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Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)

Page 30

by LeeAnne, Lynda

  “Oh my God,” she breathed, and I knew it was in exasperation because a second later, she laughed when I said, "But tonight, I get to remind you who you belong to," I finished.

  Trish and Tony were already outside sitting on the porch when we pulled up to the two-story, red brick ranch house an hour later.

  “Really?” Mia asked in an outraged near shout as I threw the truck in park and my eyes hit her face. “Do they all look so goddamn beautiful?” I frowned and followed her eyes, which I found were locked on Trish who was walking down the front steps.

  Yes, Trish was beautiful, but nothing compared to Mia. Trish was tall where Mia was petite, she was skinny where Mia was thick and she was all chocolate hair and chocolate eyes where Mia was colorful. They both had unique personalities, but where Trish only had a smart mouth, Mia wasn’t afraid to act on her words.

  “Freckles--” was the only thing I got to say, before she threw me a glare that had me snapping my mouth closed.

  “Oh, shut up, Adam,” she snapped, just before she twisted and jumped out of the truck.


  I hurried and jumped out after her because I was a little worried about her reaction to Trish now, where I hadn’t been before. I walked around the front of the truck, threw an arm around Mia’s shoulders, crushed her body to my chest and whispered in her ear, “I’m all yours, Baby.”

  Mia pulled back slightly to narrow her eyes on my face, so I bent and kissed her frown away. Luckily, just before Trish and Tony made it to us.

  “Hey there,” Trish called out and Mia and I both turned. Trish and Tony were in front of us and they both only had eyes for Mia. I rolled my eyes, though I couldn’t blame them. Mia was fuckin’ hot. Too bad she didn't realize it. She was wearing loose cotton khaki shorts, a rust colored tank top, with a brown belt and brown wedged flip flops.

  “Stare much?” I asked, and both sets of eyes hit mine only a second before going back to Mia. I sighed and decided to get introductions out of the way so we could get on with our day. “Mia, this is Trish, and that’s her asshole husband, Tony.”

  They both narrowed their eyes on me again and Trish snapped, “Shut up, Adam!”

  I groaned. Telling me to shut up seemed to be a popular order of the day.

  “Trish, Tony, this is Mia…my wife.”

  And Mia being Mia, she said sugary sweet with a smile on her face, “Hi, it’s really nice to meet you,” even though I knew she didn't like Trish right off the bat because of what I’d told her last night. I knew it'd take time for Mia to come around, but I didn't like the fact that she was jealous at all, which is exactly why I muttered, "You're my heart, Baby."

  I vaguely heard Trish’s gasp, but I wasn't worried about her; I had someone much more important to worry about.

  Mia looked up and she breathed, "What?"

  “You heard me.” I let my eyes answer for me and a moment later, I felt her body melt and I watched her eyes soften.

  Finally, someone - probably Tony - cleared their throat and Trish interrupted with an exhaled, “Oh, thank God!"

  Mia and I both turned her way, and I asked, "Oh, thank God what?"

  "I’m just happy for you, that’s what," Trish replied before her eyes went back to Mia. "So you’re the redhead wife Lex has been talking about like crazy, huh?”

  Mia shrugged before replying like a smart ass at my expense, “Apparently, unless he’s married to another redhead - which wouldn’t surprise me – but he does refuse to divorce me, so I guess I'm at least one of them.”

  Trish beamed at Mia.

  Tony laughed and said, “Well, I like her already.”

  I glared at him, but he, of course, paid me no attention. “It’s nice to meet you, Mia. Trish has talked about you every damn day since Adam raced out of here on our wedding night. So, it’s nice to finally see you in person.”

  Mia smiled in return and Trish ordered Tony to “Shut up” which clearly filled me with joy to know there was a good possibility he'd beat out my number of shut-ups for the day.

  “Ignore them, come on,” Trish continued talking to Mia. “I’ll show you around the house and show you your room so you can start making yourself at home. Mi casa es su casa…and all that stuff. Adam and Tony can bring your stuff in.”

  Mia looked ready to protest, but Trish grabbed her hand and tugged her off toward the house before she could open her mouth. I watched her perfectly rounded ass go until she was up the steps, inside the house, and the screen door swung shut behind her.

  I really wished me and that ass already had the house to ourselves.

  “You make that call?” Tony asked, and his question served to bring me back down to reality.

  I glanced at him, reached into the bed of the truck and answered, “Yeah. Done deal.”

  He reached into the bed of the truck, grabbed another bag and muttered, "Good."

  “I'd thank you for getting me that information, but I still don’t like you,” I said with only a hint of truth, and I watched as he threw me a knowing smirk.

  “You're welcome, and the feeling’s mutual, asshole,” he countered and I met his smirk with one of my own.

  "Oh, now I'm the asshole?"

  "Yep. See, I was the asshole that stayed away from Trish for two years, but you've got me beat by four. You've definitely won the title."

  I grinned, shook my head and replied, "I'm sure Mia would agree with you."

  I sat on the couch, staring at my bottle of Shiner Ruby Red Bird, my eyes fixed on the label as my thumb flicked at the corner and I felt, great. It’d been a great fuckin' day. The best day so far since Mia came back into my life.

  It was a little rough in the beginning, but it took no time at all for Mia to get comfortable with Trish, largely due to the fact that Trish never gave Mia an opportunity to feel anything other than comfortable. I had a feeling Trish knew that I'd told Mia the truth about our nonexistent, yet flirtatious relationship in the past, which would explain why Trish had gone out of her way to make Mia feel at ease.

  Hell, Trish was the pregnant one, but she’d insisted on waiting on Mia hand and foot, bringing her drinks, always trying to feed her and constantly asking her if she was okay.

  After we'd settled into the guest bedroom and toured the house, Trish and Tony took us for a ride around their massive property in - get this - a pink camouflage, Bad Boy Buggy with a sticker that replaced the word Boy with Girl. According to Tony, Trish saw it, had to have, so he gave her whatever she wanted.

  But, also according to Tony, he always drove Trish around in it.


  I’d been worried my little redheaded city girl wouldn’t appreciate the outdoors, but to my surprise and utter delight, Mia had taken in all the scenery in awe, while I'd done nothing but watch her in the same respect.

  And my absolute favorite expression - the one I would never forget for as long as I lived, and the one I would do everything in my power to put on her face as often as humanly possible - was when she saw the goats...

  "Oh my God! They're so cute!" she said excitedly like a little girl, in a voice nearly three octaves higher than usual. I was waiting for her to jump up and down and clap her hands.

  Her excitement brought a smile to my face as I watched her cuddle them and love on them.

  "A kid that helps me in the stable part-time is in the Future Farmers of America Organization and I let him raise them here," Tony said, and Mia's bright, eager eyes flew to his face.

  And I didn’t like that at all.

  "Freckles, they're only goats and they kinda stink."

  Trish muttered, "I love how you call her 'Freckles'."

  But Mia wasn't listening because she gasped, and her now outraged eyes met mine. "They do not! And even if they did, I still want one...or four, because they have to be even in number..." And just as she said that, she moved to stand, one bit the end of her shorts, she tripped, rammed her shoulder into my gut, I let out a winded whoosh, and she threw her h
ead back and laughed.

  Happiness seeped out of every fiber of her being and I made the instant decision to buy her some fuckin' goats when we got home, even though I had no idea what they were good for.

  "She's great," Trish said, cutting into my thoughts of Mia and goats, and I turned just as she plopped down in the chair next to the couch.


  "I said she's great, Adam. I really like her. I more than like her actually, I think she’s perfect for you. I sort of feel like a proud momma or something." Her voice was filled with sincerity, and when she finished, she glanced down the hall and I followed her eyes to the bathroom door. The door Mia had walked through thirty minutes ago to take a shower.

  I took another pull from my beer bottle and swallowed before responding, "Yeah, she's perfect." But Mia wasn't just perfect. She was fuckin' everything to me, and somehow, having her with me again made me feel whole, like I’d only been half a man without her.

  "You love her," Trish stated, probably reading my expression.

  My eyes locked with hers and I didn't miss a beat, "I love her, but it's more than that. My obsession with her now is even more than it was before...and before you ask, I'm not stalker obsessed, I just don't know any other way to describe how I feel. She belongs to me."

  Trish's eyebrows rose to her hairline and she grinned, but it wasn't her voice I heard next, it was Tony's. "She belongs to you?"

  I twisted, watched him sit on the couch opposite me and I nodded. "Absolutely. She's mine."

  Trish pursed her lips and Tony grinned. Trish opened her mouth like she was about to say something, but it was Mia's voice that cut her off.

  "Baby, are you coming to bed to show me who I belong to, or are you just going to sit out here and talk about it? I seem to remember a little promise you made me earlier."

  I froze.

  Both Trish and Tony’s eyes widened in surprise, and for the first time in my life, I knew what it felt like to blush.

  Bitches be crazy, but this one was clearly my kind of crazy.

  Thank God, I married her ass.

  And married to that sweet ass standing in the hallway wearing short pajama shorts I was indeed.

  I stood in a hurry, handed my beer bottle to Tony and asked, "Dude, toss that for me, yeah?" He took it while shaking his head and grinning like a mad man.

  I stalked toward Mia and grabbed her hand ready to drag her off to our room, but she stopped me with a tug. I frowned down at her.

  "It was really nice meeting both of you and thank you for letting us stay here while you're away on your honeymoon."

  "It was nice meeting you too, Mia. You have no idea how happy I am for you both. Adam’s been…lonely," Trish said through a smile. "And come visit any time you want. We'll also be down plenty to visit you guys, and Lex and the girls, so we might need a place to stay, too."

  Mia smiled back. "Absolutely...I mean, if it's okay with Adam."

  I sighed and rubbed a hand over my head and down my face. "Baby, how many times do we have to go over this? It's your fuckin' house."

  "Oh yeah...well, anytime then. And congratulations on your pregnancy," Mia continued.

  Would she stop babbling? I needed her in bed. “Baby, you’re killing me,” I groaned.

  "Mia, I can’t tell you how glad I am that I got to meet the woman who can make Adam whine like a little girl, but you better go with him before he starts pouting. That is really not an image I’d like to have," Tony joked…at least he had better been joking.

  “Shut up, Tony!” Trish said through a laugh and I smirked at Tony who frowned.

  I tugged on Mia's hand and practically dragged her off down the hall while she finished on a half shout, "Have a safe trip!"

  “Faster, Adam,” Mia begged through a moan and my fingers pressed deeper into the creamy thighs wrapped around my face.

  “Quiet, Baby," I demanded harsher than I should have because I was frustrated. I wanted her to come and I wanted her to come hard, but I also didn’t want the entire ranch to hear. She groaned in frustration at her inability to be louder and I smiled against her sensitive flesh before nipping it with my teeth.

  “Oh my God,” she breathed in pleasure, which meant I needed to get back to work.

  I played with her, teased her with my tongue, tortured her with my fingers and loved her with my mouth until she grabbed the pillow at her side, bit down on the edge and cried out in sheer ecstasy. I held her through every quake and reveled in the feel of her body at my mercy. Every moan was muffled and when they slowed down, I came to a stop.

  And then she got quiet.

  And then I was flipping her over, bringing her to her knees, spreading her legs, covering her back with my chest and filling her to full, so fast the pillow had to catch her whimpers again. But this time, her face was shoved in it and I didn’t like that.

  I tangled my fingers in her hair, she twisted her neck, arched her back and my mouth found hers.

  I didn’t even bother with slow, just went straight to full speed and pounded inside deep as her body would let me go. I untangled my hand from her hair, wrapped it around her waist and found her sweet spot….exactly why her shorter size fit me perfectly.

  She moaned softly.

  “You feel so fuckin’ good, Baby,” I said through my groan and the little minx arched her back more, taking me deeper…all the fuckin’ way.


  “Shit,” I hissed.

  I worked my hips harder, because I needed more, and a sheen of sweat covered my back. When her insides clenched around mine, I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  I came…hard. She came with me and shoved her face back in the pillow. With nowhere else to go, my mouth latched onto her shoulder – not hard enough to hurt – just enough to muffle my grunts.

  She fell, stomach to the bed and I fell to my side and threw my arm over her waist while we both struggled to catch our breath.

  “Surely that got you pregnant,” I breathed, winded and hoped my words rang true.

  Mia chuckled and entangled her fingers with mine.

  “We’ll see.”

  For the next two days, we spent our nights and our days the exact same way. Talking, fighting, laughing, playing, loving, joking, sexing…and more sexing…

  Until I got the call.

  “Adam,” Mia said to get my attention.

  I looked up from my lunch, but she said nothing.

  “Freckles,” I countered and grinned when I saw her roll her eyes.

  “Can we go look at cars when we get back? I know I won’t get my check from the insurance company for another couple of weeks, but I just want to look.”

  I sat back in my chair, crossed my arms over my chest and studied her thoroughly. “And what kind of cars do you want to look at?”

  She exhaled. “I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not an idiot and I definitely don’t waste money. If I get pregnant sooner rather than later, I know I can’t very well fit a car seat into a ’68 Camaro comfortably.”

  She’d probably try her damned best if she still had that damn car, but I still wasn’t comforted by her words. “What do you want?”

  “Well, I was thinking that a car seat would fit so much easier into a ’70 Hemi Cuda… especially if it’s a convertible.”

  I stiffened.

  “Are you kidding me?” I asked in a dangerous whisper.

  Mia threw her head back and laughed at the ceiling. “Yes, I’m kidding. Jeez! You’re such a sucker!”

  I narrowed my eyes on her face, but it didn’t last long, because her good mood was bringing out my own.

  She went on, “Maybe I’ll get a Tahoe or a big, jacked-up truck like yours.”

  “Baby, you’re too small to drive a big, jacked-up truck,” I joked.

  “Adam, the only reason you think I’m small is because you’re a giant,” she retorted and lifted her eyebrows in expectation of a retort.

  I opened my mouth to reply with my comeback
, but my cell phone rang and prevented me from doing so.

  “Bryant,” I answered on the second ring, even though I wasn’t using my work cell phone.

  A second later, I heard a heavily accented voice say, “It’s done,” and then the line went dead.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Max Lowe

  That bitch was gonna die.


  That fucking whore!

  It was my fault for getting her into this shit. I knew that. And because of that, I decided she wasn’t gonna suffer. I’d make sure she died fast, but she was gonna die. Of course, not before I got my money. I needed that money to get out of the country and that bitch owed me. It was the least she could do for fucking me around and wasting my time.

  But Adam…he would die a slow and painful death for touching what was mine.

  I glanced at the two henchmen again - both of whom were still in deep discussion with each other - before glancing around at my surroundings. I had to get out of here.

  I knew they were planning to torture me more and I also knew that the boss man wanted me dead…

  But they fucked up.

  And boss man wasn’t here.

  I couldn’t understand everything the men were saying, because it was all in Spanish, but I’d worked as a narcotics officer, and for the boss man, long enough to understand what I needed to know.

  And I knew for a fact that boss man wasn’t here. Sounded like he might not be here for another couple of hours.

  Which was perfect, because it gave me time.

  Plenty of time.

  And I had that feeling in my gut…that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that lets you know things are finally gonna go your way. That feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you get an idea in your head and you just know, with absolute certainty, it’s gonna work out like you planned.

  That motherfucking feeling felt great.

  But the nausea from being in pain was a bitch. I suppose crushing my left hand in an effort to force me to give the location of the money should have worked, but all that did was ensure my hands would be free from their bindings in only a few more maneuvers of my wrists - no matter how excruciating the pain. I’d cut them off, before I went out without a fight.


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