The Chinese in America
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Communist revolution (1949)
Comstock Lode
Confucianism coolies (k’u-li)
Cooper, Chris
Cooper, Grant B.
Cox, Christopher
Crocker, Charles
Crocker, E. B.
Cubic Air law (1870)
Cultural Revolution (1966-76)
Dana, Richard Henry
Deng Jiaxian
Deng-Reagan pact
Deng Xiaoping
Densmore, John deportation
Der, Henry
Dershowitz, Alan
Der Spiegel
Deutch, John
Donaldina Cameron House Dong Zem
Dorney P S. dotcoms
Drumwright, Everett F. due process, right of
Dunn, Robert
Durant, Thomas
East Coast. See also specific cities
East Coast Asian Student Union
Eaton, Edith Maud
Ebens, Ronald
economic crises, Chinese
economic crises, U.S.. See also specific crises
education. See also universities and colleges, U.S.: of American-born Chinese; bilingual; in California; in China; of Chinese in United States ; integration of ; in Mississippi; Qing dynasty exchange program; racial quotas in; racism in ; in San Francisco; segregation of; in Taiwan ; of women
El Dorado County
employment. See also specific occupations: in California; in China; of Chinese Americans ; racism in ; during World War II
Eng, Andy
Eng, Phoebe
equal protection, right of
Eu, March Fong
European immigrants
exclusion laws: Chinese Exclusion Act (1882). See Chinese Exclusion Act (1882); Geary Act (1892); repeal of; Scott Act (1888)
Expatriation Act of 1907
factories and factory workers . See also garment industry
Fair Employment Practice Commission, California State
Families with Children from China
family and family life . See also children; Gold Mountain families
Fang Lizhi
Far, Sui Sin. See Eaton, Edith Maud farming and farm workers
Fatal Hour, The
Father and Glorious Descendant (Lowe)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Emergency Relief Act
Fifteenth Amendment
Fifth Academy of National Defense
Fifth Chinese Daughter (Wong)
film and film industry First Sino-Japanese War
First Suburban Chinatown: The Remaking of Monterey Park, California (Fong)
Flower Drum Song, The (Lee)
Fong, Harold
Fong, Hiram Leong
Fong, Marian
Fong, Martha
Fong, Matt
Fong, Mickey
Fong, Timothy
Fong-Torres, Barry
Fong-Torres, Ben
Fong Yue Ting v. United States
food and food customs
Fook Soo
Forbidden City nightclub
Foreign Assets Control Regulation (1917)
foreign-born Chinese. See immigrants, Chinese
forty-niners. See gold rush and gold rushers 4-A (Asian Americans for Affirmative Action)
Fourteenth Amendment
Fox News
Fuchs, Klaus
Fujian province
Fuller, Melville
Fu Manchu
Gai, Feng
Gan, David
Gao Liqin garment industry
Gates, Bill
Geary, John
Geary Act (1892)
GI Bill
Gibson, Otis
Ging Hawk Club
Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia
Gobi Desert
Golden Dreams and Waking Realities (Shaw)
Golden Venture
Gold Hills News
Gold Mountain families
gold rush and gold rushers; Chinese experience in; effect on San Francisco; foreign miner’s tax; lawlessness during ; miner’s daily life; prostitution during; wages; water wheel invented
Good Earth, The (film)
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grass Valley Indians
Gray, Horace
Great Britain
Great Depression
Great Leap Forward (1958)
Great Wall of China grocery stores
Guangdong province; American money sent to; emigration from ; food supplies in; Gold Mountain families. See Gold Mountain families; merchant class in; mining in; opera troupes; rebellions against Qing dynasty; return to ; transcontinental railroad recruitment in; visits to
Gubbins, Tom
Hall, George W.
Han, Yu-shan Han people
Harper’s New Monthly
Harper’s Weekly
Harrigan, Edward
Hart-Celler Act Harte, Bret
Harvard University
“Heathen Chinee, The” (Harte)
Hell’s Canyon (Oregon) herbalists
Hervey, James B.
Him, Suey
Hip Sing tong
Ho, Chinn
Ho, David
Ho, Fred
Hoar, George Frisbie
Horn, Montgomery home ownership
Hl-B visa program
Hong, Kaye
Hong King
Hong Kong; “astronauts,” ; author’s family in; British control of; Chinese immigration to ; cold war and; immigration corruption in; immigration from; Japanese capture of; laundry shipped to
Hong Xiuquan
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hopkins, Mark hospitals, exclusion of Chinese from
Houston & Texas Central Railroad
Howe, James Wong
Hsiao Teh Seng
Hsieh, Tony
Hsu, Carl
Hu, Chih-Ming
Huang Qiming
Huie Kin
Hundred Days’ Reform Movement (1898)
Hung Wai Ching
Huntington, Collis P.
Hurley, Patrick
Hu Yaobang
Hu Yunxiao
Hwang, David Henry
Hwang, Helena
illegal immigrants and immigration: confession program; during exclusion era; government complicity in; journey of; living conditions; naturalization of; during 1990s, ; paper sons; smuggling of. See smuggling
immigrants, Chinese. See also Chinese American(s)and American-born Chinese (ABCs); illegal immigrants and immigration; immigration, Chinese; Taiwanese Americans and immigrants: activism of; American-born Chinese to, ratio of; arrival in San Francisco of; assimilation of ; burial rites of; in canning industry; census listing of; Chinese Americans and ; clothing of; dangers faced in journey of; departure from United States of; deportation of; divided loyalties of; downward mobility of ; on East Coast; as employers ; exploitation of other Chinese immigrants by; extortion of ; as factory workers ; family life of. See family and family life; as farmers ; fate of; as fishermen; foreign-born children of; gambling and; garment industry. See garment industry; geographic dispersal of; as gold rushers; grocery stores of; as herbalists; illegal. See illegal immigrants and immigration; ineligibility for citizenship; intellectuals. See intellectuals; intermarriage of; inventions of. See inventions; Irish immigrants and ; journey to United States of ; as laundrymen. See laundrymen; legal action. See legal action, anti-Chinese; legal action by Chinese; living conditions of; male-to-female ratio; mixed-race descendants of; Native Americans and; non-quota ; numbers of ; occupations of . See also specific occupations; othe
r minorities and ; paper sons of ; as plantation workers ; as political refugees ; poverty of; racism against. See racism, anti-Chinese; railroads and ; recruitment of; reentry, right of; reputation of ; as restaurant owners ; in retail trade; return to China by; rights denied to; Sacramento-San Joaquin delta reclamation by; as scribes; social life of; social welfare system and; socioeconomic status of ; solitude of; as strikebreakers; in suburbia; tax burden of; transcontinental railroad and; visits to China by; wages of. See wages and earnings; white responses to. See also racism, anti-Chinese; as witnesses in court ; working conditions
immigration, Chinese. See also immigrants, Chinese: banning of. See exclusion laws; brokers; to California; corruption alleged; earthquake of 1906’s effect on; to East Coast ; efforts to ban; from Hong Kong; illegal. See illegal immigrants and immigration; during 1950s and 1960s; during 1960s;
immigration, Chinese (cont.): during 1980s, ; during 1990s, x; during nineteenth century; as one-way trip; periods of; quota for ; reasons for ; regulation of. See immigration laws; from Taiwan. See Taiwanese Americans and immigrants; to Taiwan; two-tiered
immigration, Taiwanese. See Taiwanese Americans and immigrants
Immigration Act (1924)
Immigration Act (1990)
Immigration and Nationality Act (1952)
Immigration and Nationality Act (1965)
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Immigration Council of the Chinese Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association
immigration laws . See also exclusion laws; specific laws
immigration officials intellectuals; Chinese civil war and; cold war and; immigration by ; life during 1960s; Nationalist spying on; numbers of ; permanent residence status for; San Francisco community of; spying allegations against; Taiwanese
Inter-Collegiate Chinese for Social Action
International Chinese Business Directory of the World (1913) inventions
Irish immigrants
I Wor Ken
Jan, Flora Belle
Jann, Smiley
Japan: aggression toward China; automobile industry of; First Sino-Japanese War; “Gentleman’s Agreement,” 161n; Pearl Harbor attack by; Sino-Japanese War; Taiwan and ; U.S. trade deficit with
Japanese Americans and immigrants; Chinese American and; internment of; in military; Pearl Harbor and; racism against; stereotypes of
Jen, Gish
Jeong, Bessie
Jim Crow laws
Joe, Ray
Johnson, Lyndon
Joy Luck Club, The (Tan)
Jung, David
Justice for Vincent Chin Committee
Kan, Andrew
Kang Youwei
Kaufman, Charles
Kearney, Denis
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, John F.
Kiangnan Machine Works
Kim, Elaine
Kim, Hong
Kim, Lillian Lee
Kim Il Sung
Kin, Huie
Kincaid, Cliff
King, Martin Luther, Jr. Kingston, Maxine Hong
Kong Chow Association
Koon, Chong D.
Koopmanschap, Cornelius
Korean War
Kukka, Christine
Kung, H. H.
Kuo, Chia-ling
Kwan, Michelle
Kwan, Nancy
Kwoh, Stewart
Kwong, Chong, Wing & Company
labor and labor issues: contracts; conventions; illegal aliens and ; Sino-Japanese War and; strikes ; unions; working conditions
Lai, Him Mark
Lai, Jimmy
Lam, David
land ownership
language, Chinese
Larson, Louise Leung
Lau, Stanley
Lau v. Nichols
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lea, Homer
League of Nations
Leang, Amy
Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of an Eurasian (Eaton)
Lee, Ang
Lee, Bill
Lee, Bruce
Lee, Chin Yang
Lee, Clarence
Lee, Dai-ming
Lee, David
Lee, Lancing F.
Lee, Richard
Lee, Rose Hum
Lee, Tsung-Dao
Lee, Wallace
Lee, Wen Ho
Lee, Yan Phou
Lee Chew
legal action by Chinese -139n. See also activism of Chinese Americans; specific cases
legislation, anti-Chinese. See also immigration laws; specific laws: in California; China’s response to; Chinese responses to; lapsing of ; in New York City; in San Francisco-139n
Lem Moon Sing v. United States Leon, William
Leong, Charlie
Leong Bick Ha
Let Keung Mui
Leung, Alex
Leung, Bernice
Leung, Faith So
Leung, Hugh
Leung, Lillie
Leung, Louise
Leung, Tom
Leung, Tye
Li, Wei
Liang Qichao
Liang Tun-yen
Lieu, Ted
Lim, Harry
Lin, Chia-Chiao
Lin, Sam Chu
Lin, Tung-Yen
Ling, Dick
Ling Sing
Lin, Maya
Lin Zexu
Liu, Henry
Liu Haiming
Liu Zongren
Locke, Gary
Loewen, James W.
London, Jack
Lone Mountain Cemetery
Long Island (New York)
Long March (1934)
Loo, Bessie
Loo, Jim
Look, J. S.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Survey of Race Relations (1924)
Los Angeles Times
Louie, Clifford
Louie, Lillian
Loving v. Virginia
Low, Charlie
Low, James
Lowe, Pardee
Lowell High School
Luce, Henry
Lue Gim Gong
Luh, Raymond
Lum Gong Lum Yip Kee
Lung Chin
Ma, Theresa
MacArthur, Douglas
McCarran-Walter Act
McConnell, Mitch
McCunn, Ruthanne Lum
McKeown, Adam
MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Madame Chiang Kai-shek Air WACs
Magnuson, Warren
Magnuson Act (1943)
Maidu Indians
Main Street (Lewis)
Manchus/Manchuria . See also Qing dynasty
Manifest Destiny
Mao Zedong
Mar, M. Elaine
Marginal Man, The (Tsung)
Mariposa County
marriage. See also family and family life; arranged; Chinese attitude toward; citizenship and; Confucian ideal of; to foreign-born women; interracial
Marshall, George C.
Marshall Plan
Mar Sui Haw
Massachusetts Institute of Technology May, Michael
May Fourth movement (1919)
Meet the Press
Mee Yung
military, U.S.: Chinese in ; Japanese in ; racism in
Miller, John F.
Ming dynasty
mining: gold. See gold rush and gold rushers; in Guangdong province
Mississippi Chinese, The (Loewen)
Mississippi River
“model minority,” Chinese Americans as
Mona in the Promised Land (Jen)
Monson Academy
Monterey Park (California)
Monterey Park Progress
Moore, Paul
Morrison Education Society School
Moy, Afong
Moy, Eugene
Murieta, Joaquin
Murray, Hugh
My Country Versus Me (Lee)
Nanjing (Nanking)
Nation, The
National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)
National Archives, U.S.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Dollar Stores
National People’s Party (Kuomintang) ; Taiwan and ; Taiwanese immigrants and
National Review
National Taiwan University
nation-of-origin requirements
Native Americans. See also specific tribes: Chinese claimed to be; Chinese immigrants and; racism against
Naturalization Act (1790)
NBC Nightly News
Nevada County
New Deal
New Orleans
newspapers and magazines, Chinese American. See also specific titles
New York City
New York Globe
New York Labor Standard
New York State, interracial marriage in
New York Sun
New York Times
New York Tribune
New York World
Ng, Franklin
Nitz, Michael
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Prize
North, the, post-Civil War
North Adams (Massachusetts)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Northern Expedition (1926-28)
nuclear weapons
Oliphant, Patrick
On Gold Mountain (See)
Onyett, Helen Pon
Oregon/Oregon Territory
Organization of Chinese Americans
O’Sullivan, John L.
Overland Monthly
Pacific Mail Steamship company
Pacific Ocean crossing
Page, Horace
Panic of 1873
Paper Daughter (Mar)
paper sons
“parachute” children
Passage to the Heart, A: Writings from Families with Children from China (Kukka)
Passaic Steam Laundry
Pearl Harbor attack
peasants and peasant life
Pei. M.
Peng, Ching
People’s Republic of China (PRC) ; American concepts of ; criticism of; cultural exchange program of; economic growth of; as global superpower; Great Leap Forward (1958); nuclear capabilities of -395n; one-child policy of ; opening of; orphanages; per capita income ; pro-democracy movement ; Taiwan and; Tiananmen Square massacre (1989); United Nations and; U.S. recognition of
People v. Hall
Peterson, William
Piche, Lloyd
Piche, Robert
Pines, David