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Expired Refuge

Page 26

by Lisa Phillips

“We should go help with the clean up.” She started to move.

  He didn’t let go of her, so she wound up just turning around while still in his arms. “Chief?”

  He shook his head, an amused look on his face. “You really want to be my lieutenant?”

  “What else would I do? I’m a cop.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  It wasn’t a compliment, but boy did it feel like one. She grinned at him. Then she reminded herself she’d done next to nothing. Conroy was the one who had arrested Ed. “You got him.”

  He nodded. “We got him.”

  She didn’t know about that.

  “And until you’re signed off to active duty by the doc, you’re not working in the field. You’re at a desk.”

  “So you accept my application? Even after that?”

  Conroy said, “I accept.” He gave her a squeeze. “You’re a great cop, Mia. And I know that when you’re fighting fit again you’ll be an asset in keeping this town safe.”

  “I’ll do the best job I know how to do.”

  “It scares me a little, but Wilcox needs a new partner.”

  “That scares you?”

  He nodded. “Of course. You two are going to cause chaos. I’ll be spending my days putting out the fires you two start.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to be a bored chief.”


  She grinned.

  “One other thing I’ll need.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?”

  She chuckled. “It seems like we’ve been through enough we should have done that already.”

  It had only been a couple of weeks, but her feelings ran deep. And from the way he was looking at her, she figured his did also.

  “We did, I think. But we should start this off on the right foot, you know? Dress up and go somewhere fancy.” His eyes lit with hope.

  She hadn’t even packed a dress coming here. And hadn’t been home since. She was going to have to go shopping or she’d wind up “somewhere fancy” wearing jeans and sneakers.

  Maybe Wilcox would want to hit some stores.

  “Why do you look like I just gave you an idea for something I’m going to regret later?”

  She laughed and leaned in to press her lips against his.

  “There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.”

  Book 2 – Expired Secrets: Out April 9th 2020

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  About the author

  A British ex-pat who grew up an hour outside of London, Lisa attended Calvary Chapel Bible College where she met her husband. He's from California, but nobody’s perfect. It wasn’t until her Bible College graduation that she figured out she was a writer (someone told her). Since then she's discovered a penchant for high-stakes stories of mayhem and disaster where you can find made-for-each-other love that always ends in happily ever after.

  Lisa can be found in Idaho wearing either flip-flops or cowgirl boots, depending on the season. She leads worship with her husband at their local church. Together they have two children and an all-black Airedale known as The Dark Lord Elevator.

  Lisa is the author of the bestselling Sanctuary (WITSEC town series), the Double Down series, and more than a dozen Love Inspired Suspense novels. Her 2019 series of Northwest Counter-Terrorism agents was a big hit. 2020 is sure to be a lot of fun!

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  Lisa Phillips also writes Christian thriller supernatural novels under the name JL Terra




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