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First Semester (A Campus Tales Story Book 1)

Page 9

by Q. B. Tyler

  His hands are in my hair and then around my back. He moves them to the space right above my ass and plucks at the thong tucked between my ass cheeks. “Lay back,” he breathes in my ear and I don’t wait a second before I do what he says, pulling my underwear off at the same time.

  “As much as I love feeling the wet flesh of your bare pussy, we are using a condom. We’re playing with fire.” He tells me as he presses a finger into my sex and begins rubbing against my clit. It had been less than twenty-four hours since I felt him inside me and my body is already starting to build with the painful need to come around him. I stretch my feet, pointing my toes hard, feeling them curl and extend in preparation for my climax.

  “Aidan, fuck me, please.”

  “Not yet.” He pulls his fingers out of me and before I have a chance to react to the loss of contact, his mouth is on me. His tongue penetrates my wet channel, rubbing my inner walls before pulling out of me and flicking my clit. He does that motion again and again until he settles on my clit, alternating between licking, sucking, and nibbling. I’ve never felt teeth on my clit until Aidan, and I realize it is something I like. Not hard. Just a gentle graze that sends delicious jolts up my spine and into my brain. My body sizzles under his mouth and I want nothing more than to watch it move later today in class, knowing that this morning he’d had it all over me.

  It would take everything out of me not to shoot the girls in my class a look that said: that man is mine.

  I grip the back of his head and clamp my thighs around his ears as I watch him submerge his entire face in my sex. The tip of his tongue continues to tickle the engorged flesh between my legs and I’m ready to explode. “Fuck, Aidan. I’m going to come!”

  I hear him slurping and sucking everything that my body offers him. “Come, Skyler. I know you’re close.”

  I begin to rock against his face, feeling the orgasm at the tip of my tongue…and his as well. “Yes!” I scream. “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my Goddddd,” I chant. I shut my eyes just as the feeling explodes through me, causing fireworks behind my eyelids. I’m barely down from the high when he’s inside of me, pounding into me mercilessly and tapping my G-spot every few strokes.

  This man is an actual sex God.

  His strokes slow, and his lips find mine as we begin the sensual dance that matches what our lower halves are doing. I’ve known Aidan three days and already he knows the language of my soul. “Fuck, Skyler. La mia bellissima ragazza,” he whispers in my ear and I shiver. My beautiful girl. His hands tighten on my hips and then my legs are up next to my ears, my ankles just above my head as he continues his reckless assault on my pussy. I look up at him, and his intense gaze takes my breath away. His dark blue eyes penetrate me as deep as his cock, and I can’t handle the physical and emotional sensations. I shut my eyes, needing to break the connection on some level, and knowing I can’t tell him to stop.

  My heart thumps wildly in my chest, banging against my ribcage with every thrust. Aidan is turning me inside out, slowly. I just hope my heart will be intact when I come out on the other side.

  One month later

  I tap my pen against my teeth, a smile finding my lips as I watch Aidan try to avoid my gaze. I bite down on the lid, running my tongue along it every few seconds. I manage to catch his gaze and before he can break our eye contact I lick my lips. He swallows, but doesn’t miss a beat. I guess after thirty days of my torture, he’s gotten rather immune to it. The first week, he barely kept it together as I constantly teased him all class. I’d played with my hair, made a show of taking my jacket off and even got up to go to the bathroom, which led to a full thirty seconds of silence as I know he followed my ass with his eyes as I left the room.

  We’d been good though. We hadn’t been to his office again since that second day, although we had graced a stairwell in the law library…twice.

  For the most part though, we kept things to his place or my place after class hours. I’d spent the better part of the last month falling asleep wrapped up in Aidan Reed’s arms, and I can’t stop the feeling that I’m falling hard for him.

  But what future can you have? Where is this all going?

  A part of me wonders if he is even interested in getting more serious once the semester is over and I’m no longer his student. I want to ask, but I’m honestly too nervous to hear his reply.

  What if this is all just fun for him?

  I know he had a bitchy ex-fiancée who clearly didn’t appreciate him. She’d hurt him. Destroyed him to the point that he wasn’t sure if he could do it again. The hurt he endured, and the pain he is still obviously in, slices through me, making me wonder if we are more alike than I thought.

  I thought maybe I had been unreasonable about what had happened with Gabriel, but hearing Aidan talk about his ex-fiancée, made me realize that you can’t put an age on heartbreak. Feelings are beyond reason.

  I must have missed hearing him dismiss class early because people are getting up around me and clearing out of the classroom. Per usual, there’s a line of girls waiting to talk to him and I know this is one of the days I can’t stay and wait. We’d come up with a schedule, so that it doesn’t become obvious that we have an unorthodox relationship for a student and a professor. Sometimes I can wait to talk to him and other times I have to go. I pout as I think about how this is one of those times I have to go.

  My phone buzzes and I assume it’s Peyton asking if I can meet up for lunch. “Or if I was going somewhere to have Aidan’s dick for lunch.” Peyton’s words.

  Aidan: I want to bend you over this desk and explore your cunt with my mouth.

  My eyes widen and I almost drop my phone seeing his explicit words on the screen. I go to respond when I get another message.

  Aidan: And then I want you to do to my cock what you were doing to that pen all Goddamn class. Never have I ever wanted to be a fucking ballpoint so badly.

  I look up to see him typing on his computer, while a girl yammers on about some stupid bullshit. “Help me with my paper, I think I need extra help, please let me suck your dick?” I swear I can hear it as clear as day as I watch the pretty brunette from the third row twirl her hair nervously.

  Aidan: Stop looking jealous.

  I actually grunt at my phone and shoot him a glare that I know he doesn’t see, but can feel.

  Aidan: Meet me at my office. Five minutes.

  Skyler: We said no more sex in your office.

  Aidan: That was before I saw you in a pair of leggings.

  Skyler: I can come over later?

  Aidan: Skyler. My office.

  Skyler: No, it’s risky. Later. I’ll leave the leggings on. *kissy face*

  I don’t wait for a reply before heading out of the door, knowing that he won’t stop me.

  I spot Peyton on the quad in her usual spot, typing away on her computer, and I wonder if she’s finished her philosophy paper.

  “Hey, P.”

  “Ah, I was wondering when you’d show up. Afternoon delight?” She giggles, and I roll my eyes. Every day she asks if we had sex and every day I tell her no.

  “He’s coming over later.”

  “So lame.” She pouts. “You hardly ever come out anymore.” She shoots me a look and rolls her eyes. “I know his dick game is amazing, but really, Sky?”

  “I know. I know.” I lower my head in shame at becoming one of those girls that spends all her free time with her boyfriend. “I just…I can’t very well bring him out with me, now can I? I can’t even bring him to your pregames.” I pause, knowing that Peyton isn’t going to let this go. “But maybe you could come over?” I shrug non-committedly. I’m not sure how that would go over with Aidan even though he knows Peyton knows our secret. “I think Chace might be coming back to town soon.” A smile finds her lips and her eyebrows almost shoot up to her hairline.

  “Reallyyyyy,” she says dramatically. “Hot Chace? Chace who may or may not have appeared during one or two of my shower orgasms?”

  “Didn’t ne

ed to know that?” I shake my head as I pull the protein bar out of my bag that Aidan had all but shoved into my hands when we left this morning. Usually he cooks breakfast for me, but this morning we couldn’t get out of bed for anything, which also made me five minutes late for my first class.

  “When’s he coming?” she asks, a twinkle in her blue eyes alerting me that she would definitely not let him slip through her fingers this time.

  “Aidan said maybe next weekend.”

  “I will make myself way available for the occasion.” She raises an eyebrow at me before I see her pulling her phone out. I almost choke on my food when I hear her next words. “Hi, I’m calling to see if I can book an appointment for a Brazilian wax next week?”

  The smell of lasagna wafts around me and my mouth waters, giving me feelings of nostalgia and reminding me of home. I look up from my computer and watch Aidan move around his kitchen. His arms flex and tighten as he does something so domestic. For me. And in nothing more than a pair of sweatpants that make my mouth water and a t-shirt. Aidan Reed, also known as the most gorgeous man I’d ever met and the best sex of my life, is now making me dinner.

  I am so fucked.

  He catches me staring and shoots me a grin that I feel deep in my core. My heart flutters and I try to stop myself from going deep into the fantasy of this similar scenario in five years, ten years, fifty years.

  Yep, I’m in deep.

  “Do you need help?” I ask.

  “Nope, you stay there and study.”

  “You know I’m going to be a tough critic. I am Italian. Marinara is in my veins.”

  “I know. I told myself I wanted to cook you something I knew you’d love and were familiar with, but now I’m shitting myself thinking you won’t like it.”

  I stand up and make my way over to the kitchen where I wrap my arms around him. “I was just kidding. I’m sure I’ll love it because you made it and no man has ever cooked me dinner before.”

  He leans down and presses his mouth to mine, sliding his tongue through my lips, letting me taste the wine that he wouldn’t let me have “until your homework is done”. I look at his counter and see all of the necessary ingredients, and I run through a mental checklist. “Seasoning is half the battle. You remembered parsley?”



  “Yes, Skyler.” I can sense the exasperation in his voice.

  I put my hands up. “Okay, just checking. Smells good.” I reach for his wine glass and take a tentative sip.

  “Is your homework done?”

  I give him a cheeky grin. “I don’t know…want to check it?”

  He raises an eyebrow at me. “What are you working on?”

  “Work for your class. Although, I don’t know why. Sleeping with the professor should have some perks.” I giggle as I make my way back to the table and sit with his wine glass in hand, letting the flavors of the Malbec take me back to my Italian vacation.

  “Is that so?” He moves across the room and leans over me. “You think I should just give you an A because we’re sleeping together?”

  “Of course not.” I flutter my eyelashes and let my tongue dart out and lick a drop of stray wine. “I think you should give me an A because I give fantastic head and I let you stick your dick in my ass.”

  His nostrils flare and I watch him rub his hands together like he’s preparing for something sinful. “Fantastic head, huh?”

  “Mmmhmm.” I turn back to my computer, knowing full well that I’m about to be taking a very long study break. He tugs on my bun, letting it fall from the confines of my ponytail holder and makes me look up at him.

  “We’ll circle back to my dick in your ass later. Do you think your blow jobs warrant you an A, Miss Mitchell?”

  “I know they do,” I quip.

  “So, you’d be willing to bet your entire grade on an oral exam, then?” His face leans down and it’s so close I can almost taste it.


  “Prove it.”

  I’m kneeling between Aidan’s legs as he sits in the chair in his living room that I swear is only meant for old men to take naps in. My hands are on his naked thighs as he runs his hand up and down his cock. “Do you want this, Miss Mitchell?” he asks and I move forward slightly when he puts a hand over my mouth. “Beg for it.”

  “You beg for it,” I bite back playfully.

  “Ah ah, you’re the one that wants the A.” I huff like a defiant child not getting her way. “Ask me.”

  “To what,” I whisper.

  “Ask me to let you suck my dick.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, doing my best to play the part of the bratty school girl. God knows I would beg for anything he wanted me to. “Please, Doctor Reed.” I bite down on my bottom lip for emphasis and look up at him through my eyelashes. I tuck a hair behind my ear nervously and look away from his piercing gaze. “My parents are used to seeing me get straight A’s. They’ll freak.”

  “Hmmm.” He taps his chin as he continues to pull on his dick. “Do I get to come in that pretty little mouth of yours?”

  “If…if that’s what you want?”

  “Good answer.” He grunts as I assume he’s getting himself closer to the edge with no help from me.

  “Do you need a hand with that?” I purse my lips and stare up into his eyes.

  “I need your mouth on it.”

  “And then I get an A?”

  “And then you get an A, princess.” His eyes are dark, his lips are parted, and I can see his tongue running along his teeth. He’s ready to explode.

  “Okay…I—I’ve never done this before,” I whisper, breathily.

  “I’ll teach you.” He nods as he lets go and my hand takes over, slowly moving up and down his steel rod. “Lick the tip, baby.” And I do. He rewards me with a deep and guttural groan. “Fuck,” he hisses as he leans his head back and shuts his eyes. I lick his tip again and he twitches before I sheath my entire mouth around him and push him to the back of my throat. “God damn, your mouth, Skyler.” Both of his hands are in my hair as he pushes up and into my mouth. His grip on my hair tightens and I respond by digging my nails into his thighs. I let him fall from my mouth with a pop and trail my tongue up the underside of his shaft. I look up at him just as I put him back into my mouth and he’s staring at me through hooded slits. “Skyler.”

  “Doctor Reed,” I mumble around his cock.

  “Make me come and you get an A.”

  Spurred on by his words, I push myself, desperate to get him to the finish line. I suck and slurp, moaning and letting out little whimpers that I know drive him wild. “Sky,” he groans and then his cock expands in my mouth and his orgasm begins. He shudders underneath me as his salty liquid slides down my throat. I continue to suck long after he’s done giving me all that he has to offer before letting him slide from between my lips. I go to sit back on my heels when he lifts me up and settles me on his naked cock, making me straddle him. I’m wearing my underwear and a t-shirt without a bra, and my nipples are hardening, poking against the cotton.

  “Did I get the A?” I ask.

  “You get whatever you fucking want, Miss Mitchell.” He shakes his head and gives me a smile. “Ti penso ogni giorno.” I think about you every day.

  “I swear you speak better Italian than I do.” I giggle and he smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

  “I’m serious, Skyler.” He rubs his face and swallows. “I wasn’t…I mean this wasn’t supposed to be…” He looks around the room. “Sei la luce della mia vita.” You are the light of my life.

  “Me?” His words circle around me before burrowing their way into my heart. Is he feeling what I’m feeling? Is he falling for me as hard as I’m falling for him?

  “You, Skyler.”

  I take a breath, steeling myself for a potentially uncomfortable conversation. “What does…what does all this mean?”

  “I don’t know.” He licks his lips and I yearn to run my tongue over the sam
e trail, but I think we need to have this conversation. “I think it means that this is real for me,” he murmurs quietly. “We are real.”

  I can’t stop the smile from blossoming across my face. “Me too.” My words are soft and timid but they’re there, and now that our words are in the atmosphere there’s no turning back.

  “You and me,” he whispers against my lips.

  “You and me,” I whisper back as he lifts me into his arms and carries me to his bedroom.

  After two rounds of sex, we decide to take a break to eat and for me to actually do my homework for his class. I’m not sure if Aidan will give me anything lower than an A, but I figure I should still give him work that warrants one. A few hours later, I’m in his bed highlighting a line in my textbook that I’ve reread at least six times when I feel his eyes on me. I look at him out of the corner of my eye before turning towards him slowly. “Can I help you?”

  “You know you can.” He rests his lips against my shoulder before kissing it.

  “I want to, but I have to do this. In theory, maybe I can bomb your quizzes, but not these other ones.”

  “You won’t bomb, you’re brilliant.”

  I beam under his praise, my cheeks heating as I shoot him a smile. “Thank you, but I really do need to study.” I turn back to my book.

  “Fine, you read, and I’ll do something else to keep me occupied.”

  I wave him off and no more than thirty seconds later do I feel hands wrapping around my legs spreading them slightly. “What the…” I move my textbook to see Aidan lying between my legs, his face descending between them. “Aidannnn,” I whine.

  “Whattt…” His whine matches mine. “Just a little taste, and then I’ll leave you alone, I swear.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him knowing that a little taste will turn into another round of sex and another hour I’ve spent not getting anything done. “Aidan Reed, you stay away from me when midterms roll around, I mean it.” I toss my book to the side and let him pull me down the bed before ripping my underwear from me and pressing his lips to the space that is aching for his kiss.


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