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Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)

Page 15

by LeeAnne, Lynda

  As soon as I walked through the velvet, yes velvet, front door Eric held open for me, the lyrics from Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me” assailed my ears and my nerves soared.

  Shit just got real.

  “Sorry, babe, no women allowed inside,” a young, beautiful, big boobed, black haired woman snapped at me as soon as I walked to the counter to pay my admission fee and I glanced at Eric who looked completely baffled.

  “What do you mean no women allowed inside? It’s a strip club for men,” Eric asked curiously, enunciating the word, and big boobs glanced his way.

  “Unless you’re a dancer, no women allowed inside.”

  “Well I wanna dance,” I thought fast and big boobs faced me again with a scowl.

  She looked me up and down. “You wanna dance,” she asked, like it was an insane idea and that pissed me right the fuck off, but pissing me off served to sooth my rattled nerves.

  “Do I look like I’m here to play checkers?” I snapped back and watched as she narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. I wasn’t dancing, but I had to get inside and if this was the only way in, so be it.

  Then I watched as big boobs picked up the phone and dialed. A second longer and she started her one-sided conversation. “Richard, got a girl up here, says she wants to dance… yes…” Her frown deepened. “How the hell was I supposed to know that…? No, bitch called in a-fucking-gain… All right…” Her eyes gave my body another once over. “Yeah, she’s small… Short… Big tits… All black, mini-skirt, red hair… All right… I’ll send her in.” Big boobs slammed the phone down.

  “Richard, the owner, said he’ll check you out. Got a girl that cancelled and we gotta fill her spot. He said to wait for him at the bar, but your friend here’s gotta pay... twenty bucks.”

  She held her hand out in Eric’s direction.

  Oh shit!

  I was going to have to find Adam fast.

  I am not freaking dancing.

  I glanced at Eric who handed her the money and I muttered, “Thanks,” just before we walked through the black curtain and straight into a wife’s nightmare.

  My feet moved of their own accord, because my mind was too busy being over-stimulated. It was dim, the only colored lighting came from the stage where my eyes were riveted on a topless woman who had just finished a dance to Motley Crue’s “Girls, Girls, Girls”.

  I jumped at the popping sound the lights made the moment they flashed off.

  And then Nine Inch Nails’ “Closer” started playing in perfect beat... bump, thump, bump, thump, bump, thump… and a blonde woman in a black patent leather bodice and matching thong and heels glided onto the stage and started dancing in faultless rhythm.

  Butterflies filled my stomach and I was spellbound. It was strange, but I thought her dance looked absolutely beautiful. Had this been any other time, I’d have asked Eric for some dollars, but time was of the essence so I hurried and asked, “Do you see him?”

  I saw Eric scanning the room and so was I.


  I kept looking around, at all the faces of the men whose eyes were engrossed in watching the woman on stage, but none of them were Adam.

  I turned, and that’s when I spotted the stairs hidden in the back. My eyes lifted… balcony.

  I had no doubt he was up there, but I scanned the room once more just to make sure.

  No Adam.

  When I looked to the stairs once more, I saw the bouncer.

  “Eric, he’s up there, I just know it, but there’s a bouncer.” I pointed to the stairs and when Eric looked, I saw his shoulders slump. He stayed quiet a moment before he faced me.

  “Okay. I have an idea. I’m not sure if it’ll work, but you’ll have to play along,” he said.

  Next thing I knew, I was climbing the stairs behind Eric. The bouncer had also been so engrossed with the woman onstage that when Eric told him he wanted a lap dance from me in particular, the bouncer hadn’t even glanced in my direction.

  But it also might have been from the one hundred dollar bill Eric slipped in his hand that I never saw happen.

  When we hit the landing of the steps, the first thing I saw were the numerous couches scattered throughout the large, open room where men were relaxing and being danced on.

  But that’s not what held my attention.

  My body turned to stone.

  Against the side wall were six small booths with curtains - all were closed except two, but only one was filled with a man and a woman.

  What were the odds?

  I could only assume that closed curtains meant that a customer was getting a hell of a lot more than just a lap dance because the one booth that was open showed another topless blonde doing a hell of a lot more. And I could see the profile of her face perfectly. I had an unobstructed view. It would be ingrained in my memory for the rest of my godforsaken life.

  She looked good sitting on Adam’s lap too… grinding on him in perfect time to the still playing “Closer”. Her legs were splayed wide and I watched as the juncture between her legs rubbed against his crotch, as her hands touched him and caressed his chest.

  She threw her head back, flinging her hair and enjoying every ounce of her own playing.

  Eric grabbed my hand and squeezed it painfully tight, and tears filled my eyes as I watched the show.

  She moved on him like a snake claiming her prey and Adam just sat there with his head thrown back against the sofa as he watched her. His hands were relaxed at his sides and his hypnotized expression told me he was more than enjoying the feel of her as he let her work her magic.

  And when she put her breasts in his face and rubbed them against his lips, Adam closed his eyes.

  I cried.

  She dropped her head, whispered something in his ear and - even though the lighting was dim - I still saw his lips tip up into a satisfied smile that stabbed me straight through the heart.

  At that exact moment, the final dings started to play from the speakers and the blonde took Adam’s mouth with hers… my husband’s mouth... the father of my unborn baby’s mouth. She started grinding on him harder, fucking him through his clothes and he didn’t stop her. He did nothing at all and all I could do was watch in humiliated horror as tears rained down my face.

  “Mia?” I heard called out over the quieting music and the ringing in my ears. I twisted my neck and my eyes flew straight into those of Adam’s friend and coworker, Matt Jacobson, who was sitting on one of the sofas in the middle of the room with another Hunnies’ bitch in his lap.

  Eric’s hand tugged on mine and I twisted. He started pulling me down the stairs and I didn’t hesitate in running behind him.

  “Mia!” I heard Matt bellow, but neither one of us stopped and I was glad Eric didn’t let my hand go. It was the only thing keeping me on my feet. When we made it downstairs, everyone gawked at us, but we made it out the front door and ran through the pouring rain to my truck without anyone stopping us.

  I fumbled to find my keys and unlock the doors.

  Then I fumbled to get my keys in the ignition.

  “Swap places. Let me drive, Mia,” Eric rushed, but I ignored him. There wasn’t enough time. I had to get out of here and I had to do it right this second. My hands trembled, but I managed to get the key in and turn. When I switched the lights on, I saw Adam and Matt both sprinting toward the truck and I vaguely heard them both shouting my name over the rain hammering on the roof.

  Fuck him.

  I threw the truck in reverse just as Adam’s fist slammed down on the hood, but I twisted my neck, stepped on the gas and sped out of the parking lot.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Finale – Four Hours Later

  Adam Bryant

  It was nearly four in the fuckin’ morning and I still hadn’t found her or heard from her. Tears hit my eyes because I’d never felt so helpless in my life.

  But it was all my fault. I’d known from the moment I left Mia at home, that my night was gonna turn to shit, yet I s
till did nothing about it.

  I glanced to the front door of Eric’s house again, willing it to open even though I knew no one was inside.

  I’d called Mia, Eric, Kenny and my mom more times than I could count, but nothing.

  “Fuck... Fuck!” I punched the steering wheel and threw my head back against the seat, thinking there was no way I was gonna be able to get myself out of this. Had I not fucked up with Mia from the moment she told me she was pregnant, there might have been a small chance she'd let me explain, but after this shit tonight, I knew there would be no way she’d forgive me.

  I remembered the stripper's words when she'd whispered them in my ear.

  “They're suspicious," she'd said with absolute certainty, and dread had instantly filled my stomach. "They’ll kill us both if you don’t make this look real," she'd ordered. "You have to look like you're enjoying yourself." I'd plastered a fake smile on my face.

  "I'm going to kiss you, and if you make it out of here alive, don't come back," she'd finished and it was the only warning I got before she'd kissed me.

  I punched the steering wheel again and again until my knuckles bled.


  I didn’t know what to do.

  I picked up the phone and called her again.

  “Mia, Baby, please pick up the phone so I can explain. I was working a case tonight. Freckles, please pick-up. I need to know you’re all right.” I flipped the phone shut and flipped it open again. I hit redial, but this time all I got was a recording that said mailbox full.

  I felt murderous not knowing where she was.

  I flipped the phone shut, dropped it to my lap and rubbed my eyes hard. I couldn’t find her. I looked everywhere I thought she might go, but Mia was nowhere to be found.

  I flipped my phone open and called Matt again just to check.

  “Anything?” I asked when I heard him answer, but all I got was a long sigh and then a tired, “Nothing, Man. You know I’d call you. I looked everywhere you asked and I even checked out a few hotels.”

  I closed my eyes against the pain.

  “Thanks,” was all I managed to whisper before hanging up.

  I tried Eric again, but got voicemail, so I hung up. I flipped the phone open again to call Kenny, and I’d been just about to hang up when the ringing stopped mid-ring and I heard shifting in the background.

  “Kenny!” I shouted through the phone, and sat up straight as hope surged through my veins, but no one spoke. “Kenny, say something!” I shouted again. I heard more shifting and I waited, desperately. Just as I was about to shout his name again, I heard Kenny’s whispered, “Clear Lake Emergency” and then the phone went dead.

  I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it as Kenny’s words rocked my body.

  "Oh God," I whispered to the silent truck.

  If something happened to Mia, I’d never forgive myself. Tears flooded my eyes at the thought, and I raced out of the driveway and hauled ass to the hospital, terrified out of my mind. I called Matt on the way and told him to meet me there, because I had no idea what to expect, and I didn’t know what I might be capable of.

  All of my mistakes replayed in my head continuously and I prayed for the ten agonizing minutes it took to get to the hospital. If anything happened to her, I’d kill myself.

  Seeing the emergency room sign and knowing Mia was inside made that suicidal feeling even worse. The pain was unbearable. I ran through the sliding glass doors, flashed my badge and barked “Mia Bryant,” at the nurses’ station and waited restlessly for someone to tell me where my wife was.

  “I’m sorry, sir, there no one here by that name.”

  “Dayes, try Mia Dayes,” I snapped and watched as the lady worked on the computer with distress in every key stroke.

  “They just moved her to Obstetrics and Gynecology. Second floor, room 203!” I was running before she finished, and alarm bells rang in my head at the mention of Mia’s location. I rushed to the elevator, hit the up button, and kept punching it with my fist until it arrived. When I got inside, sweat broke out over my forehead as I waited for the doors to open to the second floor.

  I exited, ran to the right, and stopped dead when I saw Eric and Kenny in the waiting room. They were sitting, Kenny with his arm around Eric’s shoulders, Eric with his head in his hands, and fear inched up my spine, one vertebrae at a time as tears clogged my throat. As I got closer, both heads lifted at the sound of my arrival. Both of their faces were red from crying.

  “What happened? Where is she?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

  I needed to know now.

  “How could you do this to her?” Eric hissed and stood. Kenny quickly stood and embraced him, but Eric kept talking and never took his eyes off mine. “How could you do this to her?” he sobbed and I couldn’t hold my tears in any longer. Not knowing what was happening was pure agony. “To her! Mia! She’s done nothing but love you and this is how you repay her!”

  “Eric, Honey, calm down before they kick you out,” Kenny broke in softly.

  “She never had anything until she met you," Eric continued and I swiped a hand down my face in shame. "You gave her the family she’s always dreamed of, and in one night, you ripped it all away!”

  “Will somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?” I shouted in return and my words came out broken. They could be pissed, hate me forever; I just needed to know where my wife was. “Is Mia okay? The baby?” I rushed. “Just tell me they’re gonna be okay,” I ordered frantically.

  “You’re going to hell for this,” Eric hissed, shrugged out of Kenny’s hold and took off, shoving me in the shoulder on his way past.

  Kenny sighed as he watched Eric go.

  “Kenny --”

  “They were in an accident. The truck--" he started.

  "I don't give a fuck about the truck!"

  Kenny closed his eyes and took a calming breath. "Mia has a sprained wrist, a slight concussion...and she’s miscarrying.”

  I froze.

  “What?” I breathed as acid filled my veins.

  “She’s having a procedure... a D&S or D&C… I don’t remember exactly, but basically she’s lost the baby.”

  “You’re just saying that,” I breathed. “Tell me you’re just saying that because you’re pissed at me,” I begged, but when he only stared at me, his gaze unwavering, I knew he wasn’t lying. I was going to be sick. I found the closest chair, sat down, and put my head in my hands.

  I broke down and cried, body-wracking sobs so strong my chest was on fire. I'd never experienced so much pain in my life.

  I cried for so long that I had no idea how much time had passed, but I knew Eric had come back and the sun had come up.

  By the time a doctor in a white coat walked into the waiting room, I was numb.

  “Dayes family,” he called out, and Eric and I both jumped out of our chairs. I vaguely noted that Mia hadn’t even given the hospital her married last name and… God that hurt.

  “How is she?” I rushed and the doctor faced me with a passive expression.

  “Are you a relative?” he asked.

  “I’m her husband,” I snapped wanting him to hurry the hell up. “Can I see her yet?”

  “Oh, yes.” The doctor glanced at Eric who I knew was glaring at me. “But one at a time, please. She’s still pretty groggy and I’ve called one of the counselors to come speak with her - wait!” he finished on a shout because I didn’t let him finish.

  I hurried passed him, too anxious to see Mia to wait any longer.

  “Adam!” Eric called, but I kept going. I had to get to my wife. I had to see her now. I had to touch her, and if Eric tried to stop me, I would make sure he ended up in another hospital room on a different fuckin’ floor.

  I got to Mia’s door. I took a deep breath, my heart heavy with fear. I opened it with shaky hands and walked in without making a sound.

  I saw Mia instantly, but I only managed to catch a glimpse of her tear stained face before she turned
her head away from me. I closed my eyes for a brief second as I clicked the door shut behind me and I paused a minute, before walking to the bed.

  I had absolutely no idea what to do, or say.

  I couldn’t fix this with words and I knew it.

  Looking down at her - so small and fragile as she laid on her back with her fingers laced over her stomach with one wrist wrapped with a bandage - a tear leaked from the corner of my eye. The only view I had of her face was her profile, but I could easily see it was sickly pale and her eyes were closed.

  I moved to cover her hands with mine, but as soon as they made the briefest contact she dropped her hands to her sides, and I fisted mine.

  “Please look at me,” I begged, my voice tortured. I had to see her eyes. I wanted to look in them and know she was still with me. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was. I wanted to tell her I would make this all better, but she never turned.

  “I’m so sorry, Mia. For everything. I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Get out,” she whispered in a voice that was lifeless.

  I flinched.

  “Mia, please --”

  “You got what you wanted. There’s no more baby. Now get out,” she whispered again, and my body solidified.

  What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

  “You don’t think I wanted my baby? You think I wanted this to happen?” I asked in a voice so rough and pained I sounded like another person, but she didn’t answer, she didn’t move...


  “I was scared about the baby in the beginning, but I wanted a baby with you more than anything, Mia. We’ll try again…as soon as you’re ready,” I promised.

  But again, no movement came from her…


  I swallowed passed the lump in my throat. I was desperate for her to talk to me.

  “I was working a case tonight. I wasn’t cheating on you. I never touched her. Ever. The dancer kissed me to save my life.”

  Still… Nothing.

  “Baby, please. Look at me,” I commanded in desperation, and after a long agonizing minute, her neck turned and her vacant eyes hit mine. They were void of all emotion. No tears, no understanding, just…dead.


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