Page 20
The first part of the trip was silent. Alessandro drove quick and safe, with steady hand. His eyes controlled mirrors. He controlled the cars behind, beside and in front of them.
Chiara had turned up the volume on the radio. She was sunk in the seat. Her eyes were half closed, throwing him occasional glances. Mia was in the hospital. Her sister, her friend, her companion of adventures, her family. Her heart was caught in a grip.
“She’ll be fine.” Chiara looked at him. Was he reading her mind? She nodded. She felt his hands slipping on her leg and just hold her. She moved on the seat, uncomfortable; a warm wave spread in her. She breathed deep and turned her face to the window, looking at the road and the hills sliding away. She turned, watching the speedo:
“Ale, slow down, please”.
He lifted his foot from the pedal: “Done, boss. It’s strange…”
He kept his eyes to the road: “I thought that you would have taken advantage of this trip to torture me!”
“I don’t press anyone. I have other thoughts now. I made up my mind hours ago!”
“You make no mistakes, don’t you? Come on, I’m waiting. Am I a monster? Why are you coming with me? What if I kill you and bury your body somewhere along the road?”
Chiara clenched her jaw; she was trembling.
“Stop it!”
He shook his head, touching her fingers.
“You’re not funny, Ale!” About seven miles separate them from their goal.
Chiara rushed inside the hospital; Alessandro was waiting for her in the parking. He got out from the car. He leaned against the car hood and sighed, putting sunglasses on. Why was he there? Why he wanted to be with her again? His brother had studded him with texts. Jamal had realized he didn’t play along with him and had threatened him again. And Chiara? Which kind of ending would have had their story?
He observed the hospital’s gates, thoughtful. Some men wearing the Arma’s Uniform, probably colleagues of Mia, were going in and out. Chiara came with two Carabinieri. Alessandro looked at them and they watched him back.
He moved from the car to meet them and stopped when he was in front of her.
“She’s better, isn’t she?”
One of the two officers looked at Alessandro and then at Chiara, smiling. The cop who had found in Chiara’s gaze the answer to his own question called himself to his mind.
Alessandro got close to Chiara and held her hand.
“Guys, come and eat with us.”
“Go on, we’ll take a sandwich at the bar!” Chiara observed Alessandro. He nodded. Their fingers were weaved together.
Chiara watched him: he was handsome, damn attractive. She was still suspicious, and didn’t know what to think.
“What’s the matter, Chiara?”
She didn’t smile. She watched him harshly:
“You. Us. These circumstances, my sister sick; too many things all at once.”
Chiara came up to the bar and took a sandwich. She began to eat in silence, reflecting on the latest happenings.
Alessandro had turned off the phone, and even his head. He didn’t want to think about anything at the moment. He just wanted to be there with her, to enjoy her presence, though this could be the last time.
He took her back to Mia’s room, walking beside her, watching her profile, penetrating her with his eyes. She sat down on a chair in the waiting room. When he heard someone sitting next to him, he looked up and he met the gaze of the Carabiniere he had seen before:
“Hi! Can I sit down?”
“Sure you can.”
“Chiara is also beautiful, isn’t she?” Alessandro turned his gaze to the door she had passed through. He nodded:
“Are you a couple?”
Simone had realized that Alessandro wasn’t only a random companion. Too many emotions ran between them. He felt them. Alessandro shook his head:
“No, we aren’t.”
He tapped down with his fingers on his knees. His eyes were widened. His head was down.
“Ok. However, they are two good girls. Fiery tempers, hearts of gold!”
Alessandro bit his own lip. It was so complicated. He couldn’t tell her the truth, without putting her in a danger even bigger than the one she already was in. He needed a few days to close the story. After, he could have stopped; he would have explained why he had lied. He hoped that she could understand and forgive him. He ran a hand through his hair. He realized that the Carabiniere was stretching out his hand.
“I’m Simone. Nice to meet you.”
“Detective Alessandro Ferrari.” His grip was firm.
“Your headquarter is the attacked one. Chiara told me!”
Alessandro nodded. Too many questions. Simone’s gaze was lost beyond the door. Alessandro smiled. It wasn’t his Pilati sister Simone was interested in.
“No permanent damages. Don’t worry.”
“Will you take care of her?”
Alessandro stared at him. Then he stared at the door. He nodded. Simone nodded and stood up, heading for the room. Chiara got out. She stood still. She looked surprised:
“I thought that you was gone for a ride. You didn’t have to stay here. I’m safe here. Do you see how many Carabinieri are there?”
Alessandro stood up.
“I wasn’t guarding you. I wanted to be there, close to you!”
Alessandro quickly changed the subject:
“How is she?”
“She is better. We can go in a little. Maybe, after I go to say hello again!”
She walked to the glass door. She just breathed out. She didn’t love particularly hospitals.
They walked side by side, in silence:
He breathed, before turning and looking at her:
“Tell me.”
“Who wants to kill you and why?”
He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking down. He kicked a stone. When he lifted his face, he stared at her, shaking his head:
“I can’t tell you. Maybe someone that has found that I’m a man of counter!”
“Jamal isn’t marked as your informant.”
“Do you always sign all your informants, Chiara?”
She stopped, turning:
“Don’t you dare, Ale, not again! I’m not prepared to accept other excuses! You have to tell me the truth, please!”
He shook his head. He couldn’t, not even wanting. He sighed, approaching her. He looked at the time:
“Do you want to go back and greet your sister?”
“Yes. Then I want to talk to the doctor.”
He nodded. He waited outside, walking in the garden, breathing. He tried to clear his mind from of all thoughts. She got out, standing out on the steps, in the sunlight. She was beautiful. Her eyes sparkled while she came down the steps and joined him. He opened the car door. He began to drive, lost in his thoughts.
Chapter 43
It was a wonderful landscape, but the tension was gripping her shoulders. She was sitting next to him in silence. They had not spoken of the attack, but he knew that she wanted answers. Impulsively, he put the motorway exit a few miles after Vicenza. She whirled toward him:
“Where are we going?”
“I’m not taking you who-knows-where, Chiara. I want to talk to you… I have to talk to you before you speak to Torres!”
She nodded. Was he up to tell her what was going on?”
Now that she knew that Mia wasn’t fighting for her life, she was even more determined to finish what she had started. She had to close the investigation. She was sending the report and showing her cards off the day after.
Alessandro parked the car in front of a bed and breakfast. His uncle and his aunt managed it. Taking her there could be dangerous.
“It’s my uncle’s B&B. I have the keys of the annex. Come with me!”
He literally dragged her away. She entered while he sent text message to his uncles; they’d better no
t fall there. He stared at her:
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Believe me!”
Chiara watched him, with narrowed eyes, holding back a sarcastic smile:
“Are you sorry? Do you think you can muddle through the whole story… just because you are sorry? Really, Alessandro, it’s not enough for me!”
Chiara grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him close, until their eyes weren’t mirroring a few inches apart.
“I’m afraid that your “I’m sorry” isn’t enough, Ale! I’ll find the truth with or without your help! I’ll have what I want!”
He stared at her, carefully.
“Be careful, Chiara. You could get more than what you want.”
Chiara staggered a step forward. Her lips could almost touch his. Her gaze was furious. Anger quivered under her skin, making the desire to grow. Alessandro pulled her even closer. His eyes were devouring the delicate profile of her long neck. She had green eyes like jade. She felt her heart speed up and swallowed; she licked her own lips, capturing his attention.
He was standing there in front of her, ready to take her, in that moment, forgetting where they were and why. He forgot every word he wanted and he had to say. Chiara stared at him, waiting. Alessandro bowed his head. He paused. Her eyes were full of tears like fog that gave them a shade of grey and fear.
He touched her lower lip with his tongue:
“Chiara, you make me crazy!”
Chiara found herself against his warm and solid body. She gasped, while he stole her breath away. She felt cold shivers through her body.
Alessandro stroked her breasts under the shirt. With a finger, he slipped under the waistband of her pants. With the other hand, he went up to the neck. Finally, he put his lips on hers. Chiara opened her lips. He grabbed her, diving into her mouth, devouring it. Her scent was full of passion and warmth. The softness of her skin asked for him to go deeper. With Chiara, there was never anything for granted. She was passionate, hard and sweet. She faced him off proudly, fighting for her ideas. His hand touched her neck.
Alessandro wanted her. He wanted all that she could offer to him, what he had to offer to her; but it wasn’t only that. Chiara was eating him with her tongue, making him crazy. Her hands were clinging to his shirt. Her body pressed against his. Her sighs echoed in his ears full with passion and fury.
His hands slid over her breasts, tickling it with his fingers. He pushed her to the table. She groaned, staring at him:
“We need to talk, Ale!”
“Yes, we should, but I don’t want!”
Chiara closed her eyes and pushed away:
“But you have!”
He shook his head, kissing her again. His warm tongue was intoxicating. She winced, as he laid his hands on her waist. He rose and put her on the table, slipping between her legs, pushing against her opening. The only barrier between them was made of fabric.
Chiara was wet, aroused beyond all limits. She felt hot between her legs. Her chest seemed up to explode. She threw back her head. She lifted her pelvis, inviting him to take off her pants.
She was crazy, but he wasn’t outdone. His breath was rapid, squinting. His hands were trembling. He was brutally aroused by the immediate passion burning in her eyes. They were full of magic. He felt his manhood press against his boxer. Their bodies were pressed against each other. Her hands went up, touching his shirt, stroking his chest. She leaned toward him. She went down with her lips on his nipples and sucked them as he had done with hers so many times before. He grabbed her hair, pulled it, continuing the torture. He took off her shirt and unhooked her bra, admiring her.
He knew that she wanted to make him give. She wanted answers he didn’t want to give, not yet. He knew that Jamal was preparing another shot. He knew that Jamal had prepared his followers. He was like a cult leader. Alessandro had to block him…
She touched his bare chest, the warm skin under her touch and his muscles. He forgot everything.
Alessandro was touching her ankles, stroking her legs from her feet to her calves, till the hollow of her knees. Her legs were dangling like those of a little girl sitting on the edge of a swing. He climbed with his hands, touching her sex. She was wet, hot and ready for him. He raised his face, meeting her eyes. Her lips were parted. Her face was just reclined backward.
She called his name. This made him lose the little self-control he still had, causing him to dissolve like snow in the sun. Nothing was more important. His work… his family… he wanted just her; taking her, possessing her, surrendering to passion and bringing her along with him.
She spread her legs. He slipped between them. Chiara heard a subdued roar erupting from her own throat. She felt his fingers on herself. She flew to heaven. Inmost of her, something had broken; something that had held her reason, her dignity. She let him penetrate her; he completely sank into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. She heard the muffled moans of him. His hands tortured her, stroking her bare skin. Her body was taut as a violin string. He slowly slipped out of her, prolonging the pleasure. He intertwined his fingers with hers, before he was returning again to take possession of her body. He stared at her in the eyes, while going in and out of her. Again, when she was near the climax, he stopped. He stared at her a moment, then he slid off her from the table. She was standing in front of him. Their fingers were still weaved together. He spun her around, leaning his chest to her back. He kissed her – skin against skin – her buttock pressed against his manhood. The muscles of his thighs were tense at the highest levels, while he nibbled her earlobe, while his boner grew even more. He pushed her to the couch.
It was something she had never experienced before. The beating of his heart was against her back. Chiara felt her heart skipping a beat, and slid away to drift. How could something beautiful be wrong? He whispered:
“You’re so beautiful that it’s impossible not to love you!” She shook her head. It was a lie, an attempt to prevent her from revealing his corruption. Pretending to believe him was so nice. She narrowed her eyes. She moved her pelvis, inviting him to enter in her. The orgasm wrapped her in a loop heat, melting the frost that had covered her heart. His gaze penetrated to the deep of her soul, to every remote corner. Their souls seemed to merge, but she inhaled sharply, closing like a clam… it was just a lie. She couldn’t forget it.
Alessandro felt the change. He stiffened. He lifted her face with two fingers:
“Chiara!” Her gaze was suddenly gone cold. Her chin was trembling. He slipped out of her. A few moments later, she was dressing, cursing. Where she had thrown her common sense? Out of the window, no doubts about it!
He dressed boxer and stared at her.
“Alessandro, we’re wrong. I’m wrong. You can’t…” She kept her shirt rolled up to her chest, staring at him:
“You won’t persuade me to not say what I know!”
“Is that what you think? Was it just that?” He was furious. His fists were clenched next to his body. His eyes flashed.
They froze, hearing a noise outside the door. The light filtered sharp as the door opened. Chiara wore quickly her shirt. He stood still in his boxer, watched:
Tom watched Chiara, and then he watched Alessandro from head to toe. It was impossible not to guess what was going on. He arched an eyebrow.
“I’m disturbing, I suppose!”
Alessandro snarled:
“Definitely. Chiara, he is my brother, Tom.”
Chiara nodded briefly.
Tom shrugged:
“I need to talk, Ale. Alone!”
Chiara’s eyes narrowed. She was furious with herself, with him. She watched his brother:
“I leave you alone, so you can talk! Your shift.”
She walked through the door, slamming it behind herself.
“Dress up!” Alessandro stared nervous at him.
“What the hell? I warned you that I was here and I didn’t want be di
“I’m your brother, not a disturb!”
“This is bullshit. You knew I was with her, didn’t you?”
His brother held his gaze:
“I did. Did you come to an end?”
Alessandro also slipped the shirt:
“Tom, I’m risking my life, my honour, my career and my heart to fix up your own mess. You must bide my time and let me work in peace. I’m on with the investigation, but it’s not simple. I’m always on the cutting edge. I can’t expose myself and you know very well that I have to go easy; what if the situation blows up? You’d lose her forever!”
Tom looked at him. He waved a photo under his nose:
“Ok, stallion, so… while you rest from so much hard work, enjoy with the detective; but remember these eyes… you’re working for her!”
Alessandro didn’t need to see her photo. He clenched his jaw.
“You should have thought you to her. I’ll remedy your trouble, but Chiara must stay out!”
He was advanced toward his brother. His brother was taller than him, and thinner. His eyes were languid and green. He looked like a lost one.
“Are you really in love, aren’t you? She’ll never forgive you. And you’ll never forgive her.”
Alessandro swallowed, looking down, and then he raised his chin:
“It’s not your business. I gave you my word and I’ll solve it. I’ll do at any cost. But stay out of my private!”
Chiara walked away furious. She had fallen back. His hands, his eyes: he was a whisperer, a charmer… then, what did his brother want? Why was he so nervous? She looked around: the garden was manicured; there were plants, a path surrounded by stones, the lamps that surrounded and lightened it up. It was a beautiful and unreal place. She kept turning, watching the lighted window. What were they saying?”
She sat on the rock near the pond. Now she wasn’t surprised Alessandro’s mother had brought a plant to his house. His family had to love plants.
“Plants… here’s what I think of. I am a mess!” She grabbed the phone. What about calling a taxi? She was so stupid. Why spending a lot of money? He would have reached her in her room at least. He… Alessandro.