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Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)

Page 13

by LeeAnne, Lynda

  My body was trembling and I shook my head, not because I didn't want to hear it, but because it was something I’d always dreamed of, but I never thought would happen. And I was desperate for a family of my own.

  "You're not fuckin' leaving me," he finished in a growl and I threw my arms around his neck. I crushed my lips to his and our mouths were greedy and frantic, and I kept kissing him until I couldn't breathe. When I broke away we were both panting.

  "Don't ever talk to me that way again," I breathed.

  He inhaled sharply. "I promise. I’m sorry."

  "I love you," I told him.

  "I know," he breathed back.

  "Such an arrogant jerk," I muttered, glaring. His light green eyes sparkled as his lips tipped up into a grin. "Love you back, Freckles. My heart," he said low and deep, and I melted.

  "Does this mean you two aren't breaking up?" I heard Ms. Bryant ask and I looked back up the stairs as she started down them.

  "No, Ma. We're not breaking up," Adam answered confidently, and she smiled. Then she made it to the bottom step and slapped Adam across the back of his head.

  He ducked a little too late.

  "Ma! What the hell?"

  "I find out you talk to her like that one more time and I'll disown you, understand?" she scolded. "You sounded like my sperm donor upstairs and I've never been more embarrassed."

  Oh no...

  I heard Adam's gasp and my gaze swung his way. He was pale and looked sick. "Ma --"

  "You've always had a mouth on you and I never could stop it, but don't you ever...ever, speak to a woman like that again. I don't ever want to feel ashamed by my son, because that's exactly how I felt upstairs."

  "I'm sorry," Adam whispered without hesitation.

  "I know you are. Just don't let it happen again," she replied with confidence, and I now knew exactly where Adam got his from.

  Ms. Bryant's gaze hit my face and it softened. "You okay, Sweetie?" she asked and I nodded, too scared to speak. She walked to me, pulled me into her arms and hugged me. I hugged her back and glanced at Adam to see he was watching us with affection.

  "I love you like you're my own. You need me, I'm always here for you. Adam has no place in our relationship...unless you hurt him of course, then I won't be happy and I might have to smack some sense into you too...but I don't really see that happening."

  I laughed at that and hugged her tighter.

  We stayed like that until a horn honked and Ms. Bryant let me go. "Ah, Gloria's here. She's taking me to Target and then she's taking me home." She paused and looked at Adam.

  "I love you," she stated loud and clear.

  "You're my heart, Ma," he replied and that brought stupid tears to my eyes again. But having heard it a million times from her son, Ms. Bryant started away.

  "Okay, you two play nice while I'm gone," she ordered. Then she got in Gloria's car and left us.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Five Months Later

  Mia Dayes

  It was one o'clock in the morning and I was scared to death. Trembling. I scrambled to the headboard and reached for the phone.

  "Baby, what's wrong?" Adam answered on the second ring, concern lacing his tone. I hated when he had to work nights.

  "They're doing it again," I whispered, worried someone would hear. I just didn't know. "They know you're gone. I don't know what it was, but I think they were banging on the front door and it woke me up."

  "Those motherfuckers," he growled.

  The neighbors, our pot smoking, crack-head looking, loser neighbors were terrorizing me again. They moved in two months ago and were so nice and friendly at first. It was a daily occurrence to smell pot coming from their place, but hey, it didn't harm us in any way, so Adam never made a deal of it. But the moment they spotted Adam come home in his police uniform, all hell broke loose. They started torturing me - specifically on the nights Adam worked late, knowing I'd be alone.

  They'd bang on the walls and the front door at all hours of the night and into the morning. They'd shout "Pig whore, pig bitch, pig shit" at me if they caught me alone in the parking lot. They'd throw things at our bedroom window while I tried to sleep, which wasn't much anymore.

  I was scared to death, and Adam was out of his mind, because there wasn't much he could do. He'd already threatened them and they'd practically laughed in his face. He had his cop buddies driving by the apartment to keep an eye out at night, but they could only do it so often. His friends had already given them a number of parking tickets, and they were persistently waiting for the neighbors to really screw up so they could arrest them.

  Our lease was up in two more months and we’d been hoping to wait it out, but I wasn't sure I could take much more. I was considering staying with his mom on the nights he worked late until then, instead of paying to get out of the lease.

  "You remember where the gun is?" Adam asked.

  "Yes," I breathed, thinking I knew where it was, but I didn't want to touch it. I wasn't scared of guns because Adam made sure I knew how to use one, but I knew why he was asking and that terrified me.

  I heard him take a deep breath before he spoke. "All right, Freckles. I'm done with this shit. Can you look outside and see if their car is there?"

  "Ummm...yeah, give me a sec." I climbed out of bed and walked through the living room to the window.

  "Car's gone," I confirmed.

  "Good. I'm gonna get Jacobson on it and see if we can't finish this tonight," he said with a hint of danger.

  "What does that mean?"

  "Don't worry about it, Baby. You just try to go back to sleep. I'll be home around six. Anyone enters that apartment, you put a bullet in their head, you got me? Nothing better fuckin' happen to you, Mia."

  I shuddered at the horrific image and my skin chilled.

  "I love you, Adam."

  "With all my heart, Freckles," he said, and then disconnected.

  Adam Bryant

  "It's done," Jacobson said in my ear as I pulled up to my apartment and I breathed a sigh of relief for the first time since Mia's call. Jacobson continued, "Mike and Sandy Douglas. DUI and two pounds of marijuana in the trunk of their car. A warrant's been issued for their apartment, and I'll make damn fuckin' sure the complex issues an eviction notice and changes the locks. I don't care what I gotta do. I don't know if they'll post bond, and it's possible they will, but I'll keep you posted if that happens. Just make sure Mia watches her back."

  At that, we disconnected and I hauled ass up the stairs to get to my woman.

  I found her in bed, curled up on her side, hair fanned out over her pillow, holding my pillow to her chest. My gut tightened at her beauty and the fact that she was all mine. A goddess. I'd been on edge all night, but the sight of her calmed me. The thought of something happening to her had me sick. Knots in my stomach. Nausea even. I didn't know what I'd do if she was hurt, physically or emotionally. Knowing she'd been alone and scared nearly killed me.

  I quickly undressed. I needed to feel her. I needed to know she was safe.

  I lifted the covers, put my knee to the bed at Mia's side and watched her eyes fluttered open. Dark green, sleepy eyes met mine and she gave me the lazy smile that I looked forward to seeing every single day.

  "Missed you," she said, her voice huskier than normal and her hand lifted to my cheek.

  I twisted and kissed her palm.

  I missed her too, but telling her how much wouldn't even begin to describe how deep missing her went. Working nights had been hard and it had taken its toll on both of us, but she was always here when I left and always here when I came home.

  Somehow, in the past year, she'd become my world.

  And I needed to show her that.

  "Baby, are you okay?" she asked and I closed my eyes to savor the endearment. She didn't say it often, but when she did, I loved it.

  I looked down at her. I needed to tell her the shit with our neighbors was done, but it'd have to wait until the morning. I rolled and her h
and fell away from my face. My hands went to the waistband of my boxers, the ones Mia was currently wearing - her favorite - and I tugged them down her legs, brushing kisses on them as I went.

  I climbed back over her, removed her shirt as I went, until I covered her body with mine like a blanket. She licked her lips, but I wanted her to lick mine instead. So I kissed her, devoured her, our tongues tangled and caressed. I rubbed my hips against hers and she met me, moaning into my mouth.

  I reached between us.

  "Adam," she breathed when I touched her and I knew she was already ready for me. I didn't wait, I couldn't wait.

  I lifted and dark green met light green.

  "You belong to me, Baby?" I asked, desperate to hear her answer.

  "Always," she whispered and in one long, deep thrust, I was inside her...owning her...her owning consuming each other... both desperate for one another. I took her to the edge, controlling her body, powering her hunger. I pushed deeper, harder and faster until she fell over the side, but not before she took me with her.

  Five Weeks Later

  Adam Bryant

  This can't be happening. It had to be wrong.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  I couldn't even swallow past the tightness in my throat. My body wouldn't work. It was frozen solid, damned to stay that way for the rest of my life. My elbows were glued to the top of my thighs, my fingers were laced and fisted tightly underneath my chin, because without them, I'd collapse face first to the floor.

  The muscles in my neck strained against my skin and my jaw hurt from clamping down. But I couldn't figure out why I was so mad.

  I already knew. She didn't have to fuckin' tell me, I already knew. I think it might have even been what I wanted at the time... that split second in time.

  Mia was sitting next to me on the old, ragged, torn leather sofa I'd picked up at a Salvation Army when I hadn't been able to afford much else. Mia didn’t belong on this sofa. She didn’t belong in the apartment. None of it was worthy of her beauty.

  I wasn’t worthy of her beauty.

  I couldn't even look at her.

  Pregnant. Fuck.

  I've ruined her. She might almost be twenty, but I was almost twenty-five and plenty old enough to know I just destroyed her future. She hadn't even gone back to school and she damn sure was screwed out of it now.

  "I took four tests. I'm sure," she answered softly at my side.


  I was out of it. I couldn't think. I was fucked up in the head and knew it. What the hell kind of father would I be? Would I be jacked up like my own? Would I beat my kid?

  The thought made me throw up a little in my mouth. I wouldn't. I knew I wouldn't. Never. It was a stupid thought. But I was fucked up and this was all wrong. I wasn't even here most of the time and shifts wouldn't lighten until at least my third year on the force. And how was a baby supposed to live in this place? This shit hole. I didn’t even want Mia here.

  And money. I didn't have much of it. Mia's job was only part time, but even full time she made shit, and with a baby, she wouldn't be able to work.

  My chest hurt.

  A baby.

  I was gonna pass out.

  The realization that I was going to have to dip into the money my piece of shit father left me made sweat break out over my forehead. I had to get Mia in a house. I needed a good vehicle. There was going to be diapers and bottles and clothes and blankets and…a ton of other baby shit to buy.

  I couldn't afford all that on my salary.

  I could take an extra job every night, but then I’d never see Mia.

  Or my baby.

  I wanted to cry.

  "I'm so sorry, Adam," she said like it was her fault when it wasn’t. It hurt to know she was crying, but I couldn't do anything about it, because I couldn't even speak.

  This wasn't her fault, but she was apologizing and I couldn't even open my goddamn mouth to tell her everything would be okay.

  And I should have been shot for what I said next.

  "I'm gonna take a shower and get ready for work." I stood on shaky legs.

  "Adam, please talk to me. I don't know what to do and I need you," she cried softly and it was agony hearing the panic in her voice. Tears were sliding down her face and I rubbed my chest over my heart.

  "There’s nothing left to do, Mia," I said, pained. Not Baby, not Freckles...just Mia. I was fuckin' losing it. "We're getting married and I'll figure out what to do about a house next week. I'll tell Ma. She'll be thrilled," I finished and somehow her tears

  "I'm not marrying you just because I'm pregnant," she hissed.

  "Yeah, Mia, you fuckin' are. You have my baby, you take my name. I don't want that baby to have any other piece of me except my fuckin' name, so you're damn well gonna marry me. And that reminds me, now I'll have to put you on my goddamn insurance 'cause yours is shit. There'll be doctors' visits, hospital visits...another fuckin' arm and leg!" I was talking crazy and I knew it. The look on her face said the same.

  She was still marrying me goddamn it.

  "You're upset, so I'm going to pretend you didn't mean any of that," she whispered, now on the verge of crying again.

  "I don't know what I mean,” I muttered. “I'm going to take a shower and go to work. We'll talk about this shit later." I walked out of the room and it hit me, too late, that I'd just called this situation "shit"...that I just motherfuckin' called having a baby "shit" to Mia's face.

  Why the fuck couldn't I ever say the right thing?

  When I got out of the shower, Mia was gone. I called her cell three times, but she wouldn't answer and, when the voicemail came on, I whispered, "I'm sorry, Baby."

  Two Weeks Later

  Mia Bryant

  I was married now.

  But why did it feel so wrong?

  I looked down at the ivory skirt and pale pink top I'd worn to the Justice of the Peace and couldn't believe Adam and I had just said our "I dos". Pregnant and married at twenty years old...well, technically nineteen, but who was counting? I was happy. More than happy. This was something I'd dreamed of my entire nineteen years of life, a family. And having Adam as my husband was the cherry on top.

  My knight in shining armor with a foul mouth who never said the right thing.

  But I loved him. I loved it all. And I knew I'd love him until the day I died.

  I glanced at him sitting in the driver's seat and wondered how I’d snagged him. He was amazing. Way out of my league. Maybe that was one of the reasons he didn't feel the same as me.

  He was miserable. He tried to hide it, but I could see through every one of his emotional masks. I'd tried until I was blue in the face to talk him out of marrying me, but he’d been adamant. It got to the point where I couldn't even bring it up without him flipping out on me.

  Since the day I told him I was pregnant, nothing had been the same between us.

  He worked constantly and I rarely saw him. When I did, he acted fine, but, again, my sixth sense told me everything was far from fine. I was pretty sure getting married was a mistake, on his part, not mine, but I loved him so much that I'd try hard to make us work.

  Though, in the back of my mind I knew, had I not gotten pregnant, we never would have gotten married. Sure, he'd hinted that we would in the future, but now that future was pushed up, and it was clear he'd had a change of heart about marrying me. His resentment was permanently etched, clear as day, on his gorgeous face.

  He didn't want this baby, but hopefully he’d come to love him or her when they were born. And until then, I’d try to make him happy. For the baby, and for Adam, I'd try hard to make this work.

  Amazing how things could be so good one minute, only to fall apart the next.

  "What do you think, Mrs. Bryant?" Adam asked, surprisingly cheery, as we pulled up to a white, two-story, Victorian style house in Clear Lake that was located about ten minutes from his mom's house. I glanced around and my stomach did a somersault
when I saw the SOLD sign in the front yard. I was going to be sick.

  He bought a house without even including me. And when did he have the time to find this?

  "Mia, Baby, what's wrong?"

  "You bought a house without me?" I asked in a voice that was barely audible.

  He grabbed my hand and he gripped it hard. "No, Mia, not completely. The paperwork is almost done on it, but I wanted you to see it first. Look at me," he ordered and when I did, he finished. "I don't want you in that apartment anymore. Our baby will not grow up there. The only reason I started the paperwork is because I think you'll love it, but if you don't, I'll put a stop to it. You'll have to sign anyway, so your name is on the deed. If you don't like it, you won't sign it, okay? I just wanted to do this for you. I didn't want you to stress about it. Believe me, it's been a major fuckin' headache already."

  I didn’t know if I should be touched or upset, so I just nodded.

  “Baby, you don’t like it, we won’t get it,” he reiterated.

  He lifted my left hand and placed a kiss over my plain, but beautiful, white gold wedding ring.

  I instantly calmed.

  And lucky for him, I did like the house. It was beautiful and I was in love with it, but it was way too much house for just the two of us.

  “This is too big, Adam. What in the world do we need all this room for?” It was…I think he said something like thirty-four hundred square feet. Whatever. All I knew was that it was fucking huge compared to the apartment.

  I looked at him, but he wouldn’t look at me.

  “How are we going to afford this?” I asked, extremely worried about his answer.

  “You let me worry about that, Mia,” he replied, walking up and wrapping me in his arms. I rested my head against his shoulder.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it, but I don’t want it if you’re going to have to work day and night to pay for it. I can start full-time at work, but I don’t know how much that will help,” I said.


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