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Bones: The Black Cobra MC #4

Page 9

by Rylan, Savannah

  He was about to move away from me, but I grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him down to me again. I wanted to taste him. Where did he think he was going?

  I lifted myself off the couch, just a few inches, as I clung to his body with both arms. I pasted my mouth to his neck and sucked on his skin, enjoying the salty taste of his body.

  In one slick maneuver, Bones was underneath me now. Our arms and legs were all intertwined, and I fumbled to pull his jeans down. Even though I had just come, I needed to feel him inside me again.

  His cock was hard and erect now an I grabbed him, stroking him harder and harder till I could see from the expression on his face that he was very close to coming.

  I lowered myself down on him then and we both moaned together, sighing, as I felt his cock part my pussy folds and settle down deep somewhere inside me.

  I started moving my hips, rolling my body to his tune, clamping my hands down on his slick muscular chest. My eyes focused on the intricate designs of the tattoos on his torso while Bones grunted with every thrust.

  He was deep inside me. Moving, pounding, filling me up. I was going to come again. I moved my fingers to my clit and started stroking myself roughly. The couch squeaked while Bones growled and held on to me. He was watching me, staring at the way my breasts bounced as we moved together. Our bodies united as one.

  His grip kept getting tighter and harder and we shook together now as he growled one last time before he shot his cum right into me. I cried out with joy and pleasure, stroking my clit and bouncing on him as I made myself come a second time and this time it was even more powerful, and I thought I was going to fall off him.

  I saw stars. My body started to relax and drown, and I lumped up on his chest. I would have tried to think about his next actions. The way he wrapped his arms around my body then, making me feel warm and huddled up as we lay pressed to each other on the couch.

  I was cocooned with him and somehow it felt just right.

  But I couldn’t really think about any of those things right then because I was so tired…I was exhausted. Mentally and physically and in every other way.

  Bones’ eyes were pressed close too when I looked up at him. It seemed like he was already asleep, so I allowed myself to drift away. It wasn’t difficult to do. I felt safe there in his arms, warm and safe and at peace. There was nothing on my mind. No acts of revenge or worries. It was like I was free of all chains and binds and duties while I laid there in Bones’ arms.

  * * *

  When I woke up the next morning, I was still in Bones’ arms. Only now, I couldn’t quite remember how I got there. I was confused for the first couple of moments. He was gripping me with an iron hold, and I wriggled in his bare arms till finally, he woke up too and loosened his grip on me.

  Immediately, we were both filled with embarrassment.

  Not only had I unintentionally slept over, but we had slept together, huddled closely in each other’s arms on his couch. This was bigger than sex.

  I slid away from him and Bones sat up. I couldn’t face him. I had to remain turned away from him as I hurriedly started to put on my clothes.

  Everything from last night was coming back to me in a rush.

  Not just what happened at the strip club with Gunther, but also what happened here in this apartment with Bones.

  I didn’t need to look at myself in the mirror to know I was flushed to a bitter red in the face and in complete turmoil over what to do next.

  I had actually opened up to Bones…at least more than I’d opened up to anyone since Drake’s death. We had sex on this couch and then I’d fallen asleep like a baby, right there in his arms. I hadn’t even made a move to leave. I never slept over at a guy’s apartment. That was a personal rule of mine.

  “Coffee?” His voice interrupted my thoughts. I’d managed to put on my lingerie and the dress by now. The stockings were ruined, and I had no idea where my shoes were. I turned to see him at the kitchen counter now. He was fully dressed by now too.

  “No, I think I’m okay, I’ll get some later,” I replied, fumbling with my words. As if on cue, my phone buzzed. It was in my purse somewhere on the floor. I had to get down on all fours to find it underneath one of the chairs. When I pulled it out, I saw it was a text from an unknown number, but it was obviously from Gunther.

  Want to see you tonight. Somewhere more private than last night.

  I looked up to find Bones sipping freshly brewed strong coffee out of a big mug. His eyes searched mine and in an instant he figured out what my look was about.

  “It’s Gunther. He wants to see me tonight at his clubhouse,” I said. Bones gulped down the coffee that was in his mouth and even though I thought I didn’t know this guy; I could sense he wasn’t happy. This wasn’t what he wanted to hear first thing in the morning.

  Was he going to protest? Was he going to make another scene? I didn’t know what to expect from him.

  But Bones just nodded and shrugged.

  “You’ve gotta do what you gotta do,” he told me, and that was my cue to leave his apartment.

  I needed to breathe.



  Thea had left my apartment in a hurry that morning, and from the moment we had woken up in each other’s arms on my couch—I knew she was itching to leave. She could barely even look me in the eye anymore, she was so embarrassed or angry or ashamed or all.

  I felt like I should have been feeling some of that too, but instead, all I could really feel—was great.

  I’d seen the look of horror and utter shock on her face when I opened my eyes that morning. I had my arms wrapped around her in a steely grip. Our naked bodies were pressed together in that small space of the couch. We had spent several hours together like that, and somehow, it had been comfortable.

  I’d slept like a baby. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept so soundly, like I didn’t have a care in the world…I mean, the sex was good. It was great with her! But this was something else.

  And I knew she was thinking the same thing when we jumped away from each other, hurrying to get dressed. She couldn’t explain it to herself either. That much was obvious.

  Firstly, we weren’t supposed to be having sex at all, and secondly, we definitely shouldn’t have been spending the night together cozying up together. Our relationship was complicated and charged up enough.

  But we couldn’t take back what had occurred already. The truth was that she’d slept over and now even though she’d rushed out of my apartment; her presence, her scent and her energy lingered.

  I stood in my kitchen, drinking my coffee, hoping to eventually snap out of it but I seemed to be stuck in this void that Thea had left behind.

  Was it just because I’d never met anyone like her before? Or was it because I was worried about what was going to happen tonight with Gunther? Something weird was going on in my head and I didn’t have an explanation for it. I was more than just attracted to her. This was more than just simple sex.

  And now that she’d practically run out of my apartment, leaving me alone…I could finally experience what all those women had probably felt when I snuck out of their beds after sex. Or fucked them in the toilets of random bars and walked out humming a tune.

  I felt like Thea had left things unfinished. But what was there to finish?

  It was just a fuck, right? We’d established that already. It kept happening because we still hadn’t got enough of each other, but other than that, it was nothing more right?

  I knew I needed to get to our clubhouse. Thea was probably there already, making plans with Grimm and the rest of the guys about what to do next with Gunther.

  * * *

  When I got to the clubhouse, I saw that Thea was already there. She’d obviously gone back to her place to clean up first. She’d showered and changed into her regular clothes; in fact, her hair was still a little damp and her face was completely devoid of makeup.

  She looked fuckin’ gorgeous. I wanted to p
ull her into my arms and squeeze her right there, in front of everyone, breathe in her scent again. I felt like I was starting to go crazy now.

  She was deep in conversation with the other guys. Apparently, she’d spoken to Gunther over the phone, clearly after she’d left my apartment, and he’d given her the address of a place he was calling his clubhouse.

  “The Smoking Beards have a clubhouse?” I asked sarcastically and some of the other sniggered at that too.

  “It’s probably just a back room in some broken down warehouse in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere,” Cash said with a laugh.

  “And just to be clear, that is where Thea is going to meet him alone?” I asked and sat down on a bar stool at the counter.

  Cash looked over at Patch who sighed, and Rogue shook his head. Thea was standing in the middle of the group…glaring at me now like a teacher who was upset with a student. What? It wasn’t like I’d promised her I would behave myself and stop complaining and throwing a fuss! All I told her last night was that I understood her motivation behind wanting to do this. That didn’t mean I liked the idea.

  I rolled my eyes at them and grunted.

  “Fine, yeah, whatever, you guys have it all figured out. So, what’s the plan?”

  Thea seemed to relax a little at that. Like that’s what she was waiting to hear from me. She exchanged a nervous look with Cash and immediately I knew she was about to tell me something I wasn’t going to like hearing.

  “Yes, I’m meeting him at this supposed clubhouse tonight. We’ve fixed up a time. He says we’re just going to have a couple of drinks and get to know each other. He said he’s intrigued by me.”

  We were holding each other’s gazes as she spoke. Of course, I didn’t like the sound of this.

  “And are we planning on taking him down tonight?” I asked in a low snarl.

  “Don’t know if we can. We can’t strategize a smooth kill unless we know what this place looks like, who all will be there with him tonight, what his plans are…with Thea. We don’t have enough intel on him to be able to plan something like that,” Patch was the one who said it and I clenched my jaw tightly.

  “So, the point of tonight is…” I began and Thea interrupted me.

  “To get him to trust me a little more. So, he lets me into his world a little deeper. If I can gather some more information on him, what this clubhouse is, what his new club is looking like, what kind of security he has around him; we can plan a better attack. I doubt he’s going to be completely alone tonight.”

  “It seems like your source, Ash, was right…as far as we can tell; the motherfucker is constantly surrounded by hired bodyguards. It’s going to be difficult for us to get at him unless we have a precise plan,” Cash explained and the others were nodding, agreeing with him.

  “Awesome, so what are you doing meeting him tonight?” I turned to Thea again. I was trying to keep the piping hot anger as distant from my voice as possible. There was no point trying to hold her back, she was going to do what she wanted to do. Besides, I wasn’t the boss of her, and she had the support of my whole club now.

  “Like I said, to gather more information on him…”

  “By seducing him?”

  “By getting as close to him as possible.”

  “So, you’re going in there on your own?”

  “Cash suggested that you guys can wire me up, listen in on my conversations inside the clubhouse, give me the backup I need in case something does happen to go wrong.”

  “But you’re going in there alone,” I stated strongly.

  The others were just standing by quietly, listening to this charged up back-and-forth between Thea and myself.

  She sighed now and crossed her arms over her breasts. The breasts that were in the palms of my hands just last night.

  “Yes, Bones, like I said, I can handle it.”

  I nodded.

  “Of course.”

  Patch was watching me closely and I glanced at him for a second. He almost looked sorry for me. Like he knew exactly what was going on with me and he sympathized.

  I wanted to yell at him. Correct him. He was wrong! It wasn’t like I had feelings for this woman. For this strange headstrong vixen who I was never going to be able to pin down. It wasn’t like that between us.

  I just didn’t want to see a woman getting hurt. Was that really so hard for people to get? For Thea to get? That we, as a Club, had a certain responsibility towards our community. Towards the women and children in this community. To protect them and keep them safe. Right now, we were holding Thea’s hand while she was walking towards fire. She was going to burn herself.

  But yeah, she was right. They were all right. Why the fuck should I be the only one who cared about the consequences?

  “Sounds like a good plan,” I declared and turned to Bender who was standing behind the bar, watching the tense scene unfold.

  “Got any whisky back there?” I asked him and he started to pour me a shot.

  Thea and the others went back to discussing the details of their plan for tonight with Gunther. I drank my whisky and listened to their conversation without any input, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her.



  I tried not to focus on the fact that Bones was being grumpy again. I thought we’d sorted it out. I thought he’d agreed to go along with our plans since our talk last night…well, to a certain extent he was agreeable. He’d come along with us; he’d stood by quietly fuming and stewing while the guys wired me up for tonight’s meeting. And even though he didn’t make a single sound of protest since his initial outrage, I knew he didn’t like this plan one bit.

  But what was he realistically going to do? The others were on my side. They saw me as someone with potential. Someone who could take care of herself.

  And now I was all wired up and dressed to go meet Gunther at this location he’d informed me about.

  I tried to stick to the same sort of get-up as the night before. A tight slutty dress, high heels and lots of makeup. I needed to make sure that his eyes were always on the prize. That my tits and legs were constantly on display. It was the only way I was going to get what I wanted—information about Gunther’s world and yet get out of there alive.

  Patch had already informed me that Gunther and his friends had kept Patch’s girlfriend, Samantha, locked up in a cage not too long ago. I was aware of the level of dangers I was dealing with. I knew what Bones was talking about and why he didn’t think this was a good idea. But I needed to do this for Drake, and nothing was going to stop me now.

  I took a cab to the address that Gunther had given me earlier. The others from the Black Cobras were following the cab at a safe distance. They were going to park at a safe distance too, so they could remain there without being detected, listening in on the conversations I was having with Gunther inside.

  I was nervous as I paid the cab and walked towards the spooky looking dingy building. It was a small place at the end of a deserted alley, with a smoky secretive vibe. The closer I got, the louder the music from inside got too. It could have been an old Chinese restaurant or a casino at some point, but it was abandoned now. Taken over by Gunther and his men.

  One burly bouncer looking guy stood at a small door smoking a cigarette.

  “Hi, I’m Thea, Gunther is expecting me,” I said to him cheerfully and I noticed how my voice echoed in the alleyway now. The man looked me up and down, saying nothing, smoking his cigarette in silence instead.

  There was no way the Black Cobras were going to be able to swarm this place without raising alarms. The location of the clubhouse was too closed-off, too small with little potential to hide. If we were going to take down Gunther, it was going to have to happen somewhere else.

  When the guy was done staring at me for a full minute —

  “He’s expecting you,” he said and creaked the door open behind him, casting a dull orange glow on the dark street. I could sense there was a raging party inside, and I wasn’t sure
what kind of a scene I was stepping into.

  I thought Gunther had organized a more ‘private’ meeting for us tonight.

  I walked in and sensed immediately that the ‘party’ vibe that the place had was more an illusion than reality. The place wasn’t thronged with people, but just a handful of guys and even fewer women and everyone seemed more drunk than the other beside him.

  Two guys followed me in while I made my way towards the source of music. The place definitely needed a fresh lick of paint and some new furniture.

  As I passed by them, the men undressed me with their eyes and the women fell all over them. I had goosebumps on my flesh, feeling a chill in the air. What was I expected to do here? Was the device fixed to my body working? Were Patch and Bones and the others able to hear all this?

  I walked into the main room at the back where all the music was thumping from and saw Gunther in the middle of it all.

  He was sprawled in the center of a sofa, his arms around two women who had draped themselves to him. He was surrounded by the two guys from the strip club and then some. Somebody was in the middle of handing Gunther a drink.

  The music blasted behind him, loud and thumping and disorienting. His eyes fell on me and a sleazy smile took over his face. I could sense more eyes on me, and I realized I felt more nervous now than I had ever felt before. I didn’t know what to do or say.

  But Gunther took the lead, he pushed the two women away from himself and gestured for me to join him on the sofa. I felt completely naked as I walked across the room and headed towards him. All eyes were on me. They were talking about me. I had a sudden fear that they’d figured out who I was, what I was doing here, that I was wearing a wire…worst of all, they knew I wasn’t armed.

  Slowly, I sat down beside him on the sofa, taking care to not touch him and Gunther turned to me.


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