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First Semester (A Campus Tales Story Book 1)

Page 6

by Q. B. Tyler

  For the next fifty minutes, time actually stands still. The second the minute ticks to twelve fifty I want nothing more than to haul ass out of there, but I know I need to face Aidan. Without prying eyes. I stay seated and wait as my classmates file out. I watch as Lily and a few other girls wait in line to talk to him. I cross my arms, watching as they shamelessly flirt with him while I seethe. If I can’t have him, you certainly can’t. Stop embarrassing yourself.

  After ten minutes of watching this fucking charade, and ignoring two of Peyton’s phone calls and texts wondering if I had gotten lost on the way to the quad for lunch, I get up, pull my sunglasses over my eyes and proceed to strut past Doctor Reed and his groupies.

  Am I fucking jealous? Do I really crave his attention that bad? When I was hoping to avoid it for most of the morning?

  I’ve barely taken two steps out of the classroom, a sigh of relief leaving my lips, when I feel a hand wrap around my elbow and I’m being pulled hard through the halls. “Ai—Doctor Reed…” I say as I struggle, yet again, to keep up with his strides. He doesn’t say anything for the entire walk, down one hall and then down another. I watch as he puts his key in a door and then I’m being pushed inside and he slams it behind us. I realize as he flicks the lights on that we’re in his office and I suddenly feel claustrophobic, enclosed in this small space with this man and our raging hormones.

  Well, maybe just mine.

  He might have something else raging.

  “WHAT THE FUCK, SKYLER!?” he booms and I shake slightly at his tone.

  I run through a bunch of scenarios in my head, trying to figure out what the best course of action is before I turn around and face him, pulling my sunglasses from my face and sliding them into my bag.


  Seduce him.


  Blame him.

  Play dumb.

  All of the above?

  I turn around and wince slightly. “Okay, you’re pissed. Umm…but, well, see…” I don’t say anything for a moment and when I meet his gaze, I can see the fury softening.

  “Tell me you’re at least eighteen.” I can sense the panic in his voice and I’m happy I can at least ease those fears.

  “Yes!” I say quickly. “I’m nineteen. I took a year off after high school, I told you.”

  “Oh. You told me? You told me a lot of things. Glad to know you can tell the truth about some things.” He shakes his head. “You said you were a grad student. And TWENTY-TWO. How the fuck did you even get into that bar?”

  I cock my head to the side as if to say, what do you think?

  “God, I fucked a girl that still has to use a fake ID. Christ, Skyler, I’m thirty fucking two. And your TEACHER.”

  “Well, you see…we didn’t know that exactly at the time.” I trail off. Right because that’s the point. I give him my most innocent smile.

  “Don’t be fucking cute. Now is really not the fucking time.” He growls as he slams his hand on his desk.

  “I’m sorry!”

  “For being a liar or what?” he snaps and I have to admit his words sting, but I have nothing to say for myself. I mean, he’s right, I lied.


  “Doctor Reed. I’m your teacher, Skyler.”

  “Girls lie about their age all the time and I just…I didn’t know…” I trail off. I’m grasping at straws and I actually don’t have an argument. “I really am sorry. But it’s no harm, I’ll just transfer out of your class.”

  “All of the other social justice classes are full this semester.” He sits at his desk and rubs a hand through his hair. “It’s good that I learned this now, anyway. Even if you weren’t my student, I couldn’t be with someone who just lied straight to my face.”

  “I didn’t…we didn’t really talk about what we were doing here…”

  “You led me to believe you were a twenty-two year old grad student, Skyler. Don’t bullshit me. You lied by omission. Actually, fuck omission. You flat out lied. And I don’t date liars. So, you’re dismissed.”

  His words eviscerate me. I had never been called a liar before and it crushes me, even if it is the truth. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. You need to go.”

  “You can’t talk to me like that. I get it, you’re pissed, but you’re being a dick.”

  “Yeah, and if you don’t want me to fail you, I suggest you go.” He rubs his hand over his face and points toward the door behind me.

  “If you think I won’t go way the fuck over your head, you have another thing coming. I’m the biggest legacy of this fucking school. The Chancellor is my Godfather for crying out loud.”

  He snorts. “Of course he is, princess.”

  I flex my fists, trying my hardest not to cry, or hit him, or both. Tears lodge in the back of my throat as I take a deep breath and try to calm myself. “Listen, I’m sorry that we’re in this mess, but being an asshole to me isn’t helping. So, how about you actually come up with something that’s actually helpful instead of insulting me.”

  “I already advised you to go.”

  He’s not looking at me, his eyes are focused on his computer as he pulls at his hair. “Fine. Don’t expect me in class on Wednesday. You can take those five points and shove them up your ass,” I snap.

  I turn around and open the door when a hand darts out in my periphery, slamming it closed. I hear his heavy breathing right behind me and his hand still rests on the door before I watch it ball into a fist. “Skyler,” he whispers and his voice is pained, not angry like he’s been for this entire conversation.

  I swallow, feeling the tension crackle between us as I turn around and stare up into his blue eyes that are showing a wide range of emotions. For a moment, it’s as if time stops. We’re only staring at each other, our eyes having a silent conversation that I’m not sure I even understood. But then my hands are on his belt and his hands are in my hair, his lips on mine, kissing, biting, sucking, licking. And just like that, a flood of different emotions come rushing back. His hands cup my cheeks as his tongue invades my mouth and I’m reminded how good he tastes. He pulls away only to find the space behind my ear that he’d discovered makes me weak. My knees buckle, but he holds me up before he lifts me into his arms pressing me hard against the door. Large hands grope my breasts and a guttural moan leaves my lips.

  Fuck, you drive me crazy,” he whispers in my ear as I feel his hands drop to my butt and he drives his cock against me. “Take it out, Skyler,” he growls. “Take it out so I can fuck you.” I do as he says, sending his slacks down his legs and pulling his cock out of his briefs.

  God, it’s more perfect than I remembered! “Aidan,” I whimper.

  “Hold on, baby.”

  I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, clinging to him as he pulls my underwear from under my skirt with one loud rip.

  I watch as they fall to the floor and within a second he’s inside of me. “FUCK.” He starts to fuck me relentlessly, harder and faster than he did on Saturday.

  “Oh my God!” I cry, my clit already tingling as I prepare for my release when he freezes. My eyes fly open and I meet his gaze.

  “Condom,” he says through gritted teeth and I can feel his cock pulsing inside of me.

  “Pill,” I answer.

  “You’re on it?” he asks and I nod. “What the fuck for?” he barks, and I shoot him a look that says who the fuck do you think you are?

  “I mean…” He looks around the room before turning back to me. His eyes are squeezed shut almost painfully “Just the thought of you fucking someone else pisses me off.”

  “I’m not,” I whisper.

  “But I can’t fuck you either.”

  “You surely picked a fine time to come to that realization.” I raise an eyebrow at him before darting my gaze down to where we’re connected.

  A smile plays on his lips. “I’m going to finish us off, but then that’s it…I can’t…we can’t be reckless, Skyler.”


�Fine.” But I was anything but fine. He begins to push in and out of me harder, going further than anyone has ever gone. At this angle he’s in, I feel deliciously full every time he buries himself to the hilt.

  “Fucking fuck. This sucks,” he laments in a gruff voice.

  I nod in response, my lips dragging along his neck. He wraps his arms around me, essentially using me to jack himself off as he moves me up and down on his dick. Damn this man is strong.

  “I’m going to come, baby. I don’t want to come inside of you.”

  “Do you want to come in my mouth?” I purr in his ear and he grabs my head by my hair and yanks me back to look at me.

  His eyes stare at me, hard, before he lets himself fall out of me and I scramble to my knees. His cock is down my throat before I can think and I wrap my hands around his ass and squeeze. I’m going to miss this ass. And this cock. God, he truly is a perfect specimen.

  “Fuck, Skyler.” He wraps his hands in my hair as he meets my face with every suck. Drool pools in the corners of my mouth. His cock tastes like my pussy and for some reason it turns me on even more. “Your mouth is insane,” he whispers. I catch a peek upwards and I see his head is thrown back as he thrusts into my wanting mouth. I reach between his legs and find his balls, fondling them in my hands and he erupts instantly down my throat. “Fuuuuuck!” he groans as streams of cum shoot out of his dick and into my mouth. I swallow everything he has to offer before he lets his cock slide from his lips. Realization of what we just did hits me like a ton of bricks, and I can’t even look up and see the look of disgust that he probably has all over his face now that he’s come. “Hey,” he says as he lifts my chin up to meet his gaze. He reaches down and hauls me to my feet. “Why the face?”

  I told myself I wasn’t going to cry, but in this moment, I feel like nothing more than a space for him to deposit his cum. The word cumdumpster flashes through my mind and I hate that I feel so cheap. “You’re so angry with me,” I whisper and I feel the tears forming in my eyes. “You just spent the past ten minutes screaming at me and making me feel like shit and then… you fucked me, and now you’re going to hate me again, and I feel…used, to be honest.”

  “Skyler, look at me,” he orders me, and when I do I notice his blue eyes are significantly softer. “I’m sorry for how I spoke to you. That was just…my shit. It wasn’t about you.”

  “You sure about that?” I ask.

  He sighs and moves to the small couch in the room and sits down, offering me a seat next to him. I do, creating a bit of space between us, but still feeling close enough that I know he could probably smell the mix of our arousals on my sex. “My ex lied about…a lot of things. I guess it still messes with my head a little…when someone lies to me.”

  I nod, knowing exactly how he feels after my own history with a liar. “Aidan, I’m sorry.”

  “Me too, Skyler.”

  “So, this…is it?” I ask.

  “Afraid so, princess.” I nod once before I stand up and I prepare to leave, grabbing my destroyed underwear and stuffing them in my bag. “Wait,” he whispers.

  I turn towards him and he presses his lips to mine. The kiss is slow and passionate, a contrast to the animalistic, aggressive kiss from earlier that left my lips bruised and swollen. His tongue moves against mine in perfect rhythm when I feel his hand between my legs. I pull back and look at him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You didn’t come.” He lifts my skirt slightly and parts my legs further. “I need to make you come one last time.” He rests his forehead against mine as he glides his fingers through my sex, rubbing my clit in between strokes. “Mi mancherai, Bella.” I’ll miss you, Bella.

  “I’ll miss you too,” I whisper.

  I find myself trying to prolong the orgasm, knowing that once it comes, it’s the end. Aidan and I are over.

  That thought hits me harder than the orgasm.

  “About time you showed up.” Peyton quips as I set my bag down across from her. “You’re lucky I don’t have problems eating by myself. A more insecure girl would have your head, Skyler Mitchell.” I found her on the quad, parked on a picnic bench taking selfies in between bites of her kale salad. She takes in my expression and blanches. “Oh shit. Run into Aidan?”

  “Oh yeah.” I prop my elbows up on the table and put my head in my hands. “I am so fucked.” I remember that I’m naked under my skirt. Literally.

  “What happened?”

  “I’m in his class.”

  Peyton goes through a series of emotions that I can read all over her face, from shock to worry to dread as she rubs her nose ring. “I thought…you said you didn’t see his name?”

  “There was a last minute change of Professor. He walked in. He saw me. Froze. I turned fifty shades of red but he played it off well. After class, he dragged me to his office, proceeded to hand my ass to me for ten minutes and then we fucked without a condom and he came in my mouth.”

  Peyton chokes on her salad and begins coughing before downing a large gulp of water. “You guys fucked?”

  “Yeah.” My stomach turns and for a second I wonder if I should eat something, but I have a feeling it’ll come right back up.

  “Without a condom?”

  “It was…impulsive.”

  “Clearly,” she snorts.

  “He says that was the end.”

  “Well, maybe just ‘till the end of the semester?”

  “He’s angry at me for lying to him. I think this is the end period.”

  She rolls her eyes and scoffs. “The holier than thou approach, I see.” I lay my hands flat on the table and rest my forehead against them. “Sky, I’m sorry.”

  I’m exhausted. It’s only noon and I feel like I could crawl into bed and sleep for a week. I’m humiliated and hurt and pissed at myself, and yet I can’t control the throbbing between my legs that he’d caused when he rubbed me to an orgasm not ten minutes ago. I’m very aware that I don’t have underwear on, and every time the wind blows I feel the breeze tickle my wet sex and I have to stifle a moan.

  “Go figure, the best sex of my life and I only get it twice.”

  “There will be other guys. We’ll go out tonight! First week of the semester, there’s always tons of parties.”

  I pick my head up and shake it back and forth. “Peyton, I’m really not in the mood.”

  She purses her lips before nodding once and sliding her sunglasses over her eyes. “Fine.” She points her fork at me. “You have one day to be sad. Tomorrow, we party. Alright? Come on Sky, like you say, life goes on.”

  It was the first time I’d ever hated hearing those words.

  I spent the evening in bed after doing a bit of studying from the day’s classes. Including a certain Doctor Reed’s. I’d eventually given up and climbed into bed with Sex and the City and a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream. It isn’t until halfway through Samantha getting nailed by some hot random guy that I realize, I’m fucking horny. My mind drifts back to his arms wrapped around me, his cock inside of me. His bare cock. I had never felt anything so intimate. Nothing between us. No barriers. I let out a breath as I think about how reckless we were. How much I wanted to be reckless again. And again. And again.

  My fingers itch to text him. That familiar tingle that comes when you’re really into a guy and you feel flutters in your stomach at the idea of talking to him.

  He’s not going to answer, Skyler. He’s probably already blocked you.

  I’m his student though, what if I have a question about the class?

  Then you email him like students are advised, my subconscious sneers.

  Just as my hands find my phone I remember Stella’s words of wisdom. “If you’re thinking about sending a risky text to someone you probably shouldn’t, masturbate first. If you cum and you still want to, go for it. But a horny mind is a dangerous thing. Rub one out before you text.” I can hear her words clear as day as she adjusts those glasses that has every guy in a ten mile radius referring t
o her as a sexy librarian. “This does not apply if you’re drunk. If that’s the case…delete the text after you send so that tomorrow, ‘sober you’ isn’t privy to the damage.”

  I drop my phone like it’s on fire and my hand flies to the space between my legs, sliding my hand under the elastic of my shorts. “Fuck. Aidan. WHY?!” I whine as I rub my finger over my clit and further down to the space inside. “I can’t even fucking finger myself the way he does it.” I throw my covers off me, letting the cool air hit my legs as I try to picture Aidan’s mouth between my legs. I open one eye praying that he appears before me.

  “Che cosa desideri, Bella?” I can almost hear his words. What is my desire? You’re my desire, Aidan. Fuck, I want you so god damn much.

  “Tell me how much.” My clit pulses as I picture him in his office, so close I can taste his breath, hear his heart beating in his chest. His voice is almost pained as he looks me over, the regret all over his perfect features as realization washes all over his face. “I can’t stop thinking about you, Skyler.”

  “Just one more time, please?”

  He crosses the length of his office until he’s standing before me. “One more time isn’t enough.”

  “I know.” I’m soaking wet at this point, my fingers gliding easily over the sensitive nerves every few seconds. He undoes his pants, letting them fall and I take a moment to drool over the perfection of his cock. “Your dick is a masterpiece,” I murmur, and quick as lightning he’s on me, his cock inside of me and his hand wrapped around my throat as he fucks me hard against his office door.

  “You’ll be my undoing, Skyler.”

  “Ditto.” I manage as he closes his hand harder around my windpipe.

  His thrusts get more aggressive and my fingers work overtime to get me to the orgasm that is just a beat away. “Fuck. AIDAN!” I scream as the tingles turn into an explosion that rips through my body. My eyes fly open at the peak of my orgasm and I fly over the edge as my body comes down from the high. I slide my hand from between my legs and stare at my fingers. They’re coated with my cum and I remember the heady feeling of sucking myself off of him.


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