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Blind Witness

Page 5

by Knight, Alysia S.

  Rachelle knew she was losing him to his ramblings.

  “He thinks he’s so powerful. Mr. Almighty, in control, everything he touches comes out good. He doesn’t care what he leaves, who he walks over.”

  “No, I don’t believe that’s true. Please listen.” She tried but the voice kept coming.

  “I’m going to take it all. Then he’ll die.”

  “Please don’t do this.” Rachelle pleaded into the phone. “Someone might get hurt.”

  “Yes, they will, but don’t worry, Angel Voice, you’ll be safe.” His tone dropped reverently.

  “But what about other people? You just can’t hurt innocent people?” She fought to keep her voice smooth, so she could reason with him.

  “They’re not innocent if they’re around him. They deserve to be hurt.”

  “Why, why do they deserve to be hurt? I don’t understand.”

  There was silence on the line. She waited for almost a full minute, knowing he was there. “Please, talk to me,” she said softly.

  “No one will get hurt today, but everyone will know I’m in control. I’m more powerful than Clairbourne.”

  This time the line went dead.

  Rachelle slumped in her chair. She felt an arm slide around her and the familiar scent of Britton Clairbourne reached her as she was pressed into his shoulder. “It’s all right.” His words were low and rumbling. She didn’t realize she was crying until she felt the roughened tips of his fingers tenderly brush the moisture from her cheeks.

  A shaky sigh escaped her as she relaxed back against his shoulder. “How?” she managed to get out.

  “Lois called when she got back and realized who you were talking to.”

  She nodded, straightening up slightly. “He’s been calling all day but wouldn’t talk to her.”

  “Shh.” One hand ran comfortingly up and down her arm. “Just a minute, wait until you feel better.”

  “I’m fine. He’s going to do something again.”

  “Did he say what?” The gruff voice of Laslow startled her. She hadn’t realized he was in the room.

  “No.” She pulled back, straightening her shoulders. “He said it would be noticeable.” Rachelle forced herself back to the computer, typing to call back the recording and trace. As soon as the now familiar mechanical hum sounded, she requested the printed transcript. She sent it to the printer then to the file Britton had set up for them. By the time she’d finished, she had herself more in control.


  Britton watched Rachelle pull back, conscious of the older woman’s eyes on him. He hadn’t meant to take Rachelle in his arms. But from the moment he’d received the call then ran into the room and saw her at the terminal, he’d felt the need to hold her. When she slumped in the chair, it was instinct to reach for her.

  It was also instinct to lift her into his arms, and carry her out of there, away from the world. Like a caveman back to his den. He wondered if Rachelle would be impressed if he did a little chest beating. He felt like beating something.

  With calmness he didn’t feel, he reached over taking the first page from the printer. His stomach tightened. The psycho knew who Rachelle was. He had watched her and would have approached her and picked Rachelle up Friday night if she hadn’t gone with him. Now he really wanted to snatch Rachelle up and hide her away in his cave, where the psycho would never get near her.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get any more information.” Rachelle called his attention back.

  “You did wonderfully, but I thought it was agreed you weren’t going to be answering the executive lines today.”

  “Lois needed a break,” she said simply with a shrug.

  Britton knew glaring at her wasn’t doing any good, though he suspected she knew he was doing it. “It looks like it was necessary, but we have a new problem.”

  “What’s that?” Rachelle turned to him.

  “He knows who you are. That might mean he might know where you live.”

  “I’m not going to leave my home,” she said, knowing where he was going.

  “I’ll pay for everything.”

  “No, I’m not being chased out of my home. If I wouldn’t allow blindness to do it, I’m not going to let phone calls do it.”

  “It’s not just phone calls, and it’s only for a couple days.”

  “If we’re lucky and get some clues. But what if it turns into a week or two, or longer?”

  “I’ll cover it.”

  “No, I want my own home. I’m comfortable there. I know my way around.”

  “You could learn someplace else. It wouldn’t take long.”

  “You’re right I could, but I don’t want to. At least not now, besides you read the message. He doesn’t want to hurt me. He wants to save me from you.”

  Britt was torn between wanting to grab her and shake some sense into her or grab her and kiss her senseless. He knew which idea had the most appeal. “I’m not going to win on this, am I?” For the first time since he entered the room, a smile brightened her face.


  He wasn’t used to losing, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad losing to Rachelle. Glancing over at the other woman, she gave him a knowing smile that added to the feeling it wasn’t so terrible losing this round. “I’ll talk to you later. I left a meeting I need to get back to.”


  Rachelle let out another sigh when Britt and the security chief left. Trembles from the delayed shock ran through her body.

  “Are you all right?” She felt Lois’ hand on her arm.

  “Yes, of course. It’s just a little scary. What do you think he’ll do?”

  “He won’t let it interfere. He’s not the type of man to run scared or back down,” Lois said confidently. “Even if he let you have your way.”

  “I didn’t mean Mr. Clairbourne. The caller, I need to come up with something to call him. Just ‘the man’ sounds too eerie.” She shivered.

  “I don’t know what he’ll do. He’s crazy, if you ask me. You know, if you’re frightened, you can stay with me,” she volunteered, giving her arm a squeeze.

  “Thanks, but you have a houseful with Jody’s family staying with you while their house is under construction. Besides, like I told Mr. Clairbourne, I refuse to be run out of my home. And I would probably kill myself tripping over one of the grandkid’s toys or at least take out a couple of lamps. I still have to be careful of them, I’m at three and holding.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, we’ll make room for you. You’re always welcome. I can’t promise about the toys, but I can put the lamps away.”

  Rachelle gave a small laugh. “Thanks, I appreciate that, but I’m okay.”

  “Miss Independent,” the woman muttered. “I wonder if you’ve met your match.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, come on. I know you can feel it. Britton Clairbourne.”

  “Am I that transparent?” Rachelle groaned.

  “A little, but I was talking about him. He likes you.”

  “It’s a good thing it’s about time to go home because you’re losing it. Mr. Clairbourne interested in me.” Rachelle shook her head in disbelief.

  “You might not be able to see how he looks at you, but that man has a thing for you.”

  “That man could have any woman he wants.”

  “And if he wants you?”

  “Come on, Lois, that isn’t even funny. I used to see pictures of the women he took out in the society pages, and believe me, there wasn’t a blind virgin among them.” She didn’t bother to keep the sarcasm from her voice.

  “Don’t sell yourself short.”

  “I’m not, I’m realistic. Even my fiancé, who was supposed to love me, and thought I would be the perfect proper wife before I had my accident, didn’t think so after.”

  “Richard was a jerk and not good enough for you.”

  “Yeah, well I didn’t get him.”

  “Aren’t you lucky?”

  “Sure, I
got a psycho who likes my voice,” she sighed. “I’m sorry. I know you’re trying to lighten my mood, but teasing me about Britton Clairbourne isn’t the way. Right now it would be better for me to stick to reality.”


  Reality slipped a little when she got home and tripped over a package as she walked into her apartment. She wasn’t sure what was so ominous about the shoe box sized package, but she was reluctant to pick it up. Shutting the door, she fingered it a minute longer before pulling loose the tape. With shaky fingers, she pushed the packing out of the way until she touched the piece of satin, running her fingertip over it to the delicate porcelain face. Silky hair clung to her finger as she lifted the figure from the box. When she felt the wings of the angel, she almost dropped it.

  Her breath caught, panic hit her senses. He’d been there, at her apartment. Had he been there in the hall watching her arrive? Was he still out there watching? Leaving the package on the table, she made her way to the window, stumbling in her haste. She hit the end table. Rachelle reached for the lamp but was too late. It crashed to the floor. “Four lamps,” she groaned. At least this one was brass, so the breaking glass would only be the light bulb. It took her a second to close the curtain. Ignoring the package, she cleaned up the glass, replaced the bulb, then righted the lamp.

  Rachelle longed to call the number Britt had her memorize and place on her speed dial, but she refused, knowing he himself would pack her up and move her to a hotel, no matter what she said. Instead, she called the other number she had added to her speed dial, the police station.

  “Detective Todd, please,” she asked when an officer came on line.

  “He’s not in right now. Can I take a message?”

  “Yes, please. This is Rachelle Harris. I’m involved with the problems at Clairbourne Industries. Detective Todd talked to me on Saturday.” Great, rambling again. “Anyway I received a package from the guy doing it.”

  “A package? What kind of a package?”

  “A box with an angel in it.”

  “Are you certain it’s from our perpetrator?” She could hear the interest in the officer.


  “Where was it delivered from?”

  “It was waiting outside my door.”

  “You’re certain it’s from our guy?”

  “Yes, when I felt the angel I knew.”

  “Felt, you touched it?” He snapped.

  “Yes, I’m blind, but it’s what he calls me, Angel Voice.”

  “All right, ma’am, I’m sending someone right over to pick it up. Please don’t handle it further.”

  “I won’t.” It was said with easy certainty. Rachelle put the phone down and stood a moment trying to still her breathing. Deciding some music would help calm her, she put on the CD her sister gave her for her birthday and went to fix dinner. She was interrupted by the arrival of the officer, who took her statement and the package.

  After dinner she called her sister Joann, who she had missed talking to the day before. They went through the normal things; family, work. She didn’t mention the calls and attacks. Though her family had heard of the bombing on the news, she didn’t want them to know she had any involvement, and assured her sister she hadn’t been anywhere near it.

  “So have you met any new and exciting men lately?” Joann teased.

  “As a matter of a fact, yes, I have.” Rachelle couldn’t resist answering.

  “You have! Tell!”

  “Well, he’s tall, dark and handsome,” Rachelle started.

  “Oh, come on, don’t tease. I want to know.” Joann almost pleaded.

  “He is. He’s also very nice, though he does have quite a domineering side though.”

  “Where’d you meet him? Is he safe?”

  Safe wasn’t a word she’d use to describe Britton Clairbourne, but he did make her feel that way. “He’s a very good man, hard working. I met him at work. He came to my office because of some problems with a message.”

  “You’re dating?”

  “No, but we did go out to dinner.”

  “You went out. This man must be something.”

  “It’s really nothing.” Rachelle was beginning to feel uncomfortable. “He wanted to ask me some questions and offered me a ride home and we stopped for pizza.”

  “That’s all?”


  “You sure you won’t be seeing him again?” Joann sounded so disappointed, Rachelle almost felt like crying herself. Especially after what Lois said, about Britt liking her. He probably did as an employee.

  “He’s my boss.”

  “Mr. Matthews, he’s not tall.”

  “No, Mr. Clairbourne.”

  “You had dinner with Britton Clairbourne?” The air of shock hung heavy.


  “That man is a serious hunk. Wow!”

  “What would Robert say to you talking like that?”

  “I’m married, not dead. Besides Robert knows I think he’s the only hunk for me. But wow, you had dinner with one of the most eligible bachelors in the state.”

  “It was nothing. He was being nice,” Rachelle insisted feeling a flush of warmth on her face.


  Britt shoved a hand back through his hair. He wondered what Rachelle would say if he stopped by this late at night. Glancing at his watch, he realized she was probably asleep, snug in bed. He wished he was. He’d been so busy fighting damage control he had yet to eat.

  Their guy had made his statement. This time the bomb was set on the sculpture in the quad. But the psycho had been wrong, someone had gotten hurt. A custodian coming across had got hit by a piece of flying cement. It was minor, six stitches, but the first blood was drawn.

  Britt proceeded across the quad glancing toward what was left of the statue.

  “We’re done here for now.” Detective Todd came toward him.

  “Thanks,” he glanced at the group of reporters waiting on the other side of the police tape.

  “Do you want an escort to your car?” Todd asked, following his gaze.

  “No, I’ll hold them off with a promised press conference in the morning. Hopefully they’ll accept that and give us some time to think how to handle this.”

  “That would be good. I’d like to go over details with you before you talk to them. I really don’t want a copycat.”

  “I’ll second that,” Britt agreed. With a heavy sigh, he headed toward the group, blinking as camera flashes blinded him.

  Chapter Five

  Rachelle stepped off the bus feeling a heavy sense of anxiety. She was late for the first time since she returned to work. Her night had been plagued with nightmares; from someone watching her, followed by going out with Britt and making a fool of herself, bumping into things and knocking them over while all around people laughed, and Britt turned away to a group of gorgeous women. Finally, she got to a sound sleep only to sleep through her alarm, so she missed her bus.

  She felt awkward on the unfamiliar bus, especially when she almost sat in someone’s lap when the person didn’t answer her. Then, to top it off, the bus started before she was seated and she fell, snagging her nylons.

  She hoped, as she pushed through the revolving door into the lobby, that the whole day wasn’t set to go that way. The loud hum of voices and confusion greeted her. She was tempted to follow the door around and back out, but forced herself to step out onto the marble floor only to lose her sense of direction when someone bumped into her. Several more people brushed against her, and she became completely lost. A wave of panic hit her, but she pushed it down. Forced to resort to groping, and having to make several apologies, she made it to the wall.

  Frustration mounted as she moved, clinging to the wall. Thankfully she didn’t run into any more people. When she made contact with the drinking fountain, she stood for a moment thankful to know where she was. Taking a deep steadying breath, she turned her attention to the buzz of voices around her.

  Someone yelled out a quest
ion about the latest bombing affecting business. While another asked about security at the same time. The voice that answered had her turning in that direction. Britton Clairbourne’s voice carried through the lobby.

  “As I’ve said, we’ll be continuing business as usual, just with extra security. We’re cooperating totally with the police and government officials. They are doing everything they can. I have great faith in them. We’ll figure out who’s doing this. I want this company to be a safe and comfortable place to work.”

  Work, she was late for work. Rachelle tried to move forward to the elevator, only to be pushed aside again as people suddenly shifted. She lost contact with the wall, then her sense of direction, as she once more was bumped and pushed around. She wanted to scream at everyone to stop. She wanted to drop to the ground and cry, to be out away from all the people. She wanted Britt to come take her into his arms as he did a few nights earlier and make everything all right.

  She turned and a woman yelled, “Mr. Clairbourne, Detective Todd,” right in her ear. She heard the bell of the elevator not far away and tried to head toward it, only to come up against the brick wall of a man’s chest.

  “Excuse me.” She tried to shift around him unsuccessfully. Frustration changed to fear in two words she heard uttered.

  “Clairbourne will …” That was all she caught as she was either pushed away or the man walked off, but it was enough to know the man who was after Britt was there. Right there in the lobby with her, security, the police, and Britt.

  “Britt.” She turned in the direction she heard him talking to reporters. This time it was her doing the pushing. She forced her way through the crowd, trying to reach his voice while not panicking. She tripped over a foot, but didn’t fall because the people were packed too tight. Her ankle twisted enough to bring tears to her eyes, but she didn’t stop.

  “That will be all for now.” Britt was saying. “We’ll keep you abreast of any developments.” His voice was moving. She was losing him.

  “Britt,” she yelled, pushing her way through.


  Britt heard his name called and turned in time to see Rachelle push her way toward him. Panic showed on her face, she turned her head frantically as if looking for him. One reporter bumped her, and she stumbled barely keeping her balance.


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