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Take it Deep (Take 2)

Page 9

by Jaimie Roberts

  “Well, enough of this mutual admiration shit, it’s time for a drink. Wine?”

  I nod my head vigorously, “Oh yes. Bring it on.”

  The rest of the evening goes really well. We eat our meal, drink wine and slouch in front of the TV eating candy, and bitching about men. I know Jessie has nothing to bitch about—she’s just trying to humor me—but it was nice of her to play the game anyway.

  I text Jake to thank him for the flowers and asked him to stop. He just replied, ‘Never, not until you’re mine,’ and that was it. It was when we started talking about the hotel next week that I remembered Brian.

  “Oh shit, I have to tell Brian downstairs, but I’m in my pyjamas.”

  Jessie giggled, “Why don’t you go down there with them on? No one will notice.”

  “I can’t, can I?”

  She laughs some more, “Go on, I dare you.”

  I get up, put my bag of Doritos on the table and head for the door. I’ve just been dared, so of course I have to do it now.

  I manage to get to Brian’s door, trying to remember what number he told me. I’m sure it was 313, but I doubted my memory a little. I head to that door anyway without being seen and knock. My mouth opens wide when I see who answers the door.

  “Jamal, oh my God. You’re Brian’s boyfriend?” I squeal like a little girl and go in for a hug.

  “Damn girl, look at you. I didn’t know fleece pants were the latest fashion this season.”

  I give him a little nudge. “How are you, Jamal?” He gives me a kiss on both cheeks and invites me in.

  “I’m doing good, baby girl. Why are you here anyway? I thought you were living in McLean? And what happened to that fine ass boyfriend you have?”

  I look down and he can see I was upset. Brian overhears and steps out into the hallway.

  “He was the one I saw this morning, very nice. I see you two already know each other?”

  “Yes, Jamal does my hair for me and he’s brilliant.” I beam at him and he smiles back.

  “Did I put my foot in my mouth then, Ana? What happened between you two anyway?”

  I tell Jamal the long story and both he and Brian listen attentively.

  “Wow, sounds harsh, but it seems very much like he loves you. What are you going to do?” Brian asks.

  “I really don’t know at this point. He hurt me pretty bad and it’s not something I’m going to get over in a hurry. He sent me some more flowers today. He said he’s not going to stop, even though I’ve asked.”

  “Baby girl, I think you’re doing the right thing. Make him beg and fall to your feet. It is only what you deserve after what you’ve been through. He’ll keep on chasing, but you should enjoy it. It’s when he stops, there’s a problem.”

  “Thanks, Jamal. I’m not sure how to take it all in at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out. Anyway, enough of my non-existent love life, that’s not why I’m here. Remember I told you about my birthday bash, Brian?” He nods his head. “Well, Jessie has been organizing it and has come up with quite a good plan, but I’m not sure how you will feel about it, and if you can get away for that weekend? You see, we’re going to stay in a hotel in Fredericksburg. They hire out a hall for functions and have a ready-made pole for dancing, etc. Jessie thought it would be a good idea if we hired it out and stayed the night there. It should be fun. A few are going, so it should be a laugh. What do you think?”

  They both look at one another, smiling. “Well, I can go. Not sure about Jamal. You normally work Saturday’s, because of how busy it gets?”

  He nods his head, “Yes, but I’m sure I can get one Saturday off. I always cover for other people, so I’m sure someone will return the favor. I’m in.”

  I jump up and down and give them a hug. “Thanks guys. If you give me your numbers, I’ll contact you with all the info when I have it, okay?”

  “Yeah, sure,” said Brian. “Let us also know the cost and we’ll get you the money. I assume everyone is putting some cash in?”

  I nod my head, “Yes, hopefully it won’t be too much as I think we’re getting a good discount. I’ll be sure and let you know.”

  They both give me their mobile numbers and I’m giddy at the prospect of them being there for my party.

  After all the pleasantries I head back up the flight of stairs. On my way up I hear some noises that startle me. I stop and try to listen, but I can’t hear anything. I start walking up and again the noises are there. They sound like footsteps. My heart rate soars as I start running frantically up the steps. The footsteps behind me seem to get louder as I reach the top of the landing. I stop again, try to look, but see and hear nothing.

  Without a moment’s notice I run toward Jessie’s door and knock ferociously. She opens quickly; see’s my panic and rushes out of the way to let me in.

  “Ana, what that fuck happened?”

  I run into my room to grab the bag with the gun and bullets.

  “Jesus, Ana, when did you get that?”

  I start loading the gun. If I’ve got to own the thing, I’m going to have to have it loaded ready for any eventuality.

  “I heard someone following me up the stairs. I don’t know, maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I swore I heard footsteps behind me. Every time I stopped, it stopped and every time I climbed, the noises started again.” I hold up the gun. “This is me refusing to be a victim, Jessie. I’m tired of living in fear of that man. I need to put an end to it. If he wants me, he can come and get me, but he damn well should expect a fight on his hands when he does.”

  After loading, I place the gun in my bedside drawer and take a deep breath.

  “Wow, Ana, you’ve turned Robo-fucking-Cop on me. I love it.”

  She hugs me and I start laughing. I know I should be panicked about having someone follow me, but I’m just pissed off with all the fear. I refuse to take it lying down.

  “Listen, you’ll never guess who Brian’s boyfriend is?”

  She shakes her head, “Tell me.”

  “It’s Jamal, my hairdresser. I couldn’t believe it when he opened the door on me. I think it’s brilliant and they want to come to the birthday bash, I just need to give them the details. I have both their numbers now so I can pass on the information when we have it.”

  Jessie runs out the door of my room into the living room, so I follow her. She’s shifting through some papers by her desk.

  “Here, these are the details. Jerry actually called them through when you were downstairs. He said that if we can get at least thirty people going; we will get an extra 25% on top of the 25% he has already given us. We can get a tab on the drinks if we want, and just pay everything the next day.”

  She hands me a piece of paper with the address and I quickly begin texting the details.

  “Tell them it’s going to be around $100 down and this includes the night’s stay, plus hiring of the hall. Of course all depends on how many is going.”

  I jot all that down and send it. “How many have we got so far then, Jessie?”

  She looks at her list, “Well, there are twenty definite now, and a possible twelve maybes. I’m sure we can do it.”

  I’m not sure whether she wants to invite Jake. She doesn’t ask, so I don’t bring it up. I think having Jake staying at the same hotel as me would be a pretty bad idea anyway, and I think she realizes that.

  Chapter 13

  Today is Friday and I’m looking forward to the weekend. I get to work early as I’m keen to get this graph done. Most of the admin staff aren’t here as yet so the offices are relatively quiet. I walk towards the coffee room pretty desperate as I missed my usual one at home. I was in the middle of making it when Jake walks in. Oh no, just what I didn’t need.

  “Ana, you’re in early,” he purrs.

  “I wanted to get this graph done for you by the end of the day.”

  “But you have until next week to complete that. There’s no need to rush it.”

  I pour my coffee and offer to make
him one, which he nods to. “I just like to get things done that’s all.”

  He comes a little closer. “Ana, is everything okay? You seem a little distracted.”

  Everything is not okay. I miss him and I have another maniac after me. Everything is far from perfect. “I’m fine, just a little tired that’s all.”

  His face looks concerned, “Do you need today off? As I said, the graph won’t need to be done until next week.”

  I shake my head, “No, I’m fine. Thank you for the offer though.” His face suddenly determined, he edges closer. My heartbeat reacts again instantly.

  “I want you to have lunch with me then. There are things I want to discuss with you.”

  “What things?” His damn sexy mouth curves up again and I nearly melt. I hate him.

  “I don’t wish to discuss it here, Ana. It’s not the right place.”

  I try to move away and he just mimics my movements closer and closer. Every time I step back, he steps forward until I’m almost pressed to the sink I’m starting to wish he would pick me up and fuck me on. If I can’t handle this, how am I going to handle lunch?

  “I wanted to get Matthew his birthday present today.”

  He smiles again, “I’ll come with you. I know just the thing he wants anyway. Then we’ll have some lunch.”

  I shake my head, “Jake, we’ll be late back if we try and do all that in an hour.”

  He takes one more step forward. He’s trying to be subtle, but he doesn’t realize that I too, notice everything about him.

  “I think you’re forgetting who’s boss around here, Ana. If I want you to come to lunch with me then it will be within paid time. I want to discuss some things with you and it should be on work time anyway, so you can have the extra hour.”

  How am I ever going to get this graph done with Jake distracting me like this? He wants to discuss something about work over lunch. It’s probably not the best idea, but better than being alone in his office any day. At least this way we will be in public surrounded by people, so it would be very hard for Jake to make any kind of moves.

  “Okay then, but I really want to get this graph done.”

  He shakes his head in dismay. “Whatever you want, Ana, but I can tell you the boss doesn’t mind whether he gets it today or next week, when it’s due.”

  I know he’s scolding me, but I chose to ignore it. “Okay, thank you for that, Mr Bennett. Here’s your coffee.” I hand it to him and he takes it moving in for the kill. He takes a deep breath inhaling my perfume.

  “I’ve really missed hearing you call me that. You smell wonderful, as always.”

  I gather my strength and edge past him out the door.

  “I’ll see you at one,” he shouts.

  Jake Bennett, you know exactly what you’re doing and it ain’t gonna fly with me mister.

  By the time one o’clock comes around, I’m still nowhere near compiling this graph for Jake. All the staring at the computer all day was making my eyes hurt, so I was kind of glad for the relief. Jessie was very busy also, which made conversations few and far between.

  When Jessie came back from her early lunch, Jake appears from nowhere, smiling that devilish sexy grin of his.

  “Are you ready?”

  I nod my head and Jessie looks up smirking. I mouth the words, “Stop that,” and she just winks at me.

  Outside the sun has appeared making me smile. It is actually a lovely autumn day. I turn to Jake, “So where are we headed?”

  He motions toward his car, “I thought you might like to try Walmart. Matthew really wants some Redskins car seat covers for his birthday. I was going to get them, but I think they would be better coming from you. He loves you and he’s still pissed at me, so maybe I’m not the best person for the job.”

  He looked a little sad and it made my heart melt. No matter what my feelings, I still care, and to know he is hurting over his son makes me feel bad. I place my hand on his arm, “I’m sorry to hear that, Jake. He really does love you. In fact I would go as far as saying that he worships the ground you walk on, so it won’t last long.”

  We both take a seat in the car and he starts the engine. “I don’t want to take the idea for a present away from you. Maybe we could think of something else.”

  He shakes his head, “No, it’s okay. I have something else in mind. Maybe a better father perhaps.”

  I don’t like him beating himself up about this. It’s not like him to be so disheartened. “Jake, you can’t say things like that. You’re a great father and I won’t have you put yourself down like this.”

  I think Matthew and I need to have a little chat. I certainly do not want any bad air between them, and I especially don’t want it to be over me.

  “Thanks for saying that, Ana. I’m sure you’re right and things will settle soon. It’s still not nice to live with though.”

  We make the short journey to Walmart and we manage to find some car mats which I buy, but unfortunately the car seat covers are not in stock. I start to panic as his birthday is in six days, but they manage to find a set in another store about twenty minutes drive away. I immediately felt relieved.

  We get them in no time at all and I didn’t feel satisfied until I’ve paid for them both and they're back in the car.

  “Thanks for that, Jake.” He smiles and opens the car door for me.

  “No problem at all.”

  He doesn’t tell me where he’s taking me and I quickly find out why when we pull up close to La Bistro restaurant. “Jake, this is unfair,” I say.

  “I don’t understand what you mean, Ana. We’re just here for some lunch.” He smiles giving himself away.

  “Jake Bennett, you know exactly what you’re doing and it’s not fair.” He kills the engine and looks across at me.

  “I thought I had already told you, Ana, I don’t play fair. Not when it comes to you. Besides, what’s wrong with this restaurant anyway?”

  I get out of the car and he follows my movements. “Jake, you know what this restaurant represents. It was where we first met each other.”

  He frowns, “Really, I hadn’t noticed.”

  He smiles and I shake my head. “If you weren’t a police captain, you’d make an excellent criminal mastermind, do you know that?” That grin appears again and my heart skips a beat. Boy am I in trouble.

  We make our way to the restaurant, choosing a seat outside as it’s such a lovely day. The waitress hands us the menus and we order some soft drinks.

  “Are you sure you don’t want some tequila?” he smirks.

  “No, why on earth would I want to take shots in the middle of the day when I have to get back to work? You know the boss can be a hard-ass, don’t you?”

  “I’m not quite sure that the boss would take too kindly to being called a hard-ass,” he laughs.

  I smile, “No, I don’t think he would.”

  The waitress is back and takes our order. I don’t like to eat too much for lunch so I order myself a Caesar salad. Jake orders a cheeseburger with fries.

  “So, why are you trying to ply me with tequila?”

  Should I really be encouraging this?

  “I seem to remember the last time you had some tequila, you let your guard down and told me things you would have normally kept to yourself.”

  He takes a swig of his coke and winks at me. “I remember that well, Jake, and I seem to also recall how ill I was the next day.”

  “Ouch, Ana, that hurt,” he winces.

  I put on my best voice reserved for babies and say, “I’m sowry. I didn’t mean to hurt your widdle feelings.” I start laughing despite myself. It feels good to be around him and play like this. We used to always poke fun like this together. It’s so easy to be around him, but then the thought makes me suddenly uneasy.

  “I thought you invited me here to talk about work? We haven’t discussed anything remotely to do with work as yet.”

  I know I’ve now digressed from what we were talking about, but it was inten
tional. I didn’t like where it was quickly heading.

  “I did want to talk to you about work. How are the statistics going? I know they can be a bitch and just wanted to know you were okay with it.”

  I start laughing, “You could have asked me this at work, Jake.”

  Our lunch arrives and we pause for a second waiting for the waitress to place our meals on the table. She quickly retreats after saying our thanks and I start tucking in.

  “I know, but I haven’t seen you for so long and I miss being near you, even though I can’t touch you. It kills me to restrain myself, but I’m not going to push you. I just want to have you close to me.”

  My knees begin to tremble at the thought of him touching me. I didn’t mean to but my eyes lock onto his lips for a moment before coming back up to those incredible sexy eyes of his.

  “That day here a year ago was the start of something monumental for me. It was the day I met the love of my life. I’ve never been the same since. It was like a bolt of lightning struck me that day. That, or maybe cupid paid me a visit.”

  I shift a little uncomfortably in my seat. The familiar burn is there again and I hated my body for reacting.

  “I’m sorry, Ana. I’m making you uncomfortable. I don’t mean to do it, but it is hard for me to keep quiet over you. For so long I kept my feelings to myself and it tore me apart. I refuse to keep silent about you now. On the other hand, I know this is not what you want to hear, so I’ll say no more. You know how I feel, I love you and nothing’s going to change that.”

  A part of me wanted to scream that I loved him, too, that I wanted him to pick me up, take me home and make love to me over and over again. The only thing that stopped me—and that stops me every time—is that fresh memory in my head of that day he abandoned me. The day he broke my heart in two.

  I place my fork down to say something but he puts his hand up, “Don’t, it’s okay. I don’t expect anything from you. I understand I hurt you badly and I would do anything in my willpower to take that back. Sometimes I wish I was Doctor Who.”


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