 26

by Jenn Nixon

  Hutt handed the king her results.

  Without a break, the group led Tiva into the great hall and tested her knowledge of the various weapons used by the guardians. Her sword, the weapon that she was most comfortable with, did not come into play. Instead, she used a staff, a blunted axe, long and short wooden blades, lances, as well as an antiquated spear and flail fashioned by her ancestors during the first cycles of the guardianship. To ensure her safety she donned a light chain mail, and defended herself against Yark Finto.

  She held her own against him, faltering twice while using the flail, a weapon she never learned. When Harer ended this phase, he called her into the main study and asked various questions about battles of the past. Thankful for the break, she allowed her body to rest while her mind worked hard to answer every question.

  It felt strange correcting what she thought were mistakes of her predecessors, including the one mishap of her grandmother Garloa’s first battle. The inquisition lasted until midday, and finally she was given instructions for the final phase.

  “Somewhere hidden within the palace grounds is the sword of Trilo, the first Royal Guardian. As you know from your studies, Trilo was notorious for keeping a stash of weapons for sudden attacks. We will supply you with one clue to start your mission; however, there are rules. You can ask no one where to find the weapon. You can use anything within the palace and grounds to help you. Some of the guardians will attempt to catch you if they see you; others may turn a blind eye. If a guardian detains you, you will be brought back to the Great Hall and the mission will be over. This is not an operation of only stealth and covert tactics, but also that of speed and deception. You’ve been tested to your limits and now you must focus everything into this last task. It will not be easy. You will find your clue somewhere in the garden. It is not guarded so, once you leave the area, the test begins. Any questions?”

  “No, sire.”

  “Very well. Darlew, escort Guardian Boon to the garden,” he said.

  Darlew led her outside and through the courtyard. She surveyed the area, memorizing the placement of each guardian. Most seemed on normal patrols, but she sensed an air of excitement around the grounds. They reached the entrance. Tiva searched the courtyard one last time, and without a word entered and began her search for the clue. She cleared her mind of thought and strengthened her shield. This was the final test. She would not fail. If anyone sensed her presence, she may. She reached the center of the garden and found a small piece of parchment on the bench.

  Trilo, known for his unconventional tactics, never used the same location to hide his weapons. The sword you seek is an heirloom to the throne of Abennelp and is sheltered among those it serves.

  She read the parchment twice, and a smiled crossed her lips. It was hidden inside somewhere. The clue offered as much, and she knew Trilo himself would not risk natural elements to ruin his blade. Knowing the palace would be the least likely of all the buildings on the ground, Tiva looked at the guardian hall and hover deck first, the smaller buildings were awkwardly scattered around the grounds and did not provide easy access to a hidden weapon if there was a threat. The hover deck was closer to the side entrance, but most likely more heavily guarded. The guardian hall would be a place of last defense, and a better choice. She’d try the hall first, and take the long way around to the hover deck if she did not find the weapon there. She knew she could also exit the palace grounds via the front gate and slip in through the side entrance, but it was difficult to get past the guardians at the front gate unless disguised. She laughed, and suddenly knew exactly what to do.

  Swiftly, she moved to the far side of the garden. Through the brush, she peered out and saw three guardians talking on the main path to the palace. She surveyed the ground and picked up three large rocks. She threw two over the brush, aiming for a tree that lined the path. The guardians heard the rustle of leaves and went toward it. Tiva burst through the vine wall of the garden and ran across the courtyard to the pond. She hid behind the shrubbery and debated her next move.

  Circling around the pond, she carefully timed her runs to the far side. She checked the guardian hall entrances, but from her vantage point only saw the side left unguarded. However, the front most likely was. Unsheathing the sword and pulling the Timbur from her belt, she returned to the edge of the pond, and using the two metal weapons, created a spark, and lit one of the shrubs on fire. Satisfied it would burn enough to get attention, she darted across the courtyard to the side entrance.

  She slipped inside just in time to hear a few guardians mention the commotion outside. Quickly and quietly, she searched each room of the hall. Almost caught twice, she retraced her steps a few times, and when she reached the side entrance again, sighed having not found Trilo’s sword. She walked around the back of the hall, and knew she’d have to get inside the palace for her next attempt.

  Infiltrating the palace was easier than she thought. She used the servant’s entrance, and made her way toward the king’s chamber. Slipping into the corridor, she found it empty and smiled. She stalked toward the doors and once inside searched the queen’s wardrobe.

  Harer made the mistake of saying she could use anything in the palace. So, she found Mirta’s clothing rack, donned one of the queen’s white and gold cloaks over hers. Raising the hood over her head was the perfect disguise; she only hoped the queen wouldn’t be angry. Tiva returned to the corridor and decided to test the disguise. Peeking out into the main hall, she noticed several guardians walking around. She waited for a few to disperse. With the hood close around her head, she stepped out and crossed the hall. She passed the lift with no problem and made it to the opposite hallway. She chuckled under her breath, and strode to the exit, knowing the next feat was more difficult.

  Guardians always stood at the exit. Skky Finto was there when Tiva entered the garden earlier and she hoped she was still alone. Tiva pulled out her PCD to contact her.

  “Guardian Finto.”

  “The queen requests you ready her hover, she has business in the market place.” Tiva deepened her voice.


  She smiled, edged closer to the door, and cracked it open to look. Skky was running to the hover deck. Tiva waited then walked out slowly, keeping behind a few paces. When Skky entered, Tiva changed directions to the back of the hover storage building. So far, she was safe. The soft hum of the hover reverberated through the facility and Skky moved the vehicle outside. Now was her chance. She dashed through the back entrance and began her furious search. She checked each room, container, hovercraft, and storage bin. The weapon was not there. Tiva grumbled under her breath and moved back to the exit. As she peered around the corner, she noticed several guardians heading to Skky. Tiva retrieved the clue from her belt and read it again. If Trilo hid it where guardians served, it would not be the guardian hall; it was not built in his time. She grumbled realizing she’d wasted time in the new buildings, and with a short hop over a bush, Tiva ran toward the first of the archaic buildings.

  The first was made of stone and glass, a structure that had seen many battles, and remained unoccupied. Still, her cautious nature took hold and she slowed her ascent, and then glanced inside through a dirty cobalt window. Nothing stirred, so she slipped through one of the large gaping holes and searched.

  “Damn the spirits!” she said.

  She exited the opposite side, and checked on the guardians. They seemed to be searching the hover deck. One was shaking his head, the other shrugging. Smiling, Tiva ran into a patch of trees and darted to the second building. When she entered, she heard a voice in the distance. Someone was coming. She cringed and hurried to search the rooms.

  The voice now accompanied by another drew near.

  Tiva reached the last room and there it was, hanging on the wall, the sword of Trilo. She took possession, and went to the front of the building. Two guardians were exiting the first building she just left. She was so close, she refused to fail now.

  As swift as
her shaking fingers allowed, she stripped off Mirta’s cloak then her own, then donned Mirta’s cloak once more. She hung her cloak near the main entrance, hoping to occupy them while she escaped to the palace. Silently, she exited from the back and slipped around the building. The palace door was still unguarded, she ran across the expanse at top speeds.

  She burst through the doors and down the corridor. She skidded to a stop near the main study and pressed her ear to the door. Satisfied, she entered the room and smiled. She’d done it. She sat for a moment, thinking. If everyone was watching, they probably lost sight of her after she entered the guardian hall or palace, and if she were the king, she’d watch from the summit room for it had the best view of the palace grounds.

  Concealing Trilo’s weapon under the cloak, she went to the tower lift.

  She past several guardians, they bowed to her, she returned, keeping well hidden in the folds of the hood. At the lift, she took a deep breath and leaned back as it rose through the tower. After exiting, she walked through the corridor, again bowing to those who passed by. Finally, she reached the doors and pulled them open. The group of guardians and king turned.

  “Your majesty,” the guardians bowed.

  Tiva walked in slowly.

  “Mirta?” Harer said.

  She lowered the hood, parted the cloak, and pulled out Trilo’s sword. The entire room went silent. Harer started to laugh. Her father and uncles joined in, the remaining guardians were smiling and shaking their heads as if shocked. Tiva walked to the king, kneeled, and held the sword before him.

  “The sword of Trilo Boon, the first Royal Guardian of Abennelp, sire.”

  “You have completed the final phase, Guardian Boon.” Harer took the sword from Tiva. He placed his hand on top of her head. “Your test is complete. Rise and meet your fate.”

  She stood and pressed her hand to her heart. Harer glanced at the other guardians, and they returned to attention.

  “Tradition states one must pass all phases of the test to become a level one guardian,” he said solemnly. Her stomach turned. “And as you well know, this tradition is one that cannot be overlooked.”

  “Yes, sire,” she said, her mind reeling.

  “You were told this task would be difficult, were you not?”

  “Yes, sire.”

  “You have passed phase three, Guardian Becha…”

  Bip tapped on the data recorder and met her eyes. “You have passed phase one.”

  “Guardian Ispek…” Harer glanced over.

  Hutt stepped forward with a data recorder in his hand. He paused, frowned, and looked at Tiva. She failed. Her heart sank. Making it this far was a sign, and she wouldn’t let one failure sway her as her father advised, she’d have to study harder and try again. She breathed in and stood straighter, her gaze locked on Hutt.

  “You have passed phase two,” he said.

  “I under…” she paused, and blinked unsure she heard right. “Pardon?”

  “You have passed phase two,” he repeated.

  She looked to her father. Harer stepped closer and placed his hand on her shoulder. Bewildered, she opened her mouth, but was wordless.

  “Again words elude you?” he said, amused. “This day will be recorded in history as the day Tiva Boon was speechless upon her induction to the elite Royal Guardianship.”

  “Sire?” she said, still it had not sunk in.

  “Well done,” he said, and grinned. “Well done, indeed.” The group began to clap and cheer.

  “You did it, dearest one!” Kevler said. He held out his hands to her. She ran to him and jumped into his arms. He twirled her around and squeezed the air from her body. “Spirited blessings, my daughter!”

  She lowered her mental shield, and felt the happiness and excitement in the room. Lingering somewhere, though, was a quiet sadness, but it passed as she looked around the room. “Thank you, Father!” She kissed his cheek before slipping from his arms. Each guardian embraced and congratulated her. She approached Harer. “From the very depths of my spirit, sire, I thank you for this opportunity and give my solemn word that I shall not disappoint you.”

  The king pulled her into his arms. There is nothing you can do to disappoint me, Tiva. You have earned this honor on your own accord; no one can take that from you.

  Thank you, Harer.

  Tespor, Rux, and the other guardians missing earlier entered the room, followed by servants with ale and food.

  “Now, the Royal Guardians will celebrate this historical day. No longer will the barriers of gender keep those worthy of this honor from attaining it,” Harer said, and everyone cheered.

  The guardians and king celebrated until nightfall. Tiva wandered the room speaking with each, recounting stories of their tests. She learned the results of hers, and while she didn’t receive the highest marks in every section, she surpassed many of the male guardians in endurance and phase three. Everyone enjoyed her disguise tactic, and admitted they lost sight of her when she entered the guardian hall, just as she suspected. No one expected her to come to the summit room either, which added to the humor of the situation.

  Tiva asked the king to apologize and return Mirta’s cloak, Harer laughed and said: “It is a great story to tell as time goes by, no other guardian had attempted such a maneuver.”

  The gathering neared its end and many guardians took their leave, her father, uncle Devler, Tespor, Rux, and the king remained with her in the summit room. Tiva was anxious to tell her mother and siblings she passed, but Kevler said that everyone already knew. The announcement went out to the palace and PCD’s while they celebrated.

  “I must take my leave, Tiva. I am on duty early, and we have another gathering tomorrow.” Tespor approached.

  “Yes, I am pleased you are coming.”

  “This is one celebration I would be a fool to miss. You may possibly have the most guardians ever to attend a Remembrance. Everyone will want to speak with the first female elite.”

  She felt her markings pink, and smiled. “Your support and belief in me was unmatched, Tespor, and I shall never forget.” Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed his cheek and held him tight. “Thank you, my friend.”

  His markings lightened as he looked into her eyes. “You are most welcome.”

  “Keep safe, Tespor.”

  “Well wishes, Tiva.”

  Kevler beamed as they walked to the hover. Feeling as tall as the Palace of Kinchar, Tiva held her head high, full with pride, her goal achieved. At home, her mother, Remock and Bintu were waiting. They continued with a family celebration until midnight. D’laja refused help with the cleaning, and shooed Tiva off to bed knowing she was exhausted.

  In the comfort of her room, Tiva stripped her uniform off and slipped into her sleep clothing. Rest would come easily for her, the test was far more taxing than she imagined, and her body agreed as she lay back against her pillows.

  Kevler came to bid her good night, and sat with her for a while. “I never doubted your abilities, dearest one, but none of us predicted that you would do so well. Your strength is truly a gift from the spirits.”

  “I was trained well, Father.”

  “Indeed,” he said. “And between us, your aunts are pleased, though I sensed some jealousy at your accomplishment.”

  “That is not what I intended.” She frowned.

  “Do not fret, they have no desire to become elite guardians. Jinka is too docile for such a task, and Lilla does not possess the commitment. They know you earned your rank; still, many crave what they cannot achieve.”

  “I dare not say the path was easy, I thought I failed when Hutt frowned.” She rested her head on her father’s shoulder. “The ruse caught me completely off guard.”

  He laughed. “It certainly did. Harer made the suggestion. He enjoys watching his guardians squirm. He carried on and on when your friend Tespor came before him, poor boy almost fainted after he realized he passed. And he was worse on Yark.”

  “I am sorry I missed such a
n event,” she said, stifling a yawn.

  Kevler kissed her forehead. “You will see all the ceremonies going forward, there are plenty remaining. You have another long day ahead of you, dearest one; sleep well.”

  Tiva lay down and pulled her blanket to her chin. Offering her father a weak, tired smile, she closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It seemed to be cause for concern, yet many did not act as if they were bothered. Tranquility, that is what the others often said, but it wasn’t settling as easily for Tiva. She spent the days following her eighteenth Remembrance retelling her level one guardian test. Everyone she met wanted to hear the story. Renown among guardians, legionnaires, Mystics, Healers, and all the general populace of Abennelp followed her. It was truly inescapable, and after several months, it became a burden. The feat itself was something to be proud of, yet if she had expected such attention, she may have rethought her desires.

  Acclimating herself to the new duty of protecting the royal family was easy. They required escort to various provinces occasionally. She attended many council meetings, and generally kept a close guard on everyone in her charge. The threat of the Rebels seemed furthest from everyone’s mind, except hers. Always on high alert, some considered her paranoid and kept their distance. Tiva cared not, for her instincts rarely steered her wrong.

  Holding the honor of personal guardian to the king and queen along with her father, Uncle Devler, and Darlew Finto, afforded her the chance to learn more than the other guardians. The elite guardians who passed the test before her disliked the fact that she was one of the king’s guardians. However, the king assured her she had earned the post. Perhaps it was her observation skills, or maybe the simple fact Harer knew Tiva longed to rid the land of all who opposed the throne and continue in a truly peaceful society. In that aspect, they shared a common bond. Peace, it was a wonderful word; she knew, however, that such things never lasted long.


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