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Blind Witness

Page 3

by Knight, Alysia S.


  “Yes, I have an apartment in The Heritage.”

  Rachelle knew the area where a group of charming old buildings that had been renovated into upscale apartments. She often admired the architecture of them before she lost her sight. “I heard they did a nice job on their remodeling. I always thought they were beautiful buildings.”

  “Yes, Steve did a wonderful job on them. Then again, his wife Cassie is a stickler for details.”

  “You’re friends.”

  “I’ve known Steve for years. He and Cassie met while he was doing the renovating. It’s quite a story. I’ll tell you sometime, but right now we have our own psycho to deal with.”


  Britt cursed himself for bringing up the trouble when Rachelle tensed in the seat beside him.

  “You said you wanted to talk to me,” Rachelle asked in a soft voice.

  “How about we talk over something to eat?” He tried to make the suggestion sound casual.

  “That’s not necessary.” Her head tilted away. The shy action caught his attention.

  “I know it’s not necessary. I just thought it would be nice.”

  “I should be getting home,” Rachelle came back, her shyness still visible.

  “Of course, I should have realized you had plans. I’m sorry to keep you.” He felt bereft at the thought she had a boyfriend.

  “Oh, no, that’s not it.” Her correction came fast. “It’s … I hate to take up your valuable time.”

  “Don’t worry about it. If you don’t have anything planned why don’t you join me?”

  “I, I haven’t been to restaurants much since my accident.”

  “Then it sounds like the perfect time.”

  “You don’t understand. I might embarrass you.”

  “You could never embarrass me.”

  “A lot of people feel uncomfortable being around people with disabilities.”

  “I don’t.”


  Rachelle realized what he said was the truth. He never treated her any different. “I’m trying to give you an out here.”

  “I don’t want an out. I want to go to dinner with you.”

  She fell silent. “I still don’t feel very comfortable going to restaurants yet.”

  “This from a woman who handles a computer better than I could ever dream of.”

  “That’s familiar territory.” She shrugged it off.

  “How fast do you type?”

  “Approximately a hundred and ten words per minute. That usually isn’t necessary in most conversations though.”

  Britt shook his head. “Incredible, I get in the thirties, forty if it’s a good day. Let me guess you play the piano too.”

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  “That quick of fingers, you’re kidding.” He could see her slight blush brighten her cheek and he longed to reach out and run his finger along it. Rachelle Harris was a very compelling woman to him. “How about pizza?”

  “Excuse me.”

  “How’s pizza for dinner? It’s a good finger food, and who cares how you eat it?” When he could see a slight hesitation, he pressed.

  “Come on, I know a great pizza place near here and I’m starving. I’ll even let you choose, as long as it has no anchovies.”

  “Awe gee, and just when I had my heart set on little fish swimming in tomato sauce and cheese. All right, if you’re sure.” She sounded slightly breathless which was like a flash of electricity to his heart.

  “I’m sure.” He hadn’t meant to say it aloud, but when her blush deepened, he was glad he had.

  Two minutes later he pulled into the parking lot. Rachelle waited while he came around to get her. Her hand reached for his and he helped her out, before placing it on his arm. Instead of hesitating steps, she moved fluidly with him, giving her trust to him to guide her.

  Inside, the place was packed with people. Rachelle pressed closer to him as they were bumped into while waiting to be shown to their table. Instinctively, Britt slid his arm around her waist and was surprised when she turned slightly into his sheltering stance.

  “Busy night,” he said by her ear.

  “Friday night, date night,” she said back.

  “Yes, of course, I forgot.”

  “You didn’t have plans, did you?” she asked, tilting her head up toward his face.

  “No, just a quiet evening trying to unwind, but this is much better.”

  The edge of her bottom lip caught between her teeth but before more could be said, the hostess came to show them to their table.

  “If you’ll follow me.” The woman headed off leaving them to follow.

  Britt wasn’t certain how to move through the crowded room without Rachelle being tripped up, but she solved it for him. Shifting behind him, she rested one hand lightly on his waist. He reached back and caught her other hand, leading her around and through the crowded area with little trouble. She ran into his back once when someone stood in front of him making him stop short.

  “Sorry,” she apologized.

  “Not your fault. Someone stood up.” He shifted her around the table, away from the man blocking the way totally oblivious to their presence.

  The table they were led to was out of the way, in a quieter corner as Britt had requested. He let Rachelle slide in the curved booth then slid in beside her.


  With a sigh, Rachelle settled back into the seat, relieved to be out of the main noise and commotion. What had she been thinking, accepting his invitation? She knew the answer, though. She wanted to spend some time with Britton Clairbourne. It was foolish, but since he had come into her office, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Earlier when he’d laid his hand on her shoulder, she had felt the contact to her soul. It had calmed and excited her. Yes, it was foolish to think a man like him might be interested in her, especially now. But, for one night, she could dream and enjoy time with him.

  “Name your toppings. If I don’t agree we’ll do a half and half.”

  She heard the menu open and said. “Since we already ruled out anchovies, I better tell you, I’m not big on pepperoni or sausage either. Weird, I know for a pizza lover.”

  “I can live with that. How about a Hawaiian or they have a BBQ chicken that is really good?” he suggested.

  “All right, let’s try the chicken, if that’s okay.”

  ‘Thick or thin crust?”

  “Thick, please.”

  “The lady has good taste.” He gave the order when the waitress came up, then turned back to her. “Well, tell me about yourself. Are you from here?”

  “No, I grew up in a little town about an hour south of here. My parents still live there and my two sisters and their families.”

  “Any brothers?”

  “One. He lives just across the river. He’s the oldest and the bossiest.”

  “And where do you fit in?”

  “I’m third. The odd one of the bunch, both my sisters got married not long after high school.”

  “You went to college before coming to Clairbourne?” he asked, taking a sip from the drink the waitress set before him.

  “Yes, to State. I started working at Clairbourne toward the end of my sophomore year.”

  “I guess this is putting you on the spot, but did you like it?”

  “Very much, everyone was great. And my senior year I was accepted for the tuition assistance program so you paid for most of it.”

  “That says a lot for you. You have to be a good worker and show great promise.” Britt knew the competition for the program and what was required to make it. It was just one more thing to be impressed by her.

  “I wanted to be an executive assistant.”

  “So we would’ve met eventually anyway,” he said. Though he wasn’t a strong believer in destiny, he wondered if it wasn’t that he was to meet her. “I looked at your personal file. It said you were in a car accident.”

  “Yes, it was nice of your company to find
a place for me. I’m very thankful.”

  “You’re welcome. Do you like working executive answering?”

  “Very much, Lois is wonderful. She mother’s me, but not too much. She lets me do my job and is a good friend. As I said, I’m glad for the opportunity. I know it was a risk for you to hire me.”

  “I can’t take credit for that. I didn’t know about it, but I’d say the man in personnel deserves an award.” His hand moved across the table taking hers.

  “Actually, it was Mr. Goodsell, my old boss. He had faith in me and pressed for it. I don’t know what else I would’ve done.”

  “You would have found something,” he said, as Rachelle shook her head.

  “Maybe eventually, but I needed something then to help me get my life back together. I had come about as far as I could go, just living on my own. My family was really pressing me to come home so they could take care of me. At first, I wasn’t the easiest person to handle. I know they were trying to help but−”

  “You needed to know you could do it by yourself.” Britt got the drift of what she was trying to say. That drive was similar to the one he had. At age twenty-four, she’d become blind. At twenty-four, he’d taken over his family’s electronics company and turned it into what it was today. He had overcome a lot of skeptics, who were stuck in the glue of the old ways of doing things. The people whose minds he could change, he did. The others he’d bought out, sinking almost every penny of his inheritance from his mother’s family to do it. If he’d been wrong, he would’ve lost everything, but all his sacrifices had paid off. Clairbourne was exactly where he wanted it, and his investment had multiplied ten-fold.

  Britt hadn’t realized he was telling Rachelle all about it until she asked her next question. “Do you think that’s who is behind these attacks? Could someone be jealous of what you’ve accomplished? Maybe one of the people you bought out?”

  “I don’t know,” he said slowly. “I hadn’t thought of the possibility. Listen, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to talk about that.” He wanted to move the conversation back to about her.

  “But you said you wanted to talk?”

  “It can wait. I don’t want to ruin dinner. The pizza should be here any minute.”

  “I’d just as soon get it over.” Rachelle shifted his direction.

  Britt wondered if the action was intentional. “I wanted to warn you, the police are planning to contact you.”

  “About the incident today?” She shifted again. “I heard no one was hurt.”

  “That’s right. A cable broke, there was some property damage, but that’s it.”

  “And the bomb?”

  “There’s nothing to worry about,” he added quickly. “It’s just you’re the only one who’s talked to this guy. They want to see if police psychologist can generate a profile, or maybe even come up with a clue about him.”

  “I put everything in the transcript, but I’m willing to talk to them if it might help.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate it. They’ll call you sometime tomorrow. I’m sorry you got caught up in this.”

  “It’s not your fault. I want to help if I can. I’m afraid someone’s going to get hurt.”

  “Me too, I’ve added extra security, but he’s managed to get into both places without anyone knowing. Anyway, let’s talk about more pleasant subjects. What’s your favorite flower?”

  Rachelle laughed at his obvious change of subject.

  “Oh, like most women, I like roses, but I’m also a pansies and sweet peas fan. Sweet peas have a beautiful smell. I like lilies. Actually, I like most flowers.”

  The pizza arrived, and the subject changed to music. They continued to talk while they ate. They lingered, stretching out their time until the waitress came over a second time after they finished eating and had boxed up the leftovers, to see if they needed anything else.

  “I think that’s a hint to leave,” Rachelle observed.

  “I’m enjoying myself,” he said, reaching for her hand.

  Rachelle followed Britt out the same way they came in. They were moving along extremely well until they neared the front entrance, where the area grew louder with a particularly large, boisterous group. Bodies became congested, bumping and jabbing into them.

  Rachelle tightened her hold on Britt, but it didn’t do any good when the next person instead of just bumping into her, fell against her knocking her away from Britt, to the ground. Pain jolted her body. Fear raced through her as she felt unknown hands grab at her.

  Chapter Three

  “Hey, beautiful, sorry about that.”

  The alcohol breath was so heavy in her face, Rachelle about gagged. Turning her head to the side did nothing to help.

  “How about I buy you a drink to apologize, then maybe we can get to know each other better.”

  The words slurred over her like his breath on her neck. She cringed, but there was no escape from the weight pinning her down. It was the hand on her hip that release her panicked. Swinging out the best she could, she hit him. Smashing her fists against him, not trying to calculate where the blows landed, or caring. There was swearing, then the man rolled off her, but the fear didn’t end. A scream welled in her throat. When a hand touched her, the scream came out as a squeak, then the familiar voice feathered into her mind.

  “Rachelle, it’s all right. I have you.” Britt’s hand rested on her arm. Once he had her attention, the hand closed and he lifted her off the ground. Rachelle collapsed against Britt, wrapping her arms around him, clinging to him like he was her life line. Aware, that besides a few drunken laughs, the room had become silent.

  Rachelle could hear someone asking Britt if she was all right. Rachelle presumed it was the manager because he offered an apology before she heard him approach the drunk and ask him to leave.


  Britt slid his hand up to her face, cupping her cheek, tilting her face to his. He knew she couldn’t see him, but he hoped it would help her to focus on him. Fear was so alive on her face he could feel it. If it wasn’t that Rachelle needed his attention, he’d liked nothing better than explaining a few facts to the creep the hard way. But right now, Rachelle was all that was important. She needed him.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked taking care with each word.

  There was a pause before her head began to move back and forth. “N … no.” It seemed an effort to get out.

  When the manager’s hand reached out and touched her arm, she jerked, pressing closer into him.

  “It’s all right,” Britt said as his arm curved around her back, pulling her in even tighter.

  “Sorry,” the manager said. “Is she all right?”

  “She’ll be fine.” He could tell the way the manager stared at Rachelle and shifted uneasy, that he just figured out she was blind.

  “I … I need your names for an incident report.”

  Britt gave their names then his office number. Again the man apologized. Britt brushed it off, excusing them. Keeping her held snugly to his side, he maneuvered them out. Fortunately, the people parted the way for them, because this time she was no longer steady on her feet.

  Outside the door, he paused. “Rachelle, I want you to put your arms around my neck.”

  “What?” Her voice trembled, but as he moved her arms up, they circled his neck. “It’s all right,” he said as he slid his arm behind her knees. “I’m going to lift you up,” he warned just before he did it.

  He heard her gasp and her arms tightened on his neck.

  “This isn’t necessary,” she said but her arms didn’t loosen. “I’m feeling steadier now that we’re outside.”

  The trembling had left her voice, but Britt had no desire to put her down. She felt good in his arms. “I know, but it will only be for a minute until we’re in the car.”

  He headed down the steps.


  Rachelle knew she was safe. Britton Clairbourne wasn’t going to let anything happen to her. She also knew that any dream of ever going
out with him again just ended after such a wonderful example of what going out with a blind woman was like. Britt was used to grace and beauty that drew attention, not being the center of attention while everyone was thinking ‘what a shame for such a handsome man.’ She heard the car door open and he settled her into the seat. His hand on her arm startled her, but she didn’t jump.

  “Rachelle.” His voice was low, thick with concern.

  “I’m sorry, I ruined your evening.”

  “You didn’t. I’m sorry that happened.”

  “It wasn’t your fault. The guy was drunk.”

  “It wasn’t yours either.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t need to panic,” she said downcast.

  “Panic, I think you did well. Most women I know would have been screaming their heads off for the police and a lawyer.”

  “I guess I’m not much of a screamer.” She shrugged.

  “No, you’re a fighter and the quiet, cuddly type. Which is okay, it’s what I prefer, though I can’t say I’ve had a lot of experience.”


  Britt wasn’t sure what she would say if he said he really liked having her in his arms and that she was welcome there whenever she wanted. He didn’t think Rachelle was the kind of girl that usually ended up in a guy's arms on the first date. Then again, this wasn’t a date technically, and after what happened, his chances for a first date were pretty slim.

  Her building wasn’t hard to find. It was plain but seemed tidy and well-tended. After he came around to help her out, she turned his direction.

  “Thank you for the pizza and the night out. It was nice to talk with someone for a while and I really appreciate the ride home.”

  “I’ll see you to your door.”

  “That really isn’t necessary. Once here, I can find it easily.”

  I’m sure you can, but let’s say I’m old fashioned.” Taking her hand, he placed it on his arm before she could object further.

  Rachelle’s apartment was on the third floor. Instead of taking the key from her, he waited while she unlocked the door then stepped inside with her. Other than being in the dark, the first thing he noticed was the sweet but gentle smell of raspberries. Rachelle stepped aside, taking off her jacket and hanging it up. “Would you like to have a seat?”


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