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Fernando Po, Burton at 196
Fighter 586th Regiment (USSR) fliers 221–2, 228–9
1st Squadron underused at Stalingrad 228
2nd Squadron takes down Ju–88 229
now in 296th Regiment 234–7
Yak–1s 222, 228
fighting, injuries from 64–7
Firestone, Shulamith 260–1
Flesh and the Devil (Garbo movie) 249
flight archery 106
folk etymology 44–5
Fon people, Dahomey 192–212
Fontenelle, and du Boccage 173
on Les Amazones 177
foot-binding 48
Forbes, Frederick, on Dahomey women’s army 193, 204–5, 206
France, Encyclopédistes 170–3
Franco-Dahomean war 207–12
Dahomey women’s army and 208–11
French invade Dahomey 209–11
French repeating rifles and Dum-Dum bullets 208–11
Franklin, Benjamin, and du Boccage 180
Friedan, Betty 260–1
Furies (Eumenides) 2
Gárdonyi, Géza, The Invisible Man 108–9
Gaddafi, Muammar, ‘Amazonian Guard’ 264
Gaines, Maxwell Charles
and Marston 253
comic books 251–60
Game of Thrones 129
gay community, du Boccage’s Colombiade and 180
Gelman, Polina, combat flights 226
Genghis Khan 53, 68
and archery 106, 120
Alans as Ossetians 102
Amazon frontiers 39
German Archaeological Institute 60
German enemies, Wonder Woman and 257
Germany, Thirty Years’ War 160–2, 165–6, 168
Germany, Operation Barbarossa (WWII) 219–33
Gezo, King of Dahomey
begins women’s army 193
killed by Yoruba 197, 206
Gibbon, Edmund, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 171
doubts Amazons 171
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Forerunner (magazine) 243
Herland 243–4, 256
Women and Economics 242
ginseng, ‘evidence’ for Amazons in America 153–4
Glele, King of Dahomey
resists British treaty 197, 206
attacks Abeokuta, defeated 207
Burton’s official visit to 197–206
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
and Kleist’s Penthesilea 183, 185, 188–9
Iphigenia on Tauris 183
Werther, influence 181–2
Golden Man (woman) 69–74
Gorno Altaisk Museum, Ice Maiden at 83–4
and Alans 103
and Olbia 32n5
Grandin, Major Léonce, on Dahomey women’s army 211
grassland culture 29–37
grave robbers, Pazyryk valley 75–6
Great Salbyk Kurgan 55–5
Great Ulagan River 75
Great Wall, grassland culture limit 31
Greece, Amazons invade 9–10
Greek/Scythian commercial contact 37, repeating breast myth 47
Greeks (Achaeans)
Amazons, Sarmatian women as 97
and Scythians 31
defeat Persians 16
gods, attributes 258
Siege of Troy 10–16
griffins 53
Grimmelshausen, Hans von, Simplicissimus 161–2
Gubina, Lyuba 231
gunpowder, ends mounted archery 106
Guyon, Claude, on Amazons 171
Haecht, Willem van, The Gallery of Cornelis van der Geest 168
Hallerstein, Carl Haller von 20
Harris, Marvin 214–15
Harrison, John 179
Heavy Bomber 587th Regiment 221–2
Hector 3, 11
Hecuba 3, 11
Helen of Troy 3, 11
Hera and Heracles 6
Heracles (Hercules) 42
and Hippolyte’s girdle 4–7
Wonder Woman version 256–7
Hera and 6
in Bassae Frieze 20
Rubens/Brueghel version 164–5
Herberay, Nicolas de, Esplandian rewrite 129–30
Hérissé, Auguste le, on Dahomey women’s army survivors 212
on Amazons and Scythians 7–8
on bald/shaved/scalped Scythians 35, 54n10, 63, 76
on Persians 24
on royal burials 58–9
on Sauromatians 51, 93–6
on Scythians 31–7, 46, 51–2, 63
on strange races 64
Hippocrates, On Airs, Waters, Places 45–6
Hippolyte (daughter of Ares) 4–7
and Penthesilea 12
and Theseus
Boccaccio on 124–5
Chaucer on 125
girdle 4–7
possibly in Bassae Frieze 22
Rubens/Brueghel version 164–5
Rubens realist version 166–7
Wonder Woman version 256–7
Hippolytus (son of Theseus and Antiope) 9
Hisarlik see Troy 3
Hitler, Adolf, Operation Barbarossa 219–33
Hittites 3, 5
Holland, war of independence from Spain 162–3, 165–6, 168
Holloway, Elizabeth
and Marston 245–60
and Wonder Woman 253, 258, 259
Amazones antianeirai 44
and written records 10
Iliad 3
on Siege of Troy 10–11
Horse & Hound 119
horse-based cultures, injuries 62–3, 64–7
horseback archery, Kassai revives as sport 106–21
as business 114–21
hitting target 112–14
reloading 110, 111–12
skill not strength 106
horsewomen, inner Asia 29–37
Howard, Alethea, Countess of Arundel, Rubens and 168
Howard, Thomas, Earl Marshal of England 168
Hunno-Sarmatians, remains 61–7
Huns, mounted archery 109
Huntley, Marjorie, and Marston 246–8, 250, 256
Hurons, Amazon descent, Lafitau on 152–3, 214
Huss, Jan 160
Hyperboreans 53
Ice Maiden (Ukok Princess)
2003 earthquakes and 83–4
and Altaian nationalism 82–3
grave, Ukok Plateau 79–84
artefacts 81–2
horses 81
imported clothing 82, 86–7
not warrior 85
shaved head 87
status/identity 83–7
tattoos 81, 85–6
Ictinos (sculptor) 17
Idanthyrsus, Scythian king, and Persian invasion 94–6
Independent European Horse Archery School 117
Indo-European languages 54
International Horseback Archery Alliance 120
Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon 35
Iraq, Kurdish women, fighting Daesh/IS 263–4, 268–73
Iroquois women, identified with classical Amazons 152–4
Ismagulov, Orazak, on Golden Man (woman) 71–2, 73
Issedonians 53
Issyk (Esik) kurgans 67–74
Ivakina, Nina (Komsomol) 225
Japan, horseback archery 106n22, 121
Japanese diaphragms, Sanger and 251
Jeremiah (prophet), on Scythians 88
Jerusalem artichoke 44
Joan of Arc 213
Jordana, Xavier, and BTG burial area 88–91
Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 248
Journal of Archaeological Science, BTG team paper 89–90
Justinus, on Amazons 46
Kalinin, Mikhail 229
‘Kara’ Fatma, WWI Turkish army commander 266
Kassai, Lajos
r /> Horseback Archery 108
revives horseback archery 106–21
Kazakh Institute 68
Kazakhs, Mongolia 89
headdresses 72
Golden Man (woman) 69–74
bones lost 73–4
Issyk kurgans 67–74
Saka (Sacae) 53
kurgans 67–74
Keatley, Carolyn 247
Khanem, Adela, WWI Halabja region ruler 266
Khingan Mountains 32
Khomyakova, Valeriya, takes down Ju-88 229
Kleist, General Paul von, Night Witches attack on 228
Kleist, Heinrich von 182–90
and Pfuel 187–8
Der zerbrochene Krug 185
Penthesilea 183–9
psychoanalysis 185–90
Phöbus 183
suicide with Vogel 189–90
Kleist, Ulrike von 187
Kleist island 187
Kociok, Oberfeldwebel Josef, downs 4 Night Bombers 238–9
Korea, horseback archery 121
Kotilon, Mount 17
Kuban River Scythian dynasties 37
kumiss 34, 38, 65, 71, 72, 89, 101
Kunstkammer Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography 62
Kurdish women fighters 263–73
no Sharia law 270
pleas for 265
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) 267
mixed-sex military wing 269–73
kurgans (Scythian grave mounds)
Akkerman kurgan 54–5
artefacts 52–3, 54–101
Arzhan kurgans 56, 58–61
Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi kurgan 54–5
Danube and Don kurgans 55
human remains 52–7
Issyk (Esik) kurgans 67–74
Minusinsk Hollow kurgans 55–6
Pokrovka Sarmatian kurgans 96–101
Saka kurgans 67–74
artefacts 69–73
Tuva kurgans 56–74
Tyasmin River kurgan 54
women warriors 54–6
Laemmle, Carl, and Marston 249
Lafitau, Joseph-François
Moeurs des sauvages amériquains 152–4
Amazons 152–4, 171
on Hurons’ Amazon descent 152–3, 214
Lake Thun 187–8
Lamprière, Classical Dictionary 204
Laocoön statue 164
Lepore, Jill, The Secret History of Wonder Woman 242–62
Leus, Pavel 60
lie detectors (Marston) 245, 250
and Lasso of Truth 258
Limanova, Galya 231
Lisbon earthquake 170
Little Turgen River, (BTG) burial area 88–91
Litvyak, Lilya ‘The Girl Avenger’ 234–7
Locke, John 169
Louis XIV, King of France 170–1
‘love meter’ experiment 249
Ludwig, Prince of Bavaria 20
Luther, Martin, Reformation 160
Luwians 3
Lycurgus 188
Lydia, and Cimmerians 37
Lysimachus, and Onesicritus 41–2
Machiparo people 137
machismo, amazonomachy as prop 23–6
Maeotis (Sea of Azov) 7–8
Magdeburg 1631 massacre 161
Mahi kingdom 193
Maiden Goddess, Scythians 35
Manchuria 32, 106
Marcus Aurelius Sarmaticus, conquers Alans 102
Marivaux, Pierre de 173
marmalade 44
Marston, William Moulton
and bondage 246–8
and Byrne 246–53, 258
and comic books 252
‘Why 100,000,000 Americans Read Comics’ 253–4
‘Wonder Woman’ comic superhero xviii, 255–8
and Gaines 253
and Holloway 245–60
and Huntley 246–8, 250, 256
and Laemmle 249
and lie detectors 245, 250, 258
and Pitkin, The Art of the Sound Picture 249
Emotions of Normal People 248
experimental psychology 245–60
on start of American Amazons matriarchy 251
Try Living 251
Martial, on Alans 101–2
Masaryk, Jan 160
Massagetae Scythians 36, 38–42, 53
defeat Persians 38, 42
gender equality 38
matriarchies, none yet discovered 215
Medea 25
Medici, Marie de 166
Mediterranean fabric dyes, Ukok clothing 86–7
Meklin, Natasha 233–4
possibly in Bassae Frieze 22
du Boccage on 175–7
Menkov, Nikolai 236
Mesopotamia 37
metalwork, Uyuk Culture 57
Meyerowitz, Eva, on last Dahomey Amazon 212
Migunova, Ekaterina, on Raskova 222
Milton, John, Paradise Lost 173
mining, Uyuk Culture 57
Minusinsk Hollow kurgans 55–6
Mongolia 54
and modern horseback archery 120
Pazyryk people 88–91
children, as jockeys 105
milk products 34
Montalvo, Garci de, Amadís de Gaula, Exploits of Esplandian 128–34
Montesquieu, Baron de, De l’esprit des lois 175
Moscow to Komsomolsk first flight attempt 217–19
Mount Holyoke college 244
mounted archery see horseback archery
Mounted Archery Association of the Americas 120
movies, experimental psychology and 249–50
Ms magazine 261
Murphy, Eileen, on Scythian palaeopathology 62–7
Mycenae, walls 3
Mycenaean Greeks 3–5
Myres, Sir John, on Herodotus 52
mythology, fashionable 23–5
Nachthexen see Night Bombers
Nagler, Anatoli 60
Napoleon 19n3, 20, 168
Nashville, Parthenon Athena replica 17
National College Equal Suffrage League 244
National Geographic, Polosmak on Ice Maiden 81, 82
Nazarbayev, Nursultan, and Golden Man (woman) 73
Nazca Desert 85
New Women, United States 244–5, 257
Newton, Isaac 169
Night Bombers (USSR)
anti-flak technique 229–30
as 46th ‘Taman’ Guards 237, 239
as 588th Regiment 221–40
as Nachthexen/Nochnye Vedmi (night witches) 227
at Southern Front 225–8, 229–33
finally issued underwear 230–1
first see German devastation 233–4
morale/efficiency 226–7
moved north-west 233–7
statistics 239–40
U2 biplanes 223–40
Nile, Burton seeks source 195
Nochnye Vedmi see Night Bombers
Norris, Robert, on Dahomey women bodyguards 192–3
North Ossetia–Alania 102
Novosibirsk Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography 80, 83
Nujin, woman fighter, on YPJ 270–1
Nurapiesov, Beken, on Saka grave theft 69–70
Öcalan, Abdullah
and Kurdish women fighters 267–9, 271
Liberating Life: Women’s Revolution 268
Odysseus 11, 64
Oeoropata (man-killers), Scythian on 93
Olbia, Herodotus at 31–3
Omagua people 137–8
Onesicritus, on Alexander and Amazons 41–2
Operation Barbarossa 219–33
Orellana, Francisco de
on ‘Amazon’ communities 138–49
on Amazon river people 136–49, 152–3
possibly in Bassae Frieze 22
du Boccage’s Amazon queen 174–7
Ossetian language 54, 102
Otrar 68
Oviedo, Fernández de, on Carvajal 146
Oyo empire, Nigeria 193, 197, 206
palaeopathology 62–7
Pankhurst, Emmeline 244
Paradise Island (Wonder Woman) 256–7
Paris (Greek) 3
Paris (France) 166
salons 171–3, 178, 180
Parthian shots 110
Parzinger, Hermann 60
pastoral nomads 29–37
Paulus, General Friedrich, surrenders 233
Pausanias, on Peloponnese temples 17–18
Payne, Neil, and horseback archery 118
Pazyryk people, Ukok Plateau 79–88
artefacts 77, 81–2
Chinese bride carriage 77
embalming 76–7, 87
frozen graves 75–88
headdresses 76, 87
imported clothing 86–7
Mongolia 88–91
tattoos 77–8, 81, 85–6
Pe-2 dive-bombers 222
peccadillo 44
Peloponnese temples 17–18
Pennington, Reina, Wings, Women and War 224, 239
Penthesilea (sister of Hippolyte) 12–16
possibly in Bassae Frieze 21–2
Kleist version 183–8
Penthesilea, Kleist play 183–9
Persians 25
and Scythians 37–8
beads, Pokrovka 98
failed invasion of Scythian lands 94–6
Greek depictions 24
Greeks defeat 16
Saka portrait 71
Peruvian Virgins of the Sun 147
Peter Pan xv–xvi
Peter the Great 52, 62
Petit, Pierre, De Amazonibus dissertatio 46–7
Petlyakov, Vladimir, Pe-2 dive-bombers 222
Pfuel, Ernst von, Kleist and 187–8
Phaedra and Hippolytus 9
Phasis River Amazons 39–42
Phidias, Parthenon Athena 17
Philippis 7
philosophers, Enlightenment 169–80
Phrygians 11
Pinzón, Vicente Yáñez, finds Amazon River 132
Piraha people 145–6
Pitkin, Walter B. 249
Pizan, Christine de, on Amazons 126–7
Pizarro, Gonzalo, does not find El Dorado 134–8
on Alexander and Amazons 39, 40
on Amazon invasion of Greece 8–10
on Onesicritus 41–2
Podarkes, and Penthesilea 13, 16
Pokrovka, Sarmatian kurgans 96–101
Polikarpov, Nikolai, U2 biplane 223–4
polis concept xvii
Polosmak, Natalia, and Ukok Devochka 79–83, 84–88
Pontic Steppe 32
Pope, Alexander, on Newton 169
Popov, Dmitrii, and Night Bombers 225
Porto-Novo, French at 209
Portugal and Spain, and Americas 131–2
Pouqueville, François, Travels in the Morea … 18–19n3
Prague, defenestrations 160
Prankish (Kassai’s horse) 109
Pravda, on Raskova’s state funeral 232
prehistoric societies, tracing cultural evolution 214
Prescott, William 147
Priam, King of Troy 3, 11–16
Prothoe 7