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Bought by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 10)

Page 11

by Hayley Faiman

  “You’re going to say my name when you come on my cock again, aren’t you? You’re going to say the name of the man who bought you, who now owns you, aren’t you, A rùnsearc?”

  A shiver breaks out over my entire body from his words. The man who bought me. I’m too shocked to ask him exactly what that means, what owning me means. Is it for a period of time with an expiration date, or for always? My heart begs for always, but my brain knows that everything, every single fucking thing in this world has a shelf life and I am no different.

  Aidan grabs a fistful of bedding and rips it away from my body. I watch as he wraps both of his hands around my sleep tank and rips it completely in half, leaving it open and my chest completely exposed. He does the same with my shorts until they’re nothing but tatters of material laying on the bed.

  “No more clothes, Giovanna. You’ll always be free of makeup and clothes,” he mutters, nuzzling my neck.

  I pinch my eyes closed, his earlier meanings now completely clear. He purchased me, only to hide me away some more. I’m reminded of my mother and a wave of dread fills me. I’ve never wanted to be her, and yet, here I am, destined to be exactly like her.

  His mouth touches mine, and I allow his tongue to slip inside of me. Letting my eyelids flutter closed, I try to ignore the sadness that attempts to overwhelm and consume me. Instead, I allow Aidan to consume me.

  I spread my thighs, feeling his hips settle between them, and I moan when I feel his hard length press against my center. I’m still tender from earlier today, but that doesn’t take away the ache of needing more of him. His hips shift and his cock slides through my center, hitting my clit and forcing me to rip away from his kiss with a moan.

  “A rùnsearc,” he groans, shifting his hips again. Then when he does it a third time, he actually slides inside of me.

  I lift my legs, tucking my shins against his ribcage. He places his hands on either side of my head, his blue eyes completely focused on me and without a word, he fucks me. It isn’t as hard as earlier, but there’s no mistaking he’s using his power and strength as he thrusts into my waiting body.

  “You’re mine,” he grunts. “Say it.”

  My eyes widen at the angry tone he’s using with me, his thrusts beginning to speak volumes. “I’m yours, Caro.”

  I whisper the words, but they feel like a lie. I know them to be true, but I’m not just his, I’m whoever’s I need to be, whoever’s I’m instructed to be.

  I don’t have the ability to choose who I want to be with, or when, or even how. If I could, it would always be Aidan. So, my words, they’re true, but they aren’t a complete truth, and I hate it.


  I fuck Giovanna, claiming her for the first time as my own. She’s mine. One hundred percent. Nobody can take her from me now. Money was wire transferred to Timofei less than an hour ago. Once the confirmation landed in his inbox, I got the fuck out of his office with the address to where my new acquisition was being held.

  Now, balls deep inside of Giovanna’s cunt, I’m in fucking heaven. I press my lips to hers as I continue to fuck her pussy, feeling the way it flutters around me as she draws near her climax. Christ, I’ve never had sweeter pussy than hers, and now that she’s mine, it’s even better.

  I grind my hips on each down stroke and groan when her cunt squeezes me, and she gasps with her release. Only then do I fuck her in earnest, letting all of my aggression from the last few days pour out of me. I come on a growl, filling her pussy up again.

  I’m going to keep this cunt full from now on. I’m sure if I said the words aloud I would sound like a giant fucking asshole, but her pussy is mine to do with as I wish, and I’m going to keep it achy and full—always.

  Slipping out of her body, I roll off of the bed and stand up. I don’t want to be in this safe house a minute longer than I have to be.

  “Pack your stuff and let’s go,” I state as I walk over to my suit and start to put it back on.

  I hear rustling behind me, and I assume Giovanna is packing her things. Reaching into my pocket, I send Shaughan a text and ask if her place will be ready for her tonight. Then I turn around. She’s standing with a small bag at her feet, completely naked.

  “I’m ready,” she says, her voice sounding almost deflated.

  My brows lift and I smirk. “You can wear clothes outside, A rùnsearc,” I chuckle. I expect her to crack a smile, but she doesn’t.

  With a frown, I watch as she quickly dresses. She slips on a pair of jeans and a loose-fitting gray t-shirt. On her feet, she slides into a pair of sandals. Closing the distance between us, I cup her cheek in my palm.

  “You’re upset,” I point out. I keep my eyes focused on her as she closes her own and shakes her head. She is upset, and she’s trying to hide it, but she’s doing a shitty fucking job. “Tell me,” I urge.

  She shakes her head again, almost violently, and I let my hand fall. I’m not going to push her. I have a lifetime to figure her out, and I fucking plan on it. She’s mine now. My bank account is a fuck of a lot lighter because of it, but I don’t care, she was worth every goddamn penny.

  Leaning down, I pick up her bag and make my way toward the door. I can feel her shuffle behind me, so I don’t bother looking back as I make my way through the house. The two giant Russians are sitting at the card table in the dining room when we pass. The blond one lifts his chin, and I follow suit.

  “Bye, Giovanna,” he calls out.

  “Goodbye,” she says, but she sounds fucking sad. I hate that shit.

  I want to demand she tell me everything that’s going through her mind. However, I don’t want to be a bastard, just because I technically bought her doesn’t mean she’s truly a piece of property, no matter what bullshit I think or say.

  Truth is, she’s a woman, a beautiful woman, and I’m proud to have her at my side. I want her to want to be at my side and to willingly tell me her thoughts and dreams. It will happen, too, but I can’t force it.

  Shaughan replies to my text just as I’m placing Giovanna’s bag in my trunk. She’s already sitting in the passenger seat, so I dig out my phone to check the message.


  I cringe, thinking about asking Giovanna to sleep on a blowup mattress, even for one night.




  I think about his words, and he’s right. His woman would murder him, and my other brothers’ other wives would kill them, too, if they asked. If I take her to a hotel, I’m not sure how she would react to that. I saw the sadness in her eyes, there is something working behind them, and I’m sure sending her to a hotel room, alone, will only make whatever it is, worse.

  I could take her to Timofei, but no way in fuck am I handing her back over to a Russian. She needs to be in my care, either with me or my men. I also don’t have all night to worry about it, me and my brothers are questioning the security guard’s women in an hour and I need to be there for that.

  Sliding into the driver’s seat, I slam the door behind me and push the button to start the engine. “Your new place isn’t ready yet. I didn’t really have anything prepared for you. You can start shopping tomorrow, but until you have proper security on the house, you’ll have to stay in a hotel,” I announce as I speed toward the closest hotel to my house.

  I cringe when I pull up to the hotel. It isn’t that great, but it’s close. I doubt there is even room service. Leaving Giovanna in the car, I go inside and ask for a week’s stay for one and their most expensive suite. It only takes me a few minutes to fill out the paperwork, using one of my fake IDs and then I have the key in my hand.

  “Do you have room service?” I chance asking the clerk.

  She pops her gum and glances up at me. “Until ten,” she states. Lifting my chin, I turn away from her.

  Hurrying back to the car, I pull around to the back and park. Without so much as a s
ingle word, Giovanna slips out of the car and walks over to the door to wait for me. Grabbing her bag from the trunk, I make my way toward her and swipe the keycard to let her into the back door.

  Giovanna’s room is on the second floor, but I hate elevators, so I find the staircase and jog up the couple flights of stairs with her behind me. Once we’re on the second floor, I find her room number and swipe the card again. Opening the door, I wait for her to walk inside before I let it close behind me.

  “I have some work to do, so I won’t be back this evening. The front desk assured me that they had room service. You can charge it to the room for dinner,” I explain.

  “Okay,” she whispers.

  My brows snap together, and I look at her. She looks so fucking sad, and I don’t know why. Then it hits me. “You expected to come to my house,” I announce.

  She jerks her head back and shakes it from side to side, but I’m right, I know that I am. She won’t ever admit it, but it’s what she had expected. I feel like an asshole, but she can’t live with me. I have four children, and there is no way I can just bring a woman into my house, into their home.

  “The place you’ll be living isn’t too far away from my home, A rùnsearc. I think you’ll enjoy it, and like I said you can decorate it anyway you wish, it’s yours.”

  She nods slowly but doesn’t speak. Her silence, it’s fucking killing me, and I wish I could spend the time to find out exactly what is going through her gorgeous head, but I don’t have that kind of time tonight. Leaning down, I brush my lips over hers.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I rasp.

  Turning away from her, I wish I could call this shit off, but I can’t. I need my product back. My brothers and I pooled together as much cash as we could between each other to give to the Russians for tribute without dipping into our offshore accounts.

  Plus, I just spent a million dollars on the initial payment of Giovanna with a promise to pay another two million over the next two years. I need my product that fucking security guard stole from me—and I need it right fucking now.


  I watch him walk out of the door. I didn’t speak to him, too afraid to say anything, afraid that tears would well up in my eyes. Once again, dreaming has done nothing but hurt me. How I imagined he would bring me to his house and introduce me as a future stepmother to his children, I don’t know.

  It’s as if I’ve forgotten exactly what I am—a whore, nothing but a whore.

  You don’t bring women like me around your children. You hide them in a house and visit them late at night and when you have a break during the day. You use us for sex and nothing else. That is what you do with women like me, women you have to fucking buy from a pimp.

  I’ve never felt more like a whore than I do right now. Sitting alone in this hotel room with nothing but a small bag full of nothing that is truly mine. I’m a woman that owns nothing, that is nothing.

  A woman who has no true value other than what her body is capable of offering for pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less.

  A vessel for a man’s pleasure. I hate it.

  For the first time since the night my virginity was sold to the highest bidder, I feel ashamed and dirty.



  Three women stare back at me. All three are completely different, and yet they’ve been sleeping with the same man, unbeknownst to them. I watch as their faces twist in mixed emotions of rage, sadness, turmoil, and indifference.

  “Casey Walsh. You’ve all been sleeping with him, so you’re the first place we decided to go to look for him,” I announce.

  They women stare at me, then the whore snorts. “I have no clue where the man is. He only comes to me when he wants his dick sucked and he wants an ass to fuck,” she states.

  His wife gasps and his girlfriend narrows her eyes. “Did he talk to you? Tell you anything about his job, or where he would go?” Mannix asks.

  I pull a cigarette out of my pack and light it. I can’t keep my mind from drifting back to Giovanna, or the sadness that was fucking overwhelming when I left her at the hotel. The whore shrugs. “What’s in it for me?” she asks.

  Shaughan chuckles, and I watch as he quickly draws his gun and points it at her forehead. “You don’t die, bitch,” he growls.

  Her eyes widen, and her body starts to shake as the other women let out small terrified sounding screams. It should bother me, to threaten women, to scare them, but it doesn’t. Maybe because of who my father was, but more likely, because of the man that I just am. A woman can pull a knife out and stab you just as easily as a man can. Just because she’s got a cunt instead of a cock, doesn’t mean she wouldn’t kill you.

  “He packed a bag, took all of his clothes almost two weeks ago. I asked him where he was going, but he just told me that he needed to be at his job for a while. He promised he’d be home, but I could tell he was lying. That same day he emptied out my bank account and blocked me from calling his phone,” his wife rambles, her voice loud and terrified.


  I scrub my hand over my face. My eyes move to the girlfriend who is being pretty fucking quiet. “When was the last time you saw him?” I demand.

  She squeaks and jumps. “I-I-uh-I-uh,” she stammers.

  “Send someone over to check her place. Basement, everywhere,” I state.

  Shaughan chuckles. “We’ve had men on all three of their places, front and back, I’ll send a text.” I watch as the girlfriend’s eyes widen.

  “You won’t hurt him, will you?” she asks.

  I’m unable to stop myself. A bark of laughter escapes. Leaning forward, I speak at barely above a whisper. “He’s dead after he gives me my product, or my money back. Funny thing is, he got all three of you caught up in his shit, too. Which means, now I have to figure out what I’m going to do with all of you.”

  “Please, don’t hurt me,” she cries.

  “Get a grip, you dumb bitch,” the whore growls. Mannix grunts, telling her to shut the fuck up, his gun still pointed at her forehead.

  My eyes never leave the girlfriend’s. “Tell me everything you know,” I suggest gently.

  She takes a big gulp, then she speaks. “I don’t know much. He came, said he was finally leaving his wife to be with me. He hasn’t been at my place much. He’s been in and out at all hours of the day and night,” she explains.

  The whore snorts. “That’s because he’s been leaving your bed to come to mine,” she announces.

  Lifting my hand, I wrap it around the back of my neck in an effort to relieve tension. Fucking shit, this is one big cluster fuck, and no amount of cigarettes are going to calm my ass down at this point. Shaughan clears his throat. Tilting my head slightly, I look over at him.

  “He was at the girlfriend’s. Asleep on the fucking living room couch,” Shaughan chuckles. “He’ll be here in about twenty.”

  I curse. We picked up the girlfriend when she was walking into the house, an easy grab and go, we could have had this fuck the entire time had we searched the house.

  I shouldn’t complain about any of it, it’s been less than two hours, but I want to be with Giovanna right now. She’s obviously upset about something and I can’t stop thinking about it, and her.

  I can’t get her out of my mind. She’s mine now, mine. The excited thrill that runs through me shouldn’t. I should feel wrong, dirty, at the fact that I own her, that I bought her. I don’t. I feel fucking proud, cocky as fuck that somebody so gorgeous is my possession to keep. I’m so fucked up.

  “What do we do with these bitches?” Mannix asks, breaking me from my train of thought.

  Looking at the women, I bite the inside of my cheek. They can’t live. Not with the knowledge they possess. We didn’t tell them much, but they each have enough to go to the police with suspicions. We’re on the cops’ radar, always, even when we have them in our pockets.

  There’s a fine line we have to toe. With Blackburn and the bullshit that just ha
ppened a few hours ago, the last thing I need is a bunch of scorned women running to the cops.

  My eyes meet Mannix’s and I lift my chin. “No loose ends.”

  All three women begin to wail, the meaning of my words perfectly clear. Mannix flinches but he doesn’t argue with me. He knows it’s what needs to be done.

  Casey appears a few minutes later being dragged by my brother, Lachlann. “He pissed his pants in my car, you owe me a detailing,” he barks.

  I glance down at Casey’s pants and sure enough they’re wet. Nasty pansy fuck. “The house?” I ask, ignoring my brother’s words.

  “Men are going through it now. Casey swears he doesn’t have the shit on hand anymore. Obviously, we need him to start talking. My wife is waiting for me at home. Her pussy is much more inviting than anything happening here, so we need to get this shit handled.”

  I snort at my brother’s words. He is head over heels in love with his wife, and I have no doubt that she’s waiting for him at home. She’s pretty much been pregnant since the day they got married. He is definitely happily married. “Tell her to keep her panties on. You have to help with this, then you can go home.”

  “With my fucking money in hand,” he says, reaching out and giving Casey a punch to the side of his head. “Fucker,” he growls at the traitor.

  I chuckle. “With your money in hand, with all of our money in hand,” I announce.

  Lachlann ties Casey to a chair, facing him so that he’s forced to look at the three women he’s wronged. His wife, his girlfriend, and a whore. Goddamn, it’s like a bad fucking joke. We all observe the stupid piece of shit as his eyes glance from woman to woman. Then, he starts to cry. Christ. This is going to be a long fucking night.


  I open my eyes, turning to the side to look at the clock. It’s after ten in the morning. I slept like shit last night, I tossed and turned, my mind unable to rest. I waited, hoping that Aidan would return, but he never did.


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