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Teach Me

Page 1

by Cate Bellerose

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  A BDSM Romance

  First edition. February 5th, 2015.

  Copyright © 2015 Cate Bellerose.

  Table of Contents

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Preview: Make Me

  About the Author

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  Teach Me

  Chapter 1


  “Hey! Come back with that!”

  Fuck. I take off after the lanky guy in the hoodie, running as fast as I can on kitten heels. Tall enough to look sexy, short enough to chase purse snatchers.

  Sort of.

  Not really.


  I’ll never catch him like this. Kicking off my shoes, I go after him barefoot. It hurts, but I need that purse. My money, my credit cards, my bus pass, my whole life’s in there.

  “Stop him! He’s got my purse!” Of course, people just jump out of the way. Chivalry’s fucking dead. “Trip him or something!”

  I refuse to give up, but I know a lost race when I see one. That guy can run. He weaves through the crowd, hardly missing a beat. Must be nice to be in shape. Meanwhile, the running shoes I bought for my new gym membership six months ago are still standing unused by my door. I don’t have a chance.


  “Stop him! Someone! Anyone!” It’s like I’m not even here.

  An engine, growling like an angry animal, revs so loudly I can’t help turn and look for it. Like dark red lightning, a heavy motorcycle burns past, making me vibrate with its engine roar. It’s so close the rush of air as it passes makes my skirt flutter.

  Holy hell, that guy’s tearing it up. I need one of those.

  I can wish all I want, but it doesn’t keep my chest from getting tight and my lungs from burning. The battle’s over. My purse is long gone, just like my bus, and with them my chance at landing the job. I slow down, then stop, standing there, most unladylike, with my hands on my knees and sucking air like a whale, trying to get my breath back.

  Worst day ever.

  A loud whining screech cuts through the sounds of the busy city street. My head snaps up in time to see the motorcycle slide onto the sidewalk into a full stop, only a few feet in front of the purse snatcher.

  He doesn’t even have time to dodge.

  The rider holds out a massive gloved fist, blocking the thief’s face so hard he’s knocked right on his ass, his legs swinging up in front of him like in a slapstick comedy. I’d be laughing if my purse wasn’t on the line. The biker jumps off the cycle and gets on top of the snatcher, ripping my purse out of his fingers.

  My purse!

  I get a second wind, running as fast as I can before it disappears again. Knowing my luck, it’s just one thief stealing from another. The biker’s staying put though, so I’m hopeful.

  The snatcher moves as if to try to get up, but the raising of a fist is all it takes to get him to lie back down. As I get closer, the biker’s strength becomes more obvious, from the way his dark jeans are pulled tight over his thighs, to how his black leather jacket clings to his shoulders. I wouldn’t mess with him either.

  Makes me wonder what his face looks like underneath his helmet.

  I finally catch up to them, huffing and puffing. “Thank... you! My whole life’s... in there.”

  “Fucking lowlife.” He tosses the purse at me. “How about a phone? Got a phone in there to call the cops while I keep an eye on him?” His voice is deep and a little gravelly. It’s a sexy voice, made sexier by belonging to the guy who just heroically upgraded my horrible day to merely crappy.

  “Uh, yeah. Sure. I’m in a hurry, though.” If I caught the next bus, would I have time to make my meeting? Maybe. “I don’t have time to wait around.”

  “Alright, I’ve got a number for you.” He rattles it off and I punch it in. “The guy picking up will be named Paul. Tell him Eric’s got a pickup for him, and that I’ll give him a statement later.” My mysterious savior grabs the thief by the front of his shirt and lifts him to his feet. “I’ll make sure this guy stays put in the meantime.”

  Dragging the snatcher behind him, he opens one of the saddlebags on his bike and pulls out a stretch of rope. What the hell? Who drives around with that in their bags? Handy right now, though.

  My biker, and yes, he saved my purse, so he’s mine, drags the poor thief over to a streetlight and pushes his back right up against the pole. “Arms behind you. Come on.” The snatcher’s slow to respond, so my biker raises his fist. It’s a very motivating fist.

  “Are you calling yet?”

  Oh, that was for me. Doesn’t he know it’s hard to think with him going all sexy, menacing hero on the guy? I punch the dial button and wait.

  Meanwhile, my biker winds the rope around the snatcher’s wrists with practiced motions. A final knot, a cinch and the thief’s hands are locked together behind the pole. Unless someone unties him, that guy’s not going anywhere.

  When someone finally answers, I blurt out our situation as quickly as I can. Paul promises they’ll be right on it. Almost immediately, I hear a siren start up nearby. Talk about service.

  “Hey.” My biker’s talking to me. He’s finally flipped up his visor, revealing bright emerald green eyes under strong eyebrows. “You said you were in a hurry. Me too, and I bet neither of us have the time to stick around for paperwork. Where’re you going? I’ll give you a ride.”

  “On... on that?” I point at his motorcycle. I’ve never ridden one before, and they terrify me.

  “Sure.” He reaches for the buckles under his chin. “Here, take my helmet.”

  “What about you?”

  His helmet comes off, revealing a square face framed by a neat beard and topped with wild, spiky near-black hair. Not sure if it’s helmet-hair or just naturally like that. His nose looks like it was broken at some point, and his full lips are twisted in a cocky grin. It’s the eyes that hold me, though. Fuck, they’re gorgeous.

  “I’ll be fine. Got a thick skull.” He tosses me the helmet. “Here, put it on. Where are we going?”

  The helmet’s too big, but I tighten the strap as much as I can. Hopefully that’s good enough. “83 State Street.”

  “The Lotus? Do you work there? Or are you a member?” He grins, showing some sexy dimples. “You don’t look the type, but looks can be deceiving.”

  “What? No! I didn’t even know it existed until I got the job tip. I’m pitching a website idea to them.” I can’t keep a smile off my face. “It’s super-fast. I’m really proud of it, but if I don’t get there on time, I’m sure I won’t get the job.”

  He laughs, a rumble almost as deep as his motorcycle’s. “You’re my competition?”

  “For the website job?”

  “That’s it. I’m on my way there for the same thing. Well, at least we’re going to the same place.” He straddles his bike and kickstarts it. The engine growls as he revs it. “Hop on.”

  “Wait, my shoes!” So starstruck I almost forget I’m barefoot. Good job, Amber. I dart back to find my heels and slip them on.

; He pushes the bike off its kickstand and follows me. “Time’s running out.”

  Oh Jesus. I get close and try to figure it out.

  “First time? Here, put your foot there, grab my hips and then swing your other leg over. Just sit close and hold on. You’ll be fine.”

  “So wait. This isn’t just some ploy to throw me off in a turn so you get the job, is it?” I grin.

  He looks at me over his shoulder like I’m crazy. “Shit, yeah. You totally found me out. Now I need another plan.” He must see the surprised expression on my face. “Of course not. Be a shame to mess up a gorgeous girl like you.”

  He’s just saying that, but I feel my cheeks warm. “I’m not the one you need to flirt with to get the job, you know.”

  “Trust me, flirting with you has nothing to do with the job.” He yells over his shoulder. “Hey, what’s your name, anyway?”

  “Amber. You’re Eric, right?”

  “Nice. And yeah, Eric. You ready?”

  The sirens are close. We better get out of here unless we want to get stuck in red tape. “Ready!”

  I hold on for dear life as he wakes the motorcycle to life. It roars and lunges, making me squeal as we peel off the sidewalk and into traffic. Seconds later we’ve left behind a trapped thief and a crowd of very confused bystanders.

  It’s almost obscene. There’s a seriously hunky biker between my legs, my arms are around him and the rumbling of his bike is like riding a giant vibrator. Why don’t more girls ride motorcycles? Holy shit.

  The wind whizzing by is exhilarating, but it makes my skirt flutter like a flag behind me. Great, I’m flashing half the city. Today’s not exactly turning out how I expected.

  Not so bad, though. Certain aspects are actually pretty nice, like the broad back I’m sitting behind and the narrow hips I’m clutching as if my life depends on it. Which I guess it kind of does. A girl could do worse.

  Too bad he’s the competition.

  Chapter 2


  The office is small, barely furnished. Whatever money they make here, they must spend it on parts the customers see, and not much there either. The whole place seems shabby. Hard times, I guess? Figured the place would be nicer if they’re bothering to pay for a website, but whatever. Their money.

  Sid, the owner, smiles too widely and his eyes seem a little wild. He points us to a couple of folding chairs, then drops into a worn leather recliner behind his rickety-looking desk, arching his fingers over his little Buddha belly. He reminds me of a car salesman in black leather.

  “So I’m sure you two’re wondering why I’ve got you both here at once.” He leans forward, his eyes crinkled in amusement. “You see, I’ve got this idea, and it’s awesome.” He chuckles like it’s funny. “Now, I’m no expert. I know crops and ropes and all that shit, but this website magic that you kids deal with, I have no fucking clue about.” He puts a finger in the air. “But, I know what I like.” He laughs, a bit like a hyena, higher pitched than I expect out of someone with his frame.

  “Amber’s proposal is lightning fast. Everything zings. I click on something, and I see the results right there without blinking the page or anything. It’s awesome.” He pins me with a scarily intense stare. “But you don’t know BDSM from your perky ass, do you?”

  “N... no, I guess I don’t. But I figured, that with a responsive site, we could work out the visuals after...”

  He’s already waving at me to stop. “Hold it right there. I’m getting to it, missy.”


  “Eric, your site totally looks the part. It’s dark, it’s sexy, it’s fucking gorgeous. It makes me want to grab the first girl I see, spank the shit outta her and fuck her silly.”

  Guess I’m glad he’s not looking at Eric’s design right at this moment.

  He continues. “You’re a lifestyle guy, I can tell.”

  “Of course.” Eric’s reply is clipped. Don’t think he likes Sid much more than I do.

  “The problem’s that your site’s slower than my grandma without her walker. That’s fucking slow. I mean, real slow.”

  “Alright, I get it. So what’s your idea?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? You guys work together. Amber here’s got the fresh-outta-school technical chops and know-how. You’ve got the eye of an artist, Eric. You nailed that bit hard, like the whole football team on the prom queen, if you know what I mean.”

  I blink. What the hell’s up with this guy? Not that I’ve been to a ton of interviews, but this guy’s on another planet. And what does he mean, work together? Seriously?

  Eric doesn’t like it. I can tell. His jaw tightens and his beautiful green eyes narrow, hard as steel. “No. I work alone.” He turns the look on me, his brows furrowed and his intense gaze nailing me to my chair. Scary.

  I turn to Sid. “This isn’t just a ploy to get two developers for the price of one, is it?”

  Something flashes over Sid’s face, like he’s annoyed at being sussed out. It’s only a moment, and then the car salesman’s back. I’m liking his grin less and less.

  “Of course not! You’ll both get your pay. Of course. Just looking for a better product, you know?” He throws his hands out and cocks his head in a come-on-you-can-trust-me gesture. Eric looks about as convinced as I feel. “Besides, this is a great chance for Amber, right? Fresh outta college and you’re already starting on your own? I love your gumption, kid. I want to support starters, and this is your chance to get some tips from one of the pros. It’ll look great in your portfolio.”

  Right. A ridiculously hot pro who rides a motorcycle, but apparently doesn’t know how to make effective websites. And doesn’t want to work with me.

  “I said I work alone.” Eric’s voice is flat.

  Crap. I’m already picturing us close together, working, his hand slipping around me... shut the hell up, brain. But I need this contract. This is supposed to be my big start, even if it’s just for a dive of a BDSM club.

  Sid holds his hands up and speaks quickly. “Hold on, hold on, let’s not get hasty. Then no one gets the job.”

  Eric bristles. “I don’t need this job. It sounded interesting, but I’m not interested in babysitting.”


  “Babysitting? Screw you, Eric. You may not need this job, but I do, and I fucking pull my weight when I work on something. Right now, I don’t even want to work with you, but I guarantee you that if we do, we’ll finish in half the time. At least.”

  “Half the time? You think you’re that good? You have no idea what you’re doing. You don’t know anything about BDSM.”

  “I can take your angsty emo design over there and make it run like a cheetah. Can you do that?”

  Eric goes quiet. His eyes bore through me, like he’s trying to see what I’m made of. He’s thinking, which is better than saying no. I think.

  “If.” Eric pauses for emphasis. “If we do this, we’re going to need proper contracts. Hear that, Sid? You have those ready, right?”

  “Yeah, sure. Of course. I’ve got them right here.” He pulls open a desk drawer and digs through it. It takes him long enough that I’m pretty sure we’d never have seen a contract if Eric hadn’t asked.

  Eric’s gaze never leaves me. “I’m not easy to work with. I don’t think you want this as much as you think you do.”

  “You think you’re so scary? I can handle it. You let me do my job, and you can do yours, and everyone’ll be happy in the end.”

  He leans forward until his face is only inches from mine, then smirks. It takes every ounce of willpower I have, but I don’t lower my gaze, meeting his until he nods. “Alright. I’m in. I’ll babysit.” He pulls back. “We start tomorrow. Nine sharp.”

  Chapter 3


  “Fuck, Eric, you did what?” Paul’s not happy.

  I don’t blame him. I fucked up. I let Amber talk me into this team stuff. I can’t be responsible for someone who doesn’t know what the hell is going on. Can’t tell her
either. Why did I say yes? Way to think with your cock, Eric. Real good work there.

  “I fucked up, alright? I’m not proud of it.”

  “Jesus, Eric. If she gets caught up in the sting, she could be in serious trouble.” Fuck, he’s loud. I hold the phone away from my ear, hearing him clearly anyway. “If they find out what you’re doing, they’re going to think she’s part of it.”

  “I know! Fucking hell, Paul, don’t you think I know?”

  Dammit. This was supposed to be easy. Just sketch some dark edgy design, get the job for their dumbass website, and then provide Paul with recon. He thinks the Mob’s leaning on the locals, including the Lotus.

  I do my job, keep my eyes and ears open, and hopefully something turns up. Not exactly safe, but nothing worse than what we dealt with in Baghdad. Some buddies you just don’t turn down favors to.

  Day one and the plan’s already gone to hell.

  All thanks to a certain sassy little web designer that’s landed in my lap. So fucking cute, and with the kind of curves I’d love to tie up and have my way with. I could, too. I saw her looking, which doesn’t make this any fucking easier. Just harder. Makes me harder.

  “You’ve got to get her off this project.” Paul’s about to have a conniption.

  Serves me right, I guess. So much for my chance to get to live a bit in his cop world, going under cover, nailing the Mob. Like a fucking movie. I’d take down the Godfather or something.

  Only I fucked it up already.

  Over a girl.

  “I’ll fix it Paul. I’m going to run her ragged tomorrow. Got her coming over at the crack of nine. I’ll be such a hardass that she’ll pull out, and she’ll never know about the sting. I’ll even help her find something safe, if she wants.”

  “You do know that most people get up earlier than ten, right? Nine might not be a big deal for her, even if you need a nuclear bomb to strike to make it up before lunch.”

  I roll my eyes. “Bullshit.”

  Paul just laughs. “Alright, you guys can work away from the club a bit. Chase her off. Do whatever you have to. We can’t get her dragged into this.”


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